[isidorus-cvs] r43 - trunk/src/ajax/javascripts

Lukas Giessmann lgiessmann at common-lisp.net
Tue Jun 16 10:52:20 UTC 2009

Author: lgiessmann
Date: Tue Jun 16 06:52:20 2009
New Revision: 43

ajax-client: finalized the "toJSON()" methods of all needed classes - so it is possible to create a json-string of the users objects


Modified: trunk/src/ajax/javascripts/constants.js
--- trunk/src/ajax/javascripts/constants.js	(original)
+++ trunk/src/ajax/javascripts/constants.js	Tue Jun 16 06:52:20 2009
@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
 	       "__spanDeselect__" : "deselect",
 	       "__divFog__" : "fog",
 	       "__inputCommitButton__" : "commitButton",
+	       "__divTmIdFrame__" : "tmIdFrame",
 	       "page" : function(){ return this.__divPage__; },
 	       "subPage" : function(){ return this.__divSubPage__; },
@@ -115,5 +116,6 @@
 	       "playerFrame" : function(){ return this.__divPlayerFrame__; },
 	       "deselect" : function(){ return this.__spanDeselect__; },
 	       "fog" : function(){ return this.__divFog__; },
-	       "commitButton" : function(){ return this.__inputCommitButton__; }
+	       "commitButton" : function(){ return this.__inputCommitButton__; },
+	       "tmIdFrame" : function(){ return this.__divTmIdFrame__; }
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/src/ajax/javascripts/create.js
--- trunk/src/ajax/javascripts/create.js	(original)
+++ trunk/src/ajax/javascripts/create.js	Tue Jun 16 06:52:20 2009
@@ -50,10 +50,14 @@
 		context.insert({"after" : liT});
 		addTopicAsPlayer((constraints ? constraints.associationsConstraints : null), topic.getContent().instanceOfs);
-		var associations = new AssociationContainerC(null, (constraints ? constraints.associationsConstraints : null), topic);
+		var associations = new AssociationContainerC(null, (constraints ? constraints.associationsConstraints : null));
 		var liA = new Element("li", {"class" : CLASSES.associationContainer()}).update(associations.getFrame());
 		liT.insert({"after" : liA});
+		var tmId = new tmIdC(null);
+		var liTm = new Element("li", {"class" : CLASSES.tmIdFrame()}).update(tmId.getFrame());
+		liA.insert({"after" : liTm});
 		var commitButton = new Element("input", {"type" : "button", "value" : "commit fragment", "style" : "float: right; margin-top: -10px;"})
 		commitButton.observe("click", function(event){
@@ -61,16 +65,20 @@
 		    var referencedTopics = topic.getReferencedTopics().concat(associations.getReferencedTopics()).without(CURRENT_TOPIC).uniq();
 		    function onSuccessHandler(topicStubs){
-			var str = "null";
+			var tsStr = "null";
 			if(topicStubs && topicStubs.length !== 0){
-			    str = "[";
+			    tsStr = "[";
 			    for(var i = 0; i !== topicStubs.length; ++i){
-				str += topicStubs[i];
-				if(i !== topicStubs.length - 1) str += ",";
+				tsStr += topicStubs[i];
+				if(i !== topicStubs.length - 1) tsStr += ",";
-			    str += "]";
+			    tsStr += "]";
-			var json = "{\"topic\":" + topic.toJSON() + ",\"topicStubs\":" + str + ",\"associations\":" + associations.toJSON().gsub(CURRENT_TOPIC_ESCAPED, tPsis) + ",\"tmIds\":" + "[\"myTM\"]}";
+			var jTopic = "\"topic\":" + topic.toJSON();
+			var jTopicStubs = "\"topicStubs\":" + tsStr;
+			var jAssociations = "\"associations\":" + associations.toJSON().gsub(CURRENT_TOPIC_ESCAPED, tPsis)
+			var jTmId = "\"tmIds\":" + tmId.toJSON();
+			var json = "{" + jTopic + "," + jTopicStubs + "," + jAssociations + "," + jTmId + "}";
@@ -84,7 +92,7 @@
 		var liCB = new Element("li", {"class" : CLASSES.commitButton()});
-		liA.insert({"after" : liCB});
+		liTm.insert({"after" : liCB});

Modified: trunk/src/ajax/javascripts/datamodel.js
--- trunk/src/ajax/javascripts/datamodel.js	(original)
+++ trunk/src/ajax/javascripts/datamodel.js	Tue Jun 16 06:52:20 2009
@@ -2382,10 +2382,9 @@
 // --- contains all fragment's associations depending on the main topic
-var AssociationContainerC = Class.create(ContainerC, {"initialize" : function($super, contents, constraints, mainTopic){
+var AssociationContainerC = Class.create(ContainerC, {"initialize" : function($super, contents, constraints){
 						          this.__minimized__ = false;
-                                                          this.__mainTopic__ = mainTopic;
 							      this.__frame__ .writeAttribute({"class" : CLASSES.associationContainer()});
 							      this.__table__ = new Element("table", {"class" : CLASSES.associationContainer()});
@@ -2480,45 +2479,53 @@
+// --- Representation of a topic map if frame.
+var tmIdC = Class.create(ContainerC, {"initialize" : function($super, contents){
+                                          $super();
+                                          try{
+                                              this.__frame__.writeAttribute({"class" : CLASSES.itemIdentityFrame()});
+                                              this.__container__ = new Object();
+                                              this.__frame__.writeAttribute({"class" : CLASSES.tmIdFrame()});
+                                              this.__table__ = new Element("table", {"class" : CLASSES.tmIdFrame()});
+                                              this.__frame__.insert({"top" : this.__table__});
+                                              this.__caption__ = new Element("caption", {"class" : CLASSES.clickable()}).update("Topic Map ID");
+                                              this.__table__.update(this.__caption__);
+                                              var value = contents && contents.length !== 0 ? contents[0] : "";
+                                              this.__contentrow__ = new Element("input", {"type" : "text", "value" : value});
+                                              this.__tr__ = new Element("tr", {"class" : CLASSES.tmIdFrame()});
+                                              var td =new Element("td", {"class" : CLASSES.content()});
+                                              this.__tr__.update(td);
+                                              td.update(this.__contentrow__);
+                                              this.__table__.insert({"bottom" : this.__tr__});
+                                              this.__minimized__ = false;
+                                              function setMinimizeHandler(myself){
+						  myself.__caption__.observe("click", function(event){
+						      myself.minimize();
+						  });
+					      }
+                                              setMinimizeHandler(this);
+					  }
+                                          catch(err){
+					      alert("From tmIdC(): " + err);
+					  }
+				      },
+				      "getContent" : function(){
+					  if(this.__contentrow__.value.strip().length === 0) return null;
+					  return new Array(this.__contentrow__.value.strip());
+				      },
+				      "toJSON" : function(){
+					  return (this.getContent() === null ? "null" : this.getContent().toJSON());
+				      },
+				      "isValid" : function(){
+					  return this.getContent() !== null;
+				      },
+				      "minimize": function(){
+					  if(this.__minimized__ === false) this.__tr__.hide();
+					  else this.__tr__.show();
+					  this.__minimized__ = !this.__minimized__;
+				      }});
 // --- A handler for the dblclick-event. So a frame can be disabled or enabled.

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