[gsharp-devel] suggested change of terminology

Robert Strandh strandh at labri.fr
Thu Aug 3 19:15:54 UTC 2006

Eolin KB writes:
 > EMJ: The possibility of having a staff without a clef is desirable.

Currently, there must at least be a virtual one that determines the
placement of a notehead as a function of the pitch, since the pitch is
what is intrinsic to notes.  I suggest making this a rendering option

 > > I agree.  I suggest introducing a "transpose interval" to a clef that
 > > will handle that, and that will initially be 0 (is it possible to
 > > indicate it with a numeric value?),
 > EMJ: Yes, for example in semitone steps, e.g. clarinet in Bb would have -2. 
 > Some scores have this number (2) written below the clef; it is not to be 
 > considered a standard, though, as is the case of octave transposing 
 > instruments.

I guess you are right.  If we restrict ourselves to key signatures
with up to 6 alterations, then with the exception of F# and Gb, a
given piano key has a unique key signature. 

 > > and that can be altered.  It would probably be nice if the input method 
 > > could either take that interval
 > > into account (for people who think about pitch rather than notation)
 > > or not (for the others).
 > EMJ: Normally not, if I understand you right. When you are working on a 
 > transposing score and want to input notes in a part for e.g. trumpet in Bb, 
 > you usually want to input the tranposed notes and not the sounding ones. 
 > That is, you want to type c for getting a written C inserted though it will 
 > sound a Bb when played. But if the mentioned feature is optional, why not? 
 > Some may perhaps become very happy with it.

I would be one of those.  Otherwise, I would have to first transpose
in my head, only to have the software undo it.  But I can see how
players of such transposed instruments think "C" when the sound of a
Bb is heard.  That must be a nightmare for people with perfect pitch,

Robert Strandh

Greenspun's Tenth Rule of Programming: any sufficiently complicated C
or Fortran program contains an ad hoc informally-specified bug-ridden
slow implementation of half of Common Lisp.

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