[isidorus-cvs] r62 - trunk/src/ajax/javascripts
Lukas Giessmann
lgiessmann at common-lisp.net
Thu Jun 25 08:38:26 UTC 2009
Author: lgiessmann
Date: Thu Jun 25 04:38:25 2009
New Revision: 62
ajax-cient: fixed a bug with remove-buttons in role-frames created from otherrole-constraints; added the functionality of creating role-frames from existing content - so there will be all existing roles selected as default-value - if there exist any constraints for the content
Modified: trunk/src/ajax/javascripts/datamodel.js
--- trunk/src/ajax/javascripts/datamodel.js (original)
+++ trunk/src/ajax/javascripts/datamodel.js Thu Jun 25 04:38:25 2009
@@ -2314,6 +2314,36 @@
alert("From RoleC(): " + err);
+ "selectPlayer" : function(playerPsi){
+ if(this.getPlayer() === playerPsi) return;
+ var opts = this.__player__.__frames__[0].getFrame().select("select")[0].select("option");
+ for(var i = 0; i !== opts.length; ++i){
+ if(opts[i].value !== playerPsi) opts[i].removeAttribute("selected");
+ else {
+ opts[i].writeAttribute({"selected" : "selected"});
+ this.__player__.__frames__[0].getFrame().select("select")[0].insert({"top" : opts[i]});
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "selectType" : function(typePsi){
+ if(this.getType() === typePsi) return;
+ var opts = this.__type__.__frames__[0].getFrame().select("select")[0].select("option");
+ for(var i = 0; i !== opts.length; ++i){
+ if(opts[i].value !== typePsi) opts[i].removeAttribute("selected");
+ else {
+ opts[i].writeAttribute({"selected" : "selected"});
+ this.__type__.__frames__[0].getFrame().select("select")[0].insert({"top" : opts[i]});
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "getAllPlayers" : function(){
+ if(!this.__rolePlayers__ || this.__rolePlayers__.length === 0) return new Array();
+ return this.__rolePlayers__.clone();
+ },
+ "getAllTypes" : function(){
+ if(!this.__roleTypes__ || this.__roleTypes__.length === 0) return new Array();
+ return this.__roleTypes__;
+ },
"setAddHandler" : function(handler){
if(!handler) return;
@@ -2452,17 +2482,250 @@
this.__parentElem__ = parent;
- if((!contents || contents.length === 0) && associationRoleConstraints){
- this.resetValues(associationRoleConstraints, rolePlayerConstraints, otherRoleConstraints);
- }
- else {
- // TODO: check already existing contents and order them to the corresponding fields
- }
- }
+ this.resetValues(associationRoleConstraints, rolePlayerConstraints, otherRoleConstraints, contents);
+ this.__createFromContent__(contents);
+ }
alert("From RoleContainerC(): " + err);
+ "__orderContentsToRoles__" : function(contents, roleContainer, usedContents, alreadyUsedRoles){
+ for(var i = 0; i !== contents.length; ++i){
+ var rType = contents[i].type;
+ var player = contents[i].topicRef;
+ // --- searches existing roles in the role-container
+ for(var j = 0; j !== roleContainer.length; ++j){
+ var role = roleContainer[j];
+ if(alreadyUsedRoles.indexOf(role) !== -1) continue;
+ var typesOfRole = role.getAllTypes().flatten();
+ var playersOfRole = role.getAllPlayers().flatten();
+ var iter = 0;
+ for( ; iter !== rType.length; ++iter){
+ if(typesOfRole.indexOf(rType[iter]) !== -1) break;
+ }
+ if(iter === rType.length) continue;
+ for(iter = 0; iter !== player.length; ++iter){
+ if(playersOfRole.indexOf(player[iter]) !== -1) break;
+ }
+ if(iter === player.length) continue;
+ alreadyUsedRoles.push(role);
+ usedContents.push(contents[i]);
+ // --- inserts the deselected player of all other roles of this type
+ var oldPlayer = new Array(role.getPlayer());
+ var _tmp = role.getAllPlayers();
+ for(var i = 0; i !== _tmp.length; ++i){
+ if(_tmp[i].indexOf(oldPlayer[0]) !== -1){
+ oldPlayer = _tmp[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for(var k = 0; k !== roleContainer.length; ++k){
+ if(roleContainer[k] === role) continue;
+ roleContainer[k].addPlayer(oldPlayer);
+ }
+ // --- removes the current player from all other roles with this type
+ for(var k = 0; k !== roleContainer.length; ++k){
+ if(roleContainer[k] === role) continue;
+ roleContainer[k].removePlayer(player);
+ }
+ // --- selects the currentPlayer/type
+ role.selectPlayer(player[0]);
+ // --- selects the current roletype
+ role.selectType(rType[0]);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // --- removes all used contents from contents
+ for(var i = 0; i !== usedContents.length; ++i) contents = contents.without(usedContents[i]);
+ return {"usedContents" : usedContents, "contents" : contents, "alreadyUsedRoles" : alreadyUsedRoles};
+ },
+ "__createAdditionalRolesFromContents__" : function(contents,usedContents, alreadyUsedRoles, isARC){
+ var roleContainer = this.__orContainer__.__frames__;
+ if(isARC === true) roleContainer = this.__arContainer__.__frames__;
+ if(roleContainer && roleContainer.length !== 0){
+ for(var i = 0; i !== contents.length; ++i){
+ var rType = contents[i].type;
+ var player = contents[i].topicRef;
+ // --- gets all existing roles corresponding to the current content
+ var existingRoles = new Array();
+ for(var j = 0; j !== roleContainer.length; ++j){
+ var iTypes = roleContainer[j].getAllTypes().flatten();
+ var iPlayers = roleContainer[j].getAllPlayers().flatten();
+ var iter = 0;
+ for( ; iter !== rType.length; ++iter) if(iTypes.indexOf(rType[iter]) !== -1) break;
+ if(iter === rType.length) continue;
+ for(iter = 0; iter !== player.length; ++iter) if(iPlayers.indexOf(player[iter]) !== -1) break;
+ if(iter === player.length) continue;
+ existingRoles.push(roleContainer[j]);
+ }
+ // --- collects the selected players
+ if(existingRoles && existingRoles.length > 0){
+ var selectedPlayers = new Array();
+ for(var j = 0; j !== existingRoles.length; ++j){
+ var _tmp = existingRoles[j].getAllPlayers();
+ for(var k = 0; k !== _tmp.length; ++k){
+ if(_tmp[k].indexOf(existingRoles[j].getPlayer()) !== -1){
+ selectedPlayers.push(_tmp[k]);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ selectedPlayers = selectedPlayers.flatten();
+ var allPlayers = existingRoles[0].getAllPlayers();
+ var playersToRemove = new Array();
+ for(var j = 0; j !== allPlayers.length; ++j){
+ for(var k = 0; k !== selectedPlayers.length; ++k){
+ if(allPlayers[j].indexOf(selectedPlayers[k]) !== -1){
+ playersToRemove.push(allPlayers[j]);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for(var j = 0; j !== playersToRemove.length; ++j) allPlayers = allPlayers.without(playersToRemove[j]);
+ var newTypes = existingRoles[0].getAllTypes();
+ var min = 0;
+ var arc = null;
+ var orc = null;
+ if(isARC === true){
+ for(var j = 0; this.__associationRoleConstraints__ && j !== this.__associationRoleConstraints__.length; ++j){
+ if(arc) break;
+ var arcTypes = this.__associationRoleConstraints__[j].roleType;
+ if(arcTypes) arcTypes = arcTypes.flatten();
+ var nTs = newTypes.flatten();
+ for(var k = 0; k !== nTs.length; ++k){
+ if(arcTypes.indexOf(nTs[k]) !== -1){
+ arc = this.__associationRoleConstraints__[j];
+ min = parseInt(arc.cardMin);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ for(var j = 0; this.__otherRoleConstraints__ && j !== this.__otherRoleConstraints__.length; ++j){
+ if(orc) break;
+ var oPlayers = this.__otherRoleConstraints__[j].otherPlayers;
+ if(oPlayers) oPlayers = oPlayers.flatten();
+ var oTypes = this.__otherRoleConstraints__[j].otherRoleType;
+ if(oTypes) oTypes = oTypes.flatten();
+ for(var k = 0; k !== rType.length; ++k){
+ if(orc) break;
+ if(oTypes.indexOf(rType[k]) !== -1){
+ for(var l = 0; l !== player.length; ++l){
+ if(oPlayers.indexOf(player[l]) !== -1){
+ orc = this.__otherRoleConstraints__[j];
+ min = parseInt(orc.cardMin);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var role = null;
+ if(isARC === true) role = new RoleC(null, newTypes, allPlayers, this.__arContainer__, min, this.__parentElem__);
+ else role = new RoleC(null, newTypes, allPlayers, this.__orContainer__, min, this.__parentElem__);
+ for(var j = 0; j !== roleContainer.length; ++j){
+ if(roleContainer[j] !== role) roleContainer[j].removePlayer(player);
+ }
+ role.selectPlayer(player[0]);
+ role.selectType(rType[0]);
+ if(isARC === true){
+ var rpcs = getRolePlayerConstraintsForRole(newTypes, this.__rolePlayerConstraints__);
+ var allAvailablePlayers = extractPlayersOfConstraints(rpcs);
+ var allRolesToCheck = existingRoles;
+ allRolesToCheck.push(role);
+ this.__checkARCButtons__(allRolesToCheck, allAvailablePlayers, arc);
+ this.__setARCAddHandler__(role, allAvailablePlayers, arc);
+ this.__setARCRemoveHandler__(role, arc);
+ this.__setRoleChangePlayerHandler__(role, this.__arContainer__.__frames__, rpcs, null);
+ }
+ else {
+ var orpcs = new Array();
+ var ac = this.__arContainer__.__frames__;
+ for(var j = 0; ac && j !== ac.length; ++j){
+ var fType = new Array(ac[j].getType());
+ var fPlayer = new Array(ac[j].getPlayer());
+ orpcs = orpcs.concat(getOtherRoleConstraintsForRole(fType, fPlayer, this.__otherRoleConstraints__));
+ }
+ var _orpcs = new Array();
+ for(var j = 0; j !== orpcs.length; ++j){
+ var players = orpcs[j].otherPlayers;
+ if(players) players = players.flatten();
+ var types = orpcs[j].otherRoleType;
+ if(types) types = types.flatten();
+ if(!types || !players) continue;
+ for(var k = 0; k !== rType.length; ++k){
+ if(types.indexOf(rType[k]) !== -1){
+ for(var l = 0; l !== player.length; ++l){
+ if(players.indexOf(player[l]) !== -1) _orpcs.push(orpcs[j]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ orpcs = _orpcs.uniq();
+ this.__checkORCButtons__(role, orc);
+ this.__setRoleChangePlayerHandler__(role, this.__orContainer__.__frames__, null, orpcs);
+ this.__setORCAddHandler__(role, orc, orpcs);
+ this.__setORCRemoveHandler__(role, orc, orpcs);
+ }
+ var lastRole = roleContainer[roleContainer.length -2];
+ lastRole.getFrame().insert({"after" : role.getFrame()});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return {"usedContents" : usedContents, "contents" : contents, "alreadyUsedRoles" : alreadyUsedRoles};
+ },
+ "__createFromContent__" : function(contents){
+ if(!contents || contents.lenght === 0) return;
+ var cContents = contents;
+ var usedContents = new Array();
+ var alreadyUsedRoles = new Array();
+ // --- searches for associaitonrole-constraints and roleplayer-constraints
+ var ret = this.__orderContentsToRoles__(cContents, this.__arContainer__.__frames__, usedContents, alreadyUsedRoles);
+ cContents = ret.contents;
+ usedContents = ret.usedContents;
+ alreadyUsedRoles = ret.alreadyUsedRoles;
+ // --- searches for otherrole-constraints
+ ret = this.__orderContentsToRoles__(cContents, this.__orContainer__.__frames__, usedContents, alreadyUsedRoles);
+ cContents = ret.contents;
+ usedContents = ret.usedContents;
+ alreadyUsedRoles = ret.alreadyUsedRoles;
+ // --- creates additional roles (associationrole-constraints)
+ ret = this.__createAdditionalRolesFromContents__(cContents, usedContents, alreadyUsedRoles, true);
+ cContents = ret.contents;
+ usedContents = ret.usedContents;
+ alreadyUsedRoles = ret.alreadyUsedRoles;
+ // --- creates additional roles (associationrole-constraints)
+ ret = this.__createAdditionalRolesFromContents__(cContents, usedContents, alreadyUsedRoles, false);
+ cContents = ret.contents;
+ usedContents = ret.usedContents;
+ alreadyUsedRoles = ret.alreadyUsedRoles;
+ // TODO: create roles that does not belong to any constraint
+ },
"resetValues" : function(associationRoleConstraints, rolePlayerConstraints, otherRoleConstraints){
this.__associationRoleConstraints__ = associationRoleConstraints;
this.__rolePlayerConstraints__ = rolePlayerConstraints;
@@ -2488,7 +2751,6 @@
// --- creates all roles from existing associationroleconstraints and roleplayerConstraints
- // TODO: insert existing contents to the corresponding constraints
for(var i = 0; this.__associationRoleConstraints__ && i !== this.__associationRoleConstraints__.length; ++i){
var arc = this.__associationRoleConstraints__[i];
var foundRpcs = getRolePlayerConstraintsForRole(arc.roleType, this.__rolePlayerConstraints__);
@@ -2502,7 +2764,7 @@
"__makeRolesFromARC__" : function(associationRoleConstraint, rolePlayerConstraints){
if(!associationRoleConstraint || !rolePlayerConstraints || rolePlayerConstraints.length === 0) return;
checkCardinalitiesARC_RPC(associationRoleConstraint, rolePlayerConstraints);
// --- creates all roles with all needed players
var currentRoles = new Array();
var rolesCreated = 0;
@@ -2631,11 +2893,11 @@
// --- remove button
- if(cardMin > existingRoles.length){
- for(var i = 0; i !== existingRoles.length; ++i) existingRoles[i].showRemoveButton();
+ if(cardMin >= existingRoles.length){
+ for(var i = 0; i !== existingRoles.length; ++i) existingRoles[i].hideRemoveButton();
else {
- for(var i = 0; i !== existingRoles.length; ++i) existingRoles[i].hideRemoveButton();
+ for(var i = 0; i !== existingRoles.length; ++i) existingRoles[i].showRemoveButton();
"__checkARCButtons__" : function(rolesToCheck, players, associationRoleConstraint){
@@ -3143,8 +3405,7 @@
scopesContent = contents.scopes;
rolesContent = contents.roles;
// --- control row + ItemIdentity
makeControlRow(this, 4, itemIdentityContent);
checkRemoveAddButtons(owner, 1, -1);
Modified: trunk/src/ajax/javascripts/tmcl_tools.js
--- trunk/src/ajax/javascripts/tmcl_tools.js (original)
+++ trunk/src/ajax/javascripts/tmcl_tools.js Thu Jun 25 04:38:25 2009
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
- return foundConstraints;
+ return foundConstraints.uniq();
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