[graphic-forms-devel] Up and running

Jack Unrue jdunrue at gmail.com
Thu Aug 30 01:59:26 UTC 2007

On 8/29/07, Ken Perry <kperry at blinksoft.com> wrote:
> Well I just did (cd) in clisp which is supposed to print the current working
> directory and it says
> #P"C:\\graphic-forms\\"
> Which I believe is where the readme told me to run the clisp in.  What I
> don't understand is what it is looking for when it gives me the error:
> > *** - component "binary-data" not found, required by #<SYSTEM

There is a file called binary-data.asd that defines the system "binary-data".
It should be located in the subdirectory


which is relative to the graphic-forms top level directory. The variable
*binary-data-dir* is defined in config.lisp with that relative path.

After you execute  (gfsys::configure-asdf) can you tell me what
asdf:*central-registry* evaluates to? Just type that fully-qualified
symbol at the REPL, and you'll get back it's value.

Jack Unrue

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