[gtk-cffi-cvs] CVS gtk-cffi/gdk

CVS User rklochkov rklochkov at common-lisp.net
Mon Dec 31 13:33:38 UTC 2012

Update of /project/gtk-cffi/cvsroot/gtk-cffi/gdk
In directory tiger.common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv30885/gdk

Modified Files:
	color.lisp event.lisp keys.lisp pango.lisp 
Log Message:
Backed to CFFI 10.7 (was version from git)

--- /project/gtk-cffi/cvsroot/gtk-cffi/gdk/color.lisp	2012/08/24 19:27:54	1.9
+++ /project/gtk-cffi/cvsroot/gtk-cffi/gdk/color.lisp	2012/12/31 13:33:38	1.10
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
   (blue :int16))
 (defcfun gdk-color-parse :boolean (str :string) 
-         (color (:pointer (:struct color-struct))))
-(defcfun gdk-color-to-string :string (color (:pointer (:struct color-struct))))
+         (color :pointer))
+(defcfun gdk-color-to-string :string (color :pointer))
 (defcfun gdk-color-free :void (color :pointer))
 (define-foreign-type color-cffi (freeable)
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 (defmethod translate-to-foreign (value (type color-cffi))
   (if (pointerp value) value
-    (let ((color-st (foreign-alloc '(:struct color-struct))))
+    (let ((color-st (foreign-alloc (cffi-objects::struct-type 'color-struct))))
       (gdk-color-parse (string value) color-st)
@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@
   (:actual-type :pointer)
   (:simple-parser prgba))
-(defcfun gdk-rgba-parse :boolean (color (:pointer (:struct rgba-struct))) 
+(defcfun gdk-rgba-parse :boolean (color :pointer)
          (str :string))
-(defcfun gdk-rgba-to-string :string (color (:pointer (:struct rgba-struct))))
+(defcfun gdk-rgba-to-string :string (color :pointer))
 (defcfun gdk-rgba-free :void (color :pointer))
 (defmethod free-ptr ((class (eql 'rgba-cffi)) ptr)
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
 (defmethod translate-to-foreign (value (type rgba-cffi))
   (if (pointerp value) value
-    (let ((color-st (foreign-alloc '(:pointer (:struct rgba-struct)))))
+    (let ((color-st (foreign-alloc :pointer)))
       (assert (gdk-rgba-parse color-st (string value)) (value) 
               "Bad RGBA color") 
--- /project/gtk-cffi/cvsroot/gtk-cffi/gdk/event.lisp	2012/10/07 12:02:11	1.5
+++ /project/gtk-cffi/cvsroot/gtk-cffi/gdk/event.lisp	2012/12/31 13:33:38	1.6
@@ -120,14 +120,13 @@
 (defctype region :pointer) ;; = GdkRegion*
-(defcstruct event-expose
-  ""
-  (type event-type)
+(defcstruct* event-expose
+  (event-expose-type event-type)
   (window window)
   (send-event :int8)
   (area (:struct rectangle))
   (region region)
-  (count :int))
+  (event-expose-count :int))
 (defcenum visibility-state
   :unobscured :partial :obscured)
@@ -237,7 +236,7 @@
   (send-event :int8)
   (message-tyoe gdk-atom)
   (data-format :ushort)
-  (data (:union client-data-union)))
+  (data client-data-union)) ; :union
 (defcstruct event-no-expose
@@ -292,26 +291,26 @@
 (defcunion event
   (type event-type)
-  (any (:struct event-any))
-  (expose (:struct event-expose))
-  (no-expose (:struct event-no-expose))
-  (visibility (:struct event-visibility))
-  (motion (:struct event-motion))
-  (button (:struct event-button))
-  (scroll (:struct event-scroll))
-  (key (:struct event-key))
-  (crossing (:struct event-crossing))
-  (focus-change (:struct event-focus))
-  (configure (:struct event-configure))
-  (property (:struct event-property))
-  (selection (:struct event-selection))
-  (owner-change (:struct event-owner-change))
-  (proximity (:struct event-proximity))
-  (client (:struct event-client))
-  (dnd (:struct event-dnd))
-  (window-state (:struct event-window-state))
-  (setting (:struct event-setting))
-  (grab-broken (:struct event-grab-broken)))
+  (any event-any)
+  (expose event-expose)
+  (no-expose event-no-expose)
+  (visibility event-visibility)
+  (motion event-motion)
+  (button event-button)
+  (scroll event-scroll)
+  (key event-key)
+  (crossing event-crossing)
+  (focus-change event-focus)
+  (configure event-configure)
+  (property event-property)
+  (selection event-selection)
+  (owner-change event-owner-change)
+  (proximity event-proximity)
+  (client event-client)
+  (dnd event-dnd)
+  (window-state event-window-state)
+  (setting event-setting)
+  (grab-broken event-grab-broken))
 (defclass event (object)
   ((event-type :accessor event-type)))
@@ -320,7 +319,7 @@
   :after ((event event)
           &key pointer &allow-other-keys)
   (setf (event-type event)
-        (case (foreign-slot-value pointer '(:union event) 'type)
+        (case (foreign-slot-value pointer 'event 'type) ; :union
           ((:nothing :delete :destroy :map :unmap) 'event-any)
           (:expose 'event-expose)
           (:motion-notify 'event-motion)
@@ -348,7 +347,8 @@
           (t 'event-any))))
 (defmethod get-slot ((event event) field)
-  (foreign-slot-value (pointer event) (list :struct (event-type event))
+  (foreign-slot-value (pointer event) 
+                      (cffi-objects::struct-type (event-type event))
                       (find-symbol (string field) :gdk-cffi)))
 (defun parse-event (ev-pointer field)
--- /project/gtk-cffi/cvsroot/gtk-cffi/gdk/keys.lisp	2012/08/19 16:22:30	1.7
+++ /project/gtk-cffi/cvsroot/gtk-cffi/gdk/keys.lisp	2012/12/31 13:33:38	1.8
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
   (level :int))
 (defgdkfuns keymap
-  (lookup-key :uint (key (:pointer (:struct keymap-key))))
+  (lookup-key :uint (key :pointer))
   (:get direction pango-cffi:direction)
   (have-bidi-layouts :boolean)
   (:get caps-lock-state :boolean)
--- /project/gtk-cffi/cvsroot/gtk-cffi/gdk/pango.lisp	2012/08/24 19:27:54	1.10
+++ /project/gtk-cffi/cvsroot/gtk-cffi/gdk/pango.lisp	2012/12/31 13:33:38	1.11
@@ -168,45 +168,45 @@
     :rise :shape :scale :fallback :letter-spacing :underline-color
     :strikethrough-color :absolute-size :gravity :gravity-hint))
-(defcstruct attribute
+(defcstruct* attribute
   (klass (:pointer attr-type))
   (start-index :uint)
   (end-index :uint))
-(defcstruct attr-string
+(defcstruct* attr-string
   (attr (:struct attribute))
   (value :string))
-(defcstruct attr-language
+(defcstruct* attr-language
   (attr (:struct attribute))
   (value language))
-(defcstruct color
+(defcstruct* color
   (red :uint16)
   (green :uint16)
   (blue :uint16))
-(defcstruct attr-color
+(defcstruct* attr-color
   (attr (:struct attribute))
   (value (:struct color)))
-(defcstruct attr-int
+(defcstruct* attr-int
   (attr (:struct attribute))
   (value :int))
-(defcstruct attr-float
+(defcstruct* attr-float
   (attr (:struct attribute))
   (value :float))
-(defcstruct attr-font-desc
+(defcstruct* attr-font-desc
   (attr (:struct attribute))
   (value font))
-(defcstruct rectangle
+(defcstruct* rectangle
   (x :int) (y :int)
   (width :int) (height :int))
-(defcstruct attr-shape
+(defcstruct* attr-shape
   (attr (:struct attribute))
   (ink (:struct rectangle))
   (logical (:struct rectangle))
@@ -214,13 +214,13 @@
   (copy-func :pointer)
   (destroy-func :pointer))
-(defcstruct attr-size
+(defcstruct* attr-size
   (attr (:struct attribute))
   (size :int)
   (absolute :uint))
 (defun rect->list (rect)
-  (with-foreign-slots ((x y width height) rect (:struct rectangle))
+  (with-foreign-slots ((x y width height) rect rectangle) ; :struct
     (list x y width height)))
 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
@@ -244,35 +244,39 @@
   (case type
     ((:style :weight :variant :stretch :underline :gravity :gravity-hint)
-      value `(:struct ,(intern (symbol-name type) #.*package*))))
+      value `(cffi-objects::struct-type 
+              ,(intern (symbol-name type) #.*package*))))
     ((:strikethrough :fallback) (convert-from-foreign value :boolean))
     (t value)))
 (defun attr->list (attr)
-  (let* ((type (mem-ref (foreign-slot-value attr '(:struct attribute) 'klass) 
+  (let* ((type (mem-ref (foreign-slot-value 
+                         attr (cffi-objects::struct-type 'attribute) 'klass)
          (tail-type (attr->type type)))
-    (with-foreign-slots ((start-index end-index) attr (:struct attribute))
+    (with-foreign-slots ((start-index end-index) attr attribute) ; :struct
       (list* type start-index end-index
              (ecase tail-type
                ((attr-language attr-string attr-font-desc attr-float)
-                (list (foreign-slot-value attr `(:struct ,tail-type) 'value)))
+                (list (foreign-slot-value 
+                       attr (cffi-objects::struct-type tail-type) 'value)))
                (attr-int (list (translate-to-enum
-                                (foreign-slot-value attr `(:struct ,tail-type)
-                                                    'value))))
+                                (foreign-slot-value 
+                                 attr (cffi-objects::struct-type tail-type)
+                                 'value))))
                (attr-color (with-foreign-slots 
                                ((red green blue) 
-                                (foreign-slot-value attr
-                                                    '(:struct attr-color)
-                                                    'value)
-                                (:struct color))
+                                (foreign-slot-value 
+                                 attr (cffi-objects::struct-type 'attr-color)
+                                 'value)
+                                color) ; :struct
                              (list red green blue)))
                (attr-size (list (foreign-slot-value attr tail-type 'size)))
-                (with-foreign-slots ((ink logical) attr (:struct attr-shape))
+                (with-foreign-slots ((ink logical) attr attr-shape) ; :struct
                   (list (rect->list ink) (rect->list logical)))))))))
@@ -290,15 +294,15 @@
              (:scale :double)
              (t (intern (symbol-name type) #.*package*)))))
     `(defcfun ,(symbolicate 'pango-attr- attr '-new) 
-         (:pointer (:struct ,(attr->type attr))) (value ,(in-type attr)))))
+         :pointer (value ,(in-type attr)))))
 (template attr (:foreground :background :strikethrough-color :underline-color)
   `(defcfun ,(symbolicate 'pango-attr- attr '-new) 
-       (:pointer (:struct attr-color)) (red :uint16) (green :uint16)
+       (struct attr-color) (red :uint16) (green :uint16)
        (blue :uint16)))
 (defcfun ("pango_attr_size_new_absolute" pango-attr-absolute-size-new) 
-    (:pointer (:struct attr-size)) (size :int))
+    (struct attr-size) (size :int))
 (define-foreign-type rect-list (freeable)
@@ -306,8 +310,8 @@
   (:actual-type :pointer))
 (defmethod translate-to-foreign (value (type rect-list))
-  (let ((ptr (foreign-alloc '(:pointer (:struct rectangle)))))
-    (with-foreign-slots ((x y width height) ptr (:struct rectangle))
+  (let ((ptr (foreign-alloc :pointer)))
+    (with-foreign-slots ((x y width height) ptr rectangle) ; :struct
       (destructuring-bind (new-x new-y new-width new-height) value
         (setf x new-x
               y new-y
@@ -316,7 +320,7 @@
-(defcfun pango-attr-shape-new (:pointer (:struct attr-shape)) 
+(defcfun pango-attr-shape-new :pointer
   (ink rect-list) (logical rect-list))
 (define-foreign-type attr-list (freeable)
@@ -362,9 +366,9 @@
                                                  'pango-attr- x '-new))))
                     (cdr (foreign-enum-keyword-list 'attr-type)))))
-      (setf (foreign-slot-value ptr '(:struct attribute) 
+      (setf (foreign-slot-value ptr (cffi-objects::struct-type 'attribute)
                                 'start-index) start-index
-            (foreign-slot-value ptr '(:struct attribute) 
+            (foreign-slot-value ptr (cffi-objects::struct-type 'attribute) 
                                 'end-index) end-index)

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