[fomus-devel] intermediate files

Kilian Sprotte ml13 at onlinehome.de
Fri Jan 13 13:49:49 UTC 2006


just as an idea, it could be nice to have an option like :delete- 
intermediate-files in the ly backend. I am not sure, whether lilypond  
allows for doing this directly, but it could be most simple anyway to  
do something like the appended diff.

Cheers and have a wonderful day,

	Kilian Sprotte

PS: Are you using emacs to edit the code? I sometimes wonder, what a  
big screen you must have.... ;-)

--- orig/backend_ly.lisp
+++ mod/backend_ly.lisp
@@ -51,6 +51,10 @@
		   (append (or exe-opts +lilypond-opts+) (list filename)) :wait t  
#|:output *standard-output*|#)
	      (unless (probe-file (change-filename filename :ext (or out-ext  
+lilypond-out-ext+))) (er "compiling"))
+	      (ignore-errors (delete-file (change-filename filename :ext  
+			     (delete-file (change-filename filename :ext "log"))
+			     (delete-file (change-filename filename :ext "ps"))
+			     (delete-file (change-filename filename :ext "tex")))
	      (when view
		(unless (#+cmu extensions:run-program #+sbcl sb-ext:run-program # 
+openmcl ccl:run-program (or view-exe +lilypond-view-exe+)
			       (append (or view-exe-opts +lilypond-view-opts+) (list  
(change-filename filename :ext (or out-ext +lilypond-out-ext+))))

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