[fomus-devel] expected valid/unique mark in MARKS slot

Rob Canning robcanning at eircom.net
Wed Sep 13 23:59:04 UTC 2006

> You can't beat the amount of tech. support your getting  :)

yes indeed many thanks :) 

what would be handy would be a short show off file using all the objects

maybe some on the list has something they could share?

this is as far as i've got so far

init :output (:lilypond :view t);
part 1 :name "Piano" :instr :piano;
(note 1 :off 0 :dur 0.25 :note 82 :marks ((:textnote"")) )))));
(note 1 :off 0.25 :dur 0.25 :note 87 :marks ((:textnote"")) )))));
(note 1 :off 0.5 :dur 0.25 :note 48 :marks (:staccato )))));
(note 1 :off 0.75 :dur 0.25 :note 76 :marks ((:textnote"")) )))));
(note 1 :off 1 :dur 0.25 :note 83 :marks (:marcato )))));
(note 1 :off 1.25 :dur 0.25 :note 51 :marks (:accent )))));
(note 1 :off 1.5 :dur 0.25 :note 82 :marks ((:textnote"")) )))));
(note 1 :off 1.75 :dur 0.25 :note 76 :marks (:endslur-(:fermata)) )))))
(note 1 :off 2 :dur 0.5 :note 57 :marks ((:textnote"")) )))));
(note 1 :off 2.5 :dur 0.25 :note 45 :marks (:portato )))));
(note 1 :off 2.75 :dur 0.25 :note 50 :marks (:marcato )))));
(note 1 :off 3 :dur 0.25 :note 36 :marks ((:textnote"")) )))));
(note 1 :off 3.25 :dur 0.25 :note 51 :marks (:accent )))));
(note 1 :off 3.5 :dur 0.25 :note 46 :marks ((:textnote"")) )))));
(note 1 :off 3.75 :dur 0.25 :note 51 :marks ((:textnote"")) )))));
(note 1 :off 4 :dur 0.25 :note 79 :marks (:staccato )))));
(note 1 :off 4.25 :dur 8 :note 40 :marks (:startslur-(:textnote"id=479"))

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