[funds-cvs] r212 - trunk/funds/examples

abaine at common-lisp.net abaine at common-lisp.net
Tue Aug 21 12:32:48 UTC 2007

Author: abaine
Date: Tue Aug 21 08:32:48 2007
New Revision: 212

Fixed solver (!) and made pretty printer.

Modified: trunk/funds/examples/sudoku.lisp
--- trunk/funds/examples/sudoku.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/funds/examples/sudoku.lisp	Tue Aug 21 08:32:48 2007
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
 (defun puzzle-solve (puzzle)
-  (if (puzzle-complete-p puzzle)
+  (if (puzzle-solved-p puzzle)
       (iter (for f in x-y-z-functions)
 	    (for (values x y n) = (best-group puzzle f))
@@ -209,3 +209,49 @@
+(defun print-sudoku (list)
+  (let* ((size (length list))
+	 (order (order size)))
+    (labels ((f (result list i)
+	       (if (null list)
+		   result
+		   (f (concatenate 'string result
+				   (if (zerop (mod i order))
+				       (filler-string size)
+				       "")
+				   (row-as-string (first list)))
+		      (rest list)
+		      (1+ i)))))
+      (concatenate 'string (f (format nil "~%") list 0)
+		   (filler-string size)))))
+(defun row-as-string (row)
+  (let* ((size (length row))
+	 (order (order size)))
+    (labels ((f (result list i)
+	       (if (null list) 
+		   result
+		   (f (concatenate 'string result 
+				 (if (zerop (mod i order)) 
+				     "| "
+				     "") 
+				 (format nil "~2A" (if (zerop (first list))
+						       ""
+						       (first list))))
+		      (rest list)
+		      (1+ i)))))
+      (concatenate 'string (format nil "~%") (f "" row 0) "|"))))
+(defun filler-string (size)
+  (let ((order (order size)))
+    (labels ((f (result i)
+	       (if (= i size)
+		   result
+		   (f (concatenate 'string result 
+				   (if (zerop (mod i order))
+				       "+-"
+				       "")
+				   "--")
+		      (1+ i)))))
+      (concatenate 'string (format nil "~%") (f "" 0) "+"))))

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