[heresy-devel] Question about the innards of Heresy

Matt Lamari matthew.lamari at gmail.com
Fri Mar 28 17:07:53 UTC 2008

Well - the doc can be found here:  

Ultimately, there is the lazy-list class.  The different sub-classes 
exist to facilitate certain internal optimizations, e.g. getting the CDR 
of a lazy-list that's just wrapping a lisp list.

All subclasses of lazy-list are lazy-lists containing a function that 
yields a value and a "next" function.  The extra data in each subclass 
allows for optimizations in certain situations.

lazy-list-list-based  <-- kind of self-evident
lazy-list-under-cdrs <-- keeps a CDR count such that successive CDRs 
against same merely up the cdr-count.  This one may be a candidate for 

Let me know if I can be more specific in this or another direction.

Marco Antoniotti wrote:
> Hi
> I am a bit puzzled by the innards of Heresy.
> Could anybody shed a little light (and documentation :) ) on the 
> actual role of all the different delayed classes that are there?
> Thanks
> -- 
> Marco
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