[graphic-forms-cvs] r84 - in trunk: docs/manual src/tests/uitoolkit src/uitoolkit/graphics src/uitoolkit/system src/uitoolkit/widgets

junrue at common-lisp.net junrue at common-lisp.net
Fri Mar 31 23:21:20 UTC 2006

Author: junrue
Date: Fri Mar 31 18:21:19 2006
New Revision: 84

implemented :tab and :mnemonic text drawing styles; implemented text-extent method and refactored widgets package at the same time

Modified: trunk/docs/manual/api.texinfo
--- trunk/docs/manual/api.texinfo	(original)
+++ trunk/docs/manual/api.texinfo	Fri Mar 31 18:21:19 2006
@@ -1027,9 +1027,23 @@
 using the current pen width and style.
 @end deffn
- at deffn GenericFunction draw-text self text pnt
-Draws the given string in the current font and foreground color, with
-(x, y) being the top-left coordinate of a bounding box for the string.
+ at deffn GenericFunction draw-text self text point &optional style tab-width
+Draws @code{text} in the current font and foreground color, with
+ at code{point} being the top-left coordinate of a bounding box for the
+string.  The optional @code{style} parameter is a list containing the
+following text style keywords:
+ at table @code
+ at item :mnemonic
+underline the mnemonic character (specified in the original string
+by preceding the character with an ampersand @samp{&})
+ at item :tab
+expand tabs when the string is rendered; by default the tab-width
+is 8 characters, but the optional @code{tab-width} parameter may
+be used to specify a different width
+ at item :transparent
+ at emph{This style is not yet implemented.} the background of the
+rectangular area where text is drawn will not be modified
+ at end table
 @end deffn
 @deffn GenericFunction font self
@@ -1041,12 +1055,27 @@
 Returns a color object corresponding to the current foreground color.
 @end deffn
- at deffn GenericFunction metrics self
-Returns a metrics object describing key attributes of the specified object.
+ at deffn GenericFunction metrics self font
+Returns a @ref{font-metrics} object describing key attributes of @code{font}.
 @end deffn
 @deffn GenericFunction size self
-Returns a size object describing the size of the object.
+Returns a size object describing the dimensions of the object.
+ at end deffn
+ at deffn GenericFunction text-extent self text &optional style tab-width
+Returns the size of a rectangular that would enclose @code{text} if it
+were drawn in the current font. The optional @code{style} parameter is
+a list containing the following text style keywords:
+ at table @code
+ at item :mnemonic
+underline the mnemonic character (specified in the original string
+by preceding the character with an ampersand @samp{&})
+ at item :tab
+expand tabs when the string is rendered; by default the tab-width
+is 8 characters, but the optional @code{tab-width} parameter may
+be used to specify a different width
+ at end table
 @end deffn
 @deffn GenericFunction transparency-mask self

Modified: trunk/src/tests/uitoolkit/drawing-tester.lisp
--- trunk/src/tests/uitoolkit/drawing-tester.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/tests/uitoolkit/drawing-tester.lisp	Fri Mar 31 18:21:19 2006
@@ -272,34 +272,51 @@
   (setf (draw-func-of *drawing-dispatcher*) #'draw-rects)
   (gfw:redraw *drawing-win*))
-(defun draw-a-string (gc pnt face-name pt-size style)
+(defun draw-a-string (gc pnt text face-name pt-size font-style text-style)
   (let* ((font (make-instance 'gfg:font :gc gc
                                         :data (gfg:make-font-data :face-name face-name
-                                                                  :style style
+                                                                  :style font-style
                                                                   :point-size pt-size)))
          (metrics (gfg:metrics gc font)))
+    (if (or (null text) (zerop (length text)))
+      (setf text face-name))
           (setf (gfg:font gc) font)
-          (gfg:draw-text gc face-name pnt)
+          (gfg:draw-text gc text pnt text-style)
           (gfs:make-point :x (gfs:point-x pnt) :y (+ (gfs:point-y pnt) (gfg:height metrics))))
       (gfs:dispose font))))
 (defun draw-strings (gc)
   (setf (gfg:foreground-color gc) gfg:*color-blue*)
   (let ((pnt (gfs:make-point :x 2 :y 0)))  
-    (setf pnt (draw-a-string gc pnt "Times New Roman" 10 nil))
-    (setf pnt (draw-a-string gc pnt "Times New Roman" 14 '(:italic :bold :underline)))
-    (setf pnt (draw-a-string gc pnt "Times New Roman" 18 '(:strikeout)))
-    (setf pnt (draw-a-string gc pnt "Tahoma" 10 nil))
-    (setf pnt (draw-a-string gc pnt "Tahoma" 14 '(:italic :bold :underline)))
-    (setf pnt (draw-a-string gc pnt "Tahoma" 18 '(:strikeout)))
-    (setf pnt (draw-a-string gc pnt "Lucida Console" 10 nil))
-    (setf pnt (draw-a-string gc pnt "Lucida Console" 14 '(:italic :bold :underline)))
-    (setf pnt (draw-a-string gc pnt "Lucida Console" 18 '(:strikeout)))
-    (setf pnt (draw-a-string gc pnt "Courier New" 10 nil))
-    (setf pnt (draw-a-string gc pnt "Courier New" 14 '(:italic :bold :underline)))
-    (setf pnt (draw-a-string gc pnt "Courier New" 18 '(:strikeout)))))
+    (setf pnt (draw-a-string gc pnt nil "Times New Roman" 10 nil nil))
+    (setf pnt (draw-a-string gc pnt nil "Times New Roman" 14 '(:italic :bold :underline) nil))
+    (setf pnt (draw-a-string gc pnt nil "Times New Roman" 18 '(:strikeout) nil))
+    (setf pnt (draw-a-string gc pnt nil "Tahoma" 10 nil nil))
+    (setf pnt (draw-a-string gc pnt nil "Tahoma" 14 '(:italic :bold :underline) nil))
+    (setf pnt (draw-a-string gc pnt nil "Tahoma" 18 '(:strikeout) nil))
+    (setf pnt (draw-a-string gc pnt nil "Lucida Console" 10 nil nil))
+    (setf pnt (draw-a-string gc pnt nil "Lucida Console" 14 '(:italic :bold :underline) nil))
+    (setf pnt (draw-a-string gc pnt nil "Lucida Console" 18 '(:strikeout) nil))
+    (setf pnt (draw-a-string gc pnt nil "Courier New" 10 nil nil))
+    (setf pnt (draw-a-string gc pnt nil "Courier New" 14 '(:italic :bold :underline) nil))
+    (setf pnt (draw-a-string gc pnt nil "Courier New" 18 '(:strikeout) nil))
+    (setf (gfs:point-x pnt) (+ (floor (/ (gfs:size-width (gfw:client-size *drawing-win*)) 2)) 10))
+    (setf (gfs:point-y pnt) 0)
+    (setf pnt (draw-a-string gc pnt (format nil "tab~ctab~ctab" #\Tab #\Tab) "Verdana" 10 nil '(:tab)))
+    (setf pnt (draw-a-string gc pnt (format nil "even~cmore~ctabs" #\Tab #\Tab) "Verdana" 10 nil '(:tab)))
+    (setf pnt (draw-a-string gc pnt " " "Verdana" 10 nil nil))
+    (setf pnt (draw-a-string gc pnt "and a &mnemonic" "Verdana" 10 nil '(:mnemonic)))))
+    (setf pnt (draw-a-string gc pnt " " "Arial" 18 nil nil))
+    (draw-a-string gc pnt "transparent" "Arial" 18 '(:bold) nil)
+    (incf (gfs:point-x pnt) 50)
+    (setf (gfg:foreground-color gc) gfg:*color-red*)
+    (draw-a-string gc pnt "text" "Arial" 10 '(:bold) '(:transparent))
 (defun select-text (disp item time rect)
   (declare (ignore disp time rect))

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/graphics-context.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/graphics-context.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/graphics-context.lisp	Fri Mar 31 18:21:19 2006
@@ -152,6 +152,44 @@
             (error 'gfs:win32-error :detail (format nil "~a failed" name))))
       (cffi:foreign-free array))))
+(defun compute-draw-text-style (style)
+  (let ((flags (logior gfs::+dt-noclip+ gfs::+dt-noprefix+ gfs::+dt-singleline+ gfs::+dt-vcenter+)))
+    (unless (null style)
+      (loop for sym in style
+            do (cond
+                 ((eq sym :mnemonic)
+                    (setf flags (logand flags (lognot gfs::+dt-noprefix+))))
+                 ((eq sym :tab)
+                    (setf flags (logior flags gfs::+dt-expandtabs+)))
+                  ;; FIXME: the :transparent style needs to be implemented
+                  ;;
+                 ((eq sym :transparent)))))
+    flags))
+(defun text-bounds (hdc str dt-flags tab-width)
+  (let ((len (length str))
+        (sz (gfs:make-size)))
+    (when (> len 0)
+      (cffi:with-foreign-object (dt-ptr 'gfs::drawtextparams)
+        (cffi:with-foreign-slots ((gfs::cbsize gfs::tablength gfs::leftmargin gfs::rightmargin)
+                                  dt-ptr gfs::drawtextparams)
+          (setf gfs::cbsize (cffi:foreign-type-size 'gfs::drawtextparams))
+          (setf gfs::tablength tab-width)
+          (setf gfs::leftmargin 0)
+          (setf gfs::rightmargin 0)
+          (cffi:with-foreign-object (rect-ptr 'gfs::rect)
+            (cffi:with-foreign-slots ((gfs::left gfs::right gfs::top gfs::bottom) rect-ptr gfs::rect)
+              (gfs::draw-text-ex hdc str -1 rect-ptr (logior dt-flags gfs::+dt-calcrect+) dt-ptr)
+              (setf (gfs:size-width sz) (- gfs::right gfs::left))
+              (setf (gfs:size-height sz) (- gfs::bottom gfs::top)))))))
+    (when (or (zerop len) (zerop (gfs:size-height sz)))
+      (cffi:with-foreign-object (tm-ptr 'gfs::textmetrics)
+        (cffi:with-foreign-slots ((gfs::tmheight gfs::tmexternalleading) tm-ptr gfs::textmetrics)
+          (if (zerop (gfs::get-text-metrics hdc tm-ptr))
+            (error 'gfs:win32-error :detail "get-text-metrics failed"))
+          (setf (gfs:size-height sz) (+ gfs::tmheight gfs::tmexternalleading)))))
+    sz))
 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
   (defmacro with-null-brush ((gc) &body body)
     (let ((hdc (gensym))
@@ -385,29 +423,35 @@
   (with-null-brush (self)
     (call-rounded-rect-function #'gfs::round-rect "round-rect" (gfs:handle self) rect size)))
-(defmethod draw-text ((self graphics-context) text (pnt gfs:point))
+(defmethod draw-text ((self graphics-context) text (pnt gfs:point) &optional style tab-width)
   (if (gfs:disposed-p self)
     (error 'gfs:disposed-error))
-  (cffi:with-foreign-object (rect-ptr 'gfs::rect)
-    (cffi:with-foreign-slots ((gfs::left gfs::right gfs::top gfs::bottom)
-                              rect-ptr gfs::rect)
-      (setf gfs::left (gfs:point-x pnt))
-      (setf gfs::top (gfs:point-y pnt))
-      (gfs::draw-text (gfs:handle self)
-                      text
-                      -1
-                      rect-ptr
-                      (logior gfs::+dt-calcrect+ gfs::+dt-singleline+)
-                      (cffi:null-pointer))
-      (gfs::draw-text (gfs:handle self)
-                      text
-                      (length text)
-                      rect-ptr
-                      (logior gfs::+dt-noclip+
-                              gfs::+dt-noprefix+
-                              gfs::+dt-singleline+
-                              gfs::+dt-vcenter+)
-                      (cffi:null-pointer)))))
+  (let ((flags (compute-draw-text-style style))
+        (tb-width (if (null tab-width) 0 tab-width)))
+    (cffi:with-foreign-object (dt-ptr 'gfs::drawtextparams)
+      (cffi:with-foreign-slots ((gfs::cbsize gfs::tablength gfs::leftmargin gfs::rightmargin)
+                                dt-ptr gfs::drawtextparams)
+        (setf gfs::cbsize (cffi:foreign-type-size 'gfs::drawtextparams))
+        (setf gfs::tablength tb-width)
+        (setf gfs::leftmargin 0)
+        (setf gfs::rightmargin 0)
+        (cffi:with-foreign-object (rect-ptr 'gfs::rect)
+          (cffi:with-foreign-slots ((gfs::left gfs::right gfs::top gfs::bottom)
+                                    rect-ptr gfs::rect)
+            (setf gfs::left (gfs:point-x pnt))
+            (setf gfs::top (gfs:point-y pnt))
+            (gfs::draw-text-ex (gfs:handle self)
+                               text
+                               -1
+                               rect-ptr
+                               (logior gfs::+dt-calcrect+ (logand flags (lognot gfs::+dt-vcenter+)))
+                               dt-ptr)
+            (gfs::draw-text-ex (gfs:handle self)
+                               text
+                               (length text)
+                               rect-ptr
+                               flags
+                               dt-ptr)))))))
 (defmethod (setf font) ((font font) (self graphics-context))
   (if (gfs:disposed-p self)
@@ -466,3 +510,11 @@
     (error 'gfs:disposed-error))
   (setf (slot-value self 'pen-width) width)
   (update-pen-for-gc self))
+(defmethod text-extent ((self graphics-context) str &optional style tab-width)
+  (if (gfs:disposed-p self)
+    (error 'gfs:disposed-error))
+  (text-bounds (gfs:handle self)
+               str
+               (compute-draw-text-style style)
+               (if (or (null tab-width) (< tab-width 0)) 0 tab-width)))

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/graphics-generics.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/graphics-generics.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/graphics-generics.lisp	Fri Mar 31 18:21:19 2006
@@ -33,27 +33,9 @@
 (in-package :graphic-forms.uitoolkit.graphics)
-(defgeneric alpha (self)
-  (:documentation "Returns an integer representing an alpha value."))
-(defgeneric anti-alias (self)
-  (:documentation "Returns an int representing the current anti-alias setting."))
 (defgeneric background-color (self)
   (:documentation "Returns a color object corresponding to the current background color."))
-(defgeneric background-pattern (self)
-  (:documentation "Returns a pattern object representing the current background pattern."))
-(defgeneric clipped-p (self)
-  (:documentation "Returns T if a clipping region is set; nil otherwise."))
-(defgeneric clipping-rectangle (self)
-  (:documentation "Returns a rectangle object representing the current clipping rectangle."))
-(defgeneric copy-area (self src-rect dest-pnt)
-  (:documentation "Copies a rectangular area of the source onto the destination."))
 (defgeneric data-obj (self)
   (:documentation "Returns the data structure representing the raw form of the object."))
@@ -120,8 +102,8 @@
 (defgeneric draw-rounded-rectangle (self rect size)
   (:documentation "Draws the outline of the rectangle with rounded corners."))
-(defgeneric draw-text (self text pnt)
-  (:documentation "Draws the given string in the current font and foreground color, with (x, y) being the top-left coordinate of a bounding box for the string."))
+(defgeneric draw-text (self text pnt &optional style tab-width)
+  (:documentation "Draws the given string in the current font and foreground color."))
 (defgeneric font (self)
   (:documentation "Returns the current font."))
@@ -129,65 +111,17 @@
 (defgeneric foreground-color (self)
   (:documentation "Returns a color object corresponding to the current foreground color."))
-(defgeneric foreground-pattern (self)
-  (:documentation "Returns a pattern object representing the current foreground pattern."))
-(defgeneric invert (self)
-  (:documentation "Returns a modified version of the object which is the mathematical inverse of the original."))
-(defgeneric line-cap-style (self)
-  (:documentation "Returns an integer representing the line cap style."))
-(defgeneric line-dash-style (self)
-  (:documentation "Returns a list of integers representing the line dash style."))
-(defgeneric line-join-style (self)
-  (:documentation "Returns an integer representing the line join style."))
-(defgeneric line-style (self)
-  (:documentation "Returns an integer representing the line style."))
-(defgeneric line-width (self)
-  (:documentation "Returns an integer representing the line width."))
 (defgeneric load (self path)
   (:documentation "Loads the object from filesystem data identified by the specified pathname or string."))
-(defgeneric matrix (self)
-  (:documentation "Returns a matrix that represents the transformation or other computation represented by the object."))
 (defgeneric metrics (self font)
-  (:documentation "Returns a metrics object describing key attributes of the specified font."))
-(defgeneric multiply (self other)
-  (:documentation "Returns a modified version of the object which is the result of multiplying the original with the other parameter."))
-(defgeneric rotate (self angle)
-  (:documentation "Returns a modified version of the object which is the result of rotating the original by the specified angle."))
-(defgeneric scale (self delta-x delta-y)
-  (:documentation "Returns a modified version of the object which is the result of scaling the original by the specified mathematical vector."))
+  (:documentation "Returns a font-metrics object describing key attributes of the specified font."))
 (defgeneric size (self)
   (:documentation "Returns a size object describing the size of the object."))
-(defgeneric text-anti-alias (self)
-  (:documentation "Returns an integer representing the text anti-alias setting."))
-(defgeneric text-extent (self str)
+(defgeneric text-extent (self str &optional style tab-width)
   (:documentation "Returns the size of the rectangular area that would be covered by the string if drawn in the current font."))
-(defgeneric transform (self)
-  (:documentation "Returns a transform object indicating how coordinates are transformed in the context of this object."))
-(defgeneric transform-coordinates (self pnts)
-  (:documentation "Returns a list of point objects that are the result of applying a transformation against the specified list of points."))
-(defgeneric translate (self delta-x delta-y)
-  (:documentation "Returns a modified version of the object which is the result of translating the original by the specified mathematical vector."))
 (defgeneric transparency-mask (self)
   (:documentation "Returns an image object that will serve as the transparency mask for the original image, based on the original image's assigned transparency."))
-(defgeneric xor-mode-p (self)
-  (:documentation "Returns T if colors are combined in XOR mode; nil otherwise."))

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/system/gdi32.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/system/gdi32.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/system/gdi32.lisp	Fri Mar 31 18:21:19 2006
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
   (hdc HANDLE))
-  ("DrawTextExA" draw-text)
+  ("DrawTextExA" draw-text-ex)
   (hdc HANDLE)
   (text :string)

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/system/system-types.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/system/system-types.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/system/system-types.lisp	Fri Mar 31 18:21:19 2006
@@ -114,6 +114,13 @@
   (biclrused DWORD)
   (biclrimp DWORD))
+(defcstruct drawtextparams
+  (cbsize UINT)
+  (tablength INT)
+  (leftmargin INT)
+  (rightmargin INT)
+  (lengthdrawn UINT))
 (defcstruct logbrush
   (style UINT)
   (color COLORREF)

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/button.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/button.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/button.lisp	Fri Mar 31 18:21:19 2006
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
   (init-control btn))
 (defmethod preferred-size ((btn button) width-hint height-hint)
-  (let ((sz (widget-text-size btn gfs::+dt-singleline+ 0)))
+  (let ((sz (widget-text-size btn gfs::+dt-singleline+)))
     (if (>= width-hint 0)
       (setf (gfs:size-width sz) width-hint)
       (setf (gfs:size-width sz) (+ (gfs:size-width sz) 14)))

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/label.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/label.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/label.lisp	Fri Mar 31 18:21:19 2006
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
     (if (and (= (logand bits gfs::+ss-left+) gfs::+ss-left+) (> width-hint 0))
        (setf flags (logior flags gfs::+dt-wordbreak+)))
-    (setf sz (widget-text-size label flags width-hint))
+    (setf sz (widget-text-size label flags))
     (if (>= width-hint 0)
       (setf (gfs:size-width sz) width-hint))
     (if (>= height-hint 0)

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/widget-utils.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/widget-utils.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/widget-utils.lisp	Fri Mar 31 18:21:19 2006
@@ -122,30 +122,10 @@
     (error 'gfs:disposed-error))
   (gfs::set-window-text (gfs:handle w) str))
-(defun widget-text-size (widget dt-flags width-hint)
-  (let* ((hwnd (gfs:handle widget))
-         (str (text widget))
-         (len (length str))
-         (sz (gfs:make-size))
-         (hfont nil))
-    (setf dt-flags (logior dt-flags gfs::+dt-calcrect+))
+(defun widget-text-size (widget dt-flags)
+  (let ((hwnd (gfs:handle widget))
+        (hfont nil))
     (gfs::with-retrieved-dc (hwnd hdc)
       (setf hfont (cffi:make-pointer (gfs::send-message hwnd gfs::+wm-getfont+ 0 0)))
       (gfs::with-hfont-selected (hdc hfont)
-        (when (> len 0)
-            (cffi:with-foreign-object (rect-ptr 'gfs::rect)
-              (cffi:with-foreign-slots ((gfs::left gfs::right gfs::top gfs::bottom)
-                                        rect-ptr gfs::rect)
-                (if (> width-hint 0)
-                  (setf gfs::right width-hint))
-                (gfs::draw-text hdc str -1 rect-ptr dt-flags (cffi:null-pointer))
-                (setf (gfs:size-width sz) (- gfs::right gfs::left))
-                (setf (gfs:size-height sz) (- gfs::bottom gfs::top)))))
-        (when (or (zerop len) (zerop (gfs:size-height sz)))
-          (cffi:with-foreign-object (tm-ptr 'gfs::textmetrics)
-            (cffi:with-foreign-slots ((gfs::tmheight gfs::tmexternalleading)
-                                      tm-ptr gfs::textmetrics)
-              (if (zerop (gfs::get-text-metrics hdc tm-ptr))
-                (error 'gfs:win32-error :detail "get-text-metrics failed"))
-              (setf (gfs:size-height sz) (+ gfs::tmheight gfs::tmexternalleading)))))))
-    sz))
+        (gfg::text-bounds hdc (text widget) dt-flags 0)))))

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