[fomus-cvs] CVS update: fomus/accidentals.lisp fomus/backend_mid.lisp

David Psenicka dpsenicka at common-lisp.net
Sat Nov 12 18:57:24 UTC 2005

Update of /project/fomus/cvsroot/fomus
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv26700

Modified Files:
	accidentals.lisp backend_mid.lisp 
Log Message:
accidentals improvement
Date: Sat Nov 12 19:57:23 2005
Author: dpsenicka

Index: fomus/accidentals.lisp
diff -u fomus/accidentals.lisp:1.10 fomus/accidentals.lisp:1.11
--- fomus/accidentals.lisp:1.10	Tue Aug 30 00:28:03 2005
+++ fomus/accidentals.lisp	Sat Nov 12 19:57:23 2005
@@ -93,12 +93,18 @@
 (declaim (type #-openmcl (float 0 1) #+openmcl float *acc-diatonic-int-score* *acc-aug-dim-int-score* *acc-spelling-penalty* *acc-good-unison-score* *acc-bad-unison-score* *acc-similar-qtone-score*))
 (defparameter *acc-diatonic-int-score* (float 7/8))
-(defparameter *acc-aug-dim-int-score* (float 1/2))
+(defparameter *acc-aug-dim-int-score* (float 1/3))
 (defparameter *acc-spelling-penalty* (float 1/4))
 (defparameter *acc-good-unison-score* (float 1))
 (defparameter *acc-bad-unison-score* (float 3/8))
 (defparameter *acc-similar-qtone-score* (float 1/3))
+(defun nokey-notepen (n a)
+    (declare (type rational n) (type (integer -2 2) a))
+    (* (loop
+	for e of-type (integer -1 1) in (cons 0 (svref +nokey-penalty+ (nokey-spell n a)))
+	minimize (diff a e)) *acc-spelling-penalty*))
 ;; scores of 1 are perfect
 ;; tie is if accidentals must be in same direction
 (defun nokey-intscore (tie note1 acc1 off1 eoff1 note2 acc2 off2 eoff2 &optional qt) ; returns 0 to 1 (or nil)
@@ -113,23 +119,18 @@
 	      (values note2 acc2 off2 eoff2 note1 acc1 off1 eoff1)))
     (declare (ignorable o1 eo1 o2 eo2))
     (multiple-value-bind (i q) (nokey-int n1 a1 n2 a2)
-      (flet ((aa (n a)
-	       (declare (type rational n) (type (integer -2 2) a))
-	       (* (loop
-		   for e of-type (integer -1 1) in (cons 0 (svref +nokey-penalty+ (nokey-spell n a)))
-		   minimize (diff a e)) *acc-spelling-penalty*)))
-	(let ((v (- (cond ((and tie (/= i (svref +nokey-harmints+ (mod (diff n1 n2) 12))) #|(or (and (< acc1 0) (> acc2 0)) (and (> acc1 0) (< acc2 0)))|#) 0.0)
-			  ((find q (svref +nokey-niceints1+ i)) *acc-diatonic-int-score*)
-			  ((and (= i 0) ; unisons special case
-				(or 
-				 (and (>= a1 0) (= (- a2 a1) 1))
-				 (and (<= a1 0) (= (- a2 a1) -1))))
-			   (if (<= eo1 o2) *acc-good-unison-score* *acc-bad-unison-score*))
-			  ((find q (svref +nokey-niceints2+ i)) *acc-aug-dim-int-score*)
-			  (t 0.0))
-		    (aa n1 a1)
-		    (aa n2 a2))))
-	  (if qt v (max v 0.0)))))))
+      (let ((v (- (cond ((and tie (/= i (svref +nokey-harmints+ (mod (diff n1 n2) 12))) #|(or (and (< acc1 0) (> acc2 0)) (and (> acc1 0) (< acc2 0)))|#) 0.0)
+			((find q (svref +nokey-niceints1+ i)) *acc-diatonic-int-score*)
+			((and (= i 0)	; unisons special case
+			      (or 
+			       (and (>= a1 0) (= (- a2 a1) 1))
+			       (and (<= a1 0) (= (- a2 a1) -1))))
+			 (if (<= eo1 o2) *acc-good-unison-score* *acc-bad-unison-score*))
+			((find q (svref +nokey-niceints2+ i)) *acc-aug-dim-int-score*)
+			(t 0.0))
+		  (nokey-notepen n1 a1)
+		  (nokey-notepen n2 a2))))
+	(if qt v (max v 0.0))))))
 (defun nokeyq-intscore (tie note1 acc1 off1 eoff1 note2 acc2 off2 eoff2)
   (declare (type boolean tie) (type (cons (integer -2 2) (rational -1/2 1/2)) acc1 acc2) (type rational note1 note2) (type (rational 0) off1 eoff1 off2 eoff2))
   (let ((aa1 (car acc1)) (aa2 (car acc2))
@@ -198,14 +199,15 @@
 	      collect (let ((w (copy-event f :note (cons (event-note* f) e)))
 			    (s (nokeynode-sc no)))
 			(let ((d (cons w 
-				       (loop ; keep only relevant notes that will need rescoring (endoff > - 8 beats)
-					;;with o = (- oo mxd)
-					for e of-type (cons #-openmcl (float 0) #+openmcl float note) in (nokeynode-evd no) ; e is (score . event)
-					if (> (event-endoff (cdr e)) oo) ; endoff will = offset for grace notes!
-					;;if (> (event-endoff (cdr e)) o)	; endoff will = offset for grace notes!
-					collect (cdr e)	; collect just the events
-					else do (incf s (car e)))))
-			      (c (cons w (let ((o (- oo mxd #|mxd|#)))
+				       (or (loop ; keep only relevant notes that will need rescoring (endoff > - ? beats)
+					    for e of-type (cons #-openmcl (float 0) #+openmcl float note) in (nokeynode-evd no) ; e is (score . event)
+					    if (> (event-endoff (cdr e)) oo) ; endoff will = offset for grace notes!
+					    collect (cdr e)	; collect just the events
+					    else do (incf s (car e)))
+					   (let ((a (loop-return-argmax (event-endoff (cdr e))
+									for e of-type (cons #-openmcl (float 0) #+openmcl float note) in (nokeynode-evd no))))
+					     (when a (decf s (car a)) (list (cdr a)))))))
+			      (c (cons w (let ((o (- oo mxd)))
 					   (remove-if (lambda (e)
 							(declare (type noteex e))
 							(<= (event-endoff e) o))
@@ -215,15 +217,16 @@
 			   :evd (loop
 				 for e of-type noteex in d 
 				 collect (cons
-					  (let ((su 0.0) (di 0.0))
+					  (let* ((eua (event-useracc e))
+						 (ne (event-note* e))
+						 (su (- 1.0 (nokey-notepen ne eua))) (di 1.0))
 					    (declare (type #-openmcl (float 0) #+openmcl float su di))
 					    (loop ; plus optimistic 1 scores for rest in range
 					     for e0 of-type noteex in lf
 					     while (<= (event-off e0) (event-off e))
 					     do (incf su) (incf di))
-					     with ne = (event-note* e)
-					     and eoe = (event-endoff e)
+					     with eoe = (event-endoff e)
 					     and foe = (float (event-off e))
 					     and feoe = (float (event-endoff e))
 					     for e0 of-type noteex in c
@@ -232,11 +235,11 @@
 						       (ti (and (event-acctie e) (event-acctie e0) (eq (event-acctie e) (event-acctie e0))))
 						       (x (nokey-notedist ti ne foe feoe ne0 (event-off e0) eoe0)))
 						  (incf su (* (funcall intscorefun ti
-								       ne (event-useracc e) (event-off e) eoe
+								       ne eua (event-off e) eoe
 								       ne0 (event-useracc e0) (event-off e0) eoe0)
 						  (incf di x)))
-					    (if (> di 0.0) (/ su di) 1.0))
+					    #|(if (> di 0.0) (/ su di) 1.0)|# (/ su di))
 			   :re (1- (nokeynode-re no)) :ret (cons w (nokeynode-ret no))
 			   :evs lf)))))
@@ -278,7 +281,7 @@
   (declare (ignorable keysigs))
    for e of-type partex in parts
-   unless (is-percussion e)
+   unless (or (is-percussion e) (not (string= (part-name e) "Vln.")))
    do (multiple-value-bind (evs rs) (split-list (part-events e) #'notep)
 	(setf (part-events e)
 	      (sort (nconc rs

Index: fomus/backend_mid.lisp
diff -u fomus/backend_mid.lisp:1.7 fomus/backend_mid.lisp:1.8
--- fomus/backend_mid.lisp:1.7	Sat Nov 12 03:20:58 2005
+++ fomus/backend_mid.lisp	Sat Nov 12 19:57:23 2005
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
 ;; return values: replacement note(s), offset increment for remaining notes
 ;; how to handle dynamics, arco, pizz??? (make them "persistant" marks?)
 (defun midi-default-events-fun (ev mark arg1 arg2)
-  (labels ((amp (n) (+ *min-amp* (* (/ (1+ n) 11) (- 1 *min-amp*)))) #|(ainc (n) (/ (* n (- 1 *min-amp*)) 17))|#
+  (labels ((amp (n) (+ *min-amp* (* (/ (1+ n) 11) (- 1 *min-amp*))))
 	   (trem (s)
 	     (loop for v in ev nconc
 		   (loop with db = (/ (midi-dur v) (max (if (<= arg2 1/32) (/ (midi-dur v) *trdur*) (min (/ (midi-dur v) *trdur*) arg1)) 1))
@@ -189,8 +189,8 @@
 			for o from (midi-off ev) below (midi-endoff ev) by db
 			and pt = t then nil
 			collect (make-instance *cm-midi* :channel (midi-ch ev) :time o :duration du :keynum (if pt (midi-note ev) arg1) :amplitude (* (midi-vel ev) *tramp*))))
-      (:pizz #|(list (make-instance (make-instance *cm-progch* :time 0 :channel (midi-ch ev) :program 45)) ev)|# ev)
-      (:arco #|(list (make-instance (make-instance *cm-progch* :time 0 :channel (midi-ch ev) :program arg1)) ev)|# ev)	; arg1 = program num. of instr.
+      (:pizz ev)
+      (:arco ev)	; arg1 = program num. of instr.
       (:fermata (case arg1
 		  (:short (let ((i (* (midi-dur ev) (1- (first *fermata-mults*))))) (setf (midi-dur* ev) (+ (midi-dur ev) i)) (values ev i)))
 		  (:long (let ((i (* (midi-dur ev) (1- (second *fermata-mults*))))) (setf (midi-dur* ev) (+ (midi-dur ev) i)) (values ev i)))
@@ -229,17 +229,6 @@
       (:open ev)
       (:staccato (setf (midi-dur* ev) (* (midi-dur ev) *staccato-mult*)) ev)
       (:staccatissimo (setf (midi-dur* ev) (* (midi-dur ev) *staccatissimo-mult*)) ev)
-      ;;       (:lineprall ev)
-      ;;       (:prallup ev)
-      ;;       (:pralldown ev)
-      ;;       (:downmordent ev)
-      ;;       (:upmordent ev)
-      ;;       (:downprall ev)
-      ;;       (:upprall ev)
-      ;;       (:prallmordent ev)
-      ;;       (:prallprall ev)
-      ;;       (:reverseturn ev)
-      ;;       (:turn ev)
       ((:prall :trill :mordent)
        (let ((md (/ (midi-dur ev) 2)))

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