[fomus-cvs] CVS update: fomus/README fomus/TODO fomus/accidentals.lisp fomus/data.lisp fomus/main.lisp fomus/other.lisp fomus/util.lisp

David Psenicka dpsenicka at common-lisp.net
Tue Jul 26 06:01:06 UTC 2005

Update of /project/fomus/cvsroot/fomus
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv32341

Modified Files:
	README TODO accidentals.lisp data.lisp main.lisp other.lisp 
Log Message:
Testing/bug fixes
Date: Tue Jul 26 08:00:59 2005
Author: dpsenicka

Index: fomus/README
diff -u fomus/README:1.3 fomus/README:1.4
--- fomus/README:1.3	Tue Jul 26 01:15:53 2005
+++ fomus/README	Tue Jul 26 08:00:57 2005
@@ -20,8 +20,10 @@
     (use-package :fm)
 The program is being developed in SBCL, but should also compile in CMUCL and 
-OpenMCL.  It will eventually run in Allegro Common Lisp and CLISP.
+OpenMCL.  It will eventually run in Allegro Common Lisp and CLISP.  There are 
+problems compiling it in SBCL v0.9.0 (and probably earlier versions) in Darwin 
+(errors related to memory management).
 If you wish to report a bug, make FOMUS generate a debug file (the default 
-filename is "/tmp/fomus.dbg") and send it to dpsenick(at)uiuc(dot)edu.  See the
+filename is "/tmp/fomus.dbg") and send it to dpsenick(at)uiuc(dot)edu.  See the 
 DEBUG-FILENAME setting in the FOMUS documentation for more information.

Index: fomus/TODO
diff -u fomus/TODO:1.5 fomus/TODO:1.6
--- fomus/TODO:1.5	Tue Jul 26 01:15:53 2005
+++ fomus/TODO	Tue Jul 26 08:00:57 2005
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
+Number of lines in staff
 Global timesig-repl list
 MINP and MAXP instrument ranges
 MusicXML backend

Index: fomus/accidentals.lisp
diff -u fomus/accidentals.lisp:1.4 fomus/accidentals.lisp:1.5
--- fomus/accidentals.lisp:1.4	Tue Jul 26 01:15:53 2005
+++ fomus/accidentals.lisp	Tue Jul 26 08:00:57 2005
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
 							(list x)))) ; e = lists of accs.
 				 if (funcall spellfun o a) collect a)
 			   (loop for a in (mapcar conv choices) if (funcall spellfun o a) collect a) ; ignore user's suggestion
-			   (error "No accidentals possible for note ~S, offset ~S, part ~S" (event-note f) (event-foff f) name))
+			   (error "No accidentals possible for note ~S at offset ~S, part ~S" (event-note f) (event-foff f) name))
 	      collect (let ((w (copy-event f :note (cons (event-note* f) e)))
 			    (s (nokeynode-sc no)))
 			(let ((d (cons w 

Index: fomus/data.lisp
diff -u fomus/data.lisp:1.5 fomus/data.lisp:1.6
--- fomus/data.lisp:1.5	Tue Jul 26 01:15:53 2005
+++ fomus/data.lisp	Tue Jul 26 08:00:57 2005
@@ -42,20 +42,19 @@
 (defparameter +notenum+ (vector 9 11 0 2 4 5 7))
 (defun note-to-num (note)
-  (if (keywordp note) note
-      (roundto
-       (if (and *cm-exists* *use-cm*)
-	   (if *cm-scale* (funcall *cm-keynumfun* note :in *cm-scale*) (funcall *cm-keynumfun* note))
-	   (if (symbolp note)
-	       (let* ((s (symbol-name note))
-		      (b (svref +notenum+ (- (char-int (aref s 0)) 65)))
-		      (a (case (aref s 1)
-			   ((#\+ #\S) (incf b) 2)
-			   ((#\- #\F) (decf b) 2)
-			   (otherwise 1))))
-		 (+ (* (parse-integer (subseq s a)) 12) b 12))
-	       note))
-       *note-precision*)))
+  (roundto
+   (if (and *cm-exists* *use-cm*)
+       (if *cm-scale* (funcall *cm-keynumfun* note :in *cm-scale*) (funcall *cm-keynumfun* note))
+       (if (symbolp note)
+	   (let* ((s (symbol-name note))
+		  (b (svref +notenum+ (- (char-int (aref s 0)) 65)))
+		  (a (case (aref s 1)
+		       ((#\+ #\S) (incf b) 2)
+		       ((#\- #\F) (decf b) 2)
+		       (otherwise 1))))
+	     (+ (* (parse-integer (subseq s a)) 12) b 12))
+	   note))
+   *note-precision*))
 (defun is-note (note)
   (let ((*note-precision* 1)) (numberp (ignore-errors (note-to-num note)))))
 (defun parse-usernote (no)

Index: fomus/main.lisp
diff -u fomus/main.lisp:1.5 fomus/main.lisp:1.6
--- fomus/main.lisp:1.5	Tue Jul 26 01:15:53 2005
+++ fomus/main.lisp	Tue Jul 26 08:00:57 2005
@@ -55,119 +55,119 @@
-  (multiple-value-bind (*timesigs* *keysigs* rm) (split-list *global* #'timesigp #'keysigp)
-    #-debug (declare (ignore rm))
-    #+debug (when rm (error "Error in FOMUS-PROC"))
-    (multiple-value-bind (*events* mks) (split-list *events* (lambda (x) (or (notep x) (restp x)))) 
-      (let ((pts (progn
-		   (loop for p in *parts* and i from 0
-			 do (multiple-value-bind (ti ke evs ma) (split-list (part-events p) #'timesigp #'keysigp
-									    (lambda (x) (or (notep x) (restp x)))) ; separate timesigs/keysigs out of part tracks
-			      (flet ((gpi ()
-				       (or (part-partid p)
-					   (setf (part-partid p)
-						 (loop
-						  for s = (gensym)
-						  while (find s *parts* :key #'part-partid)
-						  finally (return s))))))
-				(mapc (lambda (x)
-					(unless (timesig-partids x)
-					  (setf (timesig-partids x) (gpi))))
-				      ti)
-				(mapc (lambda (x)
-					(unless (event-partid x)
-					  (setf (event-partid x) (gpi))))
-				      ma))
-			      (prenconc ti *timesigs*)
-			      (prenconc ke *keysigs*)
-			      (prenconc ma mks)
-			      (multiple-value-bind (eo ep) (split-list evs #'event-partid)
-				(setf (part-events p) ep)
-				(prenconc eo *events*))))
-		   (setf *timesigs* (mapcar #'make-timesigex* *timesigs*))
-		   (set-note-precision
+  (set-note-precision
+    (multiple-value-bind (*timesigs* *keysigs* rm) (split-list *global* #'timesigp #'keysigp)
+      #-debug (declare (ignore rm))
+      #+debug (when rm (error "Error in FOMUS-PROC"))
+      (multiple-value-bind (*events* mks) (split-list *events* (lambda (x) (or (notep x) (restp x)))) 
+	(let ((pts (progn
+		     (loop for p in *parts* and i from 0
+			   do (multiple-value-bind (ti ke evs ma) (split-list (part-events p) #'timesigp #'keysigp
+									      (lambda (x) (or (notep x) (restp x)))) ; separate timesigs/keysigs out of part tracks
+				(flet ((gpi ()
+					 (or (part-partid p)
+					     (setf (part-partid p)
+						   (loop
+						    for s = (gensym)
+						    while (find s *parts* :key #'part-partid)
+						    finally (return s))))))
+				  (mapc (lambda (x)
+					  (unless (timesig-partids x)
+					    (setf (timesig-partids x) (gpi))))
+					ti)
+				  (mapc (lambda (x)
+					  (unless (event-partid x)
+					    (setf (event-partid x) (gpi))))
+					ma))
+				(prenconc ti *timesigs*)
+				(prenconc ke *keysigs*)
+				(prenconc ma mks)
+				(multiple-value-bind (eo ep) (split-list evs #'event-partid)
+				  (setf (part-events p) ep)
+				  (prenconc eo *events*))))
+		     (setf *timesigs* (mapcar #'make-timesigex* *timesigs*))
 		      with h = (get-timesigs *timesigs* *parts*)
 		      for i from 0 and e in *parts*
 		      for (evs rm) on (split-list* *events* (mapcar #'part-partid *parts*) :key #'event-partid)
 		      collect (make-partex* e i evs (gethash e h))
-		      finally (when rm (error "No matching part for event with partid ~S" (first *events*)))))))) ; make copied list of part-exs w/ sorted events 
-	#+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'start)
-	(track-progress +progress-int+
-	  (if *auto-quantize*
-	      (progn (when (>= *verbose* 2) (out "~&; Quantizing..."))
-		     (quantize *timesigs* pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'quantize))
-	      (quantize-generic pts))
-	  (when *check-ranges*
-	    (when (>= *verbose* 2) (out "~&; Ranges..."))
-	    (check-ranges pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'ranges))	     
-	  (preproc-harmonics pts)
-	  (when *transpose*
-	    (when (>= *verbose* 2) (out "~&; Transpositions..."))
-	    (transpose pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'transpose))
-	  (if *auto-accidentals*
-	      (progn (when (>= *verbose* 2) (out "~&; Accidentals..."))
-		     (accidentals *keysigs* pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'accs))
-	      (accidentals-generic pts))
-	  (reset-tempslots pts nil)
-	  (when (and (>= *verbose* 2) (find-if #'is-percussion pts))
-	    (out "~&; Percussion...")	; before voices & clefs
-	    (percussion pts))
-	  (if *auto-voicing*
-	      (progn (when (>= *verbose* 2) (out "~&; Voices..."))
-		     (voices pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'voices))
-	      (voices-generic pts))
-	  (if *auto-staff/clef-changes*
-	      (progn (when (>= *verbose* 2) (out "~&; Staves/clefs...")) ; staves/voices are now decided
-		     (clefs pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'clefs))
-	      (clefs-generic pts))
-	  (reset-tempslots pts 0)
-	  (distribute-marks pts mks)
-	  (setf pts (sep-staves pts))	; ********** STAVES SEPARATED
-	  ;;(if *auto-quantize* (clean-quantize pts))
-	  (when *auto-ottavas*		; (before clean-spanners)
-	    (when (>= *verbose* 2) (out "~&; Ottavas..."))
-	    (ottavas pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'ottavas))
-	  (when (>= *verbose* 2) (out "~&; Staff spanners..."))
-	  (clean-spanners pts +marks-spanner-staves+) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'spanners1)
-	  (setf pts (sep-voices (assemble-parts pts))) ; ********** STAVES TOGETHER, VOICES SEPARATED
-	  (when (>= *verbose* 2) (out "~&; Voice spanners..."))
-	  (expand-marks pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'expandmarks)
-	  (clean-spanners pts +marks-spanner-voices+) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'spanners2)
-	  (when (>= *verbose* 2) (out "~&; Miscellaneous items..."))
-	  (preproc-cautaccs pts)
-	  (when *auto-grace-slurs*
-	    (grace-slurs pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'graceslurs))
-	  (when (>= *verbose* 2) (out "~&; Measures..."))
-	  (init-parts *timesigs* pts)	; ----- MEASURES
-	  #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'measures)
-	  #+debug (check-same pts "FOMUS-PROC (MEASURES)" :key (lambda (x) (meas-endoff (last-element (part-meas x)))))
-	  (when *auto-cautionary-accs*
-	    (when (>= *verbose* 2) (out "~&; Cautionary accidentals..."))
-	    (cautaccs pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'cautaccs))
-	  (when (>= *verbose* 2) (out "~&; Chords..."))
-	  (preproc pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'preproc)	; ----- CHORDS, RESTS
-	  (clean-ties pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'cleanties1)
-	  (when (>= *verbose* 2) (out "~&; Splits/ties/rests..."))
-	  (split pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'ties)
-	  (clean-ties pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'cleanties2)
-	  (when *auto-beams*
-	    (when (>= *verbose* 2) (out "~&; Beams..."))
-	    (beams pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'beams))
-	  (when (>= *verbose* 2) (out "~&; Staff/voice layouts..."))
-	  (setf pts (assemble-parts pts)) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'assvoices) ; ********** VOICES TOGETHER
-	  (distr-rests pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'distrrests)
-	  (when (or *auto-multivoice-rests* *auto-multivoice-notes*)
-	    (comb-notes pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'combnotes))
-	  (clean-clefs pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'cleanclefs)
-	  (when (>= *verbose* 2) (out "~&; Post processing..."))
-	  (postaccs pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'postaccs)
-	  (postproc pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'postproc)
-	  (setf pts (sort-parts pts)) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'sortparts)
-	  (group-parts pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'groupparts)
-	  (postpostproc-sortprops pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'sortprops)
-	  (when (>= *verbose* 2) (format t "~&"))
-	  pts)))))
+		      finally (when rm (error "No matching part for event with partid ~S" (first *events*))))))) ; make copied list of part-exs w/ sorted events 
+	  #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'start)
+	  (track-progress +progress-int+
+	    (if *auto-quantize*
+		(progn (when (>= *verbose* 2) (out "~&; Quantizing..."))
+		       (quantize *timesigs* pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'quantize))
+		(quantize-generic pts))
+	    (when *check-ranges*
+	      (when (>= *verbose* 2) (out "~&; Ranges..."))
+	      (check-ranges pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'ranges))	     
+	    (preproc-harmonics pts)
+	    (when *transpose*
+	      (when (>= *verbose* 2) (out "~&; Transpositions..."))
+	      (transpose pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'transpose))
+	    (if *auto-accidentals*
+		(progn (when (>= *verbose* 2) (out "~&; Accidentals..."))
+		       (accidentals *keysigs* pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'accs))
+		(accidentals-generic pts))
+	    (reset-tempslots pts nil)
+	    (when (and (>= *verbose* 2) (find-if #'is-percussion pts))
+	      (out "~&; Percussion...")	; before voices & clefs
+	      (percussion pts))
+	    (if *auto-voicing*
+		(progn (when (>= *verbose* 2) (out "~&; Voices..."))
+		       (voices pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'voices))
+		(voices-generic pts))
+	    (if *auto-staff/clef-changes*
+		(progn (when (>= *verbose* 2) (out "~&; Staves/clefs...")) ; staves/voices are now decided
+		       (clefs pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'clefs))
+		(clefs-generic pts))
+	    (reset-tempslots pts 0)
+	    (distribute-marks pts mks)
+	    (setf pts (sep-staves pts))	; ********** STAVES SEPARATED
+	    ;;(if *auto-quantize* (clean-quantize pts))
+	    (when *auto-ottavas*	; (before clean-spanners)
+	      (when (>= *verbose* 2) (out "~&; Ottavas..."))
+	      (ottavas pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'ottavas))
+	    (when (>= *verbose* 2) (out "~&; Staff spanners..."))
+	    (clean-spanners pts +marks-spanner-staves+) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'spanners1)
+	    (setf pts (sep-voices (assemble-parts pts))) ; ********** STAVES TOGETHER, VOICES SEPARATED
+	    (when (>= *verbose* 2) (out "~&; Voice spanners..."))
+	    (expand-marks pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'expandmarks)
+	    (clean-spanners pts +marks-spanner-voices+) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'spanners2)
+	    (when (>= *verbose* 2) (out "~&; Miscellaneous items..."))
+	    (preproc-cautaccs pts)
+	    (when *auto-grace-slurs*
+	      (grace-slurs pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'graceslurs))
+	    (when (>= *verbose* 2) (out "~&; Measures..."))
+	    (init-parts *timesigs* pts)	; ----- MEASURES
+	    #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'measures)
+	    #+debug (check-same pts "FOMUS-PROC (MEASURES)" :key (lambda (x) (meas-endoff (last-element (part-meas x)))))
+	    (when *auto-cautionary-accs*
+	      (when (>= *verbose* 2) (out "~&; Cautionary accidentals..."))
+	      (cautaccs pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'cautaccs))
+	    (when (>= *verbose* 2) (out "~&; Chords..."))
+	    (preproc pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'preproc) ; ----- CHORDS, RESTS
+	    (clean-ties pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'cleanties1)
+	    (when (>= *verbose* 2) (out "~&; Splits/ties/rests..."))
+	    (split pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'ties)
+	    (clean-ties pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'cleanties2)
+	    (when *auto-beams*
+	      (when (>= *verbose* 2) (out "~&; Beams..."))
+	      (beams pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'beams))
+	    (when (>= *verbose* 2) (out "~&; Staff/voice layouts..."))
+	    (setf pts (assemble-parts pts)) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'assvoices) ; ********** VOICES TOGETHER
+	    (distr-rests pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'distrrests)
+	    (when (or *auto-multivoice-rests* *auto-multivoice-notes*)
+	      (comb-notes pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'combnotes))
+	    (clean-clefs pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'cleanclefs)
+	    (when (>= *verbose* 2) (out "~&; Post processing..."))
+	    (postaccs pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'postaccs)
+	    (postproc pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'postproc)
+	    (setf pts (sort-parts pts)) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'sortparts)
+	    (group-parts pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'groupparts)
+	    (postpostproc-sortprops pts) #+debug (fomus-proc-check pts 'sortprops)
+	    (when (>= *verbose* 2) (format t "~&"))
+	    pts))))))
 ;; MAIN

Index: fomus/other.lisp
diff -u fomus/other.lisp:1.2 fomus/other.lisp:1.3
--- fomus/other.lisp:1.2	Tue Jul 26 01:15:53 2005
+++ fomus/other.lisp	Tue Jul 26 08:00:57 2005
@@ -64,13 +64,18 @@
 	when (is-percussion p) do
 	(loop with pm = (instr-percs (part-instr p))
 	      for ev in (part-events p) do
-	      (let ((n (event-note ev)))
+	      (let ((n (event-note ev))) ; n = value of note slot
 		(unless (numberp n)
-		  (let ((c (etypecase n
+		  (let ((c (etypecase n ; c = percussion struct
 			     (symbol (find n *percussion* :key #'perc-sym) (find n pm :key #'perc-sym))
 			     (perc n))))
-		    (when (and (perc-staff c) (> (instr-staves (part-instr p)) 1))
-		      (setf (event-staff* ev) (perc-staff c)))
-		    (when (perc-voice c) (setf (event-voice* ev) (perc-voice c)))))))
+		    (if c
+			(progn
+			  (when (and (perc-staff c) (> (instr-staves (part-instr p)) 1))
+			    (setf (event-staff* ev) (perc-staff c)))
+			  (when (perc-voice c) (setf (event-voice* ev) (perc-voice c)))
+			  (setf (event-note ev) (note-to-num (perc-note c))))
+			(if (is-note n) (setf (event-note ev) (note-to-num n))
+			    (error "Unknown percussion specifier ~S in NOTE slot of note at offset ~S, part ~S" n (event-foff ev) (part-name p))))))))

Index: fomus/util.lisp
diff -u fomus/util.lisp:1.4 fomus/util.lisp:1.5
--- fomus/util.lisp:1.4	Tue Jul 26 01:15:53 2005
+++ fomus/util.lisp	Tue Jul 26 08:00:57 2005
@@ -501,15 +501,13 @@
    :dur (get-dur ev ts)
    :marks (event-marks ev)
    :voice (event-voice ev)
-   :note (let ((n (event-note ev)))
-	   (if (is-percussion pa)
-	       (unless (numberp n)
-		 (perc-note (etypecase n
-			      (symbol (or (find n *percussion* :key #'perc-sym) (find n (instr-percs (part-instr pa)) :key #'perc-sym)
-					  (error "Unknown percussion note/instrument ~S in NOTE slot of note at offset ~S, part ~S" n (event-foff ev) (part-name pa))))
-			      (perc n)))
-		 n)
-	       (parse-usernote n)))))
+   :note (if (is-percussion pa) (event-note ev)
+	     ;; 	       (if (numberp n) n
+	     ;; 		 (perc-note (etypecase n
+	     ;; 			      (symbol (or (find n *percussion* :key #'perc-sym) (find n (instr-percs (part-instr pa)) :key #'perc-sym)
+	     ;; 					  (error "Unknown percussion note/instrument ~S in NOTE slot of note at offset ~S, part ~S" n (event-foff ev) (part-name pa))))
+	     ;; 			      (perc n))))
+	     (parse-usernote (event-note ev)))))
 (defmethod make-eventex* ((ev rest) ts pa)
   (declare (ignore pa))

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