[ginseng-cvs] CVS ginseng/examples

wchunye wchunye at common-lisp.net
Mon Aug 9 12:27:25 UTC 2010

Update of /project/ginseng/cvsroot/ginseng/examples
In directory cl-net:/tmp/cvs-serv29557/examples

Added Files:
	.cvsignore app-inc-counter.lisp hello-world.lisp index.lisp 
	package.lisp sum-of.lisp 
Log Message:
initial version.

--- /project/ginseng/cvsroot/ginseng/examples/.cvsignore	2010/08/09 12:27:25	NONE
+++ /project/ginseng/cvsroot/ginseng/examples/.cvsignore	2010/08/09 12:27:25	1.1
*.fasl--- /project/ginseng/cvsroot/ginseng/examples/app-inc-counter.lisp	2010/08/09 12:27:25	NONE
+++ /project/ginseng/cvsroot/ginseng/examples/app-inc-counter.lisp	2010/08/09 12:27:25	1.1
(in-package :ginseng-examples)
(defun http-inc-counter(&optional (next-action nil))
  (invoke-next-action next-action #'(lambda () (inc-counter-main 0))))
(defun inc-counter-main (counter)
      (<:title "Hello World"))
      (<:h1 "Hello" )
      (<:form :action (dynamic-url (inc-counter-main (1+ counter)))
              (<:p (<:as-html counter))
              (<:input :type "submit" :value "OK"))
      ;; (iter (for (k v) in-hashtable *k*)
      ;;       (<:p (<:as-html k)))

(defun http-counter(&optional (next-action nil))
  (invoke-next-action next-action #'(lambda () (counter-main 0))))
(defun counter-main (counter)
      (<:title "Hello World"))
      (<:h1 "Hello" )
      (<:p (<:as-html counter))
      (<:a :href (dynamic-url (counter-main (1+ counter))) "++") 
      (<:as-html "  ")
      (<:a :href (dynamic-url (counter-main (1- counter))) "--")

(defun http-add-two-numbers (&optional (next-action nil))
  (invoke-next-action next-action #'(lambda () (add-two-numbers-main))))
(defun add-two-numbers-main ()
      (<:title "Add two number"))
      (<:h1 "Please input the first number:")
      (let ((cf (make-callback-factory))
            (first-number 0))
        (<:form :action (dynamic-url
                          (apply-callbacks cf)
                          (input-next-number first-number))
                (<:input :type :text
                         :name (create-callback cf 
                                                #'(lambda (v) (setq first-number v))
                                                :type 'integer))
(defun input-next-number(first-number)
      (<:title "Add two number"))
      (<:h1 (<:as-html "Add to " first-number  "."
                       " Please input the second number:"))
      (let ((cf (make-callback-factory))
            (second-number 0))
        (<:form :action (dynamic-url 
                          (apply-callbacks cf)
                          (add-the-two-numbers first-number second-number))
                (<:input :type :text
                         :name (create-callback cf 
                                                #'(lambda (v) (setq second-number v))
                                                :type 'integer))
(defun add-the-two-numbers ( a b )
      (<:title "Add two number"))
       a "+" b "=" (+ a b) )
      (<:a :href (relative-url-to-app) "try again")
      ))))--- /project/ginseng/cvsroot/ginseng/examples/hello-world.lisp	2010/08/09 12:27:25	NONE
+++ /project/ginseng/cvsroot/ginseng/examples/hello-world.lisp	2010/08/09 12:27:25	1.1
(in-package :ginseng-examples)

;; this is the first example of using Ginseng. To create a simple
;; dynamic web page, it is nothing more than a function.
;; for example, if you access 
;;  http://localhost:4242/cgi-bin/ginseng-examples/hello-world/arg1/arg2
;; the function "http-hello-world" in package "ginseng-examples" is
;; invoked with arguments, "arg1" and "arg2", etc. The function must
;; return a string as an HTML page.
;; "/cgi-bin" is the ginseng prefix, you can change
;; ginseng::*ginseng-prefix* to change the prefix.

(defun http-hello-world(&rest args)
      (<:title "Hello World"))
      (<:h1 "Hello World")
       "input arguments are:"
        (dolist (arg args)
          (<:li (<:as-html arg)))
--- /project/ginseng/cvsroot/ginseng/examples/index.lisp	2010/08/09 12:27:25	NONE
+++ /project/ginseng/cvsroot/ginseng/examples/index.lisp	2010/08/09 12:27:25	1.1
(in-package :ginseng-examples)

(defun http-index (&rest args)
  (declare (ignore args))
  (let* ((packages (list-all-packages))
    (iter (for package in packages)
          (iter (for s in-package package)
                (if (and 
                     (fboundp s)
                     (eq (symbol-package s) package)
                     (equal 0 (search "HTTP-" (symbol-name s))))
                    (push (cons package s) list-of-functions))))
        (<:title "list of apps"))
        (<:h1 "list of apps")
           (for (package . func) in list-of-functions)
           (let ((s (subseq (symbol-name func) (length "HTTP-"))))
              (<:a :href (concatenate 'string 
                                      ginseng::*ginseng-prefix* "/"
                                      (package-name package) "/" 
                   (<:as-html (concatenate 'string (package-name package) "/" s))))))))))))
--- /project/ginseng/cvsroot/ginseng/examples/package.lisp	2010/08/09 12:27:25	NONE
+++ /project/ginseng/cvsroot/ginseng/examples/package.lisp	2010/08/09 12:27:25	1.1
(in-package :cl-user)
(defpackage :ginseng-examples
  (:use :cl :hunchentoot :iterate :yaclml :ginseng))
--- /project/ginseng/cvsroot/ginseng/examples/sum-of.lisp	2010/08/09 12:27:25	NONE
+++ /project/ginseng/cvsroot/ginseng/examples/sum-of.lisp	2010/08/09 12:27:25	1.1
(in-package :ginseng-examples)
(defun http-sum-of(&rest args)           
      (<:title "Sum of numbers"))
      (<:h1 "Sum of numbers")
       (<:as-html (format nil "~{~A~^+~}" args) "="
                    (apply #'+ 
                           (mapcar #'(lambda (x) 
                                        (parse-integer x
                                                       :junk-allowed t)

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