[ganelon-cvs] CVS update: ganelon/lisp/ganelon.asd ganelon/lisp/html.lisp ganelon/lisp/mvc.lisp ganelon/lisp/utils.lisp ganelon/lisp/compile.lisp

Tomek Lipski tlipski at common-lisp.net
Mon Mar 8 23:21:47 UTC 2004

Update of /project/ganelon/cvsroot/ganelon/lisp
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv20334/lisp

Modified Files:
	ganelon.asd html.lisp mvc.lisp utils.lisp 
Removed Files:
Log Message:

Bugfixes + formatting

Date: Mon Mar  8 18:21:46 2004
Author: tlipski

Index: ganelon/lisp/ganelon.asd
diff -u ganelon/lisp/ganelon.asd: ganelon/lisp/ganelon.asd:1.2
--- ganelon/lisp/ganelon.asd:	Wed Mar  3 18:50:36 2004
+++ ganelon/lisp/ganelon.asd	Mon Mar  8 18:21:46 2004
@@ -1,5 +1,17 @@
+; $Id: ganelon.asd,v 1.2 2004/03/08 23:21:46 tlipski Exp $ 
 (asdf:defsystem "ganelon"
 	:version "0.1"
 	:components ((:file "utils")
 					 (:file "mvc" :depends-on ("utils"))
 					 (:file "html" :depends-on ("utils"))))
+; $Log: ganelon.asd,v $
+; Revision 1.2  2004/03/08 23:21:46  tlipski
+; Bugfixes + formatting

Index: ganelon/lisp/html.lisp
diff -u ganelon/lisp/html.lisp: ganelon/lisp/html.lisp:1.2
--- ganelon/lisp/html.lisp:	Wed Mar  3 18:50:35 2004
+++ ganelon/lisp/html.lisp	Mon Mar  8 18:21:46 2004
@@ -1,24 +1,27 @@
 ;; package extending standard allegroserve html tags with support
 ;; for ganelon.mvc forms
+; $Id: html.lisp,v 1.2 2004/03/08 23:21:46 tlipski Exp $
 (defpackage "GANELON.HTML"
-   )
+	 )
-   #:mvc-bean
-   #:mvc-bean-value
-   #:mvc-form
-   #:mvc-input
-   #:mvc-select
-   #:mvc-option
-   #:mvc-radio
-   #:mvc-checkbox
-   #:mvc-textarea
-   )
+	 #:mvc-bean
+	 #:mvc-bean-value
+	 #:mvc-form
+	 #:mvc-input
+	 #:mvc-select
+	 #:mvc-option
+	 #:mvc-radio
+	 #:mvc-checkbox
+	 #:mvc-textarea
+	 )
 (in-package :GANELON.HTML)
@@ -27,130 +30,127 @@
 (defmacro mvc-form (name action params &rest body)
   "Generates and sets form (in variable named mvc-form, be careful!)
- for use by other controls."
+  for use by other controls."
   `(let ((mvc-form (ganelon.mvc:get-form ,name 
-				    ganelon.mvc:req 
-				    ganelon.mvc:ent
-				    ganelon.mvc:context
-				    ganelon.mvc:session)))
-     (make-tag "form"
-	       ,body
-	       ,params	       
-	       (cons "name" ,name)
-	       (cons "action" (ganelon.mvc:get-action-url 
-			       ganelon.mvc:project ,action))))
+													  ganelon.mvc:context
+													  ganelon.mvc:session)))
+	  (make-tag "form"
+					,body
+					,params	       
+					(cons "name" ,name)
+					(cons "action" (ganelon.mvc:get-action-url 
+										  ganelon.mvc:project ,action))))
 ;;input with value
-(defmacro mvc-input (name params 
-		     &key (value nil))
-"HTML input of default type text"
+(defmacro mvc-input (name params &key (value nil))
+  "HTML input of default type text"
   `(make-tag "input"
-	     nil
-	     ,params
-	     (cons "name" ,name)
-	     (cons "value" 
-		   (control-value ,name ,value)))
+				 nil
+				 ,params
+				 (cons "name" ,name)
+				 (cons "value" 
+						 (control-value ,name ,value)))
 (defmacro mvc-radio (name value &optional params)
   `(make-tag "input"
-	     nil
-	     ,params
-	     (cons "name" ,name)
-	     (cons "value" ,value)
-	     (cons "type" "radio")
-	     (if (equal ,value (control-value ,name nil))
-		 (cons "checked" "1")))
+				 nil
+				 ,params
+				 (cons "name" ,name)
+				 (cons "value" ,value)
+				 (cons "type" "radio")
+				 (if (equal ,value (control-value ,name nil))
+					(cons "checked" "1")))
+  )
 (defmacro mvc-checkbox (name value &optional params)
   `(make-tag "input"
-	     nil
-	     ,params
-	     (cons "name" ,name)
-	     (cons "value" ,value)
-	     (cons "type" "checkbox")
-	     (if (equal ,value (control-value ,name nil))
-		 (cons "checked" "1")))
+				 nil
+				 ,params
+				 (cons "name" ,name)
+				 (cons "value" ,value)
+				 (cons "type" "checkbox")
+				 (if (equal ,value (control-value ,name nil))
+					(cons "checked" "1")))
 (defmacro mvc-select (name value params &rest body)
   `(let ((select-value (control-value ,name ,value)))
-     (make-tag "select"
-	       ,body
-	       ,params
-	       (cons "name" ,name)
-	       )
-     )		      
+	  (make-tag "select"
+					,body
+					,params
+					(cons "name" ,name)
+					)
+	  )		      
+  )
 (defmacro mvc-option (value params &rest body)
   `(make-tag "option"
-	     ,body
-	     ,params
-	     (cons "value" ,value)
-	     (if (equal ,value select-value)
-		 (cons "selected" "1")))
+				 ,body
+				 ,params
+				 (cons "value" ,value)
+				 (if (equal ,value select-value)
+					(cons "selected" "1")))
 (defmacro mvc-textarea (name &optional value params)
   `(make-tag "textarea"
-	     '(net.html.generator:html
-	      (:princ (control-value ,name ,value)))
-	     ,params)
+				 '(net.html.generator:html
+					 (:princ (control-value ,name ,value)))
+				 ,params)
+  )		
 (defmacro mvc-bean (property-path &optional context-type)
-     (case ,context-type
-	   (:session (ganelon.mvc:session-fields ganelon.mvc:session))
-	   (:context ganelon.mvc:context)
-	   (T (if (gethash (car ,property-path) 
-			   (ganelon.mvc:session-fields ganelon.mvc:session))
-		    (ganelon.mvc:session-fields ganelon.mvc:session)
-		  ganelon.mvc:context)))
-     ,property-path
-     (ganelon.mvc::project-package ganelon.mvc:project))
+	  (case ,context-type
+		 (:session (ganelon.mvc:session-fields ganelon.mvc:session))
+		 (:context ganelon.mvc:context)
+		 (T (if (gethash (car ,property-path) 
+							  (ganelon.mvc:session-fields ganelon.mvc:session))
+				(ganelon.mvc:session-fields ganelon.mvc:session)
+				ganelon.mvc:context)))
+	  ,property-path
+	  (ganelon.mvc::project-package ganelon.mvc:project))
+  )
 (defun mvc-bean-value (bean property-path package)
   ;;find a form or hashtable in session/request context 
   (and bean (car property-path) 
-       (get-property bean (car property-path) package)
-       (if (cdr property-path)
-	   (mvc-bean-value (get-property 
-			    bean (car property-path) package)
-			   (cdr property-path)
-			   package)
-	 (get-property bean (car property-path) package)))
+		 (get-property bean (car property-path) package)
+		 (if (cdr property-path)
+			(mvc-bean-value (get-property 
+									bean (car property-path) package)
+								 (cdr property-path)
+								 package)
+			(get-property bean (car property-path) package)))
 (defun tag-params (params)
   (if params
-      (format nil "~A=\"~A\" ~A" (caar params) (cdar params)
-	      (tag-params (cdr params)))
-    "")
+	 (format nil "~A=\"~A\" ~A" (caar params) (cdar params)
+				(tag-params (cdr params)))
+	 "")
 (defmacro make-tag (name body params &rest addparams)
-     (net.html.generator:html 
-      (:princ
-       (format nil 
-	       "<~A ~A>" ,name
-	       (tag-params 
-		(nconc 
-		 (list , at addparams)
-		 ,params))
-	       )))
-     , at body
-     (net.html.generator:html
-      (:princ
-       (format nil "</~A>" ,name)))
-     )
+	  (net.html.generator:html 
+		 (:princ
+			(format nil 
+					  "<~A ~A>" ,name
+					  (tag-params 
+						 (nconc 
+							(list , at addparams)
+							,params))
+					  )))
+	  , at body
+	  (net.html.generator:html
+		 (:princ
+			(format nil "</~A>" ,name)))
+	  )
 (defmacro control-value (name &optional value)
   `(if mvc-form
 	  (or ,value
@@ -160,3 +160,11 @@
 	  (or ,value ""))
+; $Log: html.lisp,v $
+; Revision 1.2  2004/03/08 23:21:46  tlipski
+; Bugfixes + formatting

Index: ganelon/lisp/mvc.lisp
diff -u ganelon/lisp/mvc.lisp: ganelon/lisp/mvc.lisp:1.2
--- ganelon/lisp/mvc.lisp:	Wed Mar  3 18:50:35 2004
+++ ganelon/lisp/mvc.lisp	Mon Mar  8 18:21:46 2004
@@ -1,46 +1,53 @@
 ;;;; Mvc library for web apps under PAserve
+; $Id: mvc.lisp,v 1.2 2004/03/08 23:21:46 tlipski Exp $
 (defpackage "GANELON.MVC"
-   )
+	)
-   #:action
-   #:page
-   #:form
-   #:init-project
-   #:add-project-entry
-   #:remove-project-entry
-   #:make-action
-   #:make-form
-   #:make-page
-   #:get-action-url
-   #:get-form
-   #:ent
-   #:context
-   #:session
-   #:project
-   #:req
-   #:session-fields
-   #:project-package
-   ))
+	 #:action
+	 #:page
+	 #:form
+	 #:init-project
+	 #:add-project-entry
+	 #:remove-project-entry
+	 #:make-action
+	 #:make-form
+	 #:make-page
+	 #:get-action-url
+	 #:get-form
+	 #:ent
+	 #:context
+	 #:session
+	 #:project
+	 #:req
+	 #:session-fields
+	 #:project-package
+	 ))
 (in-package :GANELON.MVC)
+(defvar *SESSSION-REAPER* nil)
+(defvar *ALL-SESSIONS* (make-hash-table))
 (defstruct entry
 (defstruct (action
-	    (:include entry))
+				 (:include entry))
 (defstruct (page
-	    (:include entry))
-  filepath)
+				 (:include entry))
+  filepath
+  charset)
 (defstruct session
@@ -50,7 +57,7 @@
   (scope :context)) ;; :context or :session
 (defstruct project
@@ -59,324 +66,344 @@
-  session-timeout)
+  session-timeout
+  path-prefix
+  lsp-default-charset)
 ;;;start a project
-(defun init-project (name path entries package &key (session-timeout 30))
+(defun init-project (name path entries package &key (session-timeout 30)
+								  (path-prefix "") (lsp-default-charset))
   (let ((proj (make-project :name name :path path :entries nil
-			    :page-functions (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
-			    :sessions (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
-			    :mappings (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
-			    :package package
-			    :session-timeout session-timeout)))
-    (dolist (entry entries)
-      (add-project-entry proj entry))
-    (acl-compat.mp:process-run-function "Session reaper"
-			     nil
-			     'session-reaper
-			     (project-sessions proj))
-    proj)
-  )
+									 :page-functions (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
+									 :sessions (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
+									 :mappings (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
+									 :package package
+									 :session-timeout session-timeout
+									 :path-prefix path-prefix
+									 :lsp-default-charset lsp-default-charset)))
+	 (dolist (entry entries)
+		(add-project-entry proj entry))
+	 (add-sessions-to-rip (project-sessions proj)
+								 name)
+	 proj))
+(defun add-sessions-to-rip (sessions project-name)
+  "Add project's sessions container to ripping process"
+  (if (null *SESSSION-REAPER*)
+	 (start-reaper))
+  (setf (gethash project-name *ALL-SESSIONS*)
+		  sessions))
+(defun start-reaper () 
+  "Start the session reaper process"
+  (acl-compat.mp:process-run-function "Session reaper" 'session-reaper)
+  (setq *SESSSION-REAPER* T))
 ;;add new entry to project
 (defun add-project-entry (proj entry)
+  (if (page-p entry)
+	 (setf (page-filepath entry)
+			 (concatenate 'string (project-path-prefix proj)
+							  (page-filepath entry))))
   (setf (project-entries proj) 
-	(cons entry (project-entries proj)))
-    (setf (gethash (entry-name entry) (project-mappings proj))
-	  entry)
-    (publish
-     :path (concatenate 'string 
-			(project-path proj) 
-			"/" 
-			(entry-path entry))
-     :function
-     #'(lambda (req ent)
-	 (route-entry 
-	  req 
-	  ent 
-	  (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
-	  proj
-	  (entry-name entry)
-	  (get-session req proj))))
-  )
+		  (cons entry (project-entries proj)))
+  (setf (gethash (entry-name entry) (project-mappings proj))
+		  entry)
+  (publish
+	 :path (concatenate 'string (project-path proj) "/" (entry-path entry))
+	 :function #'(lambda (req ent)
+						(route-entry req ent (make-hash-table :test #'equal) proj
+										 (entry-name entry)
+										 (get-session req proj)))))
 (defun remove-project-entry (project name)
   (setf (project-entries project)
-	(remove-if #'(lambda(x) 
-		       (eq (entry-name x) name))
-		   (project-entries project)))
+		  (remove-if #'(lambda(x) 
+							  (eq (entry-name x) name))
+						 (project-entries project)))
+  )
 ;;;route entries
 (defun route-entry (req ent context project name session)
   (let ((entry (gethash name (project-mappings project))))
-    (if (not entry)
-	(maphash #'(lambda (k v)
-		     (format t "~A: ~A~%" k v))
-		 (project-mappings project)))
-    (if (action-p entry)
-	(serve-action req ent context project entry session))
-    (if (page-p entry)
-	 (serve-page req ent context project entry session)))
+	 (if (not entry)
+		(maphash #'(lambda (k v)
+						 (format t "~A: ~A~%" k v))
+					(project-mappings project)))
+	 (if (action-p entry)
+		(serve-action req ent context project entry session))
+	 (if (page-p entry)
+		(serve-page req ent context project entry session)))
 ;;;serve action, routing the chain to another action or page
 (defun serve-action (req ent context project action session)
   (route-entry req ent context project
-	       (funcall (action-function action) 
-			req
-			ent 
-			context
-			session
-			(get-action-form
-			 action
-			 context 			
-			 session
-			 project
-			 req)) 
-	       session)
+					(funcall (action-function action) 
+								req
+								ent 
+								context
+								session
+								(get-action-form
+								  action
+								  context 			
+								  session
+								  project
+								  req)) 
+					session)
 ;;;serve page, returning the output to client
 (defun serve-page (req ent context project page session)
   (with-http-response (req ent)
-  (setf (reply-header-slot-value req :CONTENT-TYPE)
-	"text/html; charset=iso-8859-2")		      
-  (let ((page-func (gethash (page-filepath page) 
-			  (project-page-functions project))))
-    (funcall (car 
-	      (if (and page-func 
-		       (> (cdr page-func) (or (file-write-date 
-					       (page-filepath page)) 0)))
-		  page-func
-		(setf (gethash (page-filepath page)
-			       (project-page-functions project))
-		      (cons (page-function-from-file (page-filepath page)
-						     (project-package project))
-			    (get-universal-time)))))
-	     req ent context session project)
-    )
-  )
+							 (if (or (page-charset page)
+										(project-lsp-default-charset project))
+								(setf (reply-header-slot-value req :CONTENT-TYPE)
+										(concatenate 'string 
+														 "text/html; charset="
+														 (or (page-charset page)
+															  (project-lsp-default-charset
+																 project)))))
+							 (let ((page-func (gethash (page-filepath page) 
+																(project-page-functions project))))
+								(funcall (car 
+											  (if (and page-func 
+														  (> (cdr page-func)
+															  (or (file-write-date (page-filepath page)) 0)))
+												 page-func
+												 (setf (gethash (page-filepath page)
+																	 (project-page-functions project))
+														 (cons (page-function-from-file (page-filepath page)
+																								  (project-package project))
+																 (get-universal-time)))))
+											req ent context session project)
+								)
+							 )
 (defun page-function-from-file (filename package)
-  (format t "page-function-from-file ~A ~%" filename)
-  (format t "package ~A~%" *package*)
   (in-package (symb package))
-  (format t "package ~A~%" *package*)
-  (format t 
-	  "(progn ~A)~%"
-	  (construct-page-func-string
-	   (contents-of-file filename)))
   (compile nil
-	   `(lambda (req ent context session project)
-	      (net.aserve:with-http-body (req ent)  
-	       ,(read-from-string
-		 (format nil 
-			 "(progn ~A)"
-			 (construct-page-func-string
-			  (contents-of-file filename)))))))
+			  `(lambda (req ent context session project)
+				  (net.aserve:with-http-body (req ent)  
+													  ,(read-from-string
+														  (format nil 
+																	 "(progn ~A)"
+																	 (construct-page-func-string
+																		(contents-of-file filename)))))))
 (defun construct-page-func-string (str &optional (start 0))
   "Text up until <% tag is translated into (net.html.generator:html 'text')
-   Text inside <% %> is translated to code or expanded as a directive"
+  Text inside <% %> is translated to code or expanded as a directive"
   (multiple-value-bind (tagpos scriptpos endpos type)
-		       (find-script str start)
-    (if (not tagpos) ;;No scriplets, simply format to html macro
-	(format nil "(net.html.generator:html ~S)"
-		(subseq str start))
-      ;;found a scriplet, decide on type
-      (format nil (if (> tagpos start) 
-		      "(net.html.generator:html ~S) ~A ~A"
-		    "~A ~A")
-	      (subseq str start tagpos)
-	      (tag-expand type (subseq str scriptpos endpos))
-	      (construct-page-func-string str (+ endpos 2)))))
+	 (find-script str start)
+	 (if (not tagpos) ;;No scriplets, simply format to html macro
+		(format nil "(net.html.generator:html ~S)"
+				  (subseq str start))
+		;;found a scriplet, decide on type
+		(format nil (if (> tagpos start) 
+						  "(net.html.generator:html ~S) ~A ~A"
+						  "~A ~A")
+				  (subseq str start tagpos)
+				  (tag-expand type (subseq str scriptpos endpos))
+				  (construct-page-func-string str (+ endpos 2)))))
+  )
 (defun tag-expand (type body)
   (case type
-	(:script (format nil "~A" body))
-	(:expr   (format nil "(net.html.generator:html (:princ ~A))" body))
-	(:directive (expand-directive body)))
+	 (:script (format nil "~A" body))
+	 (:expr   (format nil "(net.html.generator:html (:princ ~A))" body))
+	 (:directive (expand-directive body)))
 (defun expand-directive (body)  
   (format t "expand-directive~%")
   (format t "~A~%" (construct-page-func-string 
-		    (funcall (compile nil `(lambda ()
-		   ,(read-from-string 
-		     (format nil "(progn ~A)~%" body)))))))
+							(funcall (compile nil `(lambda ()
+															 ,(read-from-string 
+																 (format nil "(progn ~A)~%" body)))))))
-   (funcall
-    (compile nil `(lambda ()
-		    ,(read-from-string 
-		      (format nil "(progn ~A)~%" body))))))
+	 (funcall
+		(compile nil `(lambda ()
+							 ,(read-from-string 
+								 (format nil "(progn ~A)~%" body))))))
 (defun find-script (str start)
   (let ((startpos (search "<%" str :start2 start)))
-    (if startpos
-	(let ((endpos (search "%>" str :start2 (+ start 2))))
-	  (if endpos
-	      (case (char str (+ startpos 2))
-		    (#\= 
-		     (values startpos (+ startpos 3)
-			     endpos :expr))
-		    (#\@
-		     (values startpos (+ startpos 3)
-			     endpos :directive))
-		    (t
-		     (values startpos (+ startpos 2)
-			     endpos :script)))
-	    (error "EOF inside open '<%'.")
-	    )
-	  )
-      (values nil nil nil nil)))
+	 (if startpos
+		(let ((endpos (search "%>" str :start2 (+ start 2))))
+		  (if endpos
+			 (case (char str (+ startpos 2))
+				(#\= 
+				 (values startpos (+ startpos 3)
+							endpos :expr))
+				(#\@
+				 (values startpos (+ startpos 3)
+							endpos :directive))
+				(t
+				  (values startpos (+ startpos 2)
+							 endpos :script)))
+			 (error "EOF inside open '<%'.")
+			 )
+		  )
+		(values nil nil nil nil)))
 ;;;get session from request and session-container
 ;;;if session does not exist, it creates one (side-effect)
 (defun get-session (req project)
   (let* ((session-container (project-sessions project))
-	 (sessid 
-	  (cdr (find-if #'(lambda(x)
-			    (if (equal (format nil "~A" (car x)) "SESSID") 
-				x ))
-			(get-cookie-values req)))))
-    (if (not sessid)
-	(setq sessid (make-sessid session-container)))
-    (let ((sess (gethash sessid session-container)))
-      (if sess
-	  (if (<= (get-universal-time) (session-expires sess))
-	      (setf (session-expires sess)
-		    (+ (get-universal-time) 
-		       (* 60 (project-session-timeout project))))
-	    (progn
-	      (setq sessid (make-sessid session-container))
-	      (setq sess nil))))
-      (if (not sess)
-	  (progn
-	    (setq sess (make-session
-			:fields (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
-			:expires (+ (get-universal-time) 
-				    (* 60 (project-session-timeout project)))))
-	    (setf (gethash sessid session-container) sess)))
-     (set-cookie-header req 
-		       :name "SESSID"
-		       :value sessid)
-     sess))
-  )
-(defun session-reaper (session-container)
-  (let ((curr-time (get-universal-time)))
-    (maphash #'(lambda (sessid sess)
-		 (if (> curr-time (session-expires sess))
-		     (remhash sessid (session-container))))
-	     session-container))
+			(sessid 
+			  (cdr (find-if #'(lambda(x)
+									  (if (equal (format nil "~A" (car x)) "SESSID") 
+										 x ))
+								 (get-cookie-values req)))))
+	 (if (not sessid)
+		(setq sessid (make-sessid session-container)))
+	 (let ((sess (gethash sessid session-container)))
+		(if sess
+		  (if (<= (get-universal-time) (session-expires sess))
+			 (setf (session-expires sess)
+					 (+ (get-universal-time) 
+						 (* 60 (project-session-timeout project))))
+			 (progn
+				(setq sessid (make-sessid session-container))
+				(setq sess nil))))
+		(if (not sess)
+		  (progn
+			 (setq sess (make-session
+							  :fields (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
+							  :expires (+ (get-universal-time) 
+											  (* 60 (project-session-timeout project)))))
+			 (setf (gethash sessid session-container) sess)))
+		(set-cookie-header req 
+								 :name "SESSID"
+								 :value sessid)
+		sess))
+  )
+(defun session-reaper () 
+  (maphash #'(lambda (k v)
+					(sessions-reap v))
   (sleep 30)
+  (session-reaper))
-  (sesseion-reaper project)
-  )
+(defun sessions-reap (session-container)
+  (let ((curr-time (get-universal-time)))
+	 (maphash #'(lambda (sessid sess)
+					  (if (> curr-time (session-expires sess))
+						 (remhash sessid session-container)))
+				 session-container)))
 ;;;create unique session id
 (defun make-sessid (session-container)
   (format t "make-sessid~%")
   (let ((sessid (format nil "~X" (random 999999999))))
-    (if (gethash sessid session-container)
-	(make-sessid session-container)
-        sessid)
-    )
+	 (if (gethash sessid session-container)
+		(make-sessid session-container)
+		sessid)
+	 )
+  )
 ;;;fill structure from query data
 (defun make-form-struct (query form project)
   (format t "make-form-struct")
   (let ((struct (funcall (form-maker form))))
-    (format t "made-form-struct")
-    (update-form-struct query struct project)
+	 (format t "made-form-struct")
+	 (update-form-struct query struct project)
+	 )
 (defun update-form-struct (query struct project)
   (format t "update-form-struct ~%")
   (let ((pack (project-package project)))
-    (dolist (param query)
-      (format t "~A: ~A~%" (car param) (cdr param))
-      (if (slot-exists-p struct (symb2 pack (car param)))
-	  (setf (slot-value struct (symb2 pack (car param))) (cdr param))
-	(format t "Nie ma slotu ~A ~A~%" (car param) struct)))
-    struct
-    )
+	 (dolist (param query)
+		(format t "~A: ~A~%" (car param) (cdr param))
+		(if (slot-exists-p struct (symb2 pack (car param)))
+		  (setf (slot-value struct (symb2 pack (car param))) (cdr param))
+		  (format t "Nie ma slotu ~A ~A~%" (car param) struct)))
+	 struct
+	 )
+(defmacro sess-value (session name)
+  `(gethash ,name (session-fields ,session))
+  )
 ;;;read form from request, context, session
 (defun fetch-form (form cont sess req project)
   (format t "fetch-form ~%")
   (let* ((form-name (form-name form))
-	 (sess-form (sess-value sess form-name))
-	 (cont-form (gethash form-name cont)))
-    (format t "~A ~A ~A ~%" form-name sess-form cont-form)
-    (if cont-form
-	cont-form
-      (setf (gethash form-name cont)
-	    (if sess-form
-		(update-form-struct (request-query req)
-				    sess-form
-				    project)
-	      (make-form-struct (request-query req)
-				form
-				project))))
-    )
+			(sess-form (sess-value sess form-name))
+			(cont-form (gethash form-name cont)))
+	 (format t "~A ~A ~A ~%" form-name sess-form cont-form)
+	 (if cont-form
+		cont-form
+		(setf (gethash form-name cont)
+				(if sess-form
+				  (update-form-struct (request-query req)
+											 sess-form
+											 project)
+				  (make-form-struct (request-query req)
+										  form
+										  project))))
+	 )
 ;;;update session forms
 (defun update-session-form (form form-data session)
   (format t "update-session-form ~A ~%" (form-scope form))
   (if (equal (form-scope form) :session)
-      (setf (sess-value session (form-name form))
-	    form-data))
+	 (setf (sess-value session (form-name form))
+			 form-data))
- )
+  )
 (defun get-action-form (action cont sess project req)
   (format t "get-action-form ~%")
   (if (action-form-struct action)
-      (update-session-form (action-form-struct action)
-			   (fetch-form (action-form-struct action) 
-				       cont 
-				       sess 
-				       req
-				       project
-				       ) 
-			   sess)
-    nil
-    )
+	 (update-session-form (action-form-struct action)
+								 (fetch-form (action-form-struct action) 
+												 cont 
+												 sess 
+												 req
+												 project
+												 ) 
+								 sess)
+	 nil
+	 )
+  )
 (defun get-action-url (project action-name)
   (let ((action (gethash action-name (project-mappings project))))
-    (if action
-	(strconc (project-path project) "/" (action-path action))
-      (strconc "#No action named: '" action-name "'!!!")
-    ))
+	 (if action
+		(strconc (project-path project) "/" (action-path action))
+		(strconc "#No action named: '" action-name "'!!!")
+		))
+  )
 ;;get form by name
-(defun get-form (form-name req ent cont session)
+(defun get-form (form-name cont session)
   (let ((form (gethash form-name cont)))
-    (if form
-	form
-      (sess-value session form-name)))
+	 (if form form
+		(sess-value session form-name)))
-(defmacro sess-value (session name)
-  `(gethash ,name (session-fields ,session))
-  )
+; $Log: mvc.lisp,v $
+; Revision 1.2  2004/03/08 23:21:46  tlipski
+; Bugfixes + formatting

Index: ganelon/lisp/utils.lisp
diff -u ganelon/lisp/utils.lisp: ganelon/lisp/utils.lisp:1.2
--- ganelon/lisp/utils.lisp:	Wed Mar  3 18:50:36 2004
+++ ganelon/lisp/utils.lisp	Mon Mar  8 18:21:46 2004
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+; $Id: utils.lisp,v 1.2 2004/03/08 23:21:46 tlipski Exp $
 (defpackage "GANELON.UTILS"
@@ -24,15 +28,14 @@
 (in-package :GANELON.UTILS)
-(defun get-struct-value (form name)
-  (slot-value form (symb name))
-  )
 ;;;translate string into symbol
 (defmacro symb (&rest args)
   `(values (intern (string-upcase 
 		    (concatenate 'string , at args))))
+(defun get-struct-value (form name)
+  (slot-value form (symb name))
+  )
 (defmacro symb2 (package &rest args)
   `(values (intern (string-upcase
@@ -199,3 +202,11 @@
   (setf (nth idx list)
 		  (funcall fun (nth idx list)))
+; $Log: utils.lisp,v $
+; Revision 1.2  2004/03/08 23:21:46  tlipski
+; Bugfixes + formatting

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