[graphic-forms-cvs] r233 - in trunk: . docs/website src/tests/uitoolkit

junrue at common-lisp.net junrue at common-lisp.net
Tue Aug 22 22:38:08 UTC 2006

Author: junrue
Date: Tue Aug 22 18:38:07 2006
New Revision: 233

   trunk/src/tests/uitoolkit/computer.png   (contents, props changed)
   trunk/src/tests/uitoolkit/open-folder.gif   (contents, props changed)
added gif and png testcases to image-tester

Modified: trunk/NEWS.txt
--- trunk/NEWS.txt	(original)
+++ trunk/NEWS.txt	Tue Aug 22 18:38:07 2006
@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
 Here is what's new in this release:
-. SBCL is now supported (version 0.9.15 tested). Graphic-Forms includes
-  a small patch provided to the SBCL community by Alastair Bridgewater
-  to enable the stdcall calling convention for alien callbacks. Please
-  see src/external-libraries/sbcl-callback-patch
+. SBCL is now supported (specifically version 0.9.15). Graphic-Forms
+  includes a small patch provided to the SBCL community by
+  Alastair Bridgewater to enable the stdcall calling convention for
+  alien callbacks. Please see src/external-libraries/sbcl-callback-patch
 . Implemented a plugin mechanism for integrating graphics libraries. This
   means that ImageMagick is now optional -- if your application can get

Modified: trunk/README.txt
--- trunk/README.txt	(original)
+++ trunk/README.txt	Tue Aug 22 18:38:07 2006
@@ -66,7 +66,9 @@
    supporting Windows, and as a consequence, you may experience problems
    such as 'GC invariant lost' errors that result in a crash to LDB.
-3. The gfg:text-extent method currently does not return the correct text
+3. The 'unblocked' and 'textedit' demo programs are not yet complete.
+4. The gfg:text-extent method currently does not return the correct text
    height value. As a workaround, get the text metrics for the font and
    compute height from that. The gfg:text-extent function does return
    the correct width.

Modified: trunk/docs/website/index.html
--- trunk/docs/website/index.html	(original)
+++ trunk/docs/website/index.html	Tue Aug 22 18:38:07 2006
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
  <p>The current version is
-    <a href="http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/graphic-forms/graphic-forms-0.5.0.zip?download">
+    <a href="http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=163034">
     0.5.0</a>, released on 25 August 2006.</p>
  <p>Graphic-Forms is in the alpha stage of development,
     meaning new features are still being added and existing features require
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
    <li><a href="http://clisp.cons.org/">CLISP 2.38 or later</a></li>
    <li><a href="http://www.lispworks.com/">LispWorks 4.4.6</a></li>
-   <li><a href="http://sbcl.sourceforge.net/">SBCL 0.9.15 or later</a></li>
+   <li><a href="http://sbcl.sourceforge.net/">SBCL 0.9.15</a></li>
  <p>The supported Windows versions are:

Added: trunk/src/tests/uitoolkit/computer.png
Binary file. No diff available.

Modified: trunk/src/tests/uitoolkit/image-tester.lisp
--- trunk/src/tests/uitoolkit/image-tester.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/tests/uitoolkit/image-tester.lisp	Tue Aug 22 18:38:07 2006
@@ -33,20 +33,20 @@
 (in-package #:graphic-forms.uitoolkit.tests)
-(defvar *image-win* nil)
-(defvar *happy-image* nil)
-(defvar *bw-image* nil)
-(defvar *true-image* nil)
+(defvar *image-win*    nil)
+(defvar *happy-image*  nil)
+(defvar *bw-image*     nil)
+(defvar *comp-image*   nil)
+(defvar *folder-image* nil)
+(defvar *true-image*   nil)
 (defclass image-events (gfw:event-dispatcher) ())
 (defun dispose-images ()
-  (gfs:dispose *happy-image*)
-  (setf *happy-image* nil)
-  (gfs:dispose *bw-image*)
-  (setf *bw-image* nil)
-  (gfs:dispose *true-image*)
-  (setf *true-image* nil))
+  (loop for var in '(*happy-image* *bw-image* *folder-image* *true-image* *comp-image*)
+        do (unless (null (symbol-value var))
+             (gfs:dispose (symbol-value var))
+             (setf (symbol-value var) nil))))
 (defmethod gfw:event-close ((d image-events) window)
   (declare (ignore window))
@@ -55,36 +55,36 @@
   (setf *image-win* nil)
   (gfw:shutdown 0))
+(defun draw-test-image (gc image origin pixel-pnt)
+  (gfg:draw-image gc image origin)
+  (incf (gfs:point-x origin) 36)
+  (gfg:with-image-transparency (image pixel-pnt)
+    (gfg:draw-image gc (gfg:transparency-mask image) origin)
+    (incf (gfs:point-x origin) 36)
+    (gfg:draw-image gc image origin)))
 (defmethod gfw:event-paint ((d image-events) window gc rect)
   (declare (ignore window rect))
   (let ((pnt (gfs:make-point))
         (pixel-pnt1 (gfs:make-point))
-        (pixel-pnt2 (gfs:make-point :x 0 :y 15)))
-    (gfg:draw-image gc *happy-image* pnt)
-    (incf (gfs:point-x pnt) 36)
-    (gfg:with-image-transparency (*happy-image* pixel-pnt1)
-      (gfg:draw-image gc (gfg:transparency-mask *happy-image*) pnt)
-      (incf (gfs:point-x pnt) 36)
-      (gfg:draw-image gc *happy-image* pnt))
+        (pixel-pnt2 (gfs:make-point :x 15 :y 0))
+        (pixel-pnt3 (gfs:make-point :x 31 :y 31)))
+    (declare (ignorable pixel-pnt3))
+    (draw-test-image gc *happy-image* pnt pixel-pnt1)
     (setf (gfs:point-x pnt) 0)
     (incf (gfs:point-y pnt) 36)
-    (gfg:draw-image gc *bw-image* pnt)
-    (incf (gfs:point-x pnt) 24)
-    (gfg:with-image-transparency (*bw-image* pixel-pnt1)
-      (gfg:draw-image gc (gfg:transparency-mask *bw-image*) pnt)
-      (incf (gfs:point-x pnt) 24)
-      (gfg:draw-image gc *bw-image* pnt))
+    (draw-test-image gc *bw-image*    pnt pixel-pnt1)
     (setf (gfs:point-x pnt) 0)
-    (incf (gfs:point-y pnt) 20)
-    (gfg:draw-image gc *true-image* pnt)
-    (incf (gfs:point-x pnt) 20)
-    (gfg:with-image-transparency (*true-image* pixel-pnt2)
-      (gfg:draw-image gc (gfg:transparency-mask *true-image*) pnt)
-      (incf (gfs:point-x pnt) 20)
-      (gfg:draw-image gc *true-image* pnt))))
+    (incf (gfs:point-y pnt) 36)
+    (draw-test-image gc *true-image*  pnt pixel-pnt2)
+    (progn
+      (setf (gfs:point-x pnt) 112)
+      (setf (gfs:point-y pnt) 0)
+      (draw-test-image gc *folder-image* pnt pixel-pnt1)
+      (setf (gfs:point-x pnt) 112)
+      (incf (gfs:point-y pnt) 36)
+      (draw-test-image gc *comp-image* pnt pixel-pnt3))))
 (defun exit-image-fn (disp item)
   (declare (ignorable disp item))
@@ -93,15 +93,24 @@
   (setf *image-win* nil)
   (gfw:shutdown 0))
+(defun load-images ()
+  (let ((*default-pathname-defaults* (parse-namestring gfsys::*gf-tests-dir*)))
+    (setf *happy-image*       (make-instance 'gfg:image))
+    (gfg::load *happy-image*  "happy.bmp")
+    (setf *bw-image*          (make-instance 'gfg:image))
+    (gfg::load *bw-image*     "blackwhite20x16.bmp")
+    (setf *true-image*        (make-instance 'gfg:image))
+    (gfg::load *true-image*   "truecolor16x16.bmp")
+    (progn
+      (setf *folder-image*      (make-instance 'gfg:image))
+      (gfg::load *folder-image* "open-folder.gif")
+      (setf *comp-image*        (make-instance 'gfg:image))
+      (gfg::load *comp-image*   "computer.png"))))
 (defun image-tester-internal ()
-  (setf *default-pathname-defaults* (parse-namestring gfsys::*gf-tests-dir*))
+  (load-images)
   (let ((menubar nil))
-    (setf *happy-image* (make-instance 'gfg:image))
-    (setf *bw-image* (make-instance 'gfg:image))
-    (setf *true-image* (make-instance 'gfg:image))
-    (gfg::load *happy-image* "happy.bmp")
-    (gfg::load *bw-image* "blackwhite20x16.bmp")
-    (gfg::load *true-image* "truecolor16x16.bmp")
     (setf *image-win* (make-instance 'gfw:top-level :dispatcher (make-instance 'image-events)
                                                     :style '(:workspace)))
     (setf (gfw:size *image-win*) (gfs:make-size :width 250 :height 200))

Added: trunk/src/tests/uitoolkit/open-folder.gif
Binary file. No diff available.

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