[gsharp-cvs] CVS update: gsharp/Flexichain/flexichain.lisp gsharp/Flexichain/flexicursor.lisp

Robert Strandh rstrandh at common-lisp.net
Fri Aug 6 15:47:36 UTC 2004

Update of /project/gsharp/cvsroot/gsharp/Flexichain
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv27009

Modified Files:
	flexichain.lisp flexicursor.lisp 
Log Message:
Completely modified the implementation of cursors. 

Now, a cursorchain can hold a large number of cursors without any
negative impact on performance.

For cursorchains, the flexichain buffer now has a parallel that holds
per-element lists of cursors that stick to that element.  

Introduced new generic functions in the internal protocol fill-gap and

Updated the documentation accordingly. 

Date: Fri Aug  6 08:47:36 2004
Author: rstrandh

Index: gsharp/Flexichain/flexichain.lisp
diff -u gsharp/Flexichain/flexichain.lisp:1.1 gsharp/Flexichain/flexichain.lisp:1.2
--- gsharp/Flexichain/flexichain.lisp:1.1	Sun Aug  1 08:27:19 2004
+++ gsharp/Flexichain/flexichain.lisp	Fri Aug  6 08:47:36 2004
@@ -385,15 +385,20 @@
      (when (and (<= start2 data-start) (< data-start end2))
        (incf data-start (- start1 start2)))))
+(defgeneric fill-gap (standard-flexichain start end)
+  (:documentation "fill part of gap with the fill element"))
+(defmethod fill-gap ((fc standard-flexichain) start end)
+  (with-slots (buffer fill-element) fc
+     (fill buffer fill-element :start start :end end)))  
 (defun push-elements-left (chain count)
   "Pushes the COUNT elements of CHAIN at the right of the gap,
 to the beginning of the gap. The gap must be continuous. Example:
 PUSH-ELEMENTS-LEFT abcd-----efghijklm 2  => abcdef-----ghijklm"
-  (with-slots (buffer gap-start gap-end fill-element) chain
+  (with-slots (buffer gap-start gap-end) chain
     (move-elements chain buffer buffer gap-start gap-end (+ gap-end count))
-    (fill buffer fill-element
-          :start (max gap-end (+ gap-start count))
-          :end (+ gap-end count))
+    (fill-gap chain (max gap-end (+ gap-start count)) (+ gap-end count))
     (incf gap-start count)
     (incf gap-end count)
     (normalize-indices chain)))
@@ -402,14 +407,12 @@
   "Pushes the COUNT elements of CHAIN at the left of the gap,
 to the end of the gap. The gap must be continuous. Example:
 PUSH-ELEMENTS-RIGHT abcd-----efghijklm 2  =>  ab-----cdefghijklm"
-  (with-slots (buffer gap-start gap-end fill-element) chain
+  (with-slots (buffer gap-start gap-end) chain
     (let* ((buffer-size (length buffer))
            (rotated-gap-end (if (zerop gap-end) buffer-size gap-end)))
       (move-elements chain buffer buffer
 		     (- rotated-gap-end count) (- gap-start count) gap-start)
-      (fill buffer fill-element
-            :start (- gap-start count)
-            :end (min gap-start (- rotated-gap-end count)))
+      (fill-gap chain (- gap-start count) (min gap-start (- rotated-gap-end count)))
       (decf gap-start count)
       (setf gap-end (- rotated-gap-end count))
       (normalize-indices chain))))
@@ -418,13 +421,12 @@
   "Moves the COUNT rightmost elements to the end of the gap,
 on the left of the data. Example:
 HOP-ELEMENTS-LEFT ---abcdefghijklm--- 2  =>  -lmabcdefghijk-----"
-  (with-slots (buffer gap-start gap-end fill-element) chain
+  (with-slots (buffer gap-start gap-end) chain
     (let* ((buffer-size (length buffer))
            (rotated-gap-start (if (zerop gap-start) buffer-size gap-start)))
       (move-elements chain buffer buffer
 		     (- gap-end count) (- rotated-gap-start count) rotated-gap-start)
-      (fill buffer fill-element
-            :start (- rotated-gap-start count) :end rotated-gap-start)
+      (fill-gap chain (- rotated-gap-start count) rotated-gap-start)
       (setf gap-start (- rotated-gap-start count))
       (decf gap-end count)
       (normalize-indices chain))))
@@ -433,9 +435,9 @@
   "Moves the COUNT leftmost elements to the beginning of the gap,
 on the right of the data. Example:
 HOP-ELEMENTS-RIGHT ---abcdefghijklm--- 2  =>  -----cdefghijklmab-"
-  (with-slots (buffer gap-start gap-end fill-element) chain
+  (with-slots (buffer gap-start gap-end) chain
     (move-elements chain buffer buffer gap-start gap-end (+ gap-end count))
-    (fill buffer fill-element :start gap-end :end (+ gap-end count))
+    (fill-gap chain gap-end (+ gap-end count))
     (incf gap-start count)
     (incf gap-end count)
     (normalize-indices chain)))
@@ -446,31 +448,34 @@
 (defun decrease-buffer-size (chain)
   (resize-buffer chain (required-space chain (nb-elements chain))))
-(defun resize-buffer (chain new-buffer-size)
+(defgeneric resize-buffer (standard-flexichain new-buffer-size)
+  (:documentation "allocate a new buffer with the size indicated"))
+(defmethod resize-buffer ((fc standard-flexichain) new-buffer-size)
   (with-slots (buffer gap-start gap-end
-               fill-element element-type expand-factor) chain
+               fill-element element-type expand-factor) fc
     (let ((buffer-size (length buffer))
           (buffer-after (make-array new-buffer-size
                                     :element-type element-type
                                     :initial-element fill-element)))
-      (case (gap-location chain)
+      (case (gap-location fc)
         ((:gap-empty :gap-middle)
-         (move-elements chain buffer-after buffer 0 0 gap-start)
+         (move-elements fc buffer-after buffer 0 0 gap-start)
          (let ((gap-end-after (- new-buffer-size (- buffer-size gap-end))))
-           (move-elements chain buffer-after buffer gap-end-after gap-end buffer-size)
+           (move-elements fc buffer-after buffer gap-end-after gap-end buffer-size)
            (setf gap-end gap-end-after)))
-         (move-elements chain buffer-after buffer 0 0 gap-start))
+         (move-elements fc buffer-after buffer 0 0 gap-start))
-         (let ((gap-end-after (- new-buffer-size (nb-elements chain))))
-           (move-elements chain buffer-after buffer gap-end-after gap-end buffer-size)
+         (let ((gap-end-after (- new-buffer-size (nb-elements fc))))
+           (move-elements fc buffer-after buffer gap-end-after gap-end buffer-size)
            (setf gap-end gap-end-after)))
-         (move-elements chain buffer-after buffer 0 gap-end gap-start)
+         (move-elements fc buffer-after buffer 0 gap-end gap-start)
          (decf gap-start gap-end)
          (setf gap-end 0)))
       (setf buffer buffer-after)))
-  (normalize-indices chain))
+  (normalize-indices fc))
 (defun normalize-indices (chain)
   "Sets gap limits to 0 if they are at the end of the buffer."

Index: gsharp/Flexichain/flexicursor.lisp
diff -u gsharp/Flexichain/flexicursor.lisp:1.1 gsharp/Flexichain/flexicursor.lisp:1.2
--- gsharp/Flexichain/flexicursor.lisp:1.1	Sun Aug  1 08:27:19 2004
+++ gsharp/Flexichain/flexicursor.lisp	Fri Aug  6 08:47:36 2004
@@ -101,41 +101,74 @@
   (:documentation "Replaces the element immediately after the cursor."))
 (defclass standard-cursorchain (cursorchain standard-flexichain)
-  ((cursors :accessor cursorchain-cursors :initform '()))
+  ((cursors :accessor cursorchain-cursors)
+   (temp-cursors :initform nil))
   (:documentation "The standard instantiable subclass of CURSORCHAIN"))
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((cc standard-cursorchain) &rest args)
+  (declare (ignore args))
+  (with-slots (buffer cursors) cc
+     (setf cursors (make-array (length buffer) :initial-element '()))))
+(defmethod resize-buffer :around ((cc standard-cursorchain) new-buffer-size)
+  (with-slots (cursors temp-cursors) cc
+     (setf temp-cursors (make-array new-buffer-size :initial-element '()))
+     (call-next-method)
+     (setf cursors temp-cursors
+	   temp-cursors nil)))
+(defmethod move-elements :after ((cc standard-cursorchain) to from start1 start2 end2)
+  (declare (ignore to from))
+  (with-slots (cursors temp-cursors) cc
+     (let ((destination (or temp-cursors cursors)))
+       (replace destination cursors :start1 start1 :start2 start2 :end2 end2)
+       (loop for i from start1 below (+ start1 (- end2 start2))
+	     do (setf (aref destination i)
+		      (loop for cursor-wp in (aref destination i)
+			    as cursor = (weak-pointer-value cursor-wp)
+			    when cursor
+			      do (setf (flexicursor-index cursor) i)
+			      and collect cursor-wp))))))
+(defmethod fill-gap :after ((cc standard-cursorchain) start end)
+  (with-slots (cursors) cc
+     (fill cursors '() :start start :end end)))  
 (defclass standard-flexicursor (flexicursor)
   ((chain :reader chain :initarg :chain)
-   (index :accessor flexicursor-index :initarg :index))
+   (index :accessor flexicursor-index))
   (:documentation "The standard instantiable subclass of FLEXICURSOR"))
 (defclass left-sticky-flexicursor (standard-flexicursor) ())
 (defclass right-sticky-flexicursor (standard-flexicursor) ())
-(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((cursor standard-flexicursor)
-                                       &rest initargs)
-  (declare (ignore initargs))
-  (with-slots (chain) cursor
-    (push (make-weak-pointer cursor)
-          (cursorchain-cursors chain))))
 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((cursor left-sticky-flexicursor)
 				       &rest initargs)
   (declare (ignore initargs))
   (with-slots (index chain) cursor
-     (setf index (slot-value chain 'data-start))))
+     (setf index (slot-value chain 'data-start))
+     (with-slots (cursors) chain
+	(push (make-weak-pointer cursor)
+	      (aref cursors (slot-value chain 'data-start))))))
 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((cursor right-sticky-flexicursor)
 				       &rest initargs)
   (declare (ignore initargs))
   (with-slots (index chain) cursor
-     (setf index (position-index chain 0))))
+     (setf index (position-index chain 0))
+     (with-slots (cursors) chain
+	(push (make-weak-pointer cursor)
+	      (aref cursors (position-index chain 0))))))
 (defmethod clone-cursor ((cursor standard-flexicursor))
   (let ((result (make-instance (class-of cursor)
 		   :chain (chain cursor))))
-    (setf (slot-value result 'index) (slot-value cursor 'index))))
+    (setf (slot-value result 'index) (slot-value cursor 'index))
+    (with-slots (cursors) (chain cursor)
+       (push (make-weak-pointer result)
+	     (aref cursors (slot-value cursor 'index))))
+    result))
 (defmethod cursor-pos ((cursor left-sticky-flexicursor))
   (1+ (index-position (chain cursor) (slot-value cursor 'index))))
@@ -167,7 +200,15 @@
 	(t (let ((cursor-pos (cursor-pos cursor)))
 	     (assert (<= (+ n cursor-pos) (nb-elements (chain cursor))) ()
 		     'at-end-error :cursor cursor)
-	     (setf (cursor-pos cursor) (+ cursor-pos n))))))
+	     (with-slots (cursors) (chain cursor)
+		(with-slots (index) cursor
+		   (setf (aref cursors index)
+			 (delete cursor (aref cursors index)
+				 :test #'eq
+				 :key #'weak-pointer-value))
+		   (setf (cursor-pos cursor) (+ cursor-pos n))
+		   (push (make-weak-pointer cursor)
+			 (aref cursors index))))))))
 (defmethod move< ((cursor standard-flexicursor) &optional (n 1))
   (cond ((minusp n) (move> cursor (- n)))
@@ -175,15 +216,15 @@
 	(t (let ((cursor-pos (cursor-pos cursor)))
 	     (assert (>= cursor-pos n) ()
 		     'at-beginning-error :cursor cursor)
-	     (setf (cursor-pos cursor) (- cursor-pos n))))))
-(defmethod move-elements :after ((cc standard-cursorchain) to from start1 start2 end2)
-  (loop for cursor-wp in (cursorchain-cursors cc)
-	as cursor = (weak-pointer-value cursor-wp)
-	do (when cursor
-	     (with-slots (index) cursor
-		(when (and (<= start2 index) (< index end2))
-		  (incf index (- start1 start2)))))))
+	     (with-slots (cursors) (chain cursor)
+		(with-slots (index) cursor
+		   (setf (aref cursors index)
+			 (delete cursor (aref cursors index)
+				 :test #'eq
+				 :key #'weak-pointer-value))
+		   (setf (cursor-pos cursor) (- cursor-pos n))
+		   (push (make-weak-pointer cursor)
+			 (aref cursors index))))))))
 (defmethod insert ((cursor standard-flexicursor) object)
   (insert* (chain cursor) (cursor-pos cursor) object))
@@ -194,16 +235,16 @@
 	 (insert cursor object))
-(defmethod delete* :around ((chain standard-flexichain) position)
+(defmethod delete* :around ((chain standard-cursorchain) position)
   (with-slots (cursors) chain
-     (let* ((index (position-index chain position))
-	    (save (loop for cursor-wp in cursors
-			as cursor = (weak-pointer-value cursor-wp)
-			when (and cursor (= (slot-value cursor 'index) index))
-			  collect cursor)))
+     (let ((save (aref cursors (position-index chain position))))
-       (loop for cursor in save
-	     do (setf (cursor-pos cursor) position)))))
+       (loop for cursor-wp in save
+	     as cursor = (weak-pointer-value cursor-wp)
+	     when cursor
+	       do (setf (cursor-pos cursor) position)
+	       and do  (push cursor-wp
+			     (aref cursors (flexicursor-index cursor)))))))
 (defmethod delete> ((cursor standard-flexicursor) &optional (n 1))
   (let ((chain (chain cursor))

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