[gsharp-cvs] CVS update: gsharp/buffer.lisp gsharp/gui.lisp gsharp/packages.lisp

Robert Strandh rstrandh at common-lisp.net
Wed Nov 2 05:01:18 UTC 2005

Update of /project/gsharp/cvsroot/gsharp
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv22023

Modified Files:
	buffer.lisp gui.lisp packages.lisp 
Log Message:
Put back some of the constructor functions.

Added more documentation about buffer protocols.

Date: Wed Nov  2 06:01:11 2005
Author: rstrandh

Index: gsharp/buffer.lisp
diff -u gsharp/buffer.lisp:1.20 gsharp/buffer.lisp:1.21
--- gsharp/buffer.lisp:1.20	Tue Nov  1 19:08:02 2005
+++ gsharp/buffer.lisp	Wed Nov  2 06:01:10 2005
@@ -38,18 +38,18 @@
    (lineno :reader lineno :initarg :lineno
 	   :type (or (integer 2 6) null))))
-(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((c clef) &rest args)
-  (declare (ignore args))
-  (with-slots (lineno name) c
-    (check-type name (member :treble :bass :c :percussion))
-    (unless (slot-boundp c 'lineno)
-      (setf lineno
-	    (ecase name
+(defun make-clef (name &key lineno)
+  (declare (type (member :treble :bass :c :percussion) name)
+	   (type (or (integer 2 6) null) lineno))
+  (when (null lineno)
+    (setf lineno
+	  (ecase name
 	      (:treble 2)
 	      (:bass 6)
 	      (:c 4)
-	      (:percussion 3))))))
+	      (:percussion 3))))
+  (make-instance 'clef :name name :lineno lineno))
 (defmethod print-object :after ((c clef) stream)
   (format stream ":lineno ~W " (lineno c)))
@@ -75,12 +75,14 @@
 (defclass fiveline-staff (staff)
   ((print-character :allocation :class :initform #\=)
-   (clef :accessor clef :initarg :clef :initform (make-instance 'clef :name :treble))
+   (clef :accessor clef :initarg :clef :initform (make-clef :treble))
    (keysig :accessor keysig :initarg :keysig
-	   :initform (make-array 7 :initial-element :natural)))
-  (:default-initargs
-      :name "default staff"))
+	   :initform (make-array 7 :initial-element :natural))))
+(defun make-fiveline-staff (&rest args &key name clef keysig)
+  (declare (ignore name clef keysig))
+  (apply #'make-instance 'fiveline-staff args))
 (defmethod print-object :after ((s fiveline-staff) stream)
   (format stream ":clef ~W :keysig ~W " (clef s) (keysig s)))
@@ -97,6 +99,10 @@
 (defclass lyrics-staff (staff)
   ((print-character :allocation :class :initform #\L)))
+(defun make-lyrics-staff (&rest args &key name)
+  (declare (ignore name))
+  (apply #'make-instance 'lyrics-staff args))
 (defun read-lyrics-staff-v3 (stream char n)
   (declare (ignore char n))
   (apply #'make-instance 'lyrics-staff (read-delimited-list #\] stream t)))
@@ -152,15 +158,26 @@
 (defclass note (gsharp-object)
   ((print-character :allocation :class :initform #\N)
    (cluster :initform nil :initarg :cluster :accessor cluster)
-   (pitch :initarg :pitch :reader pitch :type (integer 0 128))
-   (staff :initarg :staff :reader staff :type (or staff null))
+   (pitch :initarg :pitch :reader pitch :type (integer 0 127))
+   (staff :initarg :staff :reader staff :type staff)
    (head :initform nil :initarg :head :reader head
 	 :type (or (member :whole :half :filled) null))
    (accidentals :initform :natural :initarg :accidentals :reader accidentals
 		:type (member :natural :flat :double-flat
 			      :sharp :double-sharp))
    (dots :initform nil :initarg :dots :reader dots
-	 :type (or integer null))))
+	 :type (or (integer 0 3) null))))
+(defun make-note (pitch staff &rest args &key head (accidentals :natural) dots)
+  (declare (type (integer 0 127) pitch)
+	   (type staff staff)
+	   (type (or (member :whole :half :filled) null) head)
+	   (type (member :natural :flat :double-flat
+			 :sharp :double-sharp)
+		 accidentals)
+	   (type (or (integer 0 3) null) dots)
+	   (ignore head accidentals dots))
+  (apply #'make-instance 'note :pitch pitch :staff staff args))
 (defmethod print-object :after ((n note) stream)
   (with-slots (pitch staff head accidentals dots) n
@@ -214,10 +231,10 @@
 (defclass element (gsharp-object)
   ((bar :initform nil :initarg :bar :accessor bar)
-   (notehead :initarg :notehead :accessor notehead)
-   (rbeams :initarg :rbeams :accessor rbeams)
-   (lbeams :initarg :lbeams :accessor lbeams)
-   (dots :initarg :dots :accessor dots)
+   (notehead :initform :whole :initarg :notehead :accessor notehead)
+   (rbeams :initform 0 :initarg :rbeams :accessor rbeams)
+   (lbeams :initform 0 :initarg :lbeams :accessor lbeams)
+   (dots :initform 0 :initarg :dots :accessor dots)
    (xoffset :initform 0 :initarg :xoffset :accessor xoffset)))
 (defmethod print-object :after ((e element) stream)
@@ -270,14 +287,26 @@
 (defclass cluster (melody-element)
   ((print-character :allocation :class :initform #\%)
    (notes :initform '() :initarg :notes :accessor notes)
-   (stem-direction :initarg :stem-direction :accessor stem-direction)
-   (stem-length :initform nil :initarg :stem-length :accessor stem-length)))
+   (stem-direction :initform :auto :initarg :stem-direction :accessor stem-direction)))
 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((c cluster) &rest args)
   (declare (ignore args))
   (loop for note in (notes c)
 	do (setf (cluster note) c)))
+(defun make-cluster (&rest args
+		     &key (notehead :filled) (lbeams 0) (rbeams 0) (dots 0)
+		     (xoffset 0) notes (stem-direction :auto))
+  (declare (type (member :whole :half :filled) notehead)
+	   (type (integer 0 5) lbeams)
+	   (type (integer 0 5) rbeams)
+	   (type (integer 0 3) dots)
+	   (type number xoffset)
+	   (type list notes)
+	   (type (member :up :down :auto) stem-direction)
+	   (ignore notehead lbeams rbeams dots xoffset notes stem-direction))
+  (apply #'make-instance 'cluster args))
 (defmethod print-object :after ((c cluster) stream)
   (with-slots (stem-direction notes) c
     (format stream ":stem-direction ~W :notes ~W " stem-direction notes)))
@@ -332,6 +361,20 @@
    (staff :initarg :staff :reader staff)
    (staff-pos :initarg :staff-pos :initform 4 :reader staff-pos)))
+(defun make-rest (staff &rest args
+		  &key (staff-pos 4) (notehead :filled) (lbeams 0) (rbeams 0)
+		  (dots 0) (xoffset 0))
+  (declare (type staff staff)
+	   (type integer staff-pos)
+	   (type (member :whole :half :filled) notehead)
+	   (type (integer 0 5) lbeams)
+	   (type (integer 0 5) rbeams)
+	   (type (integer 0 3) dots)
+	   (type number xoffset)
+	   (ignore staff-pos notehead lbeams rbeams dots xoffset))
+  (apply #'make-instance 'rest
+	 :staff staff args))
 (defmethod print-object :after ((s rest) stream)
   (with-slots (staff staff-pos) s
     (format stream ":staff ~W :staff-pos ~W " staff staff-pos)))
@@ -842,7 +885,7 @@
 (defclass buffer (gsharp-object)
   ((print-character :allocation :class :initform #\B)
    (segments :initform '() :initarg :segments :accessor segments)
-   (staves :initform (list (make-instance 'fiveline-staff))
+   (staves :initform (list (make-fiveline-staff))
 	   :initarg :staves :accessor staves)
    (min-width :initform *default-min-width* :initarg :min-width :accessor min-width)
    (spacing-style :initform *default-spacing-style* :initarg :spacing-style :accessor spacing-style)

Index: gsharp/gui.lisp
diff -u gsharp/gui.lisp:1.36 gsharp/gui.lisp:1.37
--- gsharp/gui.lisp:1.36	Tue Nov  1 19:08:02 2005
+++ gsharp/gui.lisp	Wed Nov  2 06:01:10 2005
@@ -165,9 +165,8 @@
 		 (lbeams (lbeams cluster))
 		 (dots (dots cluster))
 		 (notes (notes cluster))
-		 (stem-direction (stem-direction cluster))
-		 (stem-length (stem-length cluster)))
-	    (declare (ignore stem-direction stem-length notehead lbeams rbeams dots))
+		 (stem-direction (stem-direction cluster)))
+	    (declare (ignore stem-direction notehead lbeams rbeams dots))
 	    (loop for note in notes do
 		  (draw-ellipse* pane xpos (* 15 (note-position note)) 7 0 0 7)
 		  (score-pane:draw-accidental pane (accidentals note)
@@ -564,12 +563,12 @@
 (defun insert-cluster ()
   (let* ((state (input-state *application-frame*))
 	 (cursor (cursor *application-frame*))
-	 (cluster (make-instance 'cluster
-		    :rbeams (if (eq (notehead state) :filled) (rbeams state) 0)
-		    :lbeams (if (eq (notehead state) :filled) (lbeams state) 0)
-		    :dots (dots state)
-		    :notehead (notehead state)
-		    :stem-direction (stem-direction state))))
+	 (cluster (make-cluster
+		   :notehead (notehead state)
+		   :lbeams (if (eq (notehead state) :filled) (lbeams state) 0)
+		   :rbeams (if (eq (notehead state) :filled) (rbeams state) 0)
+		   :dots (dots state)
+		   :stem-direction (stem-direction state))))
     (insert-element cluster cursor)
     (forward-element cursor)
@@ -580,9 +579,7 @@
 (defun insert-note (pitch cluster)
   (let* ((state (input-state *application-frame*))
 	 (staff (car (staves (layer (slice (bar cluster))))))
-	 (note (make-instance 'note
-		 :pitch pitch
-		 :staff staff
+	 (note (make-note pitch staff
 		 :head (notehead state)
 		 :accidentals (aref (keysig staff) (mod pitch 7))
 		 :dots (dots state))))
@@ -627,12 +624,11 @@
 (define-gsharp-command com-insert-rest ()
   (let* ((state (input-state *application-frame*))
 	 (cursor (cursor *application-frame*))
-	 (rest (make-instance 'rest
+	 (rest (make-rest (car (staves (layer (cursor *application-frame*))))
 		 :rbeams (if (eq (notehead state) :filled) (rbeams state) 0)
 		 :lbeams (if (eq (notehead state) :filled) (lbeams state) 0)
 		 :dots (dots state)
-		 :notehead (notehead state)
-		 :staff (car (staves (layer (cursor *application-frame*)))))))
+		 :notehead (notehead state))))
     (insert-element rest cursor)
     (forward-element cursor)
@@ -735,9 +731,7 @@
   (let ((element (cur-element)))
     (if (typep element 'cluster)
 	(let* ((note (cur-note))
-	       (new-note (make-instance 'note
-			   :pitch (1- (pitch note))
-			   :staff (staff note)
+	       (new-note (make-note (1- (pitch note)) (staff note)
 			   :head (head note)
 			   :accidentals (accidentals note)
 			   :dots (dots note))))
@@ -753,10 +747,10 @@
 	      (cursor (cursor *application-frame*)))
 	  (backward-element cursor)
 	  (delete-element cursor)
-	  (insert-element (make-instance 'rest
+	  (insert-element (make-rest staff
+			    :staff-pos (- staff-pos 2)
 			    :notehead notehead :dots dots
-			    :rbeams rbeams :lbeams lbeams
-			    :staff staff :staff-pos (- staff-pos 2))
+			    :rbeams rbeams :lbeams lbeams)
 	  (forward-element cursor)))))
@@ -764,9 +758,7 @@
   (let ((element (cur-element)))
     (if (typep element 'cluster)
 	(let* ((note (cur-note))
-	       (new-note (make-instance 'note
-			   :pitch (1+ (pitch note))
-			   :staff (staff note)
+	       (new-note (make-note (1+ (pitch note)) (staff note)
 			   :head (head note)
 			   :accidentals (accidentals note)
 			   :dots (dots note))))
@@ -782,19 +774,17 @@
 	      (cursor (cursor *application-frame*)))
 	  (backward-element cursor)
 	  (delete-element cursor)
-	  (insert-element (make-instance 'rest
+	  (insert-element (make-rest staff
+			    :staff-pos (+ staff-pos 2)
 			    :notehead notehead :dots dots
-			    :rbeams rbeams :lbeams lbeams
-			    :staff staff :staff-pos (+ staff-pos 2))
+			    :rbeams rbeams :lbeams lbeams)
 	  (forward-element cursor)))))
 (define-gsharp-command com-sharper ()
   (let* ((cluster (cur-cluster))
 	 (note (cur-note))
-	 (new-note (make-instance 'note
-		     :pitch (pitch note)
-		     :staff (staff note)
+	 (new-note (make-note (pitch note) (staff note)
 		     :head (head note)
 		     :accidentals (ecase (accidentals note)
 				    (:double-sharp :double-sharp)
@@ -810,9 +800,7 @@
 (define-gsharp-command com-flatter ()
   (let* ((cluster (cur-cluster))
 	 (note (cur-note))
-	 (new-note (make-instance 'note
-		     :pitch (pitch note)
-		     :staff (staff note)
+	 (new-note (make-note (pitch note) (staff note)
 		     :head (head note)
 		     :accidentals (ecase (accidentals note)
 				    (:double-sharp :sharp)
@@ -925,7 +913,7 @@
   (let ((staff (accept 'score-pane:fiveline-staff :prompt "Set clef of staff"))
 	(type (accept 'clef-type :prompt "Type of clef"))
 	(line (accept 'integer :prompt "Line of clef")))
-    (setf (clef staff) (make-instance 'clef :name type :lineno line))))
+    (setf (clef staff) (make-clef type :lineno line))))
 (define-gsharp-command com-higher ()
   (incf (last-note (input-state *application-frame*)) 7))
@@ -1054,9 +1042,9 @@
     (ecase (accept 'staff-type :prompt "Type")
       (:fiveline (let* ((clef-name (accept 'clef-type :prompt "Clef type of new staff"))
 			(line (accept 'integer :prompt "Line of clef"))
-			(clef (make-instance 'clef :name clef-name :lineno line)))
-		   (make-instance 'fiveline-staff :name name :clef clef)))
-      (:lyrics (make-instance 'lyrics-staff :name name)))))
+			(clef (make-clef clef-name :lineno line)))
+		   (make-fiveline-staff :name name :clef clef)))
+      (:lyrics (make-lyrics-staff :name name)))))
 (define-gsharp-command (com-insert-staff-before :name t) ()
   (add-staff-before-staff (accept 'score-pane:staff :prompt "Insert staff before staff")

Index: gsharp/packages.lisp
diff -u gsharp/packages.lisp:1.22 gsharp/packages.lisp:1.23
--- gsharp/packages.lisp:1.22	Tue Nov  1 19:08:02 2005
+++ gsharp/packages.lisp	Wed Nov  2 06:01:10 2005
@@ -36,16 +36,18 @@
 (defpackage :gsharp-buffer
   (:use :common-lisp :gsharp-utilities)
   (:shadow #:rest)
-  (:export #:clef #:name #:lineno
-	   #:staff #:fiveline-staff
-	   #:lyrics-staff
+  (:export #:clef #:name #:lineno #:make-clef
+	   #:staff #:fiveline-staff #:make-fiveline-staff
+	   #:lyrics-staff #:make-lyrics-staff
-	   #:pitch #:accidentals #:dots #:note
+	   #:pitch #:accidentals #:dots #:note #:make-note
 	   #:note-less #:note-equal #:bar
 	   #:notehead #:rbeams #:lbeams #:dots #:element
 	   #:melody-element #:notes
-	   #:add-note #:find-note #:remove-note #:cluster
-	   #:rest #:lyrics-element
+	   #:add-note #:find-note #:remove-note
+	   #:cluster #:make-cluster
+	   #:rest #:make-rest
+	   #:lyrics-element #:make-lyrics-element
 	   #:slice #:elements
 	   #:nb-elements #:elementno #:add-element
 	   #:remove-element #:bar #:make-bar
@@ -64,7 +66,7 @@
-	   #:stem-direction #:stem-length #:undotted-duration #:duration
+	   #:stem-direction #:undotted-duration #:duration
 	   #:clef #:keysig #:staff-pos #:xoffset #:read-everything #:save-buffer-to-stream
 	   #:line-width #:min-width #:spacing-style #:right-edge #:left-offset
 	   #:left-margin #:text #:append-char #:erase-char

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