[graphic-forms-cvs] r248 - in trunk: docs/manual src/tests/uitoolkit src/uitoolkit/widgets

junrue at common-lisp.net junrue at common-lisp.net
Tue Sep 5 15:39:38 UTC 2006

Author: junrue
Date: Tue Sep  5 11:39:37 2006
New Revision: 248

converted update-native-style to a generic function, added other convenience functions for querying style flags

Modified: trunk/docs/manual/widget-functions.texinfo
--- trunk/docs/manual/widget-functions.texinfo	(original)
+++ trunk/docs/manual/widget-functions.texinfo	Tue Sep  5 11:39:37 2006
@@ -546,9 +546,17 @@
 @deffn GenericFunction update-from-items self
 Synchronizes @var{self}'s internal model (i.e., a native control's
-data structures) with the list from the @var{items} slot
-after that list has been sorted. Application code typically does not
-need to call this function.
+data structures) with data derived from the @var{items} slot.
+If @var{self} has been assigned a sorting predicate, the array
+of items will be sorted prior to the internal model update.
+ at end deffn
+ at anchor{update-native-style}
+ at deffn GenericFunction update-native-style self integer => integer
+This function replaces the native style flags of @var{self} with
+ at var{integer} and calls any additional API needed to ensure that
+ at var{self}'s visual representation is refreshed.  The supplied
+ at var{integer} is returned.
 @end deffn

Modified: trunk/src/tests/uitoolkit/widget-tester.lisp
--- trunk/src/tests/uitoolkit/widget-tester.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/tests/uitoolkit/widget-tester.lisp	Tue Sep  5 11:39:37 2006
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
                                            :style '(:multiple-select)
                                            :items (subseq *list-box-test-data* 4)))
     (gfw:pack lb1-panel)
-    (make-instance 'gfw:button :parent btn-panel :text " ==> ")
-    (make-instance 'gfw:button :parent btn-panel :text " <== ")
+    (gfw:enable (make-instance 'gfw:button :parent btn-panel :text " ==> ") nil)
+    (gfw:enable (make-instance 'gfw:button :parent btn-panel :text " <== ") nil)
     (gfw:pack btn-panel)
     (make-instance 'gfw:label :text "Extended Select:" :parent lb2-panel)
     (setf lb2 (make-instance 'gfw:list-box :parent lb2-panel

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/button.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/button.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/button.lisp	Tue Sep  5 11:39:37 2006
@@ -140,3 +140,7 @@
 (defmethod text-baseline ((self button))
   (widget-text-baseline self +vertical-button-text-margin+))
+(defmethod update-native-style ((self button) flags)
+  (gfs::send-message (gfs:handle self) gfs::+bm-setstyle+ flags 1)
+  flags)

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/control.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/control.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/control.lisp	Tue Sep  5 11:39:37 2006
@@ -195,3 +195,12 @@
 (defmethod text-baseline ((self control))
   (gfs:size-height (size self)))
+(defmethod update-native-style ((self control) flags)
+  (let ((hwnd (gfs:handle self)))
+    (gfs::set-window-long hwnd gfs::+gwl-style+ flags)
+    (gfs::set-window-pos hwnd (cffi:null-pointer) 0 0 0 0 (logior gfs::+swp-framechanged+
+                                                                  gfs::+swp-nomove+
+                                                                  gfs::+swp-nosize+
+                                                                  gfs::+swp-nozorder+)))
+  flags)

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/dialog.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/dialog.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/dialog.lisp	Tue Sep  5 11:39:37 2006
@@ -106,16 +106,16 @@
   (let ((old-widget (cancel-widget self)))
     (if old-widget
       (let* ((hwnd (gfs:handle old-widget))
-             (style (gfs::get-window-long hwnd gfs::+gwl-style+)))
+             (style (get-native-style old-widget)))
         (setf style (logand style (lognot gfs::+bs-defpushbutton+)))
         (gfs::set-window-long hwnd gfs::+gwlp-id+ (increment-widget-id (thread-context)))
         (gfs::send-message (gfs:handle self) gfs::+dm-setdefid+ 0 0)
-        (gfs::send-message hwnd gfs::+bm-setstyle+ style 1))))
+        (update-native-style old-widget style))))
   (let* ((hwnd (gfs:handle cancel-widget))
-         (style (gfs::get-window-long hwnd gfs::+gwl-style+)))
+         (style (get-native-style cancel-widget)))
     (setf style (logior style gfs::+bs-pushbutton+))
     (gfs::set-window-long hwnd gfs::+gwlp-id+ gfs::+idcancel+)
-    (gfs::send-message hwnd gfs::+bm-setstyle+ style 1)))
+    (update-native-style cancel-widget style)))
 (defmethod default-widget :before ((self dialog))
   (if (gfs:disposed-p self)
@@ -144,18 +144,18 @@
   (let ((old-widget (default-widget self)))
     (if old-widget
       (let* ((hwnd (gfs:handle old-widget))
-             (style (gfs::get-window-long hwnd gfs::+gwl-style+)))
+             (style (get-native-style old-widget)))
         (setf style (logand style (lognot gfs::+bs-defpushbutton+)))
         (gfs::set-window-long hwnd gfs::+gwlp-id+ (increment-widget-id (thread-context)))
         (gfs::send-message (gfs:handle self) gfs::+dm-setdefid+ 0 0)
-        (gfs::send-message hwnd gfs::+bm-setstyle+ style 1))))
+        (update-native-style old-widget style))))
   (let* ((hdlg (gfs:handle self))
          (hwnd (gfs:handle def-widget))
-         (style (gfs::get-window-long hwnd gfs::+gwl-style+)))
+         (style (get-native-style def-widget)))
     (setf style (logior style gfs::+bs-defpushbutton+))
     (gfs::set-window-long hwnd gfs::+gwlp-id+ gfs::+idok+)
     (gfs::send-message hdlg gfs::+dm-setdefid+ (cffi:pointer-address hwnd) 0)
-    (gfs::send-message hwnd gfs::+bm-setstyle+ style 1)))
+    (update-native-style def-widget style)))
 (defmethod gfs:dispose ((self dialog))

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/edit.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/edit.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/edit.lisp	Tue Sep  5 11:39:37 2006
@@ -41,12 +41,10 @@
 (defmethod auto-hscroll-p ((self edit))
-  (let ((bits (gfs::get-window-long (gfs:handle self) gfs::+gwl-style+)))
-    (= (logand bits gfs::+es-autohscroll+) gfs::+es-autohscroll+)))
+  (test-native-style self gfs::+es-autohscroll+))
 (defmethod auto-vscroll-p ((self edit))
-  (let ((bits (gfs::get-window-long (gfs:handle self) gfs::+gwl-style+)))
-    (= (logand bits gfs::+es-autovscroll+) gfs::+es-autovscroll+)))
+  (test-native-style self gfs::+es-autovscroll+))
 (defmethod compute-style-flags ((self edit) &rest extra-data)
   (declare (ignore extra-data))
@@ -84,7 +82,7 @@
   (gfs::send-message (gfs:handle self) gfs::+wm-clear+ 0 0))
 (defmethod enable-scrollbars ((self edit) horizontal vertical)
-  (let ((bits (gfs::get-window-long (gfs:handle self) gfs::+gwl-style+)))
+  (let ((bits (get-native-style self)))
     (if horizontal
       (setf bits (logior bits gfs::+ws-hscroll+))
       (setf bits (logand bits (lognot gfs::+ws-hscroll+))))

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/label.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/label.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/label.lisp	Tue Sep  5 11:39:37 2006
@@ -117,8 +117,7 @@
 (defmethod (setf image) ((image gfg:image) (label label))
   (if (or (gfs:disposed-p label) (gfs:disposed-p image))
     (error 'gfs:disposed-error))
-  (let* ((hwnd (gfs:handle label))
-         (orig-flags (gfs::get-window-long hwnd gfs::+gwl-style+))
+  (let* ((orig-flags (get-native-style label))
          (etch-flags (logior (logand orig-flags gfs::+ss-etchedframe+)
                              (logand orig-flags gfs::+ss-sunken+)))
          (flags (logior etch-flags
@@ -142,8 +141,8 @@
           (setf (pixel-point-of label) (gfs:copy-point tr-pnt)))
         (setf image tmp-image)))
     (if (/= orig-flags flags)
-      (gfs::set-window-long hwnd gfs::+gwl-style+ flags))
-    (gfs::send-message hwnd
+      (update-native-style label flags))
+    (gfs::send-message (gfs:handle label)
                        (cffi:pointer-address (gfs:handle image)))))
@@ -164,9 +163,8 @@
   (init-control label))
 (defmethod preferred-size ((self label) width-hint height-hint)
-  (let* ((hwnd (gfs:handle self))
-         (bits (gfs::get-window-long hwnd gfs::+gwl-style+))
-         (b-width (* (border-width self) 2)))
+  (let ((bits (get-native-style self))
+        (b-width (* (border-width self) 2)))
     (if (= (logand bits gfs::+ss-bitmap+) gfs::+ss-bitmap+)
       (let ((image (image self)))
         (if image
@@ -191,23 +189,18 @@
   (get-widget-text self))
 (defmethod (setf text) (str (self label))
-  (let* ((hwnd (gfs:handle self))
-         (orig-flags (gfs::get-window-long hwnd gfs::+gwl-style+))
+  (let* ((orig-flags (get-native-style self))
          (etch-flags (logior (logand orig-flags gfs::+ss-etchedframe+)
                              (logand orig-flags gfs::+ss-sunken+))))
     (multiple-value-bind (std-flags ex-flags)
         (compute-style-flags self nil nil str)
       (declare (ignore ex-flags))
-      (gfs::set-window-long hwnd gfs::+gwl-style+ (logior etch-flags
-                                                          std-flags
-                                                          +default-child-style+))))
+      (update-native-style self (logior etch-flags std-flags +default-child-style+))))
   (set-widget-text self str))
 (defmethod text-baseline ((self label))
   (let ((b-width (border-width self)))
-    (if (= (logand (gfs::get-window-long (gfs:handle self) gfs::+gwl-style+)
-                   gfs::+ss-bitmap+)
-           gfs::+ss-bitmap+)
+    (if (test-native-style self gfs::+ss-bitmap+)
       (let ((image (image self)))
         (if image
           (+ (gfs:size-height (gfg:size image)) b-width)

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/list-box.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/list-box.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/list-box.lisp	Tue Sep  5 11:39:37 2006
@@ -52,6 +52,24 @@
                            (lognot (logior gfs::+lbs-multiplesel+ gfs::+lbs-extendedsel+))))
   (logior orig-flags gfs::+lbs-nosel+))
+(defun lb-init-storage (hwnd item-count total-bytes)
+  (gfs::send-message hwnd gfs::+lb-initstorage+ item-count total-bytes))
+(defun lb-clear-content (hwnd)
+  (gfs::send-message hwnd gfs::+lb-resetcontent+ 0 0))
+(defun lb-width (hwnd)
+  (let ((width (gfs::send-message hwnd gfs::+lb-gethorizontalextent+ 0 0)))
+    (if (< width 0)
+      (error 'gfs:win32-error :detail "LB_GETHORIZONTALEXTENT failed"))
+    width))
+(defun lb-item-count (hwnd)
+  (let ((count (gfs::send-message hwnd gfs::+lb-getcount+ 0 0)))
+    (if (< count 0)
+      (error 'gfs:win32-error :detail "LB_GETCOUNT failed"))
+    count))
 ;;; methods
@@ -151,15 +169,14 @@
       ((>= height-hint 0)
          (setf (gfs:size-height size) height-hint))
-        (setf (gfs:size-height size) (* (lb-item-count hwnd) (lb-item-height hwnd)))))
+        (setf (gfs:size-height size) (* (lb-item-count hwnd) (1+ (lb-item-height hwnd))))))
     (if (zerop (gfs:size-width size))
       (setf (gfs:size-width size) +default-widget-width+)
       (incf (gfs:size-width size) (+ b-width 4)))
     (if (zerop (gfs:size-height size))
       (setf (gfs:size-height size) +default-widget-height+)
       (incf (gfs:size-height size) b-width))
-    (if (= (logand (gfs::get-window-long hwnd gfs::+gwl-style+) gfs::+ws-vscroll+)
-           gfs::+ws-vscroll+)
+    (if (test-native-style self gfs::+ws-vscroll+)
       (incf (gfs:size-width size) (vertical-scrollbar-width)))

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/list-item.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/list-item.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/list-item.lisp	Tue Sep  5 11:39:37 2006
@@ -37,12 +37,6 @@
 ;;; helper functions
-(defun lb-init-storage (hwnd item-count total-bytes)
-  (gfs::send-message hwnd gfs::+lb-initstorage+ item-count total-bytes))
-(defun lb-clear-content (hwnd)
-  (gfs::send-message hwnd gfs::+lb-resetcontent+ 0 0))
 (defun lb-insert-item (hwnd index label hbmp)
   (declare (ignore hbmp)) ; FIXME: re-enable when we support images in list-box
   (let ((text (or label "")))
@@ -51,18 +45,6 @@
         (if (< retval 0)
           (error 'gfs:toolkit-error :detail (format nil "LB_INSERTSTRING failed: ~d" retval)))))))
-(defun lb-width (hwnd)
-  (let ((width (gfs::send-message hwnd gfs::+lb-gethorizontalextent+ 0 0)))
-    (if (< width 0)
-      (error 'gfs:win32-error :detail "LB_GETHORIZONTALEXTENT failed"))
-    width))
-(defun lb-item-count (hwnd)
-  (let ((count (gfs::send-message hwnd gfs::+lb-getcount+ 0 0)))
-    (if (< count 0)
-      (error 'gfs:win32-error :detail "LB_GETCOUNT failed"))
-    count))
 (defun lb-item-height (hwnd)
   (let ((height (gfs::send-message hwnd gfs::+lb-getitemheight+ 0 0)))
     (if (< height 0)

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/top-level.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/top-level.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/top-level.lisp	Tue Sep  5 11:39:37 2006
@@ -52,9 +52,8 @@
 (defun update-top-level-resizability (win same-size-flag)
-  (let* ((hwnd (gfs:handle win))
-         (orig-flags (gfs::get-window-long hwnd gfs::+gwl-style+))
-         (new-flags 0))
+  (let ((orig-flags (get-native-style win))
+        (new-flags 0))
          (setf new-flags (logand orig-flags (lognot gfs::+ws-maximizebox+)))
@@ -192,8 +191,7 @@
     (format stream "max size: ~a" (maximum-size self))))
 (defmethod resizable-p ((self top-level))
-  (let ((bits (gfs::get-window-long (gfs:handle self) gfs::+gwl-style+)))
-    (= (logand bits gfs::+ws-thickframe+) gfs::+ws-thickframe+)))
+  (test-native-style self gfs::+ws-thickframe+))
 (defmethod (setf resizable-p) (flag (self top-level))
   (let ((style (style-of self)))

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/widget-generics.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/widget-generics.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/widget-generics.lisp	Tue Sep  5 11:39:37 2006
@@ -423,6 +423,9 @@
 (defgeneric update-from-items (self)
   (:documentation "Rebuilds the native control's model of self from self's item list."))
+(defgeneric update-native-style (self flags)
+  (:documentation "Modifies self's native style flags and refreshes self's visual appearance."))
 (defgeneric vertical-scrollbar (self)
   (:documentation "Returns T if this object currently has a vertical scrollbar; nil otherwise."))

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/widget-utils.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/widget-utils.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/widget-utils.lisp	Tue Sep  5 11:39:37 2006
@@ -141,14 +141,6 @@
       (error 'gfs:comdlg-error :detail (format nil "~a failed" (symbol-name dlg-func))))
-(defun update-native-style (widget bits)
-  (let ((hwnd (gfs:handle widget)))
-    (gfs::set-window-long hwnd gfs::+gwl-style+ bits)
-    (gfs::set-window-pos hwnd (cffi:null-pointer) 0 0 0 0 (logior gfs::+swp-framechanged+
-                                                                  gfs::+swp-nomove+
-                                                                  gfs::+swp-nosize+
-                                                                  gfs::+swp-nozorder+))))
 (defun get-widget-text (w)
   (if (gfs:disposed-p w)
     (error 'gfs:disposed-error))
@@ -282,3 +274,15 @@
   (let ((new-width (funcall compare-fn (gfs:size-width new-size) (gfs:size-width current-size)))
         (new-height (funcall compare-fn (gfs:size-height new-size) (gfs:size-height current-size))))
     (gfs:make-size :width new-width :height new-height)))
+(defun get-native-style (widget)
+  (gfs::get-window-long (gfs:handle widget) gfs::+gwl-style+))
+(defun get-native-exstyle (widget)
+  (gfs::get-window-long (gfs:handle widget) gfs::+gwl-exstyle+))
+(defun test-native-style (widget bits)
+  (= (logand (gfs::get-window-long (gfs:handle widget) gfs::+gwl-style+) bits) bits))
+(defun test-native-exstyle (widget bits)
+  (= (logand (gfs::get-window-long (gfs:handle widget) gfs::+gwl-exstyle+) bits) bits))

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/widget.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/widget.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/widget.lisp	Tue Sep  5 11:39:37 2006
@@ -92,8 +92,7 @@
     (error 'gfs:disposed-error)))
 (defmethod border-width ((self widget))
-  (let* ((hwnd (gfs:handle self))
-         (bits (gfs::get-window-long hwnd gfs::+gwl-exstyle+)))
+  (let ((bits (get-native-exstyle self)))
       ((/= (logand bits gfs::+ws-ex-clientedge+) 0)
         (return-from border-width (gfs::get-system-metrics gfs::+sm-cxedge+)))
@@ -103,8 +102,7 @@
         (return-from border-width (gfs::get-system-metrics gfs::+sm-cxborder+)))
       ((/= (logand bits gfs::+ws-ex-windowedge+) 0)
         (return-from border-width (gfs::get-system-metrics gfs::+sm-cxdlgframe+))))
-    (setf bits (gfs::get-window-long hwnd gfs::+gwl-style+))
-    (when (logand bits gfs::+ws-border+)
+    (when (test-native-style self gfs::+ws-border+)
       (return-from border-width (gfs::get-system-metrics gfs::+sm-cxborder+)))
@@ -434,6 +432,11 @@
     (unless (gfs:null-handle-p hwnd)
       (gfs::update-window hwnd))))
+(defmethod update-native-style :before ((self widget) bits)
+  (declare (ignore bits))
+  (if (gfs:disposed-p self)
+    (error 'gfs:disposed-error)))
 (defmethod visible-p :before ((self widget))
   (if (gfs:disposed-p self)
     (error 'gfs:disposed-error)))

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/window.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/window.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/window.lisp	Tue Sep  5 11:39:37 2006
@@ -152,16 +152,16 @@
         (setf color (gfg:rgb->color (gfs::get-class-long hwnd gfs::+gclp-hbrbackground+)))))
-(defmethod compute-outer-size ((win window) desired-client-size)
-  (let ((hwnd (gfs:handle win))
+(defmethod compute-outer-size ((self window) desired-client-size)
+  (let ((hwnd (gfs:handle self))
         (new-size (gfs:make-size)))
       (setf gfs::right  (gfs:size-width desired-client-size)
             gfs::bottom (gfs:size-height desired-client-size))
       (if (zerop (gfs::adjust-window-rect gfs::rect-ptr
-                                          (gfs::get-window-long hwnd gfs::+gwl-style+)
+                                          (get-native-style self)
                                           (if (cffi:null-pointer-p (gfs::get-menu hwnd)) 0 1)
-                                          (gfs::get-window-long hwnd gfs::+gwl-exstyle+)))
+                                          (get-native-exstyle self)))
         (error 'gfs:win32-error :detail "adjust-window-rect failed"))
       (setf (gfs:size-width new-size)  (- gfs::right gfs::left)
             (gfs:size-height new-size) (- gfs::bottom gfs::top)))
@@ -314,6 +314,15 @@
     (outer-size self sz)
+(defmethod update-native-style ((self window) flags)
+  (let ((hwnd (gfs:handle self)))
+    (gfs::set-window-long hwnd gfs::+gwl-style+ flags)
+    (gfs::set-window-pos hwnd (cffi:null-pointer) 0 0 0 0 (logior gfs::+swp-framechanged+
+                                                                  gfs::+swp-nomove+
+                                                                  gfs::+swp-nosize+
+                                                                  gfs::+swp-nozorder+)))
+  flags)
 (defmethod window->display :before ((self window))
   (if (gfs:disposed-p self)
     (error 'gfs:disposed-error)))

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