[ginseng-cvs] CVS ginseng/src

wchunye wchunye at common-lisp.net
Sat Sep 11 15:50:42 UTC 2010

Update of /project/ginseng/cvsroot/ginseng/src
In directory cl-net:/tmp/cvs-serv24595/src

Modified Files:
	my-utils.lisp package.lisp pattern-match.lisp 
Log Message:
update documents and examples

--- /project/ginseng/cvsroot/ginseng/src/my-utils.lisp	2010/08/09 12:27:25	1.1
+++ /project/ginseng/cvsroot/ginseng/src/my-utils.lisp	2010/09/11 15:50:42	1.2
@@ -14,12 +14,60 @@
                      `(setq it ,s))
+(defmacro aand (&body body)
+  `(let ((it (and (boundp 'it) it)))
+     (and
+      ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (s)
+                     `(setq it ,s))
+                 body))))
 (let ((output *standard-output*))
   (defun my-debug (&rest args)
     (format output "~&WCY-DEBUG:")
     (apply #'format output args))) 
-(defun make-unique-id ()
-  (hunchentoot::md5-hex
-   (hunchentoot::create-random-string 10 36)))
\ No newline at end of file
+(defun default-main()
+  "
+(defvar *last-request* nil)
+(defvar *last-reply* nil)
+(defvar *last-session* nil)
+(defvar *last-app-name* nil)
+(defvar *last-k* nil)
+(defvar *last-environment* nil)
+(defvar *last-acceptor* nil)
+(defmacro with-last-environment (&body body)
+  `(let* ((hunchentoot::*acceptor* *last-acceptor*)
+          (hunchentoot::*request* *last-request*)
+          (hunchentoot:*reply* *last-request*)
+          (hunchentoot::*acceptor* (hunchentoot:request-acceptor ginseng::*last-request*))
+          (hunchentoot::*session* *last-session*)
+          (*ginseng-app-name* *last-app-name*)
+          (*environment* *last-environment*)
+          (*k* *last-k*)
+          )
+     , at body))
+(defun save-last-environment ()
+  (setq *last-acceptor* hunchentoot::*acceptor*
+        *last-request* hunchentoot:*request*
+        *last-reply* hunchentoot:*reply*
+        *last-session* hunchentoot:*session*
+        *last-app-name* *ginseng-app-name*
+        *last-k* *k*
+        *last-environment* *environment*
+        ))
+(defun clear-package(package)
+  (when (not  (packagep package))
+    (setq package (find-package package)))
+  (dolist (s (let (r) 
+               (do-symbols (var package) 
+                 (push var r)) r))
+    (unintern s package)))
\ No newline at end of file
--- /project/ginseng/cvsroot/ginseng/src/package.lisp	2010/08/11 12:02:40	1.2
+++ /project/ginseng/cvsroot/ginseng/src/package.lisp	2010/09/11 15:50:42	1.3
@@ -1,25 +1,24 @@
 (in-package :cl-user)
+(defpackage :pattern-match
+  (:use :common-lisp)
+  (:export :match :match-values))
 (defpackage :ginseng
-  (:use :cl :iterate :yaclml)
-  (:export :my-debug :aprogn :it :start-server :stop-server
+  (:use :cl 
+        :iterate 
+        :pattern-match
+        :yaclml)
+  (:export :my-debug :aprogn :awhen :it 
+           :start-hunchentoot :stop-hunchentoot
+           :start-ginseng :stop-ginseng
-           :make-callback-factory
-           :create-callback
-           :apply-callbacks
+           :bindf
+           :with-call-back
+           :standard-page
-           )
-  (:import-from :hunchentoot 
-                :*dispatch-table* 
-                :create-prefix-dispatcher
-                :start
-                :stop
-                :acceptor
-                :script-name*
-                :*request*
-                :session-value
-                :get-parameters*
-                :post-parameters*
-                ))
+           :with-env-vars
+           :with-session-vars
+           ))
--- /project/ginseng/cvsroot/ginseng/src/pattern-match.lisp	2010/08/09 12:27:25	1.1
+++ /project/ginseng/cvsroot/ginseng/src/pattern-match.lisp	2010/09/11 15:50:42	1.2
@@ -1,44 +1,150 @@
-(in-package :ginseng)
-(defun generate-code (pattern in body)
-  (cond
-    ((null pattern)
-     `(if (null ,in)
-           ,body))
-    ((consp pattern)
-     (let ((next-car (gensym))
-           (next-cdr (gensym)))
-     `(if (consp ,in)
-           (let ((,next-car (car ,in))
-                 (,next-cdr (cdr ,in)))
-             (declare (ignorable ,next-car ,next-cdr))
-             ,(generate-code (car pattern) next-car
-                              (generate-code (cdr pattern) next-cdr body))))))
-    ((symbolp pattern)
-     `(let ((,pattern ,in))
-        (declare (ignorable ,pattern))
-        ,body)
-     )))
-(defmacro p(pattern)
-  (let ((input (gensym)))
-    `#'(lambda (,input)
-         ,(generate-code pattern input t))))
-(defun match-helper (expr test-body)
-  (if (null test-body) nil
-      (let ((ok (gensym))
-            (v (gensym))
-            (tmp-args (gensym)))
-        `(multiple-value-bind (,ok ,v)
-             (funcall 
-              #'(lambda (,tmp-args) 
-                  ,(generate-code (caar test-body)
-                                  tmp-args (append (list 'values t) (cdar test-body))))
-              ,expr)
-           (if ,ok
-               ,v
-               ,(match-helper expr (cdr test-body)))))))
-(defmacro match (expr test-body)
-  (let ((expr-v (gensym)))
-    `(let ((,expr-v ,expr))
-       ,(match-helper expr-v test-body))))
+(in-package :pattern-match)
+(defvar *bindings* nil)
+(defun generate-code-null (pattern arg body-cont) 
+  (if (null pattern)
+      #'(lambda ()
+          `(if 'generate-code-null
+               (if (null ,arg) ,(funcall body-cont))))))
+(defun generate-code-ignore (pattern arg body-cont)
+  (declare (ignore arg))
+  (if (and (symbolp pattern) 
+           (string= (symbol-name pattern) "_"))
+      #'(lambda ()
+          `(if 'generate-code-ignore
+               (progn ,(funcall body-cont))))))
+(defun generate-code-T (pattern arg body-cont) 
+  (if (eq pattern T)
+      #'(lambda ()
+          `(if 'generate-code-T
+               (if (eq ,arg T) ,(funcall body-cont))))))
+(defun generate-code-string (pattern arg body-cont) 
+  (if (stringp pattern)
+      #'(lambda ()
+          `(if 'generate-code-string
+               (if (string= ,arg ,pattern) ,(funcall body-cont))))))
+(defun generate-code-keywords (pattern arg body-cont) 
+  (if (keywordp pattern)
+      #'(lambda ()
+          `(if 'generate-code-keywords
+               (if (eq ,pattern ,arg) ,(funcall body-cont))))))
+(defun generate-code-quote (pattern arg body-cont) 
+  (if (and (listp pattern)
+           (eq (car pattern) 'cl:quote))
+      #'(lambda ()
+          `(if 'generate-code-quote
+               (if (equal ',(cadr pattern) ,arg) ,(funcall body-cont))))))
+(defun generate-code-symbol (pattern arg body-cont)
+  (if (symbolp pattern)
+      #'(lambda ()
+          (let ((is-bound (find pattern *bindings*)))
+            (if is-bound
+                `(if 'generate-code-bound-symbol
+                     (if (equal ,pattern ,arg)
+                         ,(funcall body-cont)))
+                (let  ((*bindings* (cons pattern *bindings*)))
+                  `(if 'generate-code-unbound-symbol
+                       (let ((,pattern ,arg))
+                         (declare (ignorable ,pattern))
+                         ,(funcall body-cont)))))))))
+(defun generate-code-vector (pattern arg body-cont) 
+  (if (vectorp pattern)
+      (let ((len (length pattern))
+            (vars (map 'vector #'(lambda (v) (declare (ignore v)) (gensym "VEC")) pattern))
+            (code-cont body-cont))
+        (loop 
+            for i downfrom (1- len) to 0
+            do (progn
+                 (setf code-cont
+                       (let ((code-cont code-cont)
+                             (i i))
+                         #'(lambda ()
+                             `(let ((,(aref vars i) (aref ,arg ,i)))
+                                         ,(funcall (generate-code (aref pattern i) (aref vars i) code-cont))))))))
+        #'(lambda ()
+            `(if 'generate-code-vector
+                 (if (and (vectorp ,arg)
+                          (= (length ,arg) ,len))
+                     ,(funcall code-cont)))))))
+(defun generate-code-consp (pattern arg body-cont)
+  (if (consp pattern)
+      (let ((next-car (gensym))
+            (next-cdr (gensym)))
+        #'(lambda ()
+            `(if 'generate-code-consp
+                 (if (consp ,arg)
+                     (let ((,next-car (car ,arg))
+                           (,next-cdr (cdr ,arg)))
+                       (declare (ignorable ,next-car ,next-cdr))
+                       ,(let ((cdr-code-body-cont (generate-code (cdr pattern) next-cdr body-cont)))
+                             (funcall (generate-code (car pattern) next-car cdr-code-body-cont))))))))))
+(defun generate-code-default (pattern arg body-cont)
+  #'(lambda ()
+      `(if 'generate-code-default
+           (if (equal ,pattern ,arg)
+               ,(funcall body-cont)))))
+(defparameter *generate-code-functions*
+  (list #'generate-code-null
+        #'generate-code-ignore
+        #'generate-code-T
+        #'generate-code-string
+        #'generate-code-keywords
+        #'generate-code-quote
+        #'generate-code-symbol
+        #'generate-code-vector
+        #'generate-code-consp
+        #'generate-code-default
+        ))
+(defun generate-code (pattern arg cont)
+  "ARG is the formal argument of the generated function. GENERATE-CODE
+returns a generated function which matchs the PATTERN against ARG. If
+match, the generated function evaluated the BODY and return the
+result. "
+  (let (next-cont)
+    (dolist (f *generate-code-functions*)
+      (setf next-cont 
+            (or next-cont (funcall f pattern arg cont))))
+    (assert next-cont)
+    next-cont))
+(defun match-helper (expr pattern-body)
+  "MATCH evaluate first expression and EXPR is the symbol whose value is the
+results of the evaluation. PATTERN-BODY is a list of patterns as follows
+  ( (PATTERN_1 BODY_1)
+    (PATTERN_2 BODY_2)
+    ....
+  )
+  (if (null pattern-body) nil
+      (let ((ok (gensym))
+            (v (gensym))
+            (tmp-args (gensym))
+            (pattern (caar pattern-body))
+            (body (cdar pattern-body))
+            guard)
+        (when (and (listp (car body)) (eq (caar body) :guard))
+          ;; if the first element of body is :guard, then the next element is
+          ;; the GUARD expression.
+          (setq guard (cadr (pop body))))
+        `(multiple-value-bind (,v ,ok) ;; if pattern is matched, OK is t, V is
+             ;; the form which is ready for
+             ;; evaluating.
+             (funcall
+              #'(lambda (,tmp-args) ;; this function return two values which is catched by OK and V.
+                  ,(let ((*bindings* nil)) 
+                        (funcall 
+                         (generate-code pattern tmp-args #'(lambda ()
+                                                             (if guard 
+                                                                 `(when ,guard (values (progn , at body) t)) 
+                                                                 `(values (progn , at body) t)))))))
+              ,expr)
+           (if ,ok ,v
+               ,(match-helper expr (cdr pattern-body)))))))
+(defmacro match (expr &rest test-body)
+  (let ((expr-v (gensym)))
+    `(let ((,expr-v ,expr))
+       ,(match-helper expr-v test-body))))
+(defmacro match-values (multi-values-expr &rest test-body)
+  (let ((expr-v (gensym)))
+    `(let ((,expr-v (multiple-value-list ,multi-values-expr)))
+       ,(match-helper expr-v test-body))))
\ No newline at end of file

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