[html-template-devel] Recursive templates?

Eli Naeher enaeher at onshored.com
Mon Jul 17 20:15:07 UTC 2006


I've begun using (and enjoying) the html-template package but have run up against the fact that I can't create recursive templates, apparently because TMPL_INCLUDE is evaluated before any conditionals are. Are there any patches around to implement this, or is there a workaround? I'm trying to build a tree out of nested lists, and I'd like to be able to make a template 'list-item,' looking something like:

<!-- TMPL_LOOP list-items -->
   <li><!-- TMPL_LOOP item-name -->
   <!-- TMPL_IF sub-list -->
      <!-- TMPL_LOOP sub-list -->
         <!-- TMPL_INCLUDE 'list-item' -->
      <!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->
   <!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->



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