[ieeefp-tests-devel] Symbolic printing of well-known values

Raymond Toy toy at rtp.ericsson.se
Tue Jun 8 20:40:32 UTC 2004

>>>>> "Christophe" == Christophe Rhodes <csr21 at cam.ac.uk> writes:

    Christophe> In the long term, I enviseage that this mechanism would be replaced by
    Christophe> two things: firstly, that the tests would be preceded by an
    Christophe> automatically generated comment (or would contain a docstring)
    Christophe> describing the test: maybe something like "(atanh 0.5d0) => f00d0" as
    Christophe> a quick summary, with obvious Inf and NaN notation; secondly that the

I agree.  This is important.  I think the constants should still
remain since it still makes it easier to read the test.

    Christophe> (one other thing to bear in mind: my suspicion is that the act of
    Christophe> wanting to test ieee features will lead to a pseudo-compatibility
    Christophe> library for ieee functionality, living in ieee754-fooimpl.lisp; with
    Christophe> luck, we'll be able to find a nonhorrible API that can be written up

I'm more willing to blame the libm vendor and/or chip for problems.
I'm not really keen on implementing a compliant cosh implementation,
for example.


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