[gsharp-cvs] CVS gsharp

rstrandh rstrandh at common-lisp.net
Sat Jun 3 21:26:07 UTC 2006

Update of /project/gsharp/cvsroot/gsharp
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv12624

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Fixed the y offset of stems wrt the reference point of the notehead which 
generated ugly PS output.

--- /project/gsharp/cvsroot/gsharp/score-pane.lisp	2006/06/02 14:11:10	1.26
+++ /project/gsharp/cvsroot/gsharp/score-pane.lisp	2006/06/03 21:26:07	1.27
@@ -429,13 +429,11 @@
 (defun draw-right-stem (pane x y1 y2)
   (multiple-value-bind (dx dy) (notehead-right-offsets *font*)
-    (declare (ignore dy))
-    (draw-stem pane (+ x dx) y1 y2)))
+    (draw-stem pane (+ x dx) (- y1 dy) y2)))
 (defun draw-left-stem (pane x y1 y2)
   (multiple-value-bind (dx dy) (notehead-left-offsets *font*)
-    (declare (ignore dy))
-    (draw-stem pane (+ x dx) y1 y2)))
+    (draw-stem pane (+ x dx) (- y1 dy) y2)))
 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ledger line

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