[fomus-devel] :harpsichord

rob canning robcanning at eircom.net
Sat Apr 28 19:33:58 UTC 2007


i am writing a piece for a harpsichord with two manuals

part 1 :name "harpsichord" :abbrev "hpschd." :instr :harpsichord;

what is the best way to do this - atm i am sending :voice 1 and :voice 2 
to send the two different parts to the two different manuals

both manuals start in bass clef and both climb in to treble clef -

the problem is the bottom stave stays in bass clef and the music jumps 
into the manual 1 part.

i would like to be able to switch between single line cross-stave 
writing and two part  writing.

so to summarise... i want to lock voice two to stave two of :harpsichord 
and have it so it changes into treble clef where necessary.

anyone know how to do this?



once again...
many thanks for fomus i am finding it incredibly useful :)
very soon i hope to become very prolific ;)

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