[graphic-forms-cvs] r128 - in trunk: docs/manual src/tests/uitoolkit src/uitoolkit/widgets

junrue at common-lisp.net junrue at common-lisp.net
Fri May 12 17:20:57 UTC 2006

Author: junrue
Date: Fri May 12 13:20:56 2006
New Revision: 128

dialog :owner-modal and :modeless styles now work, but :application-modal style needs further work

Modified: trunk/docs/manual/api.texinfo
--- trunk/docs/manual/api.texinfo	(original)
+++ trunk/docs/manual/api.texinfo	Fri May 12 13:20:56 2006
@@ -194,11 +194,14 @@
 @ref{window}(s). Dialogs typically serve to collect additional
 information from the user in a specific context. Note that some
 applications are entirely dialog-based. This class derives from
- at ref{window}.@*@* A @emph{modal} dialog constrains the user to respond
-to it, whereas a @emph{modeless} dialog allows continued interaction
-with other windows.
+ at ref{window}.@*@* A @emph{modal} dialog forces the user to respond to
+it before returning to other application functionality, whereas a
+ at emph{modeless} dialog does not.
 @deffn Initarg :owner
-Specifies the @ref{owner} of the dialog.
+Specifies the @ref{owner} of the dialog. Although no error will be
+thrown, the library does not allow @ref{root-window} to be the parent
+of any dialog -- the dialog initialization code instead substitutes
+ at sc{nil} for the owner.
 @end deffn
 @deffn Initarg :style
 @table @code
@@ -212,8 +215,9 @@
 dialog floats on top of all application-created windows, the user may
 still interact with other windows and dialogs.
 @item :owner-modal
-Specifies that the dialog is @emph{modal} only in terms of its
- at ref{owner} window or dialog.
+Specifies that the dialog is @emph{modal} only in relation to its
+ at ref{owner} (which could be a window or another dialog). This style is
+the default if no style keywords are specified.
 @end table
 @end deffn
 @deffn Initarg :text
@@ -432,11 +436,10 @@
 on the root @ref{window} are somewhat constrained, therefore not all
 functions normally implemented for other @ref{window} types are
 available for this @ref{window} type.  If an application attempts to
-set @code{root-window} as the @ref{owner} of a dialog or
- at ref{top-level}, a @ref{toolkit-error} will be thrown.
-In a reply to an entry at
- at url{http://blogs.msdn.com/oldnewthing/archive/2004/02/24/79212.aspx},
-Raymond Chen says:
+set @code{root-window} as the @ref{owner} of a dialog, the library
+will substitute @sc{nil}. This follows guidance provided by Raymond
+Chen in a reply to an entry at his blog
+ at url{http://blogs.msdn.com/oldnewthing/archive/2004/02/24/79212.aspx}:
 An owned window is not a child window. Disabling a parent also
 disables children, but it does NOT disable owned windows.
@@ -639,7 +642,7 @@
 @end deffn
- at deffn GenericFunction event-focus-gain dispatcher widget time
+ at deffn GenericFunction event-focus-loss dispatcher widget time
 Implement this to respond to an object losing keyboard focus.
 @end deffn

Modified: trunk/src/tests/uitoolkit/windlg.lisp
--- trunk/src/tests/uitoolkit/windlg.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/tests/uitoolkit/windlg.lisp	Fri May 12 13:20:56 2006
@@ -131,26 +131,46 @@
     (setf (gfg:foreground-color gc) (gfg:background-color parent))
     (gfg:draw-filled-rectangle gc (make-instance 'gfs:rectangle :size (gfw:size panel)))))
-(defun open-modal-dlg (disp item time rect)
-  (declare (ignore disp item time rect))
+(defclass dialog-events (gfw:event-dispatcher) ())
+(defmethod gfw:event-close ((disp dialog-events) (dlg gfw:dialog) time)
+  (declare (ignore time))
+  (format t "dialog-events event-close called~%")
+  (call-next-method)
+  (gfs:dispose dlg))
+(defun open-dlg (title style)
   (let* ((dlg (make-instance 'gfw:dialog :owner *main-win*
-                                        :layout (make-instance 'gfw:flow-layout
-                                                               :margins 8
-                                                               :spacing 4
-                                                               :style '(:horizontal))
-                                        :style '(:modal)))
+                                         :dispatcher (make-instance 'dialog-events)
+                                         :layout (make-instance 'gfw:flow-layout
+                                                                :margins 8
+                                                                :spacing 4
+                                                                :style '(:horizontal))
+                                         :style style
+                                         :text title))
          (panel (make-instance 'dlg-test-panel
                                :style '(:border)
                                :parent dlg))
          (btn (make-instance 'gfw:button
+                             :callback (lambda (disp btn time rect)
+                                         (declare (ignore disp time rect))
+                                         (let ((dlg (gfw:parent btn)))
+                                           (gfw:show dlg nil)
+                                           (gfs:dispose dlg)))
                              :parent dlg)))
     (setf (gfw:text btn) "Close")
     (gfw:pack dlg)
     (gfw:center-on-owner dlg)
-    (gfw:show dlg t)))
+    (gfw:show dlg t)
+    dlg))
+(defun open-modal-dlg (disp item time rect)
+  (declare (ignore disp item time rect))
+  (open-dlg "Modal" '(:owner-modal)))
 (defun open-modeless-dlg (disp item time rect)
-  (declare (ignore disp item time rect)))
+  (declare (ignore disp item time rect))
+  (open-dlg "Modeless" '(:modeless)))
 (defun run-windlg-internal ()
   (let ((menubar nil))

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/dialog.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/dialog.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/dialog.lisp	Fri May 12 13:20:56 2006
@@ -69,4 +69,56 @@
       (error 'gfs:disposed-error)))
   (if (null text)
     (setf text +default-dialog-title+))
+  ;; NOTE: do not allow apps to specify the desktop window as the
+  ;; owner of the dialog; it would cause the desktop to become
+  ;; disabled.
+  ;;
+  (if (cffi:pointer-eq (gfs:handle owner) (gfs::get-desktop-window))
+    (setf owner nil))
   (init-window dlg +dialog-classname+ #'register-dialog-class owner text))
+(defmethod show ((dlg dialog) flag)
+  (let ((hutility (utility-hwnd (thread-context)))
+        (app-modal (find :application-modal (style-of dlg)))
+        (owner-modal (find :owner-modal (style-of dlg)))
+        (owner (owner dlg))
+        (hdlg (gfs:handle dlg)))
+    (cond
+      ((and app-modal owner)
+         ;; FIXME: need to save and restore each window's prior
+         ;; enabled state
+         ;;
+         (visit-top-level-windows (lambda (win)
+                                    (unless (or (cffi:pointer-eq (gfs:handle win) hdlg)
+                                                (cffi:pointer-eq (gfs:handle win) hutility))
+                                      (enable win (null flag))))))
+      ((and owner-modal owner)
+         (enable owner (null flag))))
+    (call-next-method)
+    (when (and flag (or app-modal owner-modal))
+      (message-loop (lambda (gm-code msg-ptr)
+                      (cond
+                        ((or (gfs:disposed-p dlg) (not (visible-p dlg)))
+                           t) ; dialog closed, so exit loop
+                        ((zerop gm-code)
+                           ;; IMPORTANT: allow WM_QUIT to propagate back through
+                           ;; nested message loops to the main loop, so that we
+                           ;; shut down correctly -- whether the system injected
+                           ;; the WM_QUIT or it was something the app did, we
+                           ;; handle the shutdown request the same way.
+                           ;;
+                           (gfs::post-quit-message (cffi:foreign-slot-value msg-ptr
+                                                                            'gfs::msg
+                                                                            'gfs::wparam))
+                           t)
+                        ((= gm-code -1)
+                           (warn 'gfs:win32-warning :detail "get-message failed")
+                           t)
+                        ((/= (gfs::is-dialog-message (gfs:handle dlg) msg-ptr) 0)
+                           ;; It was a dialog message and has been processed,
+                           ;; so nothing else to do.
+                           ;;
+                           nil)
+                        (t
+                           (translate-and-dispatch msg-ptr)
+                           nil)))))))

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/widget-utils.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/widget-utils.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/widget-utils.lisp	Fri May 12 13:20:56 2006
@@ -33,6 +33,10 @@
 (in-package #:graphic-forms.uitoolkit.widgets)
+(defun translate-and-dispatch (msg-ptr)
+  (gfs::translate-message msg-ptr)
+  (gfs::dispatch-message msg-ptr))
 (defun default-message-filter (gm-code msg-ptr)
     ((zerop gm-code)
@@ -42,8 +46,7 @@
        (warn 'gfs:win32-warning :detail "get-message failed")
-       (gfs::translate-message msg-ptr)
-       (gfs::dispatch-message msg-ptr)
+       (translate-and-dispatch msg-ptr)
 #+clisp (defun startup (thread-name start-fn)

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