[graphic-forms-cvs] r359 - trunk/docs/manual
junrue at common-lisp.net
junrue at common-lisp.net
Thu Oct 19 23:30:29 UTC 2006
Author: junrue
Date: Thu Oct 19 19:30:29 2006
New Revision: 359
Modified: trunk/docs/manual/gfg-symbols.xml
--- trunk/docs/manual/gfg-symbols.xml (original)
+++ trunk/docs/manual/gfg-symbols.xml Thu Oct 19 19:30:29 2006
@@ -321,21 +321,134 @@
<!-- FUNCTIONS -->
+ <function name="icon-bundle-length">
+ <syntax>
+ <arguments>
+ <argument name="icon-bundle">
+ <description>
+ The <reftopic>gfg:icon-bundle</reftopic> whose length is to
+ be returned.
+ </description>
+ </argument>
+ </arguments>
+ <return>
+ <refclhs>integer</refclhs>
+ </return>
+ </syntax>
+ <description>
+ Returns the number of images in <arg0/>.
+ </description>
+ <seealso>
+ <reftopic>gfg:icon-image-ref</reftopic>
+ <reftopic>gfg:push-icon-image</reftopic>
+ <reftopic>gfg:image</reftopic>
+ </seealso>
+ </function>
+ <function name="push-icon-image">
+ <syntax>
+ <arguments>
+ <argument name="image">
+ <description>
+ The <reftopic>gfg:image</reftopic> being added to <arg1/>.
+ </description>
+ </argument>
+ <argument name="icon-bundle">
+ <description>
+ The <reftopic>gfg:icon-bundle</reftopic> taking ownership of
+ <arg0/>.
+ </description>
+ </argument>
+ <notarg name="&optional"/>
+ <argument name="point">
+ <description>
+ The <reftopic>gfs:point</reftopic> specifying the location of
+ a pixel within <arg0/> whose color will be used to compute a
+ transparency mask. By default, the pixel at (0, 0) will be used.
+ </description>
+ </argument>
+ </arguments>
+ <return>
+ <reftopic>gfg:icon-bundle</reftopic>
+ </return>
+ </syntax>
+ <description>
+ Use this function to add a new <reftopic>gfg:image</reftopic> to
+ <arg1/> (which assumes ownership of <arg0/>).
+ </description>
+ <seealso>
+ <reftopic>gfg:icon-image-ref</reftopic>
+ <reftopic>gfg:icon-bundle-length</reftopic>
+ </seealso>
+ </function>
+ <function name="icon-image-ref">
+ <syntax with-setf="t">
+ <arguments>
+ <argument name="icon-bundle">
+ <description>
+ The <reftopic>gfg:icon-bundle</reftopic> from (into) which
+ a <reftopic>gfg:image</reftopic> is to be retrieved (set).
+ </description>
+ </argument>
+ <argument name="subscript">
+ <description>
+ Either a zero-based integer subscript, or one of the following
+ keyword symbols:
+ <enum>
+ <argument name=":large">
+ <description>
+ Selects the largest image in <arg0/>.
+ </description>
+ </argument>
+ <argument name=":small">
+ <description>
+ Selects the smallest image in <arg0/>.
+ </description>
+ </argument>
+ </enum>
+ </description>
+ </argument>
+ </arguments>
+ <return>
+ <reftopic>gfg:image</reftopic>
+ </return>
+ </syntax>
+ <description>
+ <para role="normal">
+ This function allows images within <arg0/> to be retrieved or
+ set via a subscript.
+ </para>
+ <para role="normal">
+ Note: there are actually four icon sizes that Windows defines
+ for use in various contexts. A future release of Graphic-Forms
+ will add keywords to better distinguish amongst all four, and
+ to help ensure selection of the appropriate size.
+ </para>
+ </description>
+ <seealso>
+ <reftopic>gfg:icon-bundle-length</reftopic>
+ <reftopic>gfg:push-icon-image</reftopic>
+ </seealso>
+ </function>
<function name="make-font-data">
- <argument name=":char-set integer">
+ <argument name=":char-set">
A <reftopic label="character set">xxx</reftopic> constant value.
- <argument name=":face-name string">
+ <notarg name="integer"/>
+ <argument name=":face-name">
A <refclhs>string</refclhs> representing a font face name, such
as "Times New Roman".
- <argument name=":point-size integer">
+ <notarg name="string"/>
+ <argument name=":point-size">
An <refclhs>integer</refclhs> value representing a font point
size. The value 0 is a special instruction to the font mapper to
@@ -343,7 +456,8 @@
<arg0/> and <arg3/> values.
- <argument name=":style list">
+ <notarg name="integer"/>
+ <argument name=":style">
A <refclhs>list</refclhs> of keyword symbols that further specify
attributes of the desired font:
@@ -378,6 +492,7 @@
+ <notarg name="list"/>
@@ -415,24 +530,104 @@
+ <function name="make-font-metrics">
+ <syntax>
+ <arguments>
+ <argument name=":ascent">
+ <description>
+ An <refclhs>integer</refclhs> specifying units above the character
+ baseline.
+ </description>
+ </argument>
+ <notarg name="integer"/>
+ <argument name=":avg-char-width">
+ <description>
+ An <refclhs>integer</refclhs> specifying the average width of
+ characters. Does not include overhang required for bold or italic.
+ </description>
+ </argument>
+ <notarg name="integer"/>
+ <argument name=":descent">
+ <description>
+ An <refclhs>integer</refclhs> specifying units below the
+ character baseline.
+ </description>
+ </argument>
+ <notarg name="integer"/>
+ <argument name=":leading">
+ <description>
+ An <refclhs>integer</refclhs> specifying the amount of extra space
+ added between rows of text.
+ </description>
+ </argument>
+ <notarg name="integer"/>
+ <argument name=":max-char-width">
+ <description>
+ An <refclhs>integer</refclhs> specifying the width of the widest
+ character in the font.
+ </description>
+ </argument>
+ <notarg name="integer"/>
+ </arguments>
+ <return>
+ <reftopic label="new font-metrics">gfg:font-metrics</reftopic>
+ </return>
+ </syntax>
+ <description>
+ Returns a new <reftopic>gfg:font-metrics</reftopic> object.
+ </description>
+ <seealso>
+ <reftopic>gfg:copy-font-metrics</reftopic>
+ <reftopic>gfg:font</reftopic>
+ <reftopic>gfg:metrics</reftopic>
+ </seealso>
+ </function>
+ <function name="copy-font-metrics">
+ <syntax>
+ <arguments>
+ <argument name="font-metrics">
+ <description>
+ The <reftopic>gfg:font-metrics</reftopic> structure to be copied.
+ </description>
+ </argument>
+ </arguments>
+ <return>
+ <reftopic label="new font-metrics">gfg:font-metrics</reftopic>
+ </return>
+ </syntax>
+ <description>
+ Returns a new <reftopic>gfg:font-metrics</reftopic> whose slot values
+ were copied from <arg0/>.
+ </description>
+ <seealso>
+ <reftopic>gfg:make-font-metrics</reftopic>
+ <reftopic>gfg:font</reftopic>
+ <reftopic>gfg:metrics</reftopic>
+ </seealso>
+ </function>
<function name="make-color">
- <argument name=":blue integer">
+ <argument name=":blue">
An <refclhs>integer</refclhs> specifying the blue color component.
- <argument name=":green integer">
+ <notarg name="integer"/>
+ <argument name=":green">
An <refclhs>integer</refclhs> specifying the green color component.
- <argument name=":red integer">
+ <notarg name="integer"/>
+ <argument name=":red">
An <refclhs>integer</refclhs> specifying the red color component.
+ <notarg name="integer"/>
@@ -543,6 +738,24 @@
+ <generic-function name="font">
+ <syntax with-setf="t">
+ <arguments>
+ <argument name="self">
+ <description>
+ The object whose font is to be set or queried.
+ </description>
+ </argument>
+ </arguments>
+ <return>
+ <reftopic>gfg:font</reftopic>
+ </return>
+ </syntax>
+ <description>
+ Returns (sets) the <reftopic>gfg:font</reftopic> of <arg0/>.
+ </description>
+ </generic-function>
<generic-function name="transparency-mask">
@@ -772,6 +985,109 @@
<!-- ACCESSORS -->
+ <slot-accessor name="pen-style">
+ <syntax with-setf="t">
+ <arguments>
+ <argument name="graphics-context">
+ <description>
+ The <reftopic>gfg:graphics-context</reftopic> whose pen style
+ is to be retrieved or set.
+ </description>
+ </argument>
+ </arguments>
+ <return>
+ <refclhs>list</refclhs>
+ </return>
+ </syntax>
+ <description>
+ <para role="normal">
+ Returns (sets) a list of keyword symbols that configure <arg0/>'s
+ line drawing mode, as described below.
+ </para>
+ <para role="normal">One of the following primary styles:</para>
+ <enum>
+ <argument name=":alternate">
+ <description>Every other pixel is set.</description>
+ </argument>
+ <argument name=":dash">
+ <description>Dashed line.</description>
+ </argument>
+ <argument name=":dashdot">
+ <description>Alternating dashes and dots.</description>
+ </argument>
+ <argument name=":dashdotdot">
+ <description>Alternating dashes and double dots.</description>
+ </argument>
+ <argument name=":dot">
+ <description>Dotted line.</description>
+ </argument>
+ <argument name=":solid">
+ <description>Solid line.</description>
+ </argument>
+ </enum>
+ <para role="normal">One of the following end cap styles:</para>
+ <enum>
+ <argument name=":flat-endcap"/>
+ <argument name=":round-endcap"/>
+ <argument name=":square-endcap"/>
+ </enum>
+ <para role="normal">One of the following end cap styles:</para>
+ <enum>
+ <argument name=":bevel-join">
+ <description>Beveled joins.</description>
+ </argument>
+ <argument name=":miter-join">
+ <description>
+ Mitered joins if the ratio of miter length to
+ line width is within <reftopic>gfg:miter-limit</reftopic>.
+ </description>
+ </argument>
+ <argument name=":round-join">
+ <description>Rounded joins.</description>
+ </argument>
+ </enum>
+ <para role="normal">
+ The default style is '(:flat :square-endcap :round-bevel). Specifying
+ NIL is equivalent to selecting the Win32 PS_NULL pen style, meaning
+ that the pen is invisible.
+ </para>
+ </description>
+ <seealso>
+ <reftopic>gfg:miter-limit</reftopic>
+ <reftopic>gfg:pen-width</reftopic>
+ </seealso>
+ </slot-accessor>
+ <slot-accessor name="pen-width">
+ <syntax with-setf="t">
+ <arguments>
+ <argument name="graphics-context">
+ <description>
+ The <reftopic>gfg:graphics-context</reftopic> whose pen width
+ value is to be retrieved or set.
+ </description>
+ </argument>
+ </arguments>
+ <return>
+ <refclhs>integer</refclhs>
+ </return>
+ </syntax>
+ <description>
+ Returns (sets) an <refclhs>integer</refclhs> value determining the width
+ of a drawn line. The minimum supported value is 0, which configures the
+ underlying device context to draw 1-pixel-wide lines using an optimized
+ drawing algorithm.
+ </description>
+ <seealso>
+ <reftopic>gfg:pen-style</reftopic>
+ <reftopic>gfg:draw-line</reftopic>
+ </seealso>
+ </slot-accessor>
<!-- MACROS -->
<macro name="with-image-transparency">
Modified: trunk/docs/manual/gfs-symbols.xml
--- trunk/docs/manual/gfs-symbols.xml (original)
+++ trunk/docs/manual/gfs-symbols.xml Thu Oct 19 19:30:29 2006
@@ -303,16 +303,18 @@
<function name="make-point">
- <argument name=":x integer">
+ <argument name=":x">
An <refclhs>integer</refclhs> specifying the X coordinate.
- <argument name=":y integer">
+ <notarg name="integer"/>
+ <argument name=":y">
An <refclhs>integer</refclhs> specifying the Y coordinate.
+ <notarg name="integer"/>
<reftopic label="new point">gfs:point</reftopic>
@@ -399,18 +401,20 @@
<function name="make-rectangle">
- <argument name=":location point">
+ <argument name=":location">
An <reftopic>gfs:point</reftopic> specifying the coordinates of the
upper-left corner of the rectangle.
- <argument name=":size size">
+ <notarg name="point"/>
+ <argument name=":size">
A <reftopic>gfs:size</reftopic> specifing the dimensions of the
+ <notarg name="size"/>
<reftopic label="new rectangle">gfs:rectangle</reftopic>
@@ -472,16 +476,18 @@
<function name="make-size">
- <argument name=":height integer">
+ <argument name=":height">
An <refclhs>integer</refclhs> specifying the height.
- <argument name=":width integer">
+ <notarg name="integer"/>
+ <argument name=":width">
An <refclhs>integer</refclhs> specifying the width.
+ <notarg name="integer"/>
<reftopic label="new size">gfs:size</reftopic>
@@ -521,16 +527,18 @@
<function name="make-span">
- <argument name=":end integer">
+ <argument name=":end">
An <refclhs>integer</refclhs> specifying the ending value.
- <argument name=":start integer">
+ <notarg name="integer"/>
+ <argument name=":start">
An <refclhs>integer</refclhs> specifying the starting value.
+ <notarg name="integer"/>
<reftopic label="new span">gfs:span</reftopic>
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