[graphic-forms-cvs] r412 - trunk/docs/website

junrue at common-lisp.net junrue at common-lisp.net
Sat Dec 16 06:52:07 UTC 2006

Author: junrue
Date: Sat Dec 16 01:52:06 2006
New Revision: 412


Modified: trunk/docs/website/index.html
--- trunk/docs/website/index.html	(original)
+++ trunk/docs/website/index.html	Sat Dec 16 01:52:06 2006
@@ -30,13 +30,20 @@
   terms of the
   <a href="http://home.earthlink.net/~jdunrue/license.html">BSD License</a>.</p>
+  <p>Long-term goals for this project may include implementing an application
+  framework on top of the toolkit, a rapid UI development language, a
+  UI design tool, or some combination thereof.</p>
  <p>The current version is
     <a href="http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=163034">
     0.7.0</a>, released on 1 December 2006.</p>
- <p><b>(12/14/2006) NOTE:</b> I have decided not to spend further time or
-    energy on this project.</p>
+ <p>Graphic-Forms is in the alpha stage of development,
+    meaning new features are still being added and existing features require
+    considerable testing. Be advised that significant API and behavior changes
+    are likely for at least several more releases.</p>
  <p>The supported Lisp implementations are:

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