[gsharp-devel] saving score

bgruber bgruber at nyu.edu
Fri Jun 1 08:20:31 UTC 2007

well, the summer of code is in full swing, and no sooner have a I dug
myself into the gsharp code than I find myself stuck in a hole - I can't
open gsharp scores that I save. Looking into it further, I discovered
that the problem is with the actual scores themselves. I've attached a
copy of a simple, one-note score. You can see that in some places the
class names are being printed after the first slot, like

   :staves (#1=[
                :name "default staff" GSHARP-BUFFER:FIVELINE-STAFF
                  :clef [:name :TREBLE GSHARP-BUFFER:CLEF :lineno 2 ]

changing this (and similar errors) I can load up the file, so it's not
stopping me in my tracks nearly as much as I thought.

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