[html-template-devel] external format in an included template printer

Igor Plekhov penguin at ocean.vvo.ru
Thu Mar 1 12:15:31 UTC 2007

Function #'create-template-printer has :external-format key
parameter which is used when opening a file with a template
to be filled.

But if that file <tmpl_include>s some other file, than
:external-format supplied is not used when opening the second
file as it should be.

In #'create-template-printer-aux function #'create-template-printer
function is called with an included file only.  May be it is worth
to make a special variable like *hunchentoot-default-external-format*
for default value of :external-format parameter for
#'create-template-printer function.

In SBCL special variable sb-impl::*default-external-format* can be
binded to an external-format required as a workaround.

Registered Linux User #124759

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