[gtk-cffi-cvs] CVS gtk-cffi/gtk

CVS User rklochkov rklochkov at common-lisp.net
Sat Sep 17 20:04:56 UTC 2011

Update of /project/gtk-cffi/cvsroot/gtk-cffi/gtk
In directory tiger.common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv18018/gtk

Modified Files:
	gtk-cffi.asd text-tag.lisp text-view.lisp widget.lisp 
Added Files:
Log Message:
Fix struct in array processing

--- /project/gtk-cffi/cvsroot/gtk-cffi/gtk/gtk-cffi.asd	2011/09/16 17:58:33	1.7
+++ /project/gtk-cffi/cvsroot/gtk-cffi/gtk/gtk-cffi.asd	2011/09/17 20:04:56	1.8
@@ -308,6 +308,7 @@
   :depends-on (gtk-cffi-text-buffer)
   ((:file text-tag)
+   (:file text-mark)
    (:file text-view :depends-on (text-tag))))
 (defsystem gtk-cffi-combo-box
--- /project/gtk-cffi/cvsroot/gtk-cffi/gtk/text-tag.lisp	2011/09/16 17:58:33	1.1
+++ /project/gtk-cffi/cvsroot/gtk-cffi/gtk/text-tag.lisp	2011/09/17 20:04:56	1.2
@@ -4,4 +4,48 @@
 (defcenum wrap-mode
-  :none :char :word :word-char)
\ No newline at end of file
+  :none :char :word :word-char)
+(defclass text-appearance (struct)
+  ())
+(defcstruct* text-appearance
+  (bg-color pcolor)
+  (fg-color pcolor)
+  (rise :int)
+  (bitfield :unsigned-char))
+(defbitaccessors text-appearance bitfield
+  (underline :int 4)
+  (strikethrough :boolean 1)
+  (draw-bg :boolean 1)
+  (inside-selection :boolean 1)
+  (is-text :boolean 1))
+(defclass text-attributes (struct)
+  ())
+(defcstruct* text-attributes
+  (appearance (struct text-appearance))
+  (justification justification)
+  (direction text-direction)
+  (text-attributes-font pango-cffi:font)
+  (font-scale :double)
+  (left-margin :int)
+  (right-margin :int)
+  (indent :int)
+  (pixels-above-lines :int)
+  (pixels-below-lines :int)
+  (pixels-inside-wrap :int)
+  (tabs pango-cffi:tab-array)
+  (wrap-mode wrap-mode)
+  (language :pointer)
+  (bitfield :char))
+(defbitaccessors text-attributes bitfield
+  (invisible :boolean 1)
+  (bg-full-height :boolean 1)
+  (editable :boolean 1))
--- /project/gtk-cffi/cvsroot/gtk-cffi/gtk/text-view.lisp	2011/09/16 17:58:33	1.2
+++ /project/gtk-cffi/cvsroot/gtk-cffi/gtk/text-view.lisp	2011/09/17 20:04:56	1.3
@@ -32,10 +32,49 @@
     indent :int
     tabs pango-cffi:tab-array
     accepts-tab :boolean)
 (remove-setter text-view buffer) ; already in gconstructor
+(defgtkfuns text-view
+  (scroll-to-mark :void 
+                  (text-mark pobject) (within-margin :double)
+                  (use-align :boolean) (xalign :double) (yalign :double))
+  (scroll-to-iter :void 
+                  (text-iter pobject) (within-margin :double)
+                  (use-align :boolean) (xalign :double) (yalign :double))
+  (scroll-mark-onscreen :void (text-mark pobject))
+  (move-mark-onscreen :boolean (text-mark pobject))
+  (place-cursor-onscreen :boolean)
+  ((text-view-window . get-window) pobject (win text-window-type))
+  (:get window-type text-window-type (window pobject))
+  (:get border-window-size :int (type text-window-type))
+  (:set-last border-window-size :int (type text-window-type))
+  (forward-display-line :boolean (text-iter pobject))
+  (backward-display-line :boolean (text-iter pobject))
+  (forward-display-line-end :boolean (text-iter pobject))
+  (backward-display-line-start :boolean (text-iter pobject))
+  (starts-display-line :boolean (text-iter pobject))
+  (move-visually :boolean (text-iter pobject) (count :int))
+  (add-child-at-anchor :void (child pobject) (anchor pobject))
+  (add-child-in-window :void 
+                       (child pobject) (win text-window-type)
+                       (xpos :int) (ypos :int))
+  (move-child :void (child pobject) (xpos :int) (ypos :int))
+  (default-attributes (struct text-attributes :free t)))
+(defclass text-child-anchor (g-object)
+  ())
+(defcfun gtk-text-child-anchor-new :pointer)
+(defmethod gconstructor ((text-child-anchor text-child-anchor) &key 
+                         &allow-other-keys)
+  (gtk-text-child-anchor-new))
+(defgtkgetter widgets g-list-object text-child-anchor)
 (init-slots text-view)
--- /project/gtk-cffi/cvsroot/gtk-cffi/gtk/widget.lisp	2011/09/10 16:26:11	1.5
+++ /project/gtk-cffi/cvsroot/gtk-cffi/gtk/widget.lisp	2011/09/17 20:04:56	1.6
@@ -214,7 +214,6 @@
   (child-focus :boolean (direction direction-type))
   (child-notify :void (child-property :string))
   (freeze-child-notify :void)
-;(defgtkgetter window pobject widget)
   (:get settings pobject)
   (:get clipboard pobject (selection gatom))
   (:get display pobject)
@@ -240,24 +239,26 @@
   (device-is-shadowed :boolean (device pobject))
   (reset-style :void)
   (queue-compute-expand :void)
-  (compute-expand :boolean (orientation orientation)))
+  (compute-expand :boolean (orientation orientation))
+  (:set-last device-events event-mask (device pobject))
+  (:set-last device-enabled :boolean (device pobject)))
 (setf (documentation 'clipboard 'function) 
       "SELECTION should be :PRIMARY or :CLIPOARD")
-(defcfun gtk-widget-set-device-events :void
-  (widget pobject) (device pobject) (events event-mask))
+;; (defcfun gtk-widget-set-device-events :void
+;;   (widget pobject) (device pobject) (events event-mask))
-(defgeneric (setf device-events) (events widget device))
-(defmethod (setf device-events) (events (widget widget) device)
-  (gtk-widget-set-device-events widget device events))
-(defcfun gtk-widget-set-device-enabled :void
-  (widget pobject) (device pobject) (enabled :boolean))
-(defgeneric (setf device-enabled) (enable widget device))
-(defmethod (setf device-enabled) (enabled (widget widget) device)
-  (gtk-widget-set-device-enabled widget device enabled))
+;; (defgeneric (setf device-events) (events widget device))
+;; (defmethod (setf device-events) (events (widget widget) device)
+;;   (gtk-widget-set-device-events widget device events))
+;; (defcfun gtk-widget-set-device-enabled :void
+;;   (widget pobject) (device pobject) (enabled :boolean))
+;; (defgeneric (setf device-enabled) (enable widget device))
+;; (defmethod (setf device-enabled) (enabled (widget widget) device)
+;;   (gtk-widget-set-device-enabled widget device enabled))
 (defcfun ("gtk_widget_pop_composite_child" pop-composite-child) :void)
 (defcfun ("gtk_widget_push_composite_child" push-composite-child) :void)

--- /project/gtk-cffi/cvsroot/gtk-cffi/gtk/text-mark.lisp	2011/09/17 20:04:56	NONE
+++ /project/gtk-cffi/cvsroot/gtk-cffi/gtk/text-mark.lisp	2011/09/17 20:04:56	1.1
(in-package :gtk-cffi)

(defclass text-mark (g-object)

(defcfun gtk-text-mark-new :pointer (name gtk-string) (left-gravity :boolean))

(defmethod gconstructor ((text-mark text-mark) &key name left-gravity
  (gtk-text-mark-new name left-gravity))

(defgtkslot text-mark visible :boolean)

(defgtkfuns text-mark
  (:get deleted :boolean)
  (:get name gtk-string)
  (:get buffer pobject)
  (:get left-gravity :boolean))

(init-slots text-mark)

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