[isidorus-cvs] r114 - in trunk/src: unit_tests xml/xtm

Lukas Giessmann lgiessmann at common-lisp.net
Thu Aug 13 21:19:32 UTC 2009

Author: lgiessmann
Date: Thu Aug 13 17:19:31 2009
New Revision: 114

rdf-importer: fixed a bug with xml-base


Modified: trunk/src/unit_tests/rdf_importer_test.lisp
--- trunk/src/unit_tests/rdf_importer_test.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/unit_tests/rdf_importer_test.lisp	Thu Aug 13 17:19:31 2009
@@ -59,7 +59,8 @@
-	   :test-collection))
+	   :test-collection
+	   :test-xml-base))
 (declaim (optimize (debug 3) (speed 0) (safety 3) (space 0) (compilation-speed 0)))
@@ -1755,7 +1756,6 @@
 		  (is (= (length (d:player-in-roles fourth-node)) 1))
 		  (is (= (length (d:player-in-roles fifth-node)) 1))
-		  (format t "--->")
 		  (let ((col-2
@@ -2981,6 +2981,73 @@
 		    (d:player-in-roles node))))))))
+(test test-xml-base
+  "Tests the function get-xml-base."
+  (let ((doc-1
+	 (concatenate 'string "<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=\"" *rdf-ns* "\" "
+		      "xmlns:arcs=\"http://test/arcs/\">"
+		      " <rdf:Description xml:base=\"http://base-1\"/>"
+		      " <rdf:Description xml:base=\"http://base-2#\"/>"
+		      " <rdf:Description xml:base=\"http://base-3/\"/>"
+		      "</rdf:RDF>")))
+    (let ((dom-1 (cxml:parse doc-1 (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder))))
+      (let ((rdf-node (elt (dom:child-nodes dom-1) 0)))
+	(let ((n-1 (elt (rdf-importer::child-nodes-or-text rdf-node
+							   :trim t) 0))
+	      (n-2 (elt (rdf-importer::child-nodes-or-text rdf-node
+							   :trim t) 1))
+	      (n-3 (elt (rdf-importer::child-nodes-or-text rdf-node
+							   :trim t) 2)))
+	  (is (string= (xml-tools::concatenate-uri
+			(xml-tools:get-xml-base n-1)
+			"test")
+		       "http://base-1/test"))
+	  (is (string= (xml-tools::concatenate-uri
+			(xml-tools:get-xml-base n-1)
+			"/test")
+		       "http://base-1/test"))
+	  (is (string= (xml-tools::concatenate-uri
+			(xml-tools:get-xml-base n-1)
+			"#test")
+		       "http://base-1#test"))
+	  (is (string= (xml-tools::concatenate-uri
+			(xml-tools:get-xml-base n-2)
+			"test")
+		       "http://base-2#test"))
+	  (is (string= (xml-tools::concatenate-uri
+			(xml-tools:get-xml-base n-2)
+			"#test")
+		       "http://base-2#test"))
+	  (is (string= (xml-tools::concatenate-uri
+			(xml-tools:get-xml-base n-2)
+			"/test")
+		       "http://base-2/test"))
+	  (is (string= (xml-tools::concatenate-uri
+			(xml-tools:get-xml-base n-2)
+			"/t/est")
+		       "http://base-2/t/est"))
+	  (is (string= (xml-tools::concatenate-uri
+			(xml-tools:get-xml-base n-2)
+			"t/est")
+		       "http://base-2/t/est"))
+	  (signals error (xml-tools::concatenate-uri
+			  (xml-tools:get-xml-base n-2) ""))
+	  (signals error (xml-tools::concatenate-uri
+			  "" "test"))
+	  (is (string= (xml-tools::concatenate-uri
+			(xml-tools:get-xml-base n-3)
+			"test")
+		       "http://base-3/test"))
+	  (is (string= (xml-tools::concatenate-uri
+			(xml-tools:get-xml-base n-3)
+			"#test")
+		       "http://base-3/#test"))
+	  (is (string= (xml-tools::concatenate-uri
+			(xml-tools:get-xml-base n-3)
+			"/test")
+		       "http://base-3/test")))))))
 (defun run-rdf-importer-tests()
   (when elephant:*store-controller*
@@ -3001,4 +3068,5 @@
   (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-poems-rdf-typing)
   (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-poems-rdf-topics)
   (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-empty-collection)
-  (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-collection))
\ No newline at end of file
+  (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-collection)
+  (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-xml-base))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/src/xml/xtm/tools.lisp
--- trunk/src/xml/xtm/tools.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/xml/xtm/tools.lisp	Thu Aug 13 17:19:31 2009
@@ -44,27 +44,38 @@
   "Returns a string conctenated of the absolut namespace an the given value
    separated by either '#' or '/'."
   (declare (string absolute-ns value))
-  (unless (or (> (length absolute-ns) 0)
-	      (> (length value) 0))
+  (unless (and (> (length absolute-ns) 0)
+	       (> (length value) 0))
     (error "From concatenate-uri(): absolute-ns and value must be of length > 0"))
   (unless (absolute-uri-p absolute-ns)
     (error "From concatenate-uri(): absolute-ns has to be an absolute URI: ~a" absolute-ns))
   (let ((last-char
-	 (elt absolute-ns (- (length absolute-ns) 1))))
+	 (elt absolute-ns (- (length absolute-ns) 1)))
+	(first-char
+	 (elt value 0)))
     (let ((separator
-	     ((eql last-char #\#)
-	      "#")
-	     ((eql last-char #\/)
-	      "/")
+	     ((or (eql first-char #\#)
+		  (eql first-char #\/))
+	      "")
+	     ((or (eql last-char #\#)
+		  (eql last-char #\/))
+	      "")
-	      "#")))
-	  (prep-ns
-	   (if (or (eql last-char #\#)
-		   (eql last-char #\/))
-	       (subseq absolute-ns 0 (- (length absolute-ns) 1))
-	       absolute-ns)))
-      (concatenate 'string prep-ns separator value))))
+	      "/"))))
+      (let ((prep-ns
+	     (if (and (eql last-char first-char)
+		      (or (eql last-char #\#)
+			  (eql last-char #\/)))
+		 (subseq absolute-ns 0 (- (length absolute-ns) 1))
+		 (if (and (eql last-char #\#)
+			  (find #\/ value))
+		     (progn
+		       (when (not (eql first-char #\/))
+			 (setf separator "/"))
+		       (subseq absolute-ns 0 (- (length absolute-ns) 1)))
+		     absolute-ns))))
+	(concatenate 'string prep-ns separator value)))))
 (defun absolutize-id (id xml-base tm-id)
@@ -142,9 +153,11 @@
   (declare (dom:element elem))
   (let ((new-base
 	 (let ((inner-base
-		(if (find #\# (get-ns-attribute elem "base" :ns-uri *xml-ns*))
+		(if (> (count #\# (get-ns-attribute elem "base"
+						    :ns-uri *xml-ns*))
+		       1)
 		    (error "From get-xml-base(): the base-uri ~a is not valid"
-			   (get-ns-attribute elem *xml-ns* "base"))
+			   (get-ns-attribute elem "base" :ns-uri *xml-ns*))
 		    (when (get-ns-attribute elem "base" :ns-uri *xml-ns*)
 		      (string-trim '(#\Space #\Tab #\Newline)
 				   (get-ns-attribute elem "base" :ns-uri *xml-ns*))))))
@@ -152,7 +165,6 @@
 		    (eql (elt inner-base 0) #\/))
 	       (subseq inner-base 1 (length inner-base))
     (if (or (absolute-uri-p new-base)
 	    (not old-base))

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