[fomus-devel] n-tuplets
andersvi at extern.uio.no
andersvi at extern.uio.no
Mon Apr 2 20:23:25 UTC 2007
>>>>> " " == Kilian Sprotte <ml13 at onlinehome.de> writes:
> Try this: :)
That worked. Great!
Fomus seems to present a very important working-level between CM and
notation-clients, especially concerning quantization and voice-leading
I have a feeling my hands will get very wet with fomus-code in some
time, but for now ill send the questions to this group to look for
obvious answers etc.
Related to the recent posts about 3/8 meters: various books on
notation quarrel about how to notate tuplets, but some kinds of
n-tuplets in fomus turn out strange. Heres some code where durations
gradually get longer approaching one whole beat, but the note-values
vary wildly. Is this a bug or a feature? If a feature, how to
control which notated rhythmic values are chosen for particular
durations (inside fomus)?
(defun make-accel-measure (time beats)
;; fills 'beats' duration with 'beats+1' pulses
(loop with delta = (/ beats (1+ beats))
for off from time below (+ time beats) by delta
collect (make-note :off off :note 60 :dur delta)))
(let* ((measurebeats (loop for b from 1 to 9 collect b))
(offsets (loop with off = 0
for b in measurebeats
collect off
do (incf off b))))
:verbose 2
:output '(:data (:cmn :process t) )
:auto-timesig-comp nil
:max-tuplet-dur 10
:default-beat 1/8
:global (loop for beats in measurebeats
for off in offsets
collect (make-timesig :off off :time (list beats 8)))
:parts (list (make-part
:instr :flute
:events (loop for beats in measurebeats
for off in offsets
nconc (make-accel-measure off beats))))))
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