[gsharp-cvs] CVS gsharp

rstrandh rstrandh at common-lisp.net
Tue Jan 16 05:17:42 UTC 2007

Update of /project/gsharp/cvsroot/gsharp
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv19540

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Replaced (current-buffer *application-frame*) by (current-buffer) as 
required by ESA now.  

Also, untabified to make editing with Climacs easier. 

--- /project/gsharp/cvsroot/gsharp/gui.lisp	2006/11/16 12:58:23	1.73
+++ /project/gsharp/cvsroot/gsharp/gui.lisp	2007/01/16 05:17:40	1.74
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
 (defun make-initial-cursor (buffer)
   (let* ((segment (segmentno buffer 0))
-	 (layer (layerno segment 0))
-	 (slice (body layer))
-	 (bar (barno slice 0)))
+         (layer (layerno segment 0))
+         (slice (body layer))
+         (bar (barno slice 0)))
   (make-cursor bar 0)))
 (defclass gsharp-minibuffer-pane (minibuffer-pane)
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 (defclass gsharp-pane-mixin () ())
 (defclass gsharp-pane (score-pane:score-pane gsharp-pane-mixin)
-  ((view :initarg :view :accessor view)))	  
+  ((view :initarg :view :accessor view)))         
 (defvar *info-bg-color* +gray85+)
 (defvar *info-fg-color* +black+)
@@ -45,82 +45,82 @@
 (defun display-info (frame pane)
   (declare (ignore frame))
   (let* ((master-pane (master-pane pane))
-	 (view (view master-pane))
-	 (buffer (buffer view)))
+         (view (view master-pane))
+         (buffer (buffer view)))
     (princ "   " pane)
     (princ (cond ((and (needs-saving buffer)
-		       (read-only-p buffer)
-		       "%*"))
-		 ((needs-saving buffer) "**")
-		 ((read-only-p buffer) "%%")
-		 (t "--"))
-	   pane)
+                       (read-only-p buffer)
+                       "%*"))
+                 ((needs-saving buffer) "**")
+                 ((read-only-p buffer) "%%")
+                 (t "--"))
+           pane)
     (princ "  " pane)
     (with-text-face (pane :bold)
       (format pane "~25A" (name buffer)))
     (princ "  " pane)
     (format pane "[~a/~a]"
-	    (score-pane:current-page-number view)
-	    (score-pane:number-of-pages view))
+            (score-pane:current-page-number view)
+            (score-pane:number-of-pages view))
     (princ "  " pane)
     (with-text-family (pane :sans-serif)
       (princ (if (recordingp *application-frame*)
-		 "Def"
-		 "")
-	     pane))))
+                 "Def"
+                 "")
+             pane))))
 (define-application-frame gsharp (esa-frame-mixin
-				  standard-application-frame)
+                                  standard-application-frame)
   ((views :initarg :views :initform '() :accessor views)
    (input-state :initarg :input-state :accessor input-state))
   (:menu-bar menubar-command-table :height 25)
   (:pointer-documentation t)
    (score (let* ((win (make-pane 'gsharp-pane
-				 :width 400 :height 500
-				 :name "score"
-				 ;; :incremental-redisplay t
-				 :double-buffering t
-				 :display-function 'display-score
-				 :command-table 'total-melody-table))
-		 (info (make-pane 'gsharp-info-pane
-				  :master-pane win
-				  :background *info-bg-color*
-				  :foreground *info-fg-color*)))
-	    (setf (windows *application-frame*) (list win))
-	    (setf (view win) (car (views *application-frame*)))
-	    (vertically () 
-	      (scrolling (:width 750 :height 500
-			  :min-height 400 :max-height 20000)
-		win)
-	      info)))
+                                 :width 400 :height 500
+                                 :name "score"
+                                 ;; :incremental-redisplay t
+                                 :double-buffering t
+                                 :display-function 'display-score
+                                 :command-table 'total-melody-table))
+                 (info (make-pane 'gsharp-info-pane
+                                  :master-pane win
+                                  :background *info-bg-color*
+                                  :foreground *info-fg-color*)))
+            (setf (windows *application-frame*) (list win))
+            (setf (view win) (car (views *application-frame*)))
+            (vertically () 
+              (scrolling (:width 750 :height 500
+                          :min-height 400 :max-height 20000)
+                win)
+              info)))
    (state (make-pane 'score-pane:score-pane
-		     :width 50 :height 200
-		     :name "state"
-		     :display-function 'display-state))
+                     :width 50 :height 200
+                     :name "state"
+                     :display-function 'display-state))
    (element (make-pane 'score-pane:score-pane
-		       :width 50 :height 300
-		       :min-height 100 :max-height 20000
-		       :name "element"
-		       :display-function 'display-element))
+                       :width 50 :height 300
+                       :min-height 100 :max-height 20000
+                       :name "element"
+                       :display-function 'display-element))
    (interactor (make-pane 'gsharp-minibuffer-pane :width 900)))
      (vertically ()
        (horizontally ()
-	 (vertically ()
-		     (scrolling (:width 80 :height 200) state)
-		     (scrolling (:width 80 :height 300
-				 :min-height 300 :max-height 20000)
-				element)))
+         (vertically ()
+                     (scrolling (:width 80 :height 200) state)
+                     (scrolling (:width 80 :height 300
+                                 :min-height 300 :max-height 20000)
+                                element)))
   (:top-level (esa-top-level)))
 (defmethod buffers ((application-frame gsharp))
   (remove-duplicates (mapcar (lambda (window) (buffer (view window)))
-			     (windows application-frame))
-		     :test #'eq))
+                             (windows application-frame))
+                     :test #'eq))
 (defmethod frame-current-buffer ((application-frame gsharp))
   (buffer (view (car (windows application-frame)))))
@@ -136,56 +136,56 @@
   (let ((state (input-state *application-frame*)))
     (score-pane:with-score-pane pane
       (score-pane:with-staff-size 10
-	(score-pane:with-vertical-score-position (pane 100)
-	  (let ((xpos 30))
-	    (score-pane:draw-notehead pane (notehead state) xpos 4)
-	    (when (not (eq (notehead state) :whole))
-	      (when (or (eq (stem-direction state) :auto)
-			(eq (stem-direction state) :down))
-		(when (eq (notehead state) :filled)
-		  (score-pane:with-notehead-left-offsets (left down)
-		    (declare (ignore down))
-		    (let ((x (+ xpos left)))
-		      (loop repeat (rbeams state)
-			    for staff-step from -4 by 2 do
-			    (score-pane:draw-beam pane x staff-step 0 (+ x 10) staff-step 0))
-		      (loop repeat (lbeams state)
-			    for staff-step from -4 by 2 do
-			    (score-pane:draw-beam pane (- x 10) staff-step 0 x staff-step 0)))))
-		(score-pane:draw-left-stem pane xpos (- (score-pane:staff-step 4)) (- (score-pane:staff-step -4))))
-	      (when (or (eq (stem-direction state) :auto)
-			(eq (stem-direction state) :up))
-		(when (eq (notehead state) :filled)
-		  (score-pane:with-notehead-right-offsets (right up)
-		    (declare (ignore up))
-		    (let ((x (+ xpos right)))
-		      (loop repeat (rbeams state)
-			    for staff-step downfrom 12 by 2 do
-			    (score-pane:draw-beam pane x staff-step 0 (+ x 10) staff-step 0))
-		      (loop repeat (lbeams state)
-			    for staff-step downfrom 12 by 2 do
-			    (score-pane:draw-beam pane (- x 10) staff-step 0 x staff-step 0)))))
-		(score-pane:draw-right-stem pane xpos (- (score-pane:staff-step 4)) (- (score-pane:staff-step 12)))))
-	    (score-pane:with-notehead-right-offsets (right up)
-	      (declare (ignore up))
-	      (loop repeat (dots state)
-		    for dx from (+ right 5) by 5 do
-		    (score-pane:draw-dot pane (+ xpos dx) 4)))))))))
+        (score-pane:with-vertical-score-position (pane 100)
+          (let ((xpos 30))
+            (score-pane:draw-notehead pane (notehead state) xpos 4)
+            (when (not (eq (notehead state) :whole))
+              (when (or (eq (stem-direction state) :auto)
+                        (eq (stem-direction state) :down))
+                (when (eq (notehead state) :filled)
+                  (score-pane:with-notehead-left-offsets (left down)
+                    (declare (ignore down))
+                    (let ((x (+ xpos left)))
+                      (loop repeat (rbeams state)
+                            for staff-step from -4 by 2 do
+                            (score-pane:draw-beam pane x staff-step 0 (+ x 10) staff-step 0))
+                      (loop repeat (lbeams state)
+                            for staff-step from -4 by 2 do
+                            (score-pane:draw-beam pane (- x 10) staff-step 0 x staff-step 0)))))
+                (score-pane:draw-left-stem pane xpos (- (score-pane:staff-step 4)) (- (score-pane:staff-step -4))))
+              (when (or (eq (stem-direction state) :auto)
+                        (eq (stem-direction state) :up))
+                (when (eq (notehead state) :filled)
+                  (score-pane:with-notehead-right-offsets (right up)
+                    (declare (ignore up))
+                    (let ((x (+ xpos right)))
+                      (loop repeat (rbeams state)
+                            for staff-step downfrom 12 by 2 do
+                            (score-pane:draw-beam pane x staff-step 0 (+ x 10) staff-step 0))
+                      (loop repeat (lbeams state)
+                            for staff-step downfrom 12 by 2 do
+                            (score-pane:draw-beam pane (- x 10) staff-step 0 x staff-step 0)))))
+                (score-pane:draw-right-stem pane xpos (- (score-pane:staff-step 4)) (- (score-pane:staff-step 12)))))
+            (score-pane:with-notehead-right-offsets (right up)
+              (declare (ignore up))
+              (loop repeat (dots state)
+                    for dx from (+ right 5) by 5 do
+                    (score-pane:draw-dot pane (+ xpos dx) 4)))))))))
 (defun update-page-numbers (frame)
   (loop for window in (windows frame)
-	do (let ((page-number 0)
-		 (view (view window)))
-	     (gsharp-measure::new-map-over-obseq-subsequences
-	      (lambda (all-measures)
-		(incf page-number)
-		(when (member-if (lambda (measure) (member (bar (cursor view))
-							   (measure-bars measure)
-							   :test #'eq))
-				 all-measures)
-		  (setf (score-pane:current-page-number view) page-number)))
-	      (buffer view))
-	     (setf (score-pane:number-of-pages view) page-number))))
+        do (let ((page-number 0)
+                 (view (view window)))
+             (gsharp-measure::new-map-over-obseq-subsequences
+              (lambda (all-measures)
+                (incf page-number)
+                (when (member-if (lambda (measure) (member (bar (cursor view))
+                                                           (measure-bars measure)
+                                                           :test #'eq))
+                                 all-measures)
+                  (setf (score-pane:current-page-number view) page-number)))
+              (buffer view))
+             (setf (score-pane:number-of-pages view) page-number))))
 ;;; I tried making this a :before method on redisplay-frame-panes,
 ;;; but it turns out that McCLIM calls redisplay-frame-pane from 
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
   (let* ((buffer (buffer (view pane))))
     (score-pane:with-score-pane pane
       (draw-buffer pane buffer (current-cursor)
-		   (left-margin buffer) 100)
+                   (left-margin buffer) 100)
       (gsharp-drawing::draw-the-cursor pane (current-cursor) (cursor-element (current-cursor)) (last-note (input-state *application-frame*)))
       (multiple-value-bind (minx miny maxx maxy)
           (bounding-rectangle* pane)
@@ -224,30 +224,30 @@
 (defmethod display-element ((frame gsharp) pane)
   (when (handler-case (cur-cluster)
-	  (gsharp-condition () nil))
+          (gsharp-condition () nil))
     (score-pane:with-score-pane pane
       (score-pane:with-staff-size 10
-	(score-pane:with-vertical-score-position (pane 500)
-	  (let* ((xpos 30)
-		 (cluster (cur-cluster))
-		 (notehead (notehead cluster))
-		 (rbeams (rbeams cluster))
-		 (lbeams (lbeams cluster))
-		 (dots (dots cluster))
-		 (notes (notes cluster))
-		 (stem-direction (stem-direction cluster)))
-	    (declare (ignore stem-direction notehead lbeams rbeams dots))
-	    (loop for note in notes do
-		  (draw-ellipse* pane xpos (* 15 (note-position note)) 7 0 0 7)
-		  (score-pane:draw-accidental pane (accidentals note)
-						   (- xpos (if (oddp (note-position note)) 15 25))
-						   (* 3 (note-position note))))
-	    (when notes
-	      (draw-ellipse* pane xpos (* 15 (note-position (cur-note)))
-			     7 0 0 7 :ink +red+))
-	    (loop for s from 0 by 30
-		  repeat 5 do
-		  (draw-line* pane (- xpos 25) s (+ xpos 25) s))))))))
+        (score-pane:with-vertical-score-position (pane 500)
+          (let* ((xpos 30)
+                 (cluster (cur-cluster))
+                 (notehead (notehead cluster))
+                 (rbeams (rbeams cluster))
+                 (lbeams (lbeams cluster))
+                 (dots (dots cluster))
+                 (notes (notes cluster))
+                 (stem-direction (stem-direction cluster)))
+            (declare (ignore stem-direction notehead lbeams rbeams dots))
+            (loop for note in notes do
+                  (draw-ellipse* pane xpos (* 15 (note-position note)) 7 0 0 7)
+                  (score-pane:draw-accidental pane (accidentals note)
+                                                   (- xpos (if (oddp (note-position note)) 15 25))
+                                                   (* 3 (note-position note))))
+            (when notes
+              (draw-ellipse* pane xpos (* 15 (note-position (cur-note)))
+                             7 0 0 7 :ink +red+))
+            (loop for s from 0 by 30
+                  repeat 5 do
+                  (draw-line* pane (- xpos 25) s (+ xpos 25) s))))))))
@@ -265,15 +265,15 @@
  :errorp nil
  :menu '(("File" :menu file-command-table)
-	 ("Buffer" :menu buffer-command-table)
-	 ("Stuff" :menu segment-command-table)
-	 ("Segment" :menu segment-command-table)
-	 ("Layer" :menu layer-command-table)
-	 ("Slice" :menu slice-command-table)
-	 ("Measure" :menu measure-command-table)
-	 ("Modes" :menu modes-command-table)
-	 ("Staves" :menu staves-command-table)
-	 ("Play" :menu play-command-table)))
+         ("Buffer" :menu buffer-command-table)
+         ("Stuff" :menu segment-command-table)
+         ("Segment" :menu segment-command-table)
+         ("Layer" :menu layer-command-table)
+         ("Slice" :menu slice-command-table)
+         ("Measure" :menu measure-command-table)
+         ("Modes" :menu modes-command-table)
+         ("Staves" :menu staves-command-table)
+         ("Play" :menu play-command-table)))
@@ -283,34 +283,34 @@
  :errorp nil
  :menu `(("Find" :command (esa-io::com-find-file ,esa::*unsupplied-argument-marker*))
-	 ("Save" :command esa-io::com-save-buffer)
-	 ("Save as" :command (esa-io::com-write-buffer ,esa::*unsupplied-argument-marker*))
-	 ("Quit" :command com-quit)))
+         ("Save" :command esa-io::com-save-buffer)
+         ("Save as" :command (esa-io::com-write-buffer ,esa::*unsupplied-argument-marker*))
+         ("Quit" :command com-quit)))
 (define-gsharp-command (com-new-buffer :name t) ()
   (let* ((buffer (make-instance 'buffer))
-	 (cursor (make-initial-cursor buffer))
-	 (staff (car (staves buffer)))
-	 (input-state (make-input-state))
-	 (view (make-instance 'orchestra-view 
-			      :buffer buffer
-			      :cursor cursor)))
+         (cursor (make-initial-cursor buffer))
+         (staff (car (staves buffer)))
+         (input-state (make-input-state))
+         (view (make-instance 'orchestra-view 
+                              :buffer buffer
+                              :cursor cursor)))
     (push view (views *application-frame*))
     (setf (view (car (windows *application-frame*))) view)
     (setf (input-state *application-frame*) input-state
-	  (staves (car (layers (car (segments buffer))))) (list staff))))
+          (staves (car (layers (car (segments buffer))))) (list staff))))
 (defmethod frame-find-file :around ((application-frame gsharp) filepath)
   (declare (ignore filepath))
   (let* ((buffer (call-next-method))
-    	 (input-state (make-input-state))
-	 (cursor (make-initial-cursor buffer))
-	 (view (make-instance 'orchestra-view 
-			      :buffer buffer
-			      :cursor cursor)))
+         (input-state (make-input-state))
+         (cursor (make-initial-cursor buffer))
+         (view (make-instance 'orchestra-view 
+                              :buffer buffer
+                              :cursor cursor)))
     (setf (view (car (windows *application-frame*))) view
-	  (input-state *application-frame*) input-state
-	  (filepath buffer) filepath)
+          (input-state *application-frame*) input-state
+          (filepath buffer) filepath)
     (select-layer cursor (car (layers (segment (current-cursor)))))))
 (define-gsharp-command (com-quit :name t) ()
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@
  :errorp nil
  :menu '(("Play" :command com-play-buffer)
-	 ("Delete Current" :command com-delete-buffer)))

[928 lines skipped]

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