[fomus-cvs] CVS fomus

dpsenicka dpsenicka at common-lisp.net
Sat Jan 28 20:31:21 UTC 2006

Update of /project/fomus/cvsroot/fomus
In directory common-lisp:/tmp/cvs-serv9366

Modified Files:
	accidentals.lisp backend_cmn.lisp backend_ly.lisp 
	backend_xml.lisp data.lisp marks.lisp misc.lisp postproc.lisp 
	test.lisp util.lisp version.lisp 
Log Message:
bug fixes

--- /project/fomus/cvsroot/fomus/accidentals.lisp	2006/01/19 00:02:35	1.14
+++ /project/fomus/cvsroot/fomus/accidentals.lisp	2006/01/28 20:31:19	1.15
@@ -409,41 +409,42 @@
 ;; rests are removed already, after chords & ties
 ;; events are events in 1 measure
 (defun acc-nokey-postaccs (events)
-  (when *acc-throughout-meas*
-    (let ((as (make-array 128 :element-type '(or null (cons (integer -2 2) (rational -1/2 1/2))) :initial-element nil))
-	  (ac (make-array 128 :element-type '(or null (cons (integer -2 2) (rational -1/2 1/2))) :initial-element nil)))
-      (flet ((fixacc (e n a a2 tl)
-	       (declare (type noteex e) (type rational n) (type (integer -2 2) a) (type (rational -1/2 1/2) a2) (type boolean tl))
-	       (let ((w (- n a a2)))
-		 (if tl
-		     (setf (svref as w) (unless (and (= a 0) (= a2 0)) (cons a a2)) (svref ac w) t)
-		     (if (and (= a 0) (= a2 0))
-			 (when (svref as w) ; show the natural 
-			   (setf (svref as w) nil)
-			   (rmmark e (list :cautacc w))
-			   (addmark e (list (if (svref ac w) :cautacc :showacc) w)))
-			 (if (equal (svref as w) (cons a a2))
-			     (addmark e (list :hideacc w))
-			     (setf (svref as w) (cons a a2) (svref ac w) nil)))))))
-	(loop
-	 for e of-type noteex in events
-	 if (chordp e)
-	 do (loop
-	     for n of-type rational in (event-notes* e)
-	     and a of-type (integer -2 2) in (event-accs e)
-	     and a2 of-type (rational -1/2 1/2) in (event-addaccs e)
-	     and tl of-type boolean in (event-tielt e)
-	     do (fixacc e n a a2 tl))
-	 else do (fixacc e (event-note* e) (event-acc e) (event-addacc e) (event-tielt e))))))
+  (let ((as (make-array 128 :element-type '(or null (cons (integer -2 2) (rational -1/2 1/2))) :initial-element nil))
+	(ac (make-array 128 :element-type '(or null (cons (integer -2 2) (rational -1/2 1/2))) :initial-element nil)))
+    (flet ((fixacc (e n a a2 tl)
+	     (declare (type noteex e) (type rational n) (type (integer -2 2) a) (type (rational -1/2 1/2) a2) (type boolean tl))
+	     (let ((w (- n a a2)))
+	       (if tl
+		   (setf (svref as w) (unless (and (= a 0) (= a2 0)) (cons a a2)) (svref ac w) t)
+		   (if (and (= a 0) (= a2 0))
+		       (when (svref as w) ; show the natural 
+			 (setf (svref as w) nil)
+			 (rmmark e (list :cautacc w))
+			 (addmark e (list (if (svref ac w) :cautacc :showacc) w)))
+		       (if (equal (svref as w) (cons a a2))
+			   (addmark e (list :hideacc w))
+			   (setf (svref as w) (cons a a2) (svref ac w) nil)))))))
+      (loop
+       for e of-type noteex in events
+       if (chordp e)
+       do (loop
+	   for n of-type rational in (event-notes* e)
+	   and a of-type (integer -2 2) in (event-accs e)
+	   and a2 of-type (rational -1/2 1/2) in (event-addaccs e)
+	   and tl of-type boolean in (event-tielt e)
+	   do (fixacc e n a a2 tl))
+       else do (fixacc e (event-note* e) (event-acc e) (event-addacc e) (event-tielt e)))))
 ;; post processing
 (defun postaccs (parts)
-  (loop for p of-type partex in parts unless (is-percussion p) do
-	(loop for m of-type meas in (part-meas p) do
-	      (multiple-value-bind (evs rs) (split-list (meas-events m) #'notep)
-		(case (auto-accs-fun)
-		  (:nokey1 (acc-nokey-postaccs evs))
-		  (otherwise (error "Unknown accidental assignment function ~S" *auto-accs-mod*)))
-		(setf (meas-events m) (sort (nconc rs evs) #'sort-offdur))))))
+  (when *acc-throughout-meas*
+    (loop for p of-type partex in parts unless (is-percussion p) do
+	  (loop for m of-type meas in (part-meas p) do
+		(multiple-value-bind (evs rs) (split-list (meas-events m) #'notep)
+		  (loop for ev of-type cons in (split-into-groups evs #'event-staff) do
+			(case (auto-accs-fun)
+			  (:nokey1 (acc-nokey-postaccs (copy-list (sort ev #'sort-offdur))))
+			  (otherwise (error "Unknown accidental assignment function ~S" *auto-accs-mod*))))
+		  (setf (meas-events m) (sort (nconc rs evs) #'sort-offdur)))))))
--- /project/fomus/cvsroot/fomus/backend_cmn.lisp	2006/01/26 05:48:21	1.4
+++ /project/fomus/cvsroot/fomus/backend_cmn.lisp	2006/01/28 20:31:19	1.5
@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@
 (in-package :fomus)
+(eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute)
+  (defparameter +cmn-view-exe+ +ghostview-exe+))
+(defparameter +cmn-view-opts+ #-darwin nil #+darwin '("/Applications/Preview.app"))
 (defparameter +cmn-comment+ ";;; CMN score file~%;;; ~A v~A.~A.~A~%~%")
 (defparameter +cmn-num-note+ (vector "C" nil "D" nil "E" "F" nil "G" nil "A" nil "B"))
@@ -22,9 +26,13 @@
 (defparameter +cmn-durations+ '((1/16 . 64th) (3/32 . 64th.)
 				(1/8 . 32nd) (3/16 . 32nd.)
 				(1/4 . s) (3/8 . s.) (7/16 . s..)
+				(1/6 . ts) 
 				(1/2 . e) (3/4 . e.) (7/8 . e..)
+				(1/3 . te) 
 				(1 . q) (3/2 . q.) (7/4 . q..)
+				(2/3 . tq) 
 				(2 . h) (3 . h.) (7/2 . h..)
+				(4/3 . th)
 				(4 . w) (6 . w.)
 				(8 . dw)))
 (defparameter +cmn-restdurs+ '((1/32 . one-twenty-eighth-rest)
@@ -37,10 +45,6 @@
 			       (4 . whole-rest) (6 . dotted-whole-rest)
 			       (8 . double-whole-rest)))
-;; french-violin treble tenor-treble soprano mezzo-soprano alto tenor baritone baritone-c 
-;; baritone-f bass sub-bass double-bass 
-;; percussion quad-bass double-treble quad-treble
 (defparameter +cmn-clefs+ '((:subbass-8dn . sub-bass) (:bass-8dn . double-bass) (:c-baritone-8dn . baritone-c) (:f-baritone-8dn . baritone-f) (:tenor-8dn . tenor)
 			    (:subbass . sub-bass) (:alto-8dn . alto) (:bass . bass) (:mezzosoprano-8dn . mezzo-soprano) (:c-baritone . baritone-c) (:f-baritone . baritone-f)
 			    (:soprano-8dn . soprano) (:tenor . tenor) (:subbass-8up . sub-bass) (:treble-8dn . tenor-treble) (:alto . alto) (:bass-8up . bass)
@@ -48,7 +52,9 @@
 			    (:treble . treble) (:alto-8up . alto) (:mezzosoprano-8up . mezzo-soprano) (:soprano-8up . soprano) (:treble-8up . double-treble)
 			    (:percussion . percussion)))
-(defparameter +cmn-options+ '((automatic-rests nil) (implicit-accidental-duration 1) (implicit-accidental-style :new-style)))
+(defparameter +cmn-options+ '((automatic-rests nil) (implicit-accidental-duration 1) (implicit-accidental-style :new-style)
+			      (automatic-beams nil) (automatic-octave-signs nil)))
+(defparameter +cmn-changeableopts+ '((all-output-in-one-file t) (size 24)))
 (defun internalize (x)
   (typecase x
@@ -57,30 +63,55 @@
     (list (mapcar #'internalize x))
     (otherwise x)))
-;; (defparameter +cmn-writeflags+ '(:escape t))
 (defparameter +cmn-out-ext+ "eps")
-;; (defun save-cmn (parts header filename options process view) nil)
+(defun view-cmn (filename options view)
+  (when (not *cmn-exists*) ;; for viewing only
+    (format t ";; ERROR: Common Music Notation required for CMN output~%")
+    (return-from view-cmn))
+  (when (>= *verbose* 1) (out ";; Compiling/opening ~S for viewing...~%" filename))
+  (destructuring-bind (&key view-exe view-exe-opts out-ext &allow-other-keys) options
+    (flet ((er (str)
+	     (format t ";; ERROR: Error ~A CMN file~%" str)
+	     (return-from view-cmn)))
+      #+(and (or cmu sbcl openmcl allegro) (or linux darwin unix))
+      (progn
+	(ignore-errors (delete-file (change-filename filename :ext (or out-ext +cmn-out-ext+))))
+	(#+cmu unix:unix-chdir #+sbcl sb-posix:chdir #+openmcl ccl:cwd #+allegro excl:chdir
+	       (change-filename filename :name nil :ext nil))
+	(if (ignore-errors (load filename))
+	    (progn
+	      (unless (probe-file (change-filename filename :ext (or out-ext +cmn-out-ext+))) (er "compiling"))
+	      (when view
+		(unless #+(or cmu sbcl openmcl) (#+cmu extensions:run-program #+sbcl sb-ext:run-program #+openmcl ccl:run-program
+						       (or view-exe +cmn-view-exe+)
+						       (append (or view-exe-opts +cmn-view-opts+)
+							       (list (change-filename filename :ext (or out-ext +cmn-out-ext+))))
+						       :wait nil)
+			#+allegro (= (run-allegro-cmd
+				      (apply #'vector (cons (or view-exe +cmn-view-exe+)
+							    (cons (or view-exe +cmn-view-exe+)
+								  (append (or view-exe-opts +cmn-view-opts+)
+									  (list (change-filename filename :ext (or out-ext +cmn-out-ext+))))))) nil) 0)
+			(er "viewing"))))
+	    (er "compiling")))
+      #-(and (or cmu sbcl openmcl allegro) (or linux darwin unix)) (format t ";; ERROR: Don't know how to compile/view CMN file~%"))))
 (defun save-cmn (parts header filename options process view)
-  (when (and (not *cmn-exists*) (or process view)) ;; for viewing only
-    (format t ";; ERROR: Common Music Notation required for CMN output~%")
-    (return-from save-cmn))
   (when (>= *verbose* 1) (out ";; Saving CMN file ~S...~%" filename))
   (with-open-file (f filename :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
     (destructuring-bind (&key score-attr out-ext &allow-other-keys) options
       (format f "~A" header)
       (let ((de 0) (phash (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
 	(flet ((cmndur (val m) (* val (timesig-beat* (meas-timesig m)) 4))
-	       (cmnnote (wnum acc1 acc2 dur hide show caut harmt harms) ;; wdur is actual dur * beat * 4
+	       (cmnnote (wnum acc1 acc2 dur hide show caut harmt harms)	;; wdur is actual dur * beat * 4
 		 (let ((acc (unless hide (if *quartertones* (svref (svref +cmn-num-accq+ (+ acc1 2)) (1+ (* acc2 2))) (svref +cmn-num-acc+ (+ acc1 2))))))
 		   (when caut (setf acc (list acc 'in-parentheses)))
 		   (when (and (equal acc 'natural) (not show)) (setf acc nil))
 		   (nconc (list (intern (conc-strings (svref +cmn-num-note+ (mod wnum 12))
 						      (case acc (flat "F") (natural "N") (sharp "S") (otherwise ""))
-						      (format nil "~D" (1- (truncate wnum 12)))))
-				(or (lookup dur +cmn-durations+) (list 'rq dur)))
+						      (format nil "~D" (1- (truncate wnum 12))))))
+			  (when dur (list (or (lookup dur +cmn-durations+) (list 'rq dur))))
 			  (unless (member acc '(nil flat natural sharp)) (list acc)))))
 	       (cmnname (p)
 		 (incf de)
@@ -92,79 +123,98 @@
 					   collect (string x))))
 		   (string (code-char (+ 64 de)))))))
-	  (let ((cmp (loop for p in parts nconc
-			   (destructuring-bind (&key (cmn-partname (cmnname p)) &allow-other-keys) (part-opts p)
-			     (loop with nvce = (loop for e in (part-meas p) maximize (length (meas-voices e)))
-				   for vi from 0 below nvce nconc ; loop through voices
-				   (loop with pna = (if (> nvce 1) (format nil "~A~D" cmn-partname (1+ vi)) cmn-partname)
-					 and ns = (instr-staves (part-instr p))	; number of staves
-					 for si from 1 to ns
-					 for ipna = (intern (if (> ns 1)
-								(if (> nvce 0)
-								    (format nil "~A~D~D" pna (1+ vi) si)
-								    (format nil "~A1~D" pna si))
-								(if (> nvce 0)
-								    (format nil "~A~D" pna (1+ vi))
-								    pna)))
-					 do (setf (gethash p phash) (nconc (gethash p phash) (list ipna)))
-					 collect
-					 `(,ipna
-					   (staff bar
-					    ,@(when (and (<= si 1) (part-name p)) (list (list 'staff-name (part-name p))))
-					    ,@(when (> vi 0)
-						    (list (list 'tied-to (intern (if (> ns 1)
-										     (format nil "~A1~D" pna si)
-										     (format nil "~A1" pna)))))) 
-					    ,(lookup (second (find si (getprops p :clef) :key #'third)) +cmn-clefs+)
-					    ,@(loop with o = 0 and st = 1
-						    for m in (part-meas p) 
-						    and stoff = 0 then (+ stoff lmdur)
-						    for lmdur = (cmndur (- (meas-endoff m) (meas-off m)) m)
-						    when (getprop m :startsig) collect (list 'meter (timesig-num (meas-timesig m)) (timesig-den (meas-timesig m)))
-						    nconc
-						    (loop for e in (nth vi (meas-events m))
-							  for co = (+ stoff (cmndur (- (event-off e) (meas-off m)) m))
-							  do (setf st (or (third (getmark e '(:staff :voice))) st))
-							  when (= st si) collect
-							  (let ((y (if (restp e)
-								       (or (lookup (cmndur (event-dur* e) m) +cmn-restdurs+) (error "Finish me")) 
-								       (if (chordp e)
-									   (cons 'chord
-										 (loop
-										  for n in (event-writtennotes e)
-										  and w in (event-writtennotes e)
-										  and a in (event-accs e)
-										  and a2 in (event-addaccs e)
-										  for ha = (getmark e (list :harmonic :touched n))
-										  and hs = (getmark e (list :harmonic :sounding n))
-										  collect (cmnnote w a a2
-												   (cmndur (event-dur* e) m) 
-												   (getmark e (list :hideacc n))
-												   (getmark e (list :showacc n))
-												   (getmark e (list :cautacc n))
-												   (getmark e (list :harmonic :touched n))
-												   (getmark e (list :harmonic :sounding n)))))
-									   (cmnnote (event-writtennote e) (event-acc e) (event-addacc e)
-										    (cmndur (event-dur* e) m) 
-										    (getmark e (list :hideacc (event-writtennote e)))
-										    (getmark e (list :showacc (event-writtennote e)))
-										    (getmark e (list :cautacc (event-writtennote e)))
-										    (getmark e (list :harmonic :touched (event-writtennote e)))
-										    (getmark e (list :harmonic :sounding (event-writtennote e))))))))
-							    (if (> co o) (nconc y (list (list 'onset co))) y))
-							  and do (setf o (+ co (cmndur (event-dur e) m))))
-						    collect (let ((b (getprop m :barline)))
-							      (if (>= o (+ stoff lmdur))
-								  (lookup (second b) +cmn-barlines+)
-								  (list (lookup (second b) +cmn-barlines+)
-									(list 'onset (setf o (+ stoff lmdur)))))))))))))))
+	  (let* ((bv -1)
+		 (cmp (loop for p in parts nconc
+			    (destructuring-bind (&key (cmn-partname (cmnname p)) &allow-other-keys) (part-opts p)
+			      (loop with nvce = (loop for e in (part-meas p) maximize (length (meas-voices e)))
+				    and bbb = (make-hash-table :test 'eq)
+				    for vi from 0 below nvce nconc ; loop through voices
+				    (loop with pna = (if (> nvce 1) (format nil "~A~D" cmn-partname (1+ vi)) cmn-partname)
+					  and ns = (instr-staves (part-instr p)) ; number of staves
+					  for si from 1 to ns
+					  for ipna = (intern (if (> ns 1)
+								 (if (> nvce 0)
+								     (format nil "~A~D~D" pna (1+ vi) si)
+								     (format nil "~A1~D" pna si))
+								 (if (> nvce 0)
+								     (format nil "~A~D" pna (1+ vi))
+								     pna)))
+					  do (setf (gethash p phash) (nconc (gethash p phash) (list ipna)))
+					  collect
+					  `(,ipna
+					    (staff bar
+					     ,@(when (and (<= si 1) (part-name p)) (list (list 'staff-name (part-name p))))
+					     ,@(when (> vi 0)
+						     (list (list 'tied-to (intern (if (> ns 1)
+										      (format nil "~A1~D" pna si)
+										      (format nil "~A1" pna)))))) 
+					     ,(lookup (second (find si (getprops p :clef) :key #'third)) +cmn-clefs+)
+					     ,@(loop with o = 0 and st = 1
+						     for m in (part-meas p) 
+						     and stoff = 0 then (+ stoff lmdur)
+						     for lmdur = (cmndur (- (meas-endoff m) (meas-off m)) m)
+						     when (getprop m :startsig) collect `(meter ,(timesig-num (meas-timesig m)) ,(timesig-den (meas-timesig m)))
+						     nconc
+						     (loop
+						      with bb and ee ;;for (pre e nxe) on (cons nil (nth vi (meas-events m))) ;;while e
+						      for e in (nth vi (meas-events m))
+						      for co = (+ stoff (cmndur (- (event-off e) (meas-off m)) m))
+						      and l = (and (notep e) (> (event-beamlt e) 0))
+						      and r = (and (notep e) (> (event-beamrt e) 0))
+						      and tu = (getmark e :starttup)
+						      do (setf st (or (third (getmark e '(:staff :voice))) st))
+						      when (and r (not l)) do
+						      (when ee (setf (car ee) '-beam ee nil))
+						      (event-off e)
+						      (setf bb e)
+						      when (= st si) collect
+						      (let* ((cd (cmndur (event-dur* e) m))
+							     (y (if (restp e) ; y must be nconcable
+								    (or (lookup cd +cmn-restdurs+) (list 'rest `(rq ,cd)))
+								    (if (chordp e)
+									(cons 'chord
+									      (nconc
+									       (loop
+										for n in (event-writtennotes e)
+										and w in (event-writtennotes e)
+										and a in (event-accs e)
+										and a2 in (event-addaccs e)
+										for ha = (getmark e (list :harmonic :touched n))
+										and hs = (getmark e (list :harmonic :sounding n))
+										collect (cmnnote w a a2 nil 
+												 (getmark e (list :hideacc n))
+												 (getmark e (list :showacc n))
+												 (getmark e (list :cautacc n))
+												 (getmark e (list :harmonic :touched n))
+												 (getmark e (list :harmonic :sounding n))))
+									       (list (or (lookup cd +cmn-restdurs+) `(rq ,cd)))))
+									(cmnnote (event-writtennote e) (event-acc e) (event-addacc e) cd 
+										 (getmark e (list :hideacc (event-writtennote e)))
+										 (getmark e (list :showacc (event-writtennote e)))
+										 (getmark e (list :cautacc (event-writtennote e)))
+										 (getmark e (list :harmonic :touched (event-writtennote e)))
+										 (getmark e (list :harmonic :sounding (event-writtennote e))))))))
+							(when (or l r)
+							  (let ((h (gethash bb bbb)))
+							    (nconc y (list (if h
+									       (setf ee (list '-beam- `(svref bvect ,h)))
+									       `(setf (svref bvect ,(setf (gethash bb bbb) (incf bv))) (beam-)))))))
+							(if (> co o) (nconc y (list `(onset ,co))) y))
+						      and do (setf o (+ co (cmndur (event-dur* e) m)))
+						      finally (when ee (setf (car ee) '-beam)))
+						     collect (let ((b (getprop m :barline)))
+							       (if (>= o (+ stoff lmdur))
+								   (lookup (second b) +cmn-barlines+)
+								   (list (lookup (second b) +cmn-barlines+)
+									 `(onset ,(setf o (+ stoff lmdur)))))))))))))))
 	    (prin1 (internalize '(in-package cmn)) f)
 	    (fresh-line f)
-	      `(cmn ,@(remove-duplicates (append +cmn-options+ score-attr (list (list 'output-file (change-filename filename :ext (or out-ext +cmn-out-ext+)))))
+	      `(cmn ,@(remove-duplicates (append +cmn-options+ score-attr +cmn-changeableopts+
+						 (list (list 'output-file (change-filename filename :ext (or out-ext +cmn-out-ext+)))))
 					 :key (lambda (x) (if (consp x) (first x) x)) :from-end t)
-		(let* ,cmp
+		(let* ,(if (> bv 0) (cons `(bvect (make-array ,(1+ bv))) cmp) cmp)
 		  ,@(labels ((pfn (pps &optional (grp 1))
 				  (loop for e = (pop pps) ; e = part
 					while e
@@ -179,4 +229,5 @@
 					else nconc (gethash e phash))))
 			    (pfn parts)))))
-	    (fresh-line f)))))))
+	    (fresh-line f))))))
+  (when process (view-cmn filename options view)))
--- /project/fomus/cvsroot/fomus/backend_ly.lisp	2006/01/26 05:48:21	1.23
+++ /project/fomus/cvsroot/fomus/backend_ly.lisp	2006/01/28 20:31:19	1.24
@@ -13,31 +13,12 @@
 #+sbcl (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (require :sb-posix))
-(defun run-allegro-cmd (cmd &optional (wait t))
-  (multiple-value-bind (ostr istr p) (excl:run-shell-command cmd :input :stream :output :stream :error-output :stream :wait nil)
-    (declare (ignore istr))
-    (values (if wait (sys:os-wait nil p) 0) ostr)))
-#+(or linux darwin unix)
-(defun find-exe (filename)
-  (namestring*
-   (or #+darwin (probe-file (change-filename filename :dir "/Applications"))
-       #+darwin (probe-file (change-filename filename :dir "/Applications/Lilypond.app"))
-       #+darwin (probe-file (change-filename filename :dir "/sw/bin"))
-       (probe-file (change-filename filename :dir "/usr/local/bin"))
-       (probe-file (change-filename filename :dir "/usr/bin"))
-       (probe-file (change-filename filename :dir "/bin")))))
 (eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute)
   (defparameter +lilypond-exe+
     (or #+darwin (find-exe "lilypond.sh")
 	(find-exe "lilypond")
 	#-darwin "lilypond" #+darwin "lilypond.sh"))
-  (defparameter +lilypond-view-exe+
-    #+darwin (find-exe "open")
-    #+(and (or linux unix) (not darwin)) (or (find-exe "ggv") (find-exe "kgv") (find-exe "gv") (find-exe "ghostview") "gv")
-    #-(or linux darwin unix) "gv"))
+  (defparameter +lilypond-view-exe+ +ghostview-exe+))
 (defparameter +lilypond-opts+ '("--ps"))
 (defparameter +lilypond-out-ext+ "ps")
--- /project/fomus/cvsroot/fomus/backend_xml.lisp	2005/10/01 00:49:45	1.4
+++ /project/fomus/cvsroot/fomus/backend_xml.lisp	2006/01/28 20:31:19	1.5
@@ -124,11 +124,12 @@
 				    ("sign" nil ,s)
 				    ,@(when l `(("line" nil ,l)))
 				    ,@(when o `(("clef-octave-change" nil ,o)))))))))
-		   ,.(loop with nv = (length (meas-voices m))
+		   ,.(loop with nv = (length (meas-voices m)) and ts = (meas-timesig m)
 		      for v in (meas-voices m)
-		      for b = (getprop m :barline)
+		      for b = (getprop m :barline) and fi = nil then t
+		      when fi collect `("backup" nil ("duration" nil ,(* (- (meas-endoff m) (meas-off m)) (timesig-beat* ts) dv)))
 		      nconc (loop
-			     with tv and ts = (meas-timesig m)
+			     with tv
 			     for e in v nconc
 			     (loop with ch = (chordp e)
 				   for fi = t then nil
@@ -155,15 +156,16 @@
 							("display-step" nil ,(svref +xml-num-perc-note+ (mod no 12)))
 							("display-octave" nil ,(floor (1- no) 12)))))
 					     ,@(when (restp e) '(("rest" nil)))
+;; 					     ,@(when tl '(("tie" ("type" "stop"))))
+;; 					     ,@(when tr '(("tie" ("type" "start"))))
 					     ,@(unless (event-grace e) `(("duration" nil ,(* (event-writtendur e ts) dv))))
 					     ,@(when (> nv 1) `(("voice" nil ,(event-voice* e))))
-					     ,@(when tr '(("tie" ("type" "end"))))
-					     ,@(when tl '(("tie" ("type" "start"))))
 					     ("type" nil ,(lookup (event-writtendur* e ts) +xml-num-durtype+))
 					     ,.(loop repeat (nth-value 1 (event-writtendur* e ts)) collect '("dot" nil))
-					     ,@(let ((ca (getmark e (list :cautacc o))))
-						    (when (and (notep e) (not pc)
-							       (or (/= ac 0) (/= aac 0) ca))
+					     ,@(let ((ca (getmark e (list :cautacc no))))
+						    (when (and (notep e) (not pc) (not tl)
+							       (not (getmark e (list :hideacc no)))
+							       (or (getmark e (list :showacc no)) (/= ac 0) (/= aac 0) ca))
 						      `(("accidental" ,(when ca '("cautionary" "yes"))
 							 ,(svref (svref +xml-num-acctype+ (+ ac 2)) (1+ (* aac 2)))))))
 					     ,@(when (event-tup e)
@@ -187,7 +189,10 @@
 						    (loop for i from 1 to bc collect `("beam" ("number" ,i) "continue"))
 						    (loop for i from (1+ bc) to (event-beamlt e) collect `("beam" ("number" ,i) "end"))
 						    (loop for i from (1+ bc) to (event-beamrt e) collect `("beam" ("number" ,i) "begin")))))
-					     ;; notations
+					     ,@(let ((ntr (when tr '(("tied" ("type" "start")))))
+						     (ntl (when tl '(("tied" ("type" "stop"))))))
+						 (when (or ntr ntl)
+						   `(("notations" nil , at ntl , at ntr))))
 				   do (let ((ns (mapcar #'rest (getmarks e '(:endtup)))))
 					(setf tv (delete-if (lambda (x) (find (first x) ns)) tv)))))
--- /project/fomus/cvsroot/fomus/data.lisp	2006/01/19 00:02:35	1.28
+++ /project/fomus/cvsroot/fomus/data.lisp	2006/01/28 20:31:19	1.29
@@ -794,11 +794,11 @@
   '((:startslur- :slur- :endslur- nil)
     (:startgraceslur- :graceslur- :endgraceslur- nil)
     (:starttext- :text- :endtext- :text)
-    (:startwedge< :wedge< :endwedge< t)
-    (:startwedge> :wedge> :endwedge> t)
-    (:startwedge*< :wedge*< :endwedge*< t)
-    (:startwedge*> :wedge*> :endwedge*> t)
-    (:startlongtrill- :longtrill- :endlongtrill- t)))
+    (:startwedge< :wedge< :endwedge< nil)
+    (:startwedge> :wedge> :endwedge> nil)
+    (:startwedge*< :wedge*< :endwedge*< nil)
+    (:startwedge*> :wedge*> :endwedge*> nil)
+    (:startlongtrill- :longtrill- :endlongtrill- nil)))
 (defparameter +marks-spanner-staves+
   '((:start8up- :8up- :end8up- :8up)
     (:start8down- :8down- :end8down- :8down)))
--- /project/fomus/cvsroot/fomus/marks.lisp	2006/01/26 05:48:21	1.14
+++ /project/fomus/cvsroot/fomus/marks.lisp	2006/01/28 20:31:19	1.15
@@ -53,17 +53,19 @@
   (loop for (startsym contsym endsym) of-type (symbol symbol symbol) in spanners
 	do (loop for p of-type partex in pts do
-		     with ss = (make-hash-table :test 'eql) and nu of-type (integer 0) = 0 and sta
+		     with ss = (make-hash-table :test 'eql) and nu of-type (integer 0) = 0 and sta and mor of-type list
 		     for (e nxe) of-type ((or noteex restex) (or noteex restex null)) on (reverse (part-events p)) do ; go backwards, find endsyms
+		     (setf mor nil)
 		      for (xxx a1) of-type (t (or (integer 1) null))
 		      in (sort (nconc (when contsym (loop for x = (popmark e contsym) while x collect (force-list x))) ; a1 is level
 				      (loop for x = (popmark e endsym) while x collect (force-list x)))
 			       #'< :key (lambda (x) (or (second x) 1)))
 		      do (let ((lv (or a1 1)))
-			   (unless (gethash lv ss)
-			     (setf (gethash lv ss) (incf nu))
-			     (addmark e (list endsym nu))))) 
+			   (if (gethash lv ss)
+			       (push lv mor)
+			       (progn (setf (gethash lv ss) (incf nu))
+				      (addmark e (list endsym nu))))))
 		     (loop		; find startsyms
 		      for rr0 of-type cons
 		      in (sort (loop for x = (popmark e startsym)
@@ -85,11 +87,17 @@
 					    (addmark e (nconc (list startsym n) (when a3 (list a3)) (when a2 (list a2)))) ; fixed order now--level is mandatory 1st argument, string is second if text, modifier is last and optional
 					    (decf nu))
 				     (error "Levels for marks ~S, ~S and ~S are out of order at offset ~S, part ~S" startsym contsym endsym (event-foff e) (part-name p)))
-				 (progn
+				 (progn 
 				   (loop for (a b) of-type ((or noteex restex) (or noteex restex null)) on sta
 					 if b do (addmark a (list contsym 1)) else do (addmark a (list endsym 1))
 				   (addmark e (nconc (list startsym 1) (when a3 (list a3)) (when a2 (list a2))))))))))
-		     (loop for l being each hash-value in ss do (addmark e (list (if nxe contsym startsym) l)))
+		     (loop for lv of-type (integer 1) in mor do
+			   (unless (gethash lv ss)
+			     (setf (gethash lv ss) (incf nu))
+			     (addmark e (list endsym nu))))
+		     (loop for l of-type (integer 1) being each hash-value in ss
+			   if nxe do (unless (getmark e (list endsym l)) (addmark e (list contsym l)))
+			   else do (addmark e (list startsym l)))
 		     (push e sta)) 
--- /project/fomus/cvsroot/fomus/misc.lisp	2006/01/19 00:02:35	1.13
+++ /project/fomus/cvsroot/fomus/misc.lisp	2006/01/28 20:31:19	1.14
@@ -67,6 +67,25 @@
 (defmacro cons-list (objs places)
   `(mapcar #'cons ,objs ,places))
+(declaim (inline namestring*))
+(defun namestring* (filename) (when filename (namestring filename)))
+(defun run-allegro-cmd (cmd &optional (wait t))
+  (multiple-value-bind (ostr istr p) (excl:run-shell-command cmd :input :stream :output :stream :error-output :stream :wait nil)
+    (declare (ignore istr))
+    (values (if wait (sys:os-wait nil p) 0) ostr)))
+#+(or linux darwin unix)
+(defun find-exe (filename)
+  (namestring*
+   (or #+darwin (probe-file (change-filename filename :dir "/Applications"))
+       #+darwin (probe-file (change-filename filename :dir "/Applications/Lilypond.app"))
+       #+darwin (probe-file (change-filename filename :dir "/sw/bin"))
+       (probe-file (change-filename filename :dir "/usr/local/bin"))
+       (probe-file (change-filename filename :dir "/usr/bin"))
+       (probe-file (change-filename filename :dir "/bin")))))
 (defstruct (heap (:constructor make-heap-aux) (:predicate heapp))
   (fun #'+ :type (function (t t) t))
   (arr #() :type (array t)))
--- /project/fomus/cvsroot/fomus/postproc.lisp	2006/01/26 05:48:21	1.18
+++ /project/fomus/cvsroot/fomus/postproc.lisp	2006/01/28 20:31:19	1.19
@@ -255,19 +255,23 @@
 ;; leave middle marks
 (defun postproc-spanners (pts)
   (declare (type list pts))
-  (loop
+  (loop 
    for (startsym xxx endsym replsym) of-type (symbol symbol symbol symbol) in (append +marks-spanner-voices+ +marks-spanner-staves+) ;; fix any notes with starts/ends on same note
-   unless (truep replsym)
    do (loop for p of-type partex in pts
-	    do (loop for e of-type (or noteex restex) in (loop for x of-type meas in (part-meas p) append (meas-events x)) do 
-		     (loop
-		      for ma of-type cons in (mapcar #'force-list (getmarks e startsym))
-		      for lv = (second ma)
-		      when (getmark e (if lv (list endsym lv) endsym))
-		      do
-		      (rmmark e (if lv (list startsym lv) startsym))
-		      (rmmark e (if lv (list endsym lv) endsym))
-		      when replsym do (addmark e (nconc (list replsym lv) (cddr ma)))))
+	    do (loop for v from 0 below (loop for x of-type meas in (part-meas p) maximize (length (meas-voices x))) do
+		     (loop with h = (make-hash-table)
+			   for e of-type (or noteex restex) in (loop for x of-type meas in (part-meas p) append (nth v (meas-voices x))) do 
+			   (loop
+			    for ma of-type cons in (mapcar #'force-list (getmarks e endsym))
+			    for lv = (second ma) do
+			    (unless (gethash lv h)
+			      (rmmark e (if lv (list startsym lv) startsym))
+			      (rmmark e (if lv (list endsym lv) endsym))
+			      (when replsym (addmark e (nconc (list replsym lv) (cddr ma)))))
+			    (remhash lv h))
+			   (loop
+			    for ma of-type cons in (mapcar #'force-list (getmarks e startsym)) 
+			    do (setf (gethash (second ma) h) t))))
 (defun postproc-barlines (pts)
@@ -476,10 +480,10 @@
 (defun postproc (pts)
   (postproc-tremolos pts)
   (postproc-timesigs pts)
-  (postproc-spanners pts)
   (postproc-markaccs pts)
   (postproc-midimarks pts)
   (postproc-voices pts)	;; voices now separated into lists
+  (postproc-spanners pts)
   (postproc-clefs pts)
   (postproc-staves pts)
   (postproc-measrests pts)
--- /project/fomus/cvsroot/fomus/test.lisp	2006/01/26 05:48:21	1.21
+++ /project/fomus/cvsroot/fomus/test.lisp	2006/01/28 20:31:19	1.22
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 ;; Example 1
- :backend '((:data) (:lilypond :view t) (:midi :tempo 120 :delay 1 :play nil))
+ :backend '((:data) (:lilypond :view t) (:cmn :view t) (:midi :tempo 120 :delay 1 :play nil))
  :ensemble-type :orchestra
--- /project/fomus/cvsroot/fomus/util.lisp	2005/10/22 20:43:06	1.19
+++ /project/fomus/cvsroot/fomus/util.lisp	2006/01/28 20:31:19	1.20
@@ -30,6 +30,15 @@
   (or (= (loop for i in '() maximize i) 0) (error "Failed LOOP test in \"util.lisp\"")))
+(eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute)
+  (defparameter +ghostview-exe+
+    #+darwin (find-exe "open")
+    #+(and (or linux unix) (not darwin)) (or (find-exe "ggv") (find-exe "kgv") (find-exe "gv") (find-exe "ghostview") "gv")
+    #-(or linux darwin unix) "gv"))
 (declaim (type (integer 0) +progress-int+))
@@ -102,9 +111,6 @@
    (return (if (< o o2) (nconc r (list (cons o o2))) r))))
-(declaim (inline namestring*))
-(defun namestring* (filename) (when filename (namestring filename)))
--- /project/fomus/cvsroot/fomus/version.lisp	2006/01/26 05:48:21	1.25
+++ /project/fomus/cvsroot/fomus/version.lisp	2006/01/28 20:31:19	1.26
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 (declaim (type string +title+)
 	 (type cons +version+ +banner+))
 (defparameter +title+ "FOMUS")
-(defparameter +version+ '(0 1 30))
+(defparameter +version+ '(0 1 31))
 (defparameter +banner+
   `("Lisp music notation formatter"
     "Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 David Psenicka, All Rights Reserved"

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