[graphic-forms-cvs] r272 - in trunk/src: demos/unblocked uitoolkit/system

junrue at common-lisp.net junrue at common-lisp.net
Wed Sep 27 05:08:41 UTC 2006

Author: junrue
Date: Wed Sep 27 01:08:38 2006
New Revision: 272

generate a new set of tiles on reaching the next level; provide a bit of feedback when asked to reveal next move

Modified: trunk/src/demos/unblocked/scoreboard-panel.lisp
--- trunk/src/demos/unblocked/scoreboard-panel.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/demos/unblocked/scoreboard-panel.lisp	Wed Sep 27 01:08:38 2006
@@ -112,8 +112,8 @@
           (clear-buffer self gc)
-          (draw-scoreboard-row gc 1 image-size label-font *score-label* value-font (game-score))
-          (draw-scoreboard-row gc 0 image-size label-font *level-label* value-font (game-level))
+          (draw-scoreboard-row gc 1 image-size label-font *score-label* value-font (model-score))
+          (draw-scoreboard-row gc 0 image-size label-font *level-label* value-font (model-level))
           (draw-scoreboard-row gc 2 image-size label-font *points-needed-label* value-font (game-points-needed)))
       (gfs:dispose gc))))

Modified: trunk/src/demos/unblocked/unblocked-controller.lisp
--- trunk/src/demos/unblocked/unblocked-controller.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/demos/unblocked/unblocked-controller.lisp	Wed Sep 27 01:08:38 2006
@@ -47,13 +47,20 @@
 (defun ctrl-reveal-move ()
   (let ((shape (find-shape (model-tiles) #'accept-shape-p)))
-    (when shape
-      (let ((shape-pnts (shape-tile-points shape))
-            (timer (make-instance 'gfw:timer :initial-delay +revealed-duration+
-                                             :delay 0
-                                             :dispatcher (gfw:dispatcher (get-unblocked-win)))))
-        (draw-tiles-directly (get-tiles-panel) shape-pnts +max-tile-kinds+)
-        (gfw:enable timer t)))))
+    (cond
+      (shape
+        (let ((shape-pnts (shape-tile-points shape))
+              (timer (make-instance 'gfw:timer :initial-delay +revealed-duration+
+                                               :delay 0
+                                               :dispatcher (gfw:dispatcher (get-unblocked-win)))))
+          (draw-tiles-directly (get-tiles-panel) shape-pnts +max-tile-kinds+)
+          (gfw:enable timer t)))
+      (t
+        (gfs::message-box (gfs:handle (get-unblocked-win))
+                          "There are no remaining shapes."
+                          "Sorry!"
+                          (logior gfs::+mb-ok+ gfs::+mb-iconinformation+)
+                          0)))))
 (defun ctrl-start-selection (shape-pnts panel point button)
   (let* ((tiles (model-tiles))
@@ -75,8 +82,11 @@
   (let ((tile-pnt (window->tiles point)))
     (when (and (eql button :left-button) shape-pnts)
       (if (and tile-pnt (find tile-pnt shape-pnts :test #'eql-point))
-        (progn
-          (update-model-tiles shape-pnts)
+        (let ((prev-level (model-level)))
+          (update-model-score shape-pnts)
+          (if (> (model-level) prev-level)
+            (regenerate-model-tiles)
+            (update-model-tiles shape-pnts))
           (update-panel (get-scoreboard-panel))
           (update-panel (get-tiles-panel)))
         (draw-tiles-directly panel shape-pnts shape-kind)))))

Modified: trunk/src/demos/unblocked/unblocked-model.lisp
--- trunk/src/demos/unblocked/unblocked-model.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/demos/unblocked/unblocked-model.lisp	Wed Sep 27 01:08:38 2006
@@ -85,21 +85,26 @@
 (defun model-tiles ()
   (active-tiles-of *game*))
+(defun update-model-score (shape-data)
+  (incf (score-of *game*) (* 5 (length shape-data))))
 (defun update-model-tiles (shape-data)
   (setf (active-tiles-of *game*)
         (if shape-data
-            (incf (score-of *game*) (* 5 (length shape-data)))
             (loop with tmp = (clone-tiles (active-tiles-of *game*))
                   for pnt in shape-data do (set-tile tmp pnt 0)
                   finally (return (collapse-tiles tmp))))
           (original-tiles-of *game*))))
-(defun game-level ()
+(defun regenerate-model-tiles ()
+  (setf (active-tiles-of *game*) (compute-new-game-tiles)))
+(defun model-level ()
   (lookup-level-reached (score-of *game*)))
 (defun game-points-needed ()
-  (- (nth (1- (game-level)) *points-needed-table*) (score-of *game*)))
+  (- (nth (1- (model-level)) *points-needed-table*) (score-of *game*)))
-(defun game-score ()
+(defun model-score ()
   (score-of *game*))

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/system/system-constants.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/system/system-constants.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/system/system-constants.lisp	Wed Sep 27 01:08:38 2006
@@ -597,6 +597,38 @@
 (defconstant +lr-copyfromresource+         #x4000)
 (defconstant +lr-shared+                   #x8000)
+(defconstant +mb-ok+                   #x00000000)
+(defconstant +mb-okcancel+             #x00000001)
+(defconstant +mb-abortretryignore+     #x00000002)
+(defconstant +mb-yesnocancel+          #x00000003)
+(defconstant +mb-yesno+                #x00000004)
+(defconstant +mb-retrycancel+          #x00000005)
+(defconstant +mb-canceltrycontinue+    #x00000006)
+(defconstant +mb-iconhand+             #x00000010)
+(defconstant +mb-iconquestion+         #x00000020)
+(defconstant +mb-iconexclamation+      #x00000030)
+(defconstant +mb-iconasterisk+         #x00000040)
+(defconstant +mb-usericon+             #x00000080)
+(defconstant +mb-iconwarning+          #x00000030)
+(defconstant +mb-iconerror+            #x00000010)
+(defconstant +mb-iconinformation+      #x00000040)
+(defconstant +mb-iconstop+             #x00000010)
+(defconstant +mb-defbutton1+           #x00000000)
+(defconstant +mb-defbutton2+           #x00000100)
+(defconstant +mb-defbutton3+           #x00000200)
+(defconstant +mb-defbutton4+           #x00000300)
+(defconstant +mb-applmodal+            #x00000000)
+(defconstant +mb-systemmodal+          #x00001000)
+(defconstant +mb-taskmodal+            #x00002000)
+(defconstant +mb-help+                 #x00004000)
+(defconstant +mb-nofocus+              #x00008000)
+(defconstant +mb-setforeground+        #x00010000)
+(defconstant +mb-default-desktop-only+ #x00020000)
+(defconstant +mb-topmost+              #x00040000)
+(defconstant +mb-right+                #x00080000)
+(defconstant +mb-rtlreading+           #x00100000)
+(defconstant +mb-service-notification+ #x00200000)
 (defconstant +mf-bycommand+            #x00000000)
 (defconstant +mf-byposition+           #x00000400)

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/system/user32.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/system/user32.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/system/user32.lisp	Wed Sep 27 01:08:38 2006
@@ -570,6 +570,15 @@
   (type UINT))
+  ("MessageBoxExA" message-box)
+  INT
+  (hwnd    HANDLE)
+  (text    :string)
+  (caption :string)
+  (type    UINT)
+  (langid  WORD))
   ("MonitorFromWindow" monitor-from-window)
   (hwnd HANDLE)

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