[gsharp-devel] Clefs

Eolin KB eolin at telia.com
Thu Aug 3 11:01:06 UTC 2006


While we are at clefs, I suggest the handling of the following in Gsharp:

French violin clef
(= G clef on the first staff line)

Crotales clef
(= G clef on the second staff line with the number 15 above)

Xylophone clef
(= G clef on the second staff line with the number 8 above)

Treble clef
(= G clef on the second staff line)

Guitar clef
(= G clef on the second staff line with the number 8 below)

Soprano clef
(= C clef on the first staff line)

Mezzosoprano clef
(= C clef on the second staff line)

Alto clef
(= C clef on the third staff line)

Tenor clef
(= C clef on the fourth staff line)

Baritone C clef
(= C clef on the fifth staff line)

Baritone F clef
(= F clef on the third staff line)

Bass clef
(= F clef on the fourth staff line)

Sub-bass clef
(= F clef on the fifth staff line)

Modern celesta clef
(= F clef on the fourth staff line with the number 15 above)

Old celesta clef
(= F clef on the fourth staff line with the number 8 above)

Contrabass clef
(= F clef on the fourth staff line with the number 8 below)

Unpitched percussion clefs
(at least the "two-bars clef" and the "box clef")

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