[isidorus-cvs] r90 - in trunk: docs src src/ajax/javascripts src/atom src/rest_interface src/threading src/unit_tests src/xml

Lukas Giessmann lgiessmann at common-lisp.net
Wed Jul 8 11:02:06 UTC 2009

Author: lgiessmann
Date: Wed Jul  8 07:02:04 2009
New Revision: 90

isidorus (core): reimplemented the threading module -> all private function of hunchentoot are replaced by public functions of the package bordeaux-threads which is internally used by hunchentoot; the macors with-reader-lock and witrh-writer-lock are mostly used at the "top-layer" of all calls, e.g. RESTful-interface - with one exception the xml-im/exporter. In this module are with locks used in the main import-calls, e.g. init-isidorus, importer-xtm1.0, import-only-topics, importer, export-xtm, export-xtm-to-string and export-xtm-fragment; ajax-client: fixed a problem when creating a associaitons in the section "create topics"


Modified: trunk/docs/xtm_json.txt
--- trunk/docs/xtm_json.txt	(original)
+++ trunk/docs/xtm_json.txt	Wed Jul  8 07:02:04 2009
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@
-//+ associationConstraint
+//+ associationConstraints
 //+    The associationConstraint describes how an association of a given type
 //+    has to be defined.
 //+    associationRoleTypeConstraint constains all available roletypes for this
@@ -441,5 +441,5 @@
   "topicConstraints" : <topicConstraint>,
-  "associationsConstraints" : [ <associationConstraint>, <...> ]
+  "associationsConstraints" : [ <associationConstraints>, <...> ]

Modified: trunk/src/ajax/javascripts/create.js
--- trunk/src/ajax/javascripts/create.js	(original)
+++ trunk/src/ajax/javascripts/create.js	Wed Jul  8 07:02:04 2009
@@ -145,10 +145,11 @@
 	    var aStubs = associations.getReferencedTopics();
 	    if(aStubs && aStubs.length !== 0){
 		aStubs = aStubs.without(CURRENT_TOPIC).uniq();
-		for(var i = 0; i !== ePsis.length; ++i) aStubs = aStubs.without(ePsis[i]);
+		for(var i = 0; ePsis && i !== ePsis.length; ++i) aStubs = aStubs.without(ePsis[i]);
 	    referencedTopics = referencedTopics.concat(aStubs);
 	function onSuccessHandler(topicStubs){
 	    var tsStr = "null";
 	    if(topicStubs && topicStubs.length !== 0){

Modified: trunk/src/ajax/javascripts/home.js
--- trunk/src/ajax/javascripts/home.js	(original)
+++ trunk/src/ajax/javascripts/home.js	Wed Jul  8 07:02:04 2009
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 function makeHome()
     var content = new Element("div", {"class" : CLASSES.content()});
-    var header = new Element("h1").update("Topic Map Overview");
+    var header = new Element("h1").update("Topic Maps Overview");
     content.insert({"bottom" : header});
     $(CLASSES.subPage()).insert({"bottom" : content});

Modified: trunk/src/atom/atom.lisp
--- trunk/src/atom/atom.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/atom/atom.lisp	Wed Jul  8 07:02:04 2009
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 (defpackage :atom
-  (:use :cl :cxml :constants :xml-tools :datamodel :drakma)
+  (:use :cl :cxml :constants :xml-tools :datamodel :drakma :isidorus-threading)
   (:export :collection-feed

Modified: trunk/src/atom/fragments.lisp
--- trunk/src/atom/fragments.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/atom/fragments.lisp	Wed Jul  8 07:02:04 2009
@@ -35,23 +35,24 @@
   "Unlike for the other feed types, entries can be calculated"
-   (loop for fragment in 
-        (mapcan #'d:get-fragments (rest (d:get-all-revisions)))
-      collect 
-        (let
-            ((tm (d:get-item-by-item-identifier (tm-id feed) :revision 0))
-             (xtm-link (format nil "~a/~a" 
-                               (link feed) (d:unique-id fragment)))
-             (psi (d:uri (first (d:psis (d:topic fragment))))))
-          (when (d:in-topicmap tm (d:topic fragment))
-            (make-instance 'fragment-entry
-                           :id xtm-link
-                           :title psi
-                           :psi psi
-                           :path (format nil "~a/~a" (path feed) (d:unique-id fragment))
-                           :updated (datetime-in-iso-format (d:revision fragment))
-                           :link xtm-link
-                           :summary (format nil "Fragment for topic ~a" psi)))))))
+   (with-writer-lock
+     (loop for fragment in 
+	  (mapcan #'d:get-fragments (rest (d:get-all-revisions)))
+	collect 
+	  (let
+	      ((tm (d:get-item-by-item-identifier (tm-id feed) :revision 0))
+	       (xtm-link (format nil "~a/~a" 
+				 (link feed) (d:unique-id fragment)))
+	       (psi (d:uri (first (d:psis (d:topic fragment))))))
+	    (when (d:in-topicmap tm (d:topic fragment))
+	      (make-instance 'fragment-entry
+			     :id xtm-link
+			     :title psi
+			     :psi psi
+			     :path (format nil "~a/~a" (path feed) (d:unique-id fragment))
+			     :updated (datetime-in-iso-format (d:revision fragment))
+			     :link xtm-link
+			     :summary (format nil "Fragment for topic ~a" psi))))))))
 ;; (defun build-fragments-feed (tm-id)

Modified: trunk/src/isidorus.asd
--- trunk/src/isidorus.asd	(original)
+++ trunk/src/isidorus.asd	Wed Jul  8 07:02:04 2009
@@ -51,7 +51,8 @@
 			:depends-on ("constants"
-				     "model"))
+				     "model"
+				     "threading"))
 	       (:module "atom"
 			:components ((:file "atom")
 ;;                                      (:file "configuration"
@@ -66,7 +67,9 @@
 					    :depends-on ("fragments" "snapshots"))
                                      (:file "confreader"
 					    :depends-on ("collection" "fragments" "snapshots")))
-		       	:depends-on ("model" "xml"))
+		       	:depends-on ("model"
+				     "xml"
+				     "threading"))
 	       (:module "rest_interface"
 			:components ((:file "rest-interface")
                                      (:file "publish_feeds"
@@ -78,7 +81,8 @@
 		       	:depends-on ("model" 
-				     "json"))
+				     "json"
+				     "threading"))
 	       (:module "unit_tests"
 			:components ((:static-file "dangling_topicref.xtm")
 				     (:static-file "inconsistent.xtm")               
@@ -119,12 +123,14 @@
                                      (:file "atom_test"
 					    :depends-on ("fixtures"))
 				     (:file "json_test"
-					    :depends-on ("fixtures")))
+					    :depends-on ("fixtures"))
+				     (:file "threading_test"))
 			:depends-on ("atom"
-				     "json"))
+				     "json"
+				     "threading"))
 	       (:module "json"
 	                :components ((:file "json_exporter")
 				     (:file "json_importer")
@@ -133,7 +139,8 @@
 				     (:file "json_tmcl_constants")
 				     (:file "json_tmcl"
 					    :depends-on ("json_tmcl_validation")))
-	                :depends-on ("model" "xml"))
+	                :depends-on ("model"
+				     "xml"))
 	       (:module "ajax"
 			:components ((:static-file "isidorus.html")
 				     (:module "javascripts"
@@ -158,9 +165,8 @@
 					      :components ((:static-file "home.css")
 							   (:static-file "navi.css")
 							   (:static-file "main.css")))))
-	       )
-	       ;;(:module "threading"
-	       ;;	:components ((:file "reader-writer"))))
+	       (:module "threading"
+			:components ((:file "reader-writer"))))
   :depends-on (:cxml

Modified: trunk/src/rest_interface/publish_feeds.lisp
--- trunk/src/rest_interface/publish_feeds.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/rest_interface/publish_feeds.lisp	Wed Jul  8 07:02:04 2009
@@ -56,7 +56,8 @@
       (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "application/x-tm+xml;version=1.0; charset=utf-8")
-            (d:get-fragment (parse-integer unique-id))))
+            (with-reader-lock
+	      (d:get-fragment (parse-integer unique-id)))))
         (if fragment
             (exporter:export-xtm-fragment fragment :xtm-format '1.0)
             (format nil "<t:topicMap xmlns:t=\"http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/\" xmlns:xlink=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\"/>")))))

Modified: trunk/src/rest_interface/read.lisp
--- trunk/src/rest_interface/read.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/rest_interface/read.lisp	Wed Jul  8 07:02:04 2009
@@ -62,14 +62,14 @@
        (revision (d:get-revision)))
     (loop for entry in (slot-value feed 'atom:entries) do
-             ((top  (d:get-item-by-psi (psi entry) :revision revision)) 
+             ((top (d:get-item-by-psi (psi entry) :revision revision))
               (xtm-id (atom:id entry))
               (source-locator  (source-locator-prefix feed)))
            ;check if xtm-id has already been imported or if the entry is older
            ;than the snapshot feed. If so, don't do it again
            (unless (or (xtm-id-p xtm-id) (string> (atom:updated entry) (atom:updated imported-snapshot-entry)))
              (when top
-               (mark-as-deleted top :source-locator source-locator :revision revision))
+	       (mark-as-deleted top :source-locator source-locator :revision revision))
 	     ;(format t "Fragment feed: ~a~&" (link entry))
@@ -79,9 +79,9 @@
              ;locator + a suitable internal id as an identifier to all
              ;characteristics and associations that don't already have
              ;one and then reuse it next time
-             (add-source-locator 
-              (d:get-item-by-psi (psi entry) :revision revision) ;works even if the topic is only created during import
-              :source-locator source-locator :revision revision))))))
+	     (add-source-locator 
+	      (d:get-item-by-psi (psi entry) :revision revision) ;works even if the topic is only created during import
+	      :source-locator source-locator :revision revision))))))
 (defun string-max (string-list &optional (max nil))
@@ -172,9 +172,10 @@
 	   (get-attribute snapshot-feed-link-elem "href")
            :tm-id feed-url)))
       (assert imported-snapshot-entry)
-      (import-fragments-feed 
-       (get-attribute fragment-feed-link-elem "href")
-       imported-snapshot-entry :tm-id feed-url))))
+      (with-writer-lock
+	(import-fragments-feed 
+	 (get-attribute fragment-feed-link-elem "href")
+	 imported-snapshot-entry :tm-id feed-url)))))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/src/rest_interface/rest-interface.lisp
--- trunk/src/rest_interface/rest-interface.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/rest_interface/rest-interface.lisp	Wed Jul  8 07:02:04 2009
@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@
-	:json-importer)
+	:json-importer
+        :isidorus-threading)
   (:export :import-fragments-feed
@@ -56,75 +57,16 @@
           (lambda ()
             (apply page-function (coerce matched-registers 'list))))))))
-;; (defun feeds ()
-;;   "interface funtion to the corresponding Atom method"
-;;   (setf (content-type) "application/atom+xml; charset=UTF-8")
-;;   (cxml:with-xml-output (cxml:make-string-sink :canonical t)
-;;     (atom:feed-to-elem atom::*tm-feed*)))
-;; (defun snapshot-feed ()
-;;   "Interface function to the corresponding Atom method"
-;;   (setf (content-type) "application/atom+xml; charset=UTF-8")
-;;   (cxml:with-xml-output (cxml:make-string-sink :canonical t)
-;;     ;(atom:build-snapshot-feed)))
-;; ))
-;; (defun snapshots (&optional revision)
-;;   "Export a snapshot by revision"
-;;   (assert revision)
-;;   (format t "in snapshots~&")
-;;   (setf (content-type) "application/xtm+xml; charset=utf-8")
-;;   (exporter:export-xtm-to-string :revision (parse-integer revision) 
-;;                                  :xtm-format '1.0))
-;; (defun fragments (&optional unique-id)
-;;   "Export a fragment by its unique id"
-;;   (assert unique-id)
-;;   (setf (content-type) "application/xtm+xml; charset=utf-8")
-;;   (let 
-;;       ((fragment 
-;; 	(d:get-fragment (parse-integer unique-id))))
-;;     (if fragment
-;; 	(exporter:export-xtm-fragment fragment :xtm-format '1.0)
-;; 	(format nil "<t:topicMap xmlns:t=\"http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/\" xmlns:xlink=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\"/>"))))
-;; (push 
-;;  (create-regex-dispatcher "/feeds/?$" #'feeds) 
-;;  hunchentoot:*dispatch-table*)
-;; (push 
-;;  (create-regex-dispatcher "/feeds/testtm/?$" #'tm-feed)
-;;  hunchentoot:*dispatch-table*)
-;; (push 
-;;  (create-regex-dispatcher "/testtm/snapshots/$" #'snapshot-feed) 
-;;  hunchentoot:*dispatch-table*)
-;; (push 
-;;  (create-regex-dispatcher "/testtm/snapshots/([0-9]+)$" #'snapshots) 
-;;  hunchentoot:*dispatch-table*)
-;; (push 
-;;  (create-regex-dispatcher "/testtm/fragments/?$" #'fragments-feed) 
-;;  hunchentoot:*dispatch-table*)
-;; (push 
-;;  (create-regex-dispatcher "/testtm/fragments/([0-9]+)$" #'fragments) 
-;;  hunchentoot:*dispatch-table*)
 (defvar *server-acceptor* nil)
 (defun start-tm-engine (repository-path &key (conffile "atom/conf.lisp") (host-name "localhost") (port 8000))
   "Start the Topic Map Engine on a given port, assuming a given
    hostname. Use the repository under repository-path"
   (when *server-acceptor*
     (error "Ther server is already running"))
   (setf hunchentoot:*show-lisp-errors-p* t) ;for now
-  ;(setf hunchentoot:*show-lisp-backtraces-p* t) ;hunchentoot 0.15.7
   (setf hunchentoot:*hunchentoot-default-external-format* 
 	(flex:make-external-format :utf-8 :eol-style :lf))
   (setf atom:*base-url* (format nil "http://~a:~a" host-name port))

Modified: trunk/src/rest_interface/set-up-json-interface.lisp
--- trunk/src/rest_interface/set-up-json-interface.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/rest_interface/set-up-json-interface.lisp	Wed Jul  8 07:02:04 2009
@@ -117,7 +117,9 @@
   "Returns all topic-psi that are valid types -> so they have to be valid to the
    topictype-constraint (if it exists) and the can't be abstract."
   (declare (ignorable param))
-  (handler-case (let ((topic-types (json-tmcl::return-all-tmcl-types)))
+  (handler-case (let ((topic-types 
+		         (with-reader-lock
+			   (json-tmcl::return-all-tmcl-types))))
 		  (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "application/json") ;RFC 4627
 		   (map 'list #'(lambda(y)
@@ -133,7 +135,9 @@
    The validity is only oriented on the typing of topics, e.g.
    type-instance or supertype-subtype."
   (declare (ignorable param))
-  (handler-case (let ((topic-instances (json-tmcl::return-all-tmcl-instances)))
+  (handler-case (let ((topic-instances 
+		         (with-reader-lock
+			   (json-tmcl::return-all-tmcl-instances))))
 		  (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "application/json") ;RFC 4627
 		   (map 'list #'(lambda(y)
@@ -152,7 +156,8 @@
   (let ((topic (d:get-item-by-psi psi)))
     (if topic
 	(let ((topic-json
-	       (handler-case (json-exporter::to-json-topicStub-string topic)
+	       (handler-case (with-reader-lock
+			       (json-exporter::to-json-topicStub-string topic))
 		 (condition (err) (progn
 				    (setf (hunchentoot:return-code*) hunchentoot:+http-internal-server-error+)
 				    (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "text")
@@ -176,7 +181,8 @@
 	    (handler-case (let ((psis
 				 (json:decode-json-from-string json-data)))			    
 			    (let ((tmcl
-				   (json-tmcl:get-constraints-of-fragment psis :treat-as treat-as)))
+				   (with-reader-lock
+				     (json-tmcl:get-constraints-of-fragment psis :treat-as treat-as))))
 			      (if tmcl
 				    (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "application/json") ;RFC 4627
@@ -200,7 +206,8 @@
     (if (eq http-method :GET)
 	  (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "application/json") ;RFC 4627
-	  (handler-case (get-all-topic-psis)
+	  (handler-case (with-reader-lock
+			  (get-all-topic-psis))
 	    (condition (err) (progn
 			       (setf (hunchentoot:return-code*) hunchentoot:+http-internal-server-error+)
 			       (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "text")
@@ -216,9 +223,11 @@
 	(let ((identifier (string-replace psi "%23" "#")))
 	  (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "application/json") ;RFC 4627
 	  (let ((fragment
-		 (create-latest-fragment-of-topic identifier)))
+		 (with-writer-lock
+		   (create-latest-fragment-of-topic identifier))))
 	    (if fragment
-		(handler-case (to-json-string fragment)
+		(handler-case (with-reader-lock
+				(to-json-string fragment))
 		  (condition (err)
 		      (setf (hunchentoot:return-code*) hunchentoot:+http-internal-server-error+)
@@ -239,7 +248,8 @@
 	    (eq http-method :POST))
 	(let ((external-format (flexi-streams:make-external-format :UTF-8 :eol-style :LF)))
 	  (let ((json-data (hunchentoot:raw-post-data :external-format external-format :force-text t)))
-	    (handler-case (json-importer:json-to-elem json-data)
+	    (handler-case (with-writer-lock 
+			    (json-importer:json-to-elem json-data))
 	      (condition (err)
 		  (setf (hunchentoot:return-code*) hunchentoot:+http-internal-server-error+)
@@ -257,31 +267,33 @@
 	 (handler-case (parse-integer (hunchentoot:get-parameter "end"))
 	   (condition () nil))))
-    (handler-case (let ((topics (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'd:TopicC)))
-		    (let ((end
-			   (cond
-			     ((not end-idx)
-			      (length topics))
-			     ((> end-idx (length topics))
-			      (length topics))
-			     ((< end-idx 0)
-			      0)
-			     (t
-			      end-idx))))
-		      (let ((start
+    (handler-case (with-reader-lock
+		    (let ((topics 
+			   (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'd:TopicC)))
+		      (let ((end
-			       ((> start-idx (length topics))
-				end)
-			       ((< start-idx 0)
+			       ((not end-idx)
+				(length topics))
+			       ((> end-idx (length topics))
+				(length topics))
+			       ((< end-idx 0)
-				start-idx))))
-			(let ((topics-in-range
-			       (if (<= start end)
-				   (subseq topics start end)
-				   (reverse (subseq topics end start)))))
-			  (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "application/json") ;RFC 4627
-			  (json-exporter:make-topic-summary topics-in-range)))))
+				end-idx))))
+			(let ((start
+			       (cond
+				 ((> start-idx (length topics))
+				  end)
+				 ((< start-idx 0)
+				  0)
+				 (t
+				  start-idx))))
+			  (let ((topics-in-range
+				 (if (<= start end)
+				     (subseq topics start end)
+				     (reverse (subseq topics end start)))))
+			    (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "application/json") ;RFC 4627
+			    (json-exporter:make-topic-summary topics-in-range))))))
       (condition (err) (progn
 			 (setf (hunchentoot:return-code*) hunchentoot:+http-internal-server-error+)
 			 (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "text")
@@ -292,7 +304,8 @@
   "Returns a json-object representing a topic map overview as a tree(s)"
   (declare (ignorable param))
   (handler-case (let ((json-string
-		       (json-tmcl::tree-view-to-json-string (json-tmcl::make-tree-view))))
+		       (with-reader-lock
+			 (json-tmcl::tree-view-to-json-string (json-tmcl::make-tree-view)))))
 		  (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "application/json") ;RFC 4627
     (Condition (err) (progn

Modified: trunk/src/threading/reader-writer.lisp
--- trunk/src/threading/reader-writer.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/threading/reader-writer.lisp	Wed Jul  8 07:02:04 2009
@@ -7,66 +7,63 @@
-(defpackage :isidorus-reader-writer
-  (:use :cl :hunchentoot-mp) ;hunchentoot 0.15.7
+(defpackage :isidorus-threading
+  (:use :cl :bordeaux-threads)
   (:export :current-readers
-(in-package :isidorus-reader-writer)
-(defvar *readerlist-mutex* (make-lock "isidorus current-readers lock")) ;hunchentoot 0.15.7
-(defvar *writer-mutex* (make-lock "isidorus writer lock")) ;hunchentoot 0.15.7
-;;(defvar *readerlist-mutex* (hunchentoot::make-lock "isidorus current-readers lock")) ;hunchentoot 1.0.0
-;;(defvar *writer-mutex* (hunchentoot::make-lock "isidorus writer lock")) ;hunchentoot 1.0.0
+(in-package :isidorus-threading)
+(defvar *readerlist-lock* (make-lock "isidorus-threading: current readers lock"))
+(defvar *writer-lock* (make-lock "isidorus-threading: writer lock"))
 (defvar *current-readers* nil)
 (defun current-readers ()
-  (let
-      ((result nil))
-    ;;(with-lock (*readerlist-mutex*) ;hunchentoot 0.15.7
-    (hunchentoot::with-lock-held (*readerlist-mutex*) ;hunchentoot 1.0.0
+  "Returns a copy of the list which contains all current reader
+   threads, *current-readers*"
+  (let ((result nil))
+    (with-lock-held (*readerlist-lock*)
       (setf result (copy-list *current-readers*)))
-(defun add-current-to-reader-list ()
-  (with-lock (*writer-mutex*) ;hunchentoot 0.15.7
-    (with-lock (*readerlist-mutex*) ;hunchentoot 0.15.7
-  ;;(hunchentoot::with-lock-held (*writer-mutex*) ;hunchentoot 1.0.0
-    ;;(hunchentoot::with-lock-held (*readerlist-mutex*) ;hunchentoot 1.0.0
-      (push *current-process* *current-readers*))))
-(defun remove-current-from-reader-list ()
-  (with-lock (*readerlist-mutex*) ;hunchentoot 0.15.7
-  ;;(hunchentoot::with-lock-held (*readerlist-mutex*) ;hunchentoot 1.0.0
+(defun add-thread-to-reader-list ()
+  "Adds the current thread to the reader list"
+  (with-lock-held (*writer-lock*)
+    (with-lock-held (*readerlist-lock*)
+      (push (current-thread) *current-readers*))))
+(defun remove-thread-from-reader-list ()
+  "Removes the current threads from the reader list"
+  (with-lock-held (*readerlist-lock*)
     (setf *current-readers*
-	  (delete *current-process* *current-readers*))))
+	  (delete (current-thread) *current-readers*))))
 (defmacro with-reader-lock (&body body)
+  "Executes the passed 'body' with the reader lock"
-     (add-current-to-reader-list)
-     (handler-case
-	 (progn , at body)
-       (condition (c)
-	 (progn
-	   (remove-current-from-reader-list)
-	   (error c))))
-     (remove-current-from-reader-list)))
+     (add-thread-to-reader-list)
+     (let ((result nil))
+       (handler-case
+	   (setf result , at body)
+	 (condition (c)
+	   (progn
+	     (remove-thread-from-reader-list)
+	     (error c))))
+       (remove-thread-from-reader-list)
+       result)))
 (defmacro with-writer-lock (&body body)
-  `(with-lock (*writer-mutex*) ;hunchentoot 0.15.7
-  ;;`(hunchentoot::with-lock-held (*writer-mutex*) ;hunchetoot 1.0.0
+  "Executes the passed body when the reader list is empty otherwise
+   the do macor loops in 500 ms time interval for a next chance."
+  `(with-lock-held (*writer-lock*)
       ((remaining-readers (current-readers) (current-readers)))
-      ((nullp remaining-raeders) nil)
-       ;; TODO: replace hunchentoot's internal function by
-       ;; something we are officially allowed to use.
-       ;; make sure the current thread sleeps for, say, 500ms.
-       (hunchentoot::process-allow-scheduling()))
-     , at body))
\ No newline at end of file
+      ((null remaining-readers))
+       (sleep 0.5))
+     , at body))
\ No newline at end of file

Added: trunk/src/unit_tests/threading_test.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/src/unit_tests/threading_test.lisp	Wed Jul  8 07:02:04 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+;;+  Isidorus
+;;+  (c) 2008-2009 Marc Kuester, Christoph Ludwig, Lukas Giessmann
+;;+  Isidorus is freely distributable under the LGPL license.
+;;+  You can find a detailed description in trunk/docs/LGPL-LICENSE.txt.
+(defpackage :threading-test
+  (:use  :cl
+	 :it.bese.FiveAM
+	 :isidorus-threading
+	 :bordeaux-threads)
+  (:export :run-threading-tests
+	   :test-helpers
+	   :test-with-reader-lock
+	   :test-with-writer-lock
+	   :threading-test))
+(in-package :threading-test)
+(def-suite threading-test
+     :description "tests  various key functions of the threading module")
+(in-suite threading-test)
+(test test-helpers
+  "Tests the helper functions current-readers, add-thread-to-reader-list
+   and remove-thread-from-reader-list"
+  (is-true isidorus-threading::*readerlist-lock*)
+  (is-true isidorus-threading::*writer-lock*)
+  (is-false isidorus-threading::*current-readers*)
+  (is-false (progn
+	      (isidorus-threading::remove-thread-from-reader-list)
+	      (current-readers)))
+  (is (= 1 (length (progn
+		       (isidorus-threading::add-thread-to-reader-list)
+		       (current-readers)))))
+  (is (eql (first (current-readers)) (current-thread)))
+  (is (= 1 (length isidorus-threading::*current-readers*))) 
+  (is-true (let ((copy-of-readers
+		  (current-readers)))
+	     (setf copy-of-readers nil)
+	     isidorus-threading::*current-readers*))
+  (setf isidorus-threading::*current-readers* nil)
+  (is-false (current-readers))
+  (is (= 2 (length (progn
+		     (isidorus-threading::add-thread-to-reader-list)
+		     (isidorus-threading::add-thread-to-reader-list)
+		     (isidorus-threading::current-readers)))))
+  (is (= 1 (progn
+	     (isidorus-threading::remove-thread-from-reader-list)
+	     (push t isidorus-threading::*current-readers*)
+	     (length (current-readers)))))
+  (setf isidorus-threading::*current-readers* nil))
+(test test-with-reader-lock
+  "Tests the macro with-reader-lock"
+  (is-true isidorus-threading::*readerlist-lock*)
+  (is-true isidorus-threading::*writer-lock*)
+  (is-false isidorus-threading::*current-readers*)
+  (let ((thread-1
+	 (make-thread #'(lambda()
+			  (with-reader-lock (sleep 3)))))
+	(thread-2
+	 (make-thread #'(lambda()
+			  (with-reader-lock (sleep 3)))))
+	(thread-3
+	 (make-thread #'(lambda()
+			  (with-reader-lock (sleep 3))))))
+    (is (= 3 (length (current-readers))))
+    (is-true (find thread-1 (current-readers)))
+    (is-true (find thread-2 (current-readers)))
+    (is-true (find thread-3 (current-readers)))
+    (sleep 4)
+    (is-false (current-readers)))
+  (setf isidorus-threading::*current-readers* nil)
+  (make-thread #'(lambda()
+		   (with-lock-held (isidorus-threading::*readerlist-lock*)
+		     (sleep 3))))
+  (let ((start-time
+	 (get-universal-time)))
+    (isidorus-threading::add-thread-to-reader-list)
+    (is (<= (+ 2 start-time) (get-universal-time))))
+  (setf isidorus-threading::*current-readers* nil)
+  (let ((start-time
+	 (get-universal-time)))
+    (make-thread #'(lambda() (with-reader-lock (sleep 3))))
+    (make-thread #'(lambda() (with-reader-lock (sleep 3))))
+    (is (> (+ start-time 3) (get-universal-time)))
+    (is (= 2 (length (current-readers))))
+    (sleep 4))
+  (is-false (current-readers)))
+(test test-with-writer-lock
+  "Tests the macro with-writer-lock"
+  (is-true isidorus-threading::*readerlist-lock*)
+  (is-true isidorus-threading::*writer-lock*)
+  (is-false isidorus-threading::*current-readers*)
+  (let ((start-time
+	 (get-universal-time)))
+    (with-writer-lock nil)
+    (is (>= (+ 1 start-time) (get-universal-time))))
+  (make-thread #'(lambda()
+		   (with-reader-lock #'(lambda()
+					 (sleep 3)))))
+  (let ((start-time
+	 (get-universal-time)))
+    (make-thread #'(lambda() (with-writer-lock (sleep 3))))
+    (make-thread #'(lambda() (with-reader-lock (sleep 3))))
+    (is-false (current-readers))
+    (with-writer-lock nil)
+    (is (<= (+ 3 start-time) (get-universal-time))))
+  (let ((start-time
+	 (get-universal-time)))
+    (make-thread #'(lambda() (with-reader-lock (sleep 3))))
+    (make-thread #'(lambda() (with-reader-lock (sleep 3))))
+    (make-thread #'(lambda() (with-reader-lock (sleep 3))))
+    (with-writer-lock nil)
+    (is (<= (+ start-time 3) (get-universal-time)))))
+(defun run-threading-tests ()
+  "Runs all defined tests in this package"
+  (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-helpers)
+  (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-with-reader-lock)
+  (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-with-writer-lock))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/src/xml/exporter.lisp
--- trunk/src/xml/exporter.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/xml/exporter.lisp	Wed Jul  8 07:02:04 2009
@@ -68,44 +68,47 @@
                    (revision (get-revision)) 
                    (xtm-format '2.0))
-  (let
-      ((tm 
-        (when tm-id
-          (get-item-by-item-identifier tm-id :revision revision))))
-    (setf *export-tm* tm)
-    (with-revision revision
-      (with-open-file (stream xtm-path :direction :output)
-        (cxml:with-xml-output (cxml:make-character-stream-sink stream :canonical nil)
-          (if (eq xtm-format '2.0)
-              (with-xtm2.0
+  (with-reader-lock
+    (let
+	((tm 
+	  (when tm-id
+	    (get-item-by-item-identifier tm-id :revision revision))))
+      (setf *export-tm* tm)
+      (with-revision revision
+	(with-open-file (stream xtm-path :direction :output)
+	  (cxml:with-xml-output (cxml:make-character-stream-sink stream :canonical nil)
+	    (if (eq xtm-format '2.0)
+		(with-xtm2.0
                   (export-to-elem tm #'to-elem))
-              (with-xtm1.0
-                  (export-to-elem tm #'to-elem-xtm1.0))))))))
+		(with-xtm1.0
+                  (export-to-elem tm #'to-elem-xtm1.0)))))))))
 (defun export-xtm-to-string (&key 
                              (revision (get-revision)) (xtm-format '2.0))
- (let
-     ((tm 
-       (when tm-id
-         (get-item-by-item-identifier tm-id :revision revision))))
-   (with-revision revision
-     (cxml:with-xml-output (cxml:make-string-sink :canonical nil)
-       (if (eq xtm-format '2.0)
-           (with-xtm2.0
-               (export-to-elem tm #'to-elem))
-           (with-xtm1.0
-               (export-to-elem tm #'to-elem-xtm1.0)))))))
+  (with-reader-lock
+    (let
+	((tm 
+	  (when tm-id
+	    (get-item-by-item-identifier tm-id :revision revision))))
+      (with-revision revision
+	(cxml:with-xml-output (cxml:make-string-sink :canonical nil)
+	  (if (eq xtm-format '2.0)
+	      (with-xtm2.0
+		(export-to-elem tm #'to-elem))
+	      (with-xtm1.0
+		(export-to-elem tm #'to-elem-xtm1.0))))))))
 (defun export-xtm-fragment (fragment &key (xtm-format '2.0))
   (declare (FragmentC fragment))
-  (with-revision (revision fragment)
-    (cxml:with-xml-output  (cxml:make-string-sink :canonical nil)
-      (if (eq xtm-format '2.0)
-	  (with-xtm2.0
+  (with-reader-lock
+    (with-revision (revision fragment)
+      (cxml:with-xml-output  (cxml:make-string-sink :canonical nil)
+	(if (eq xtm-format '2.0)
+	    (with-xtm2.0
               (to-elem fragment))
-          (with-xtm1.0
-              (to-elem-xtm1.0 fragment))))))
+	    (with-xtm1.0
+              (to-elem-xtm1.0 fragment)))))))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/src/xml/exporter_xtm1.0.lisp
--- trunk/src/xml/exporter_xtm1.0.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/xml/exporter_xtm1.0.lisp	Wed Jul  8 07:02:04 2009
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 (defpackage :exporter
-  (:use :cl :cxml :elephant :datamodel)
+  (:use :cl :cxml :elephant :datamodel :isidorus-threading)
   (:import-from :constants

Modified: trunk/src/xml/exporter_xtm2.0.lisp
--- trunk/src/xml/exporter_xtm2.0.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/xml/exporter_xtm2.0.lisp	Wed Jul  8 07:02:04 2009
@@ -25,18 +25,6 @@
     (cxml:attribute "href" (uri psi))))
-;; (defmethod to-elem ((scope ScopeC))
-;;   (cxml:with-element "t:scope"
-;;     (append 
-;;      (map 'list #'ref-to-elem (themes scope)))))
-;; (defun scopes-to-elem (scopes)
-;;   (when scopes
-;;     (cxml:with-element "t:scope" 
-;;       (map 'list #'ref-to-elem scopes))))
 (defmethod to-elem ((name NameC))
   "name = element name { reifiable, 
                          type?, scope?, value, variant* }"

Modified: trunk/src/xml/importer.lisp
--- trunk/src/xml/importer.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/xml/importer.lisp	Wed Jul  8 07:02:04 2009
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 (defpackage :xml-importer
-  (:use :cl :cxml :elephant :datamodel)
+  (:use :cl :cxml :elephant :datamodel :isidorus-threading)
   (:import-from :constants
@@ -124,18 +124,19 @@
   "Initiatlize the database with the stubs of the core topics + PSIs
 defined in the XTM 1.0 spec. This includes a topic that represents the
 core TM"
-  (with-tm (revision "core.xtm" "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm")
-    (let
-        ((core-dom 
-          (cxml:parse-file *core_psis.xtm* (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder))))
-      (loop for top-elem across 
-           (xpath-child-elems-by-qname (dom:document-element core-dom)
-                                       *xtm2.0-ns* "topic")
-         do
-           (let
-               ((top
-                 (from-topic-elem-to-stub top-elem revision :xtm-id "core.xtm")))
-             (add-to-topicmap tm top))))))
+  (with-writer-lock
+    (with-tm (revision "core.xtm" "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm")
+      (let
+	  ((core-dom 
+	    (cxml:parse-file *core_psis.xtm* (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder))))
+	(loop for top-elem across 
+	     (xpath-child-elems-by-qname (dom:document-element core-dom)
+					 *xtm2.0-ns* "topic")
+	   do
+	     (let
+		 ((top
+		   (from-topic-elem-to-stub top-elem revision :xtm-id "core.xtm")))
+	       (add-to-topicmap tm top)))))))
 ;TODO: replace the two importers with this macro
 (defmacro importer-mac

Modified: trunk/src/xml/importer_xtm1.0.lisp
--- trunk/src/xml/importer_xtm1.0.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/xml/importer_xtm1.0.lisp	Wed Jul  8 07:02:04 2009
@@ -443,22 +443,23 @@
   (declare (dom:element xtm-dom))
   (declare (integer revision))
   (assert elephant:*store-controller*)
-  (with-tm (revision xtm-id tm-id)
-    (let 
-        ((topic-vector (xpath-child-elems-by-qname xtm-dom *xtm1.0-ns* "topic"))
-         (assoc-vector (xpath-child-elems-by-qname  xtm-dom *xtm1.0-ns* "association")))    
-    (loop for topic across topic-vector
-       do (from-topic-elem-to-stub-xtm1.0 topic revision 
-                                          :xtm-id xtm-id))
-    (loop for top-elem across topic-vector
-       do
-         (format t "t")
-         (merge-topic-elem-xtm1.0 top-elem revision
-                                  :tm tm
-                                  :xtm-id xtm-id))
-    (loop for assoc-elem across assoc-vector 
-       do
-         (format t "a")
-         (from-association-elem-xtm1.0 assoc-elem revision
-                                       :tm tm
-                                       :xtm-id xtm-id)))))
+  (with-writer-lock
+    (with-tm (revision xtm-id tm-id)
+      (let 
+	  ((topic-vector (xpath-child-elems-by-qname xtm-dom *xtm1.0-ns* "topic"))
+	   (assoc-vector (xpath-child-elems-by-qname  xtm-dom *xtm1.0-ns* "association")))    
+	(loop for topic across topic-vector
+	   do (from-topic-elem-to-stub-xtm1.0 topic revision 
+					      :xtm-id xtm-id))
+	(loop for top-elem across topic-vector
+	   do
+	     (format t "t")
+	     (merge-topic-elem-xtm1.0 top-elem revision
+				      :tm tm
+				      :xtm-id xtm-id))
+	(loop for assoc-elem across assoc-vector 
+	   do
+	     (format t "a")
+	     (from-association-elem-xtm1.0 assoc-elem revision
+					   :tm tm
+					   :xtm-id xtm-id))))))

Modified: trunk/src/xml/importer_xtm2.0.lisp
--- trunk/src/xml/importer_xtm2.0.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/xml/importer_xtm2.0.lisp	Wed Jul  8 07:02:04 2009
@@ -409,20 +409,21 @@
   (declare (dom:element xtm-dom))
   (declare (integer revision))        ;all topics that are imported in one go share the same revision
   (assert elephant:*store-controller*)
-  (with-tm (revision xtm-id tm-id)
-    (let
-        ((topic-vector (get-topic-elems xtm-dom))
-         (assoc-vector (get-association-elems xtm-dom)))
-      (loop for top-elem across topic-vector do
-           (from-topic-elem-to-stub top-elem revision 
-                                    :xtm-id xtm-id))
-      (loop for top-elem across topic-vector do
-           (format t "t")
-           (merge-topic-elem top-elem revision 
-                             :tm tm
-                             :xtm-id xtm-id))
-      (loop for assoc-elem across assoc-vector do
-           (format t "a")
-           (from-association-elem assoc-elem revision 
-                                  :tm tm
-                                  :xtm-id xtm-id)))))
+  (with-writer-lock
+    (with-tm (revision xtm-id tm-id)
+      (let
+	  ((topic-vector (get-topic-elems xtm-dom))
+	   (assoc-vector (get-association-elems xtm-dom)))
+	(loop for top-elem across topic-vector do
+	     (from-topic-elem-to-stub top-elem revision 
+				      :xtm-id xtm-id))
+	(loop for top-elem across topic-vector do
+	     (format t "t")
+	     (merge-topic-elem top-elem revision 
+			       :tm tm
+			       :xtm-id xtm-id))
+	(loop for assoc-elem across assoc-vector do
+	     (format t "a")
+	     (from-association-elem assoc-elem revision 
+				    :tm tm
+				    :xtm-id xtm-id))))))

Modified: trunk/src/xml/setup.lisp
--- trunk/src/xml/setup.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/xml/setup.lisp	Wed Jul  8 07:02:04 2009
@@ -19,25 +19,26 @@
                    (xtm-format '2.0)
                    (xtm-id (get-uuid)))
   "Imports an XTM file into an existing repository using the correct
-importer for the XTM version. Does *not* close the store afterwards"
+   importer for the XTM version. Does *not* close the store afterwards"
   (declare ((or pathname string) xtm-path))
   (declare ((or pathname string) repository-path))
       ((xtm-dom (dom:document-element (cxml:parse-file
-		     (truename xtm-path) (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder)))))
+				       (truename xtm-path) (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder)))))
     (unless elephant:*store-controller*
        (get-store-spec repository-path)))
-    ;create the topic stubs so that we can refer to them later on
+	 ;create the topic stubs so that we can refer to them later on
     (setf d:*current-xtm* xtm-id)
     (if (eq xtm-format '2.0)
-        (importer xtm-dom :tm-id tm-id :xtm-id xtm-id)
-        (importer-xtm1.0 xtm-dom :tm-id tm-id :xtm-id xtm-id))
-    (format t "#Objects in the store: Topics: ~a, Associations: ~a~%"
-	    (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'TopicC))
-	    (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'AssociationC)))))
-    ;(format t "#Topics in the store: ~a~%" (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'TopicC)))))
+	(importer xtm-dom :tm-id tm-id :xtm-id xtm-id)
+	(importer-xtm1.0 xtm-dom :tm-id tm-id :xtm-id xtm-id))
+    (with-reader-lock
+      (format t "#Objects in the store: Topics: ~a, Associations: ~a~%"
+	      (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'TopicC))
+	      (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'AssociationC))))))
 (defun setup-repository (xtm-path repository-path 
@@ -46,11 +47,10 @@
   "Initializes a repository and imports a XTM file into it"
   (declare ((or pathname string) xtm-path))
   (declare ((or pathname string) repository-path))
   (unless elephant:*store-controller*
      (get-store-spec repository-path)))
   (import-xtm xtm-path repository-path :tm-id tm-id :xtm-id xtm-id :xtm-format xtm-format)
   (when elephant:*store-controller*
-      (elephant:close-store)))
\ No newline at end of file
+    (elephant:close-store)))
\ No newline at end of file

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