[Gsll-devel] practical differences between native CL array and the GSLL marray type?

Malcolm Reynolds malcolm.reynolds at gmail.com
Sat Apr 11 12:12:25 UTC 2009

Hi all, hope this is the right place for this kind of request.

I'm writing a program which will be doing Machine Learning over graph
data structures. In it I'm going to be needing to represent a bunch of
matrices, some sparse, some definitely not sparse, and do fairly basic
operations on these matrices (add/ subtract/multiply, pseudoinverse,
probably some others). I've started a basic prototype using the
standard CL arrays but I always knew I would need GSLL to calculate a
pseudo inverse.

My question is, would it be a reasonably sensible decision to just use
marrays for the whole program rather than worrying
about converting to/ from CL-type arrays all the time? Are there any
places where CL-arrays beat marrays either in terms of memory usage,
access speed, or anything else? I might be needing to scale this
system up be dealing with N*N square matrices where N is on the order
of hundreds of thousands or even millions, if that makes any
difference to the recommendation.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Malcolm Reynolds

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