[Gsll-devel] Fwd: keeping m-variables in closures

Liam Healy lhealy at common-lisp.net
Wed Aug 6 23:14:42 UTC 2008


If you can't enclose everything dynamically within a letm, then using
#'data to get the CL array is the way to go.  You need to then
recreate the GSLL object with another letm when needed.  You'll just
wrap in a letm when you need to call GSL functions. You can do the
same now, but it requires using #'data to pull out the CL array.  When
you need to use it again, don't try to reuse the gsl-data object, make
a new one based on the CL array you pulled out previously.


(P.S. You can macroexpand your letms and see how it works with
allocation and freers, but I recommend you stay away from that
approach.  You can work outside a letm now, but it's not fun, and the
ffa-based GSLL won't permit it.)

On Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 12:50 PM, Mirko Vukovic <mirko.vukovic at gmail.com> wrote:
> good news/bad news: the data command seems to preserve the values of the
> m-variables.  But for some reason, the pointer field of those variables is
> now null.  So, while the data is still accessible from the closure, it
> cannot be used with gsl because the pointer information used by gsl to
> access it is missing.
> I think that I am looking for the following type of functionality: we create
> an LU decomposition within a closure, and than can apply it for multiple
> solutions, inverse, determinant, etc.  Here is a sample idea (untested):
> (defun lu-closure (mat)
>   (letm ((mat* (matrix-double-float mat))
>      (dim (array-dimension mat 0))
>      (per* (permutation dim)))
>     (lu-decomp mmat* per*)
>     (lambda (command &rest args)
>       (case command
>     (:invert (letm ((inv* (matrix-double-float dim dim)))
>            (lu-invert mmat* per* inv*)
>            (data inv*)))
>     (:solve (letm ((rhs* (first args))
>                (x* (vector-double-float dim)))
>           (lu-solve mmat* per* rhs* x*)
>           (data x*)))))))
> (One could of course, just return and save the matrix and permutation
> vector, and apply them subsequently.  I'm not sure which is the more lispy
> way)
> Mirko
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Mirko Vukovic <mirko.vukovic at gmail.com>
> Date: Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 11:12 AM
> Subject: Fwd: keeping m-variables in closures
> To: gsll-devel at common-lisp.net
> Actually something else may be going on here, because the m-variable x can
> be accessed later on.    I thought that maybe calls to lu-solve may
> obliterate mmat and mrhs but that does not seem to be the case - I commented
> those calls out, but mmat and mrhs are still nils.
> Mirko
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Mirko Vukovic <mirko.vukovic at gmail.com>
> Date: Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 11:01 AM
> Subject: keeping m-variables in closures
> To: gsll-devel at common-lisp.net
> Hello folks
> (the following is not a showstopper, but I am just curious).
> I am trying to define a closure (still doing LU decompositions and matrix
> solutions), and would like to keep some of the variables around for further
> processing.   Here is one example
> (defun parallel-plate-equilibrium (eps0 T0 eps1- eps1+ eps2 T2
>                    &key (q1 0d0))
>   (letm ((dim 5)
>      (mat (make-array (list dim dim)
>                 :element-type 'double-float
>                 :initial-contents
>                 (list (list 1d0 (1- eps0) 0d0 0d0 0d0)
>                   (list (1- eps1-) 1d0 0d0 0d0 (0- eps1-))
>                   (list 0d0 0d0 1d0 (1- eps1+) (0- eps1+))
>                   (list 0d0 0d0 (1- eps2) 1d0 0d0)
>                   (list (0- eps1-) 0d0 0d0 (0- eps1+) (+ eps1- eps1+)))))
>      (mmat (matrix-double-float mat))
> ;;     (mmat0 mmat)
>      (rhs (make-array dim
>               :element-type 'double-float
>               :initial-contents (list (st4 T0 eps0) 0d0 0d0
>                           (st4 T2 eps2) q1)))
>      (mrhs (vector-double-float rhs))
>      (per (permutation dim))
>      (res (vector-double-float dim))
>      (0-vec (vector-double-float (make-array dim
>                          :initial-element 0d0)))
>      (x (vector-double-float dim)))
>     (lu-decomp mmat per)
>     (lu-solve mmat per mrhs x)
>     (data x)
>     (lambda (command)
>       (case command
>     ;; these two will fail because mmat, mrhs, mmat0 are nil
>     ;;    (:solve (lu-solve mmat per mrhs x))
>     ;;    (:check (gemv :notrans 1d0 mmat0 x 0d0 0-vec))
>     (:mat mat)
>     (:rhs rhs)
>     (:temp (expt (/ (aref (data x) 4)
>             +sigma+)
>              0.25))
>     (:fluxes (data x))))))
> However, it seems that gsll's variables are discarded once the letm form is
> done (as per documentation, and also with macroexpansion).  But the code for
> letm mentions some "freers", which gave me hope that I can specify the freer
> as NIL.  But I could not figure that one out quite yet.  So, is it possible
> to save some of gsll's variables for later use?
> Thanks,
> Mirko
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