[gsharp-cvs] CVS update: gsharp/buffer.lisp gsharp/drawing.lisp gsharp/measure.lisp

Robert Strandh rstrandh at common-lisp.net
Sat Jan 21 23:39:16 UTC 2006

Update of /project/gsharp/cvsroot/gsharp
In directory common-lisp:/tmp/cvs-serv5433

Modified Files:
	buffer.lisp drawing.lisp measure.lisp 
Log Message:
Removed some dead code.

Prepared Gsharp for handling timelines and measures of zero duration.
This conversion is not entirely finished yet, but there is not much

Date: Sat Jan 21 17:39:16 2006
Author: rstrandh

Index: gsharp/buffer.lisp
diff -u gsharp/buffer.lisp:1.28 gsharp/buffer.lisp:1.29
--- gsharp/buffer.lisp:1.28	Thu Jan  5 13:14:45 2006
+++ gsharp/buffer.lisp	Sat Jan 21 17:39:16 2006
@@ -495,6 +495,14 @@
 (defmethod print-object :after ((b bar) stream)
   (format stream ":elements ~W " (elements b)))
+;;; The duration of a bar is simply the sum of durations
+;;; of its elements.  We might want to improve on the 
+;;; implementation of this method so that it uses some 
+;;; kind of cache, in order to avoid looping over each 
+;;; element and computing the duration of each one each time.
+(defmethod duration ((bar bar))
+  (reduce #'+ (mapcar #'duration (elements bar))))
 (defgeneric make-bar-for-staff (staff &rest args &key elements))
 (defmethod nb-elements ((bar bar))
@@ -935,7 +943,7 @@
    (staves :initform (list (make-fiveline-staff))
 	   :initarg :staves :accessor staves)
    ;; the min width determines the preferred geographic distance after the
-   ;; timetlime with the shortest duration on a line.
+   ;; timeline with the shortest duration on a line.
    (min-width :initform *default-min-width* :initarg :min-width :accessor min-width)
    ;; the spacing style of the buffer determines the how geographic distance
    ;; between adjacent timelines is related to temporal distance.

Index: gsharp/drawing.lisp
diff -u gsharp/drawing.lisp:1.55 gsharp/drawing.lisp:1.56
--- gsharp/drawing.lisp:1.55	Tue Jan  3 08:25:46 2006
+++ gsharp/drawing.lisp	Sat Jan 21 17:39:16 2006
@@ -82,37 +82,8 @@
 (defun final-absolute-accidental-xoffset (note)
   (+ (final-absolute-element-xoffset (cluster note)) (final-relative-accidental-xoffset note)))
-(defun line-cost (measures method)
-  (reduce (lambda (x y) (combine-cost method x y)) measures :initial-value nil))
-(defun compute-compress-factor (measures method)
-  (compress-factor method (line-cost measures method)))
-(defun red-width (method coeff min-dist)
-  (* coeff (min-width method) (expt (/ min-dist) (spacing-style method))))
-(defun compute-reduced-width (method coeff min-dist)
-  (if (zerop min-dist) 0 (red-width method coeff min-dist)))
-(defun nat-width (method coeff min-dist)
-  (+ (red-width method coeff min-dist) (min-width method)))
 (defvar *cursor* nil)
-(defun compute-min-dist (measures)
-  (let ((min-dists (mapcar (lambda (measure)
-			     (reduce #'min (gsharp-measure::abs-rel
-					    (measure-start-times measure))))
-			   measures)))
-    (reduce #'min min-dists)))  
-(defun compute-widths (measures method)
-  (let ((compress (compute-compress-factor measures method))
-	(min-dist (compute-min-dist measures)))
-    (loop for measure in measures
-	  collect (/ (nat-width method (measure-coeff measure) min-dist)
-		     compress))))
 ;;; Compute the elasticity of each timeline in each measure of the
 ;;; measures of a system (line) by taking its duration to the power of
 ;;; the spaceing style.  This metric is arbitrarily normalized to the
@@ -316,9 +287,7 @@
 		 finally (setf (elasticity-function measure) result)))
   (reduce #'add-elasticities measures :key #'elasticity-function))
-;;; eventually replace the existing compute-measure-coordinates
-;;; by this one
-(defun new-compute-measure-coordinates (measure x y force)
+(defun compute-measure-coordinates (measure x y force)
   (loop with timelines = (timelines measure)
 	for i from 0 below (flexichain:nb-elements timelines)
 	for timeline = (flexichain:element* timelines i)
@@ -330,28 +299,6 @@
   (loop for bar in (measure-bars measure)
 	do (compute-bar-coordinates bar x y (size-at-force (elasticity-function measure) force))))
-(defun compute-measure-coordinates (measure min-dist compress x y method)
-  (let* ((width (/ (nat-width method (measure-coeff measure) min-dist)
-		   compress))
-	 (time-alist (cons (cons 0 (/ (min-width method) compress))
-			   (loop for start-time in (measure-start-times measure)
-				 and old-start-time = 0 then start-time
-				 with coeff = 0
-				 do (incf coeff (expt (- start-time old-start-time)
-						      (spacing-style method)))
-				 collect (cons start-time
-					       (/ (+ (min-width method)
-						     (compute-reduced-width
-						      method
-						      coeff min-dist))
-						  compress))))))
-;;    (setf (system-y-position measure) y
-;;	  (final-absolute-measure-xoffset measure) x
-;;	  (final-width measure) width)
-    (loop for bar in (measure-bars measure) do
-	  (compute-bar-coordinates bar x y width)
-	  (compute-element-x-positions bar x time-alist))))
 (defun draw-measure (pane measure)
   (loop for bar in (measure-bars measure) do
 	(if (gsharp-cursor::cursors (slice bar))
@@ -366,21 +313,11 @@
 				(+ y (- (score-pane:staff-step 8)))
 				(+ y (staff-yoffset (car (last staves))))))))
-;;; eventually remove the existing compute-system-coordinates
-;;; and rename this one
-(defun new-compute-system-coordinates (measures x y force)
+(defun compute-system-coordinates (measures x y force)
   (loop for measure in measures
-	do (new-compute-measure-coordinates measure x y force)
+	do (compute-measure-coordinates measure x y force)
 	do (incf x (size-at-force (elasticity-function measure) force))))
-(defun compute-system-coordinates (measures x y widths method)
-  (let ((compress (compute-compress-factor measures method))
-	(min-dist (compute-min-dist measures)))
-    (loop for measure in measures
-	  for width in widths do
-	  (compute-measure-coordinates measure min-dist compress x y method)
-	  (incf x width))))
 (defun draw-system (pane measures)
   (loop for measure in measures do
 	(draw-measure pane measure)))
@@ -407,7 +344,6 @@
 	   (right-edge (right-edge buffer)))
       (loop for staff in staves
 	    for offset from 0 by 90 do
-;;	    for offset downfrom 0 by 90 do
 	    (setf (staff-yoffset staff) offset))
       (let ((yy y))
@@ -421,25 +357,20 @@
 		  (force (if (> (zero-force-size e-fun) (line-width method))
 			     (force-at-size e-fun (line-width method)))))
-	     (new-compute-system-coordinates measures
-					     (+ x (left-offset buffer) timesig-offset) yy
-					     force)
-	     )
-	   (let ((widths (compute-widths measures method)))
-;;	     (compute-system-coordinates measures
-;;					 (+ x (left-offset buffer) timesig-offset) yy
-;;					 widths method)
-	     (draw-system pane measures)
-	     (score-pane:draw-bar-line pane x
-				       (+ yy (- (score-pane:staff-step 8)))
-				       (+ yy (staff-yoffset (car (last staves)))))
-	     (loop for staff in staves do
-		   (score-pane:with-vertical-score-position (pane yy)
-		     (if (member staff (staves (layer (slice (bar *cursor*)))))
-			 (draw-staff-and-clef pane staff x right-edge)
-			 (score-pane:with-light-glyphs pane
-			   (draw-staff-and-clef pane staff x right-edge))))
-		   (incf yy 90))))
+	     (compute-system-coordinates measures
+					 (+ x (left-offset buffer) timesig-offset) yy
+					 force))
+	   (draw-system pane measures)
+	   (score-pane:draw-bar-line pane x
+				     (+ yy (- (score-pane:staff-step 8)))
+				     (+ yy (staff-yoffset (car (last staves)))))
+	   (loop for staff in staves do
+		 (score-pane:with-vertical-score-position (pane yy)
+		    (if (member staff (staves (layer (slice (bar *cursor*)))))
+			(draw-staff-and-clef pane staff x right-edge)
+			(score-pane:with-light-glyphs pane
+			  (draw-staff-and-clef pane staff x right-edge))))
+		 (incf yy 90)))
 (define-added-mixin velement () melody-element

Index: gsharp/measure.lisp
diff -u gsharp/measure.lisp:1.22 gsharp/measure.lisp:1.23
--- gsharp/measure.lisp:1.22	Thu Jan  5 13:14:45 2006
+++ gsharp/measure.lisp	Sat Jan 21 17:39:16 2006
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@
 (defclass timeline (flexichain:element-rank-mixin)
   ((start-time :initarg :start-time :reader start-time)
    (elements :initform '() :accessor elements)
-   (duration :initarg :duration :reader duration)
+   (duration :initarg :duration :accessor duration)
    (elasticity :accessor elasticity)
    ;; the minimum x offset from this timeline to the next, or, if this
    ;; is the last timeline, from this one to the end of the measure
@@ -433,9 +433,6 @@
    ;; the coefficient of a measure is the sum of d_i^k where d_i
    ;; is the duration of the i:th timeline, and k is the spacing style
    (coeff :initarg :coeff :reader measure-coeff)
-   ;; a list of unique rational numbers, sorted by increasing numeric value,
-   ;; of the start time of the time lines of the measure
-   (start-times :initarg :start-times :reader measure-start-times)
    ;; the position of a measure in the sequence of measures
    ;; of a buffer is indicated by two numbers, the position
    ;; of the segment to which the measure belongs within the
@@ -452,9 +449,8 @@
    ;; is applied to it
    (elasticity-function :accessor elasticity-function)))
-(defun make-measure (min-dist coeff start-times seg-pos bar-pos bars)
+(defun make-measure (min-dist coeff seg-pos bar-pos bars)
   (make-instance 'measure :min-dist min-dist :coeff coeff
-		 :start-times start-times
 		 :seg-pos seg-pos :bar-pos bar-pos :bars bars))
 (defmethod print-object ((obj measure) stream)
@@ -492,6 +488,7 @@
 (defmethod measures :before ((segment rsegment))
   (when (modified-p segment)
     (compute-measures segment (spacing-style (buffer-cost-method (buffer segment))))
+    ;; avoid an infinite computation by using slot-value here
     (mapc #'compute-timelines (slot-value segment 'measures))
     (setf (modified-p segment) nil)))
@@ -536,17 +533,26 @@
   (let ((elements (elements bar)))
     (if elements
 	(rel-abs (mapcar #'duration elements))
-	'(1))))
+	'(0))))
 ;;; Combine the list of start times of two bars into a single list
-;;; of start times.  Don't worry about duplicated elements which will 
-;;; be removed ultimately. 
+;;; of start times.  If any of the list contains duplicate start 
+;;; times, then the resulting list will contain as many duplicates
+;;; as the maximum number of duplicates of the two lists.
 ;;; Treat the last start time (which is really the duration of the
 ;;; bar) specially and only keep the largest one
 (defun combine-bars (bar1 bar2)
-  (append (merge 'list (butlast bar1) (butlast bar2) #'<)
-	  (list (max (car (last bar1)) (car (last bar2))))))
+  (labels ((combine (l1 l2)
+	      (cond ((null l1) l2)
+		    ((null l2) l1)
+		    ((< (car l1) (car l2))
+		     (cons (car l1) (combine (cdr l1) l2)))
+		    ((< (car l2) (car l1))
+		     (cons (car l2) (combine (cdr l2) l1)))
+		    (t (cons (car l1) (combine (cdr l1) (cdr l2)))))))
+    (append (combine (butlast bar1) (butlast bar2))
+	    (list (max (car (last bar1)) (car (last bar2)))))))
 ;;; given a group of notes (i.e. a list of notes, all displayed on the
 ;;; same staff, compute their final x offsets.  This is a question of
 ;;; determining whether the note goes to the right or to the left of
@@ -654,7 +660,7 @@
 	do (compute-beam-group-parameters group)))	
 ;;; From a list of simultaneous bars (and some other stuff), create a
-;;; measure.  The `other stuff' is the spacing style, which is neded
+;;; measure.  The `other stuff' is the spacing style, which is needed
 ;;; in order to compute the coefficient of the measure, the position
 ;;; of the segment to which the bars belong in the sequence of
 ;;; segments of the buffer, and the position of the bars in the
@@ -667,38 +673,54 @@
 	  do (when (modified-p bar)
 	       (compute-bar-parameters bar)
 	       (setf (modified-p bar) nil)))
-    (let* ((start-times (remove-duplicates
-			 (reduce #'combine-bars
-				 (mapcar #'start-times bars))))
+    (let* ((start-times (reduce #'combine-bars
+				(mapcar #'start-times bars)))
 	   (durations (abs-rel start-times))
-	   (min-dist (reduce #'min durations))
+	   ;; elements with zero duration do not intervene
+	   ;; in the computation of the min-dist.
+	   ;; Choose a large default value for min-dist.
+	   (min-dist (reduce #'min (remove 0 durations) :initial-value 10000))
 	   (coeff (loop for duration in durations
 			sum (expt duration spacing-style))))
-      (make-measure min-dist coeff start-times seg-pos bar-pos bars))))
+      (make-measure min-dist coeff seg-pos bar-pos bars))))
 (defun compute-timelines (measure)
-  (let ((timelines (timelines measure))
-	(durations (abs-rel (measure-start-times measure))))
-    ;; create a timeline for each start time of the measure
-    (loop for duration in durations
-	  and start-time = 0 then (+ start-time duration)
-	  for i from 0
-	  do (let ((timeline (make-instance 'timeline
-			       :start-time start-time
-			       :duration duration)))
-	       (flexichain:insert* timelines i timeline)))
-    ;; link each timeline to its elements and each element of a
-    ;; timeline to the timeline
-    (loop for bar in (measure-bars measure)
-	  do (loop with timeline-index = 0
-		   for element in (elements bar)
-		   and start-time = 0 then (+ start-time (duration element))
-		   do (loop while (< (start-time (flexichain:element* timelines timeline-index))
-				     start-time)
-			    do (incf timeline-index))
-		   do (let ((timeline (flexichain:element* timelines timeline-index)))
-			(push element (elements timeline))
-			(setf (timeline element) timeline))))))
+  (let ((timelines (timelines measure)))
+    (flet ((compute-bar-timelines (bar)
+	      (loop with timeline-index = 0
+		    for element in (elements bar)
+		    and start-time = 0 then (+ start-time (duration element))
+		    do (loop until (= timeline-index (flexichain:nb-elements timelines))
+			     for timeline = (flexichain:element* timelines timeline-index)
+			     until (or (> (start-time timeline) start-time)
+				       (and (= (start-time timeline) start-time)
+					    (or (zerop (duration element))
+						;; either none or every element of a timline
+						;; has zero duration, so we only have to test
+						;; the first one. 
+						(not (zerop (duration (car (elements timeline))))))))
+			     do (incf timeline-index))
+		    do (when (or (= timeline-index (flexichain:nb-elements timelines))
+				 (> (start-time (flexichain:element* timelines timeline-index))
+				    start-time))
+			 (let ((timeline (make-instance 'timeline
+							:start-time start-time)))
+			   (flexichain:insert* timelines timeline-index timeline)))
+		    do (let ((timeline (flexichain:element* timelines timeline-index)))
+			 (push element (elements timeline))
+			 (setf (timeline element) timeline)))))
+      (loop for bar in (measure-bars measure)
+	    do (compute-bar-timelines bar)))
+    ;; compute the duration of each timeline except the last one
+    (loop for i from 0 below (1- (flexichain:nb-elements timelines))
+	  do (setf (duration (flexichain:element* timelines i))
+		   (- (start-time (flexichain:element* timelines (1+ i)))
+		      (start-time (flexichain:element* timelines i)))))
+    ;; compute the duration of the last timeline, if any
+    (unless (zerop (flexichain:nb-elements timelines))
+      (let ((measure-duration (reduce #'max (measure-bars measure) :key #'duration))
+	    (last-timeline (flexichain:element* timelines (1- (flexichain:nb-elements timelines)))))
+	(setf (duration last-timeline) (- measure-duration (start-time last-timeline)))))))
 ;;; Compute all the measures of a segment by stepping through all the
 ;;; bars in parallel as long as there is at least one simultaneous bar.

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