[isidorus-cvs] r35 - in trunk: docs src/ajax/javascripts src/json

Lukas Giessmann lgiessmann at common-lisp.net
Wed Jun 10 07:15:19 UTC 2009

Author: lgiessmann
Date: Wed Jun 10 03:15:18 2009
New Revision: 35

ajax-client: fixed some problems in the onPlayerChangeHandler and added the possibility to use the new created topic as a player in associations which allows it


Modified: trunk/docs/xtm_json.txt
--- trunk/docs/xtm_json.txt	(original)
+++ trunk/docs/xtm_json.txt	Wed Jun 10 03:15:18 2009
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@
 //+    in an association of a certain associationtype (the objects owner).
-  "roleType" : [ [ "topic-psi-1", "topic-psi-2", "..." ], ["subtype-1-psi-1", "..."], <...> ],
+  "roleType" : [ [ "topic-psi-1", "topic-psi-2", "..." ], [ "subtype-1-psi-1", "..."], <...> ],
   "cardMin" : "unsigned integer in string representation",
   "cardMax" : "unsigned integer in string representation or the string MAX_INT"
@@ -340,7 +340,8 @@
 //+    association of a given type (= objects owner).
-  "players" : [ [ "topic-psi-1", "topic-psi-2", "..." ], [ "topic-2-psi-1", "..."], <...> ]
+  "playerType" : [ [ "topic-psi-1", "topic-psi-2", "..." ], [ "subtype-1-psi-1", "..." ], <...> ],
+  "players" : [ [ "topic-psi-1", "topic-psi-2", "..." ], [ "topic-2-psi-1", "..."], <...> ],
   "roleType" : [ [ "topic-psi-1", "topic-psi-2", "..." ], [ "subtype-psi-1", "..." ], <...> ],
   "cardMin" : "unsigned integer in string representation",
   "cardMax" : "unsigned integer in string representation or the string MAX_INT"
@@ -356,8 +357,10 @@
 //+    The values cardMin and cardMax defines the cardinality of otherRoleType.
+  "playerType" : [ [ "topic-psi-1", "topic-psi-2", "..." ], [ "subtype-1-psi-1", "..." ], <...> ],
   "players" : [ [ "topic-psi-1", "topic-psi-2", "..." ], [ "topic-2-psi-1", "..."], <...> ] ],
   "roleType" : [ [ "topic-psi-1", "topic-psi-2", "..." ], [ "subtype-psi-1", "..." ], <...> ],
+  "otherPlayerType" : [ [ "topic-psi-1", "topic-psi-2", "..." ], [ "subtype-1-psi-1", "..." ], <...> ],
   "otherPlayers" : [ "topic-psi-1", "topic-psi-2", "..." ], [ "topic-2-psi-1", "..."], <...> ] ],
   "otherRoleType" : [ "topic-psi-1", "topic-psi-2", "..." ], [ "subtype-psi-1", "..." ], <...> ],
   "cardMin" : "unsigned integer in string representation",

Modified: trunk/src/ajax/javascripts/constants.js
--- trunk/src/ajax/javascripts/constants.js	(original)
+++ trunk/src/ajax/javascripts/constants.js	Wed Jun 10 03:15:18 2009
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
 var ANY_URI = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#anyURI";
 var STRING = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string";
+var CURRENT_TOPIC = "**current-topic**";
 // --- Contains most css classes used in this project
 // --- There should be called only the function to be sure to don't override

Modified: trunk/src/ajax/javascripts/create.js
--- trunk/src/ajax/javascripts/create.js	(original)
+++ trunk/src/ajax/javascripts/create.js	Wed Jun 10 03:15:18 2009
@@ -36,11 +36,16 @@
-		var topic = new TopicC(null, (constraints ? constraints.topicConstraints : null));
+		var instanceOfs = new Array();
+		for(var i = 0; psis && i !== psis.length; ++i){
+		    instanceOfs.push(new Array(psis[i]));
+		}
+		var topic = new TopicC(null, (constraints ? constraints.topicConstraints : null), instanceOfs);
 		var liT = new Element("li", {"class" : CLASSES.topicFrame()}).update(topic.getFrame());
 		context.insert({"after" : liT});
-		var associations = new AssociationContainerC(null, (constraints ? constraints.associationsConstraints : null));
+		addTopicAsPlayer((constraints ? constraints.associationsConstraints : null), topic.getContent().instanceOfs);
+		var associations = new AssociationContainerC(null, (constraints ? constraints.associationsConstraints : null), topic);
 		var liA = new Element("li", {"class" : CLASSES.associationContainer()}).update(associations.getFrame());
 		liT.insert({"after" : liA});

Modified: trunk/src/ajax/javascripts/datamodel.js
--- trunk/src/ajax/javascripts/datamodel.js	(original)
+++ trunk/src/ajax/javascripts/datamodel.js	Wed Jun 10 03:15:18 2009
@@ -243,7 +243,8 @@
 							else {
-							    successFun(contents, json);
+							    //successFun(contents, json);							    
+							    successFun(myself.getContent(true, true), json);
@@ -1163,9 +1164,10 @@
 // --- representation of a topic element.
-var TopicC = Class.create(ContainerC, {"initialize" : function($super, content, constraints){
+var TopicC = Class.create(ContainerC, {"initialize" : function($super, content, constraints, instanceOfs){
                                            this.__minimized__ = false;
+                                           this.__instanceOfs__ = (!instanceOfs || instanceOfs.length === 0 ? null : instanceOfs);
 					       this.__frame__ .writeAttribute({"class" : CLASSES.topicFrame()});
 					       this.__table__ = new Element("table", {"class" : CLASSES.topicFrame()});
@@ -1226,6 +1228,7 @@
 						   "itemIdentities" : this.__itemIdentity__.getContent(true, true),
 						   "subjectLocators" : this.__subjectLocator__.getContent(true, true),
 						   "subjectIdentifiers" : this.__subjectIdentifier__.getContent(true, true),
+						   "instanceOfs" : this.__instanceOfs__,
 						   "names" : this.__name__.getContent(),
 						   "occurrences" : this.__occurrence__.getContent()};
@@ -1239,6 +1242,7 @@
 						   ",\"itemIdentities\":" + this.__itemIdentity__.toJSON(true, true) + 
 						   ",\"subjectLocators\":" + this.__subjectLocator__.toJSON(true, true) +
 						   ",\"subjectIdentifiers\":" + this.__subjectIdentifier__.toJSON(true, true) +
+						   ",\"instanceOfs\":" + (!this.__instanceOfs__ ? "null" : this.__instanceOfs__.toJSON()) +
 						   ",\"names\":" + this.__name__.toJSON() +
 						   ",\"occurrences\":" + this.__occurrence__.toJSON() + "}";
@@ -1259,6 +1263,9 @@
 					       else rows[i].show();
 					   this.__minimized__ = !this.__minimized__;
+				       },
+				       "hasPsi" : function(){
+					   return this.__subjectIdentifier__.getContent(true, true).length !== 0;
@@ -1311,7 +1318,7 @@
 				      "addPlayer" : function(player){
 					  if(!player || player.length === 0) return;
-					  var selected = this.__player__.__frames__[0].getContent();
+					  var selected = this.getPlayer();
 					  var select = this.__player__.__frames__[0].getFrame().select("select")[0];
@@ -1338,6 +1345,7 @@
 						      select.insert({"bottom" : opt});
 						  else {
+						      opt.writeAttribute({"selected" : "selected"});
 						      select.insert({"top" : opt});
@@ -1345,7 +1353,7 @@
 				      "removePlayer" : function(player){
 					  if(!player || player.length === 0 || !this.__rolePlayers__ || this.__rolePlayers__.length === 0) return;
-					  var selected = this.__player__.__frames__[0].getContent();
+					  var selected = this.getPlayer();
 					  var select = this.__player__.__frames__[0].getFrame().select("select")[0];
 					  var j = 0;
@@ -1364,6 +1372,7 @@
 						      select.insert({"bottom" : opt});
 						  else {
+						      opt.writeAttribute({"selected" : "selected"});
 						      select.insert({"top" : opt});
@@ -1773,9 +1782,10 @@
-var AssociationContainerC = Class.create(ContainerC, {"initialize" : function($super, contents, constraints){
+var AssociationContainerC = Class.create(ContainerC, {"initialize" : function($super, contents, constraints, mainTopic){
 						          this.__minimized__ = false;
+                                                          this.__mainTopic__ = mainTopic;
 							      this.__frame__ .writeAttribute({"class" : CLASSES.associationContainer()});
 							      this.__table__ = new Element("table", {"class" : CLASSES.associationContainer()});
@@ -1808,17 +1818,18 @@
 							      var button = new Element("input", {"type" : "button", "value" : "toJSON()"});
 							      function test(myself){
 								  button.observe("click", function(event){
+								      try{
 								      alert("content:\n\n" + myself.getContent());
-								      alert("JSON:\n\n" + myself.toJSON());
+								      alert("JSON:\n\n" + myself.toJSON().gsub("\"topicRef\":\\[\"\\*\\*current-topic\\*\\*\"\\]", myself.__mainTopic__.getContent().subjectIdentifiers.toJSON()));
+								      }catch(err){ alert("test: " + err); }
 							      this.getFrame().insert({"bottom" : button});
 							      alert("From AssociationContainerC(): " + err);

Modified: trunk/src/ajax/javascripts/tmcl_tools.js
--- trunk/src/ajax/javascripts/tmcl_tools.js	(original)
+++ trunk/src/ajax/javascripts/tmcl_tools.js	Wed Jun 10 03:15:18 2009
@@ -152,12 +152,6 @@
     if(rpMax !== "*" && rpMax < arMin) throw "Not enough players available for roletype \"" + type + "\" (rpMax=" + rpMax + ", arMin=" + arMin + ")";
     if(arMax !== "*" && rpMin > arMax) throw "Too much players for the roletype \"" + type + "\" (rpMin=" + rpMin + ", arMax=" + arMax + ")";
-    /*
-    if(rpMin < arMin) throw "sum of card-min(=" + rpMin + ") of all roleplayer-constraints < card-min(=" + arMin + ") of associationrole-constraint for the role \"" + type + "\"! not enough players";
-    if(arMax !== "*" && (rpMax === "*" || rpMax > arMax)) throw "sum of card-max(=" + rpMax + ") of all roleplayer-constraints > card-max(=" + arMax + ") of associationrole-constraint for the role \"" + type + "\"! too much players"
-    if(arMax !== "*" && rpMin > arMax) throw "sum of card-min(=" + rpMin + ") of all roleplayer-constraints > card-max(=" + arMax + ") of associationrole-constraint for the role \"" + type + "\"! too much players";
-    if(rpMax !== "*" && rpMax < arMin) throw "sum of card-max(=" + rpMax + ") of all roleplayer-constraints > card-min(=" + arMin + ") of associationrole-constraint for the role \"" + type + "\"! not enough players";
-    */
@@ -199,4 +193,51 @@
 	if(toDel === false) cleanedPlayers.push(allPlayers[i]);
     return cleanedPlayers;
+// --- Ads the new created topic as a player to all association constraints
+// --- where the player-type is one of the topic's instanceOf-topics.
+function addTopicAsPlayer(associationsConstraints, topicInstanceOfs){
+    if(!associationsConstraints || associationsConstraints.length === 0 || !topicInstanceOfs || topicInstanceOfs.length === 0) return;
+    var instanceOfsPsis = topicInstanceOfs.flatten();
+    for(var i = 0; i !== associationsConstraints.length; ++i){
+	// --- associationrole-constraints
+	if(associationsConstraints[i].rolePlayerConstraints){
+	    rpcs = associationsConstraints[i].rolePlayerConstraints;
+	    for(var j = 0; j !== rpcs.length; ++j){
+		for(var k = 0; k !== rpcs[j].playerType.length; ++k){
+		    for(var l = 0; l !== rpcs[j].playerType[k].length; ++l){
+			if(instanceOfsPsis.indexOf(rpcs[j].playerType[k][l]) !== -1){
+			    rpcs[j].players.push(new Array(CURRENT_TOPIC));
+			    break;
+			}
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+	// --- otherrole-constraints
+	if(associationsConstraints[i].otherRoleConstraints){
+	    orcs = associationsConstraints[i].otherRoleConstraints;
+	    for(var j = 0; j !== orcs.length; ++j){
+		for(var k = 0; k !== orcs[j].playerType.length; ++k){
+		    for(var l = 0; l !== orcs[j].playerType[k].length; ++l){
+			if(instanceOfsPsis.indexOf(orcs[j].playerType[k][l]) !== -1){
+			    orcs[j].players.push(new Array(CURRENT_TOPIC));
+			    break;
+			}
+		    }
+		}
+		for(var k = 0; k !== orcs[j].otherPlayerType.length; ++k){
+		    for(var l = 0; l !== orcs[j].otherPlayerType[k].length; ++l){
+			if(instanceOfsPsis.indexOf(orcs[j].otherPlayerType[k][l]) !== -1){
+			    orcs[j].otherPlayers.push(new Array(CURRENT_TOPIC));
+			    break;
+			}
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    }
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/src/json/json_tmcl.lisp
--- trunk/src/json/json_tmcl.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/json/json_tmcl.lisp	Wed Jun 10 03:15:18 2009
@@ -187,7 +187,10 @@
 			   (uri (first (psis (getf involved-topic-tupple :otherrole))))
-		  (let ((json-player
+		  (let ((json-player-type
+			 (concatenate 'string "\"playerType\":"
+				      (topics-to-json-list (getf (list-subtypes (getf involved-topic-tupple :player) nil nil) :subtypes))))
+			(json-player
 			 (concatenate 'string "\"players\":"
 				       (list-instances (getf involved-topic-tupple :player) topictype topictype-constraint))))
@@ -195,6 +198,9 @@
 			 (concatenate 'string "\"roleType\":"
 				       (getf (list-subtypes (getf involved-topic-tupple :role) roletype roletype-constraint) :subtypes))))
+			(json-otherplayer-type
+			 (concatenate 'string "\"otherPlayerType\":"
+				      (topics-to-json-list (getf (list-subtypes (getf involved-topic-tupple :otherplayer) nil nil) :subtypes))))
 			 (concatenate 'string "\"otherPlayers\":"
@@ -209,7 +215,7 @@
 			 (concatenate 'string "\"cardMax\":" (getf (first constraint-lists) :card-max))))
 		    (setf cleaned-otherrole-constraints
 			  (concatenate 'string cleaned-otherrole-constraints
-				       "{" json-player "," json-role "," json-otherplayer "," json-otherrole "," card-min "," card-max "},")))))
+				       "{" json-player-type "," json-player "," json-role "," json-otherplayer-type "," json-otherplayer "," json-otherrole "," card-min "," card-max "},")))))
 	  (if (string= cleaned-otherrole-constraints "[")
 	      (setf cleaned-otherrole-constraints "null")
 	      (setf cleaned-otherrole-constraints 
@@ -272,7 +278,6 @@
 	      :test #'(lambda(x y)
 			(and (eq (getf x :player) (getf y :player))
 			     (eq (getf x :role) (getf y :role)))))))
 	(let ((cleaned-roleplayer-constraints "["))
 	  (loop for role-player-tupple in role-player-tupples
 	     do (let ((constraint-lists
@@ -286,7 +291,10 @@
 			   (uri (first (psis (getf role-player-tupple :role))))
 			   (uri (first (psis (getf role-player-tupple :player))))
-		  (let ((json-players
+		  (let ((json-player-type
+			 (concatenate 'string "\"playerType\":"
+				      (topics-to-json-list (getf (list-subtypes (getf role-player-tupple :player) nil nil) :subtypes))))
+			(json-players
 			 (concatenate 'string "\"players\":"
 				       (list-instances (getf role-player-tupple :player) topictype topictype-constraint))))
@@ -300,7 +308,7 @@
 			 (concatenate 'string "\"cardMax\":" (getf (first constraint-lists) :card-max))))
 		    (setf cleaned-roleplayer-constraints
 			  (concatenate 'string cleaned-roleplayer-constraints
-				       "{" json-players "," json-role "," card-min "," card-max "},")))))
+				       "{" json-player-type "," json-players "," json-role "," card-min "," card-max "},")))))
 	  (if (string= cleaned-roleplayer-constraints "[")
 	      (setf cleaned-roleplayer-constraints "null")
 	      (setf cleaned-roleplayer-constraints 

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