[funds-cvs] r199 - trunk/funds/src

abaine at common-lisp.net abaine at common-lisp.net
Mon Aug 20 17:09:57 UTC 2007

Author: abaine
Date: Mon Aug 20 13:09:57 2007
New Revision: 199

Documented f-array functions.

Modified: trunk/funds/src/f-array.lisp
--- trunk/funds/src/f-array.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/funds/src/f-array.lisp	Mon Aug 20 13:09:57 2007
@@ -34,17 +34,21 @@
     (f array 0)))
 (defun f-array-count (item f-array &key (key #'identity) (test #'eql))
+  "The number of elements in the given f-array that satisfy the test."
   (tree-count item f-array 
 	      :key #'(lambda (tree)
 		       (funcall key (bt-value tree))) 
 	      :test test))
 (defun f-array-count-if (pred f-array &key (key #'identity))
+  "The number of elements in the given f-array that satisfy the test."
   (tree-count-if pred f-array 
 		 :key #'(lambda (tree)
 			  (funcall key (bt-value tree)))))
 (defun map-f-array (function f-array)
+  "A new f-array whose elements are the results of the application
+of the given function to the elements of the given f-array."
   (map-tree #'(lambda (tree)
 		(funcall function (bt-value tree)))

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