[fomus-cvs] CVS update: fomus/README fomus/TODO fomus/accidentals.lisp fomus/backend_ly.lisp fomus/classes.lisp fomus/data.lisp fomus/final.lisp fomus/load.lisp fomus/main.lisp fomus/marks.lisp fomus/package.lisp fomus/quantize.lisp fomus/util.lisp

David Psenicka dpsenicka at common-lisp.net
Thu Jul 21 15:38:46 UTC 2005

Update of /project/fomus/cvsroot/fomus
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv23246

Modified Files:
	TODO accidentals.lisp backend_ly.lisp classes.lisp data.lisp 
	final.lisp load.lisp main.lisp marks.lisp package.lisp 
	quantize.lisp util.lisp 
Added Files:
Log Message:
Testing and bug fixes
Date: Thu Jul 21 17:38:43 2005
Author: dpsenicka

Index: fomus/TODO
diff -u fomus/TODO: fomus/TODO:1.2
--- fomus/TODO:	Tue Jul 19 20:17:01 2005
+++ fomus/TODO	Thu Jul 21 17:38:42 2005
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 MIDI backend
 Profile and optimize code for speed
 Reorganize code, update comments
+Reorganize settings
 MIDI input interface

Index: fomus/accidentals.lisp
diff -u fomus/accidentals.lisp: fomus/accidentals.lisp:1.2
--- fomus/accidentals.lisp:	Tue Jul 19 20:16:55 2005
+++ fomus/accidentals.lisp	Thu Jul 21 17:38:42 2005
@@ -221,20 +221,21 @@
 	(setf (part-events e)
 	      (sort (nconc rs
 			   (case (auto-accs-fun)
-			     (:nokey1 (acc-nokey evs (if *acc-use-double* '(-2 -1 0 1 2) '(-1 0 1))
-						 #'nokey-spell #'nokey-intscore (part-name e) #'identity))
-			     (:nokey-qtones1 (acc-nokey evs (if *acc-use-double*
-								'(-2 -1 0 1 2 (-1 . -1/2) (0 . -1/2) #|(1 . -1/2) (-1 . 1/2)|# (0 . 1/2) (1 . 1/2))
-								'(-1 0 1 (-1 . -1/2) (0 . -1/2) #|(1 . -1/2) (-1 . 1/2)|# (0 . 1/2) (1 . 1/2)))
-							#'nokeyq-spell #'nokeyq-intscore (part-name e)
-							(lambda (x) (if (consp x) x (cons x 0)))))
+			     (:nokey1 (if *quartertones*
+					  (acc-nokey evs (if *acc-use-double*
+							     '(-2 -1 0 1 2 (-1 . -1/2) (0 . -1/2) #|(1 . -1/2) (-1 . 1/2)|# (0 . 1/2) (1 . 1/2))
+							     '(-1 0 1 (-1 . -1/2) (0 . -1/2) #|(1 . -1/2) (-1 . 1/2)|# (0 . 1/2) (1 . 1/2)))
+						     #'nokeyq-spell #'nokeyq-intscore (part-name e)
+						     (lambda (x) (if (consp x) x (cons x 0))))
+					  (acc-nokey evs (if *acc-use-double* '(-2 -1 0 1 2) '(-1 0 1))
+						     #'nokey-spell #'nokey-intscore (part-name e) #'identity)))
 			     (otherwise (error "Unknown accidental assignment function ~A" *auto-accs-fun*))))
 (defmacro set-note-precision (&body forms)
-  `(let ((*note-precision*
+  `(let ((*note-precision* 
 	  (case (auto-accs-fun)
-	    (:nokey-qtones1 1/2)
+	    (:nokey1 (if *quartertones* 1/2 1))
 	    (otherwise 1))))
     , at forms))
@@ -299,7 +300,7 @@
 			 (mapcar #'part-meas pa))))
 	  (case (auto-accs-fun)	; m is list of measures (everything is sorted)
-	    ((:nokey1 :nokey-qtones1) (acc-nokey-cautaccs ms))
+	    (:nokey1 (acc-nokey-cautaccs ms))
 	    (otherwise (error "Unknown accidental assignment function ~A" *auto-accs-fun*))))))
 (defun preproc-cautaccs (parts)
@@ -349,7 +350,7 @@
 	(loop for m in (part-meas p) do
 	      (multiple-value-bind (evs rs) (split-list (meas-events m) #'notep)
 		(case (auto-accs-fun)
-		  ((:nokey1 :nokey-qtones1) (acc-nokey-postaccs evs))
+		  (:nokey1 (acc-nokey-postaccs evs))
 		  (otherwise (error "Unknown accidental assignment function ~A" *auto-accs-fun*)))
 		(setf (meas-events m) (sort (nconc rs evs) #'sort-offdur))))))

Index: fomus/backend_ly.lisp
diff -u fomus/backend_ly.lisp: fomus/backend_ly.lisp:1.2
--- fomus/backend_ly.lisp:	Tue Jul 19 20:17:00 2005
+++ fomus/backend_ly.lisp	Thu Jul 21 17:38:42 2005
@@ -115,233 +115,232 @@
 (defun save-lilypond (parts filename options view)
   (when (>= *verbose* 1) (out ";; Saving Lilypond file \"~A\"...~%" filename))
   (with-open-file (f filename :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
-    (let ((qu (= *note-precision* 1/2)))
-      (destructuring-bind (xxx &key filehead scorehead &allow-other-keys) options
-	(declare (ignore xxx))
-	(format f "% ~A v~A.~A.~A~%~%" +title+ (first +version+) (second +version+) (third +version+))
-	(loop for e in (if qu +lilypond-headq+ +lilypond-head+) do (format f "~A~%" e) finally (format f "~%"))	;; stuff at top
-	(when filehead (loop for e in filehead do (format f "~A~%" e) finally (format f "~%")))	;; user header
-	(loop for e in +lilypond-defs+ do (format f "~A~%" e) finally (format f "~%")) ;; definitions
-	(let ((de 0) (nms nil))
-	  (flet ((lynote (wnum acc1 acc2 caut)
-		   (if qu
-		       (conc-strings
-			(svref +lilypond-num-note+ (mod wnum 12))
-			(svref (svref +lilypond-num-accq+ (+ acc1 2)) (1+ (* acc2 2)))
-			(svref +lilypond-num-reg+ (1- (truncate wnum 12))) #|(when force "!")|#
-			(when caut "?"))
-		       (conc-strings
-			(svref +lilypond-num-note+ (mod wnum 12))
-			(svref +lilypond-num-acc+ (+ acc1 2))
-			(svref +lilypond-num-reg+ (1- (truncate wnum 12))) #|(when force "!")|#
-			(when caut "?"))))
-		 (lyname (p)
-		   (incf de)
-		   (conc-strings
-		    (string-downcase
-		     (conc-stringlist (loop for x across (part-name p)
-					    when (alpha-char-p x)
-					    collect (string x))))
-		    (string (code-char (+ 64 de)))))
-		 (lyclef (c)
-		   (ecase c (:treble "treble") (:alto "alto") (:tenor "tenor") (:bass "bass") (:percussion "percussion"))))
-	    (loop
-	     for p in parts 
-	     do (destructuring-bind (&key (lily-partname (lyname p))
-					  parthead ;; extra header information for part (list of strings)
-					  &allow-other-keys) (part-opts p)
-		  (let ((ns (instr-staves (part-instr p)))
-			(sa 1))
-		    (flet ((lystaff (s)
-			     (if (/= s sa)
-				 (format nil "\\change Staff = ~A " (code-char (+ 64 (setf sa s))))
-				 "")))
-		      (push lily-partname nms)
-		      (format f "~A = {~%" lily-partname)
-		      (when (part-name p) (format f "  ~A~%" (format nil +lilypond-set-instrument+ (part-name p))))
-		      (when (part-abbrev p) (format f "  ~A~%" (format nil +lilypond-set-instr+ (part-abbrev p))))
-		      (when (or (null *timesig-style*) (eq *timesig-style* :fraction))
-			(if (> ns 1)
-			    (loop for s from 1 to ns do
-				  (format f "  ~A~A~%" (lystaff s) +lilypond-set-timesig-style-frac+))
-			    (format f "  ~A~%" +lilypond-set-timesig-style-frac+)))
-		      (when (eq *tuplet-style* :ratio) (format f "  ~A~%" +lilypond-set-tup-style-ratio+))
-		      (format f "  \\autoBeamOff~%")
-		      (if *acc-throughout-meas*
-			  (format f "  ~A~%" +lilypond-set-acc-style-default+)
-			  (format f "  ~A~%" +lilypond-set-acc-style-forget+))
+    (destructuring-bind (xxx &key filehead scorehead &allow-other-keys) options
+      (declare (ignore xxx))
+      (format f "% ~A v~A.~A.~A~%~%" +title+ (first +version+) (second +version+) (third +version+))
+      (loop for e in (if *quartertones* +lilypond-headq+ +lilypond-head+) do (format f "~A~%" e) finally (format f "~%")) ;; stuff at top
+      (when filehead (loop for e in filehead do (format f "~A~%" e) finally (format f "~%"))) ;; user header
+      (loop for e in +lilypond-defs+ do (format f "~A~%" e) finally (format f "~%")) ;; definitions
+      (let ((de 0) (nms nil))
+	(flet ((lynote (wnum acc1 acc2 caut)
+		 (if *quartertones*
+		     (conc-strings
+		      (svref +lilypond-num-note+ (mod wnum 12))
+		      (svref (svref +lilypond-num-accq+ (+ acc1 2)) (1+ (* acc2 2)))
+		      (svref +lilypond-num-reg+ (1- (truncate wnum 12))) #|(when force "!")|#
+		      (when caut "?"))
+		     (conc-strings
+		      (svref +lilypond-num-note+ (mod wnum 12))
+		      (svref +lilypond-num-acc+ (+ acc1 2))
+		      (svref +lilypond-num-reg+ (1- (truncate wnum 12))) #|(when force "!")|#
+		      (when caut "?"))))
+	       (lyname (p)
+		 (incf de)
+		 (conc-strings
+		  (string-downcase
+		   (conc-stringlist (loop for x across (part-name p)
+					  when (alpha-char-p x)
+					  collect (string x))))
+		  (string (code-char (+ 64 de)))))
+	       (lyclef (c)
+		 (ecase c (:treble "treble") (:alto "alto") (:tenor "tenor") (:bass "bass") (:percussion "percussion"))))
+	  (loop
+	   for p in parts 
+	   do (destructuring-bind (&key (lily-partname (lyname p))
+					parthead ;; extra header information for part (list of strings)
+					&allow-other-keys) (part-opts p)
+		(let ((ns (instr-staves (part-instr p)))
+		      (sa 1))
+		  (flet ((lystaff (s)
+			   (if (/= s sa)
+			       (format nil "\\change Staff = ~A " (code-char (+ 64 (setf sa s))))
+			       "")))
+		    (push lily-partname nms)
+		    (format f "~A = {~%" lily-partname)
+		    (when (part-name p) (format f "  ~A~%" (format nil +lilypond-set-instrument+ (part-name p))))
+		    (when (part-abbrev p) (format f "  ~A~%" (format nil +lilypond-set-instr+ (part-abbrev p))))
+		    (when (or (null *timesig-style*) (eq *timesig-style* :fraction))
 		      (if (> ns 1)
-			  (loop for (xxx cl s) in (sort (getprops p :clef) #'< :key #'third) do
-				(format f "  ~A\\clef ~A~%" (lystaff s) (lyclef cl)))
-			  (format f "  \\clef ~A~%" (lyclef (second (getprop p :clef)))))
-		      (loop for e in parthead do (format f "  ~A~%" e))
-		      (format f "~%")
-		      (loop
-		       for m in (part-meas p) and mn from 1
-		       for ts = (meas-timesig m) do
-		       (when (getprop m :startsig) (format f "  \\time ~A/~A~%" (timesig-num ts) (timesig-den ts)))
-		       (multiple-value-bind (s1 s2 s3)
-			   (if (list>1p (meas-events m))
-			       (values "  << { " "} \\\\~%     { " "} >> ~A| % ~A~%")
-			       (values "  " nil "~A| % ~A~%"))
-			 (format f s1)
-			 (loop for (ee een) on (meas-events m) ; ee = list of events
-			       do (loop
-				   for (pre e nxe) on (cons nil ee) while e
-				   for fm = (getmark e :measrest)
-				   for cl = (let ((c (getmark e :clef)))
-					      (if (and c (null (fourth c))) (format nil "\\clef ~A " (lyclef (second c)))
-						  ""))
-				   and st = (let ((m (getmark e '(:staff :global))))
-					      (if (and m (null (fourth m))) (lystaff (third m)) ""))
-				   and vo = (if (list>1p (meas-events m))
-						(let ((m (getmark e '(:voice :ord1324))))
-						  (if m
-						      (case (third m)
-							(1 "\\voiceOne ") (2 "\\voiceTwo ") (3 "\\voiceThree ") (4 "\\voiceFour ") (otherwise "\\oneVoice "))
-						      ""))
-						"")
-				   and gr1 = (let ((g (event-grace e)))
-					       (if g
-						   (let ((g1 (getmark e :startgrace)))
-						     (cond ((and g1 (getmark e :endgrace)) (if (< g 0) "\\acciaccatura " "\\appoggiatura "))
-							   (g1 (if (< g 0) "\\acciaccatura {" "\\appoggiatura {"))))
-						   ""))
-				   and gr2 = (if (and (event-grace e) (getmark e :endgrace) (not (getmark e :startgrace))) "}" "")
-				   and ot1 = (cond ((or (getmark e :start8up-) (getmark e :8up)) "\\octUp ")
-						   ((or (getmark e :start8down-) (getmark e :8down)) "\\octDown "))
-				   and ot2 = (cond ((or (getmark e :end8up-) (getmark e :8up)) " \\octReset")
-						   ((or (getmark e :end8down-) (getmark e :8down)) " \\octReset"))
-				   and ba = (if (notep e)
-						(if (chordp e)
-						    (format nil "<~A>" (conc-stringlist
-									(loop
-									 for (n nn) on (event-notes* e)
-									 and w in (event-writtennotes e)
-									 and a in (event-accs e)
-									 and a2 in (event-addaccs e)
-									 collect (lynote w a a2 (getmark e (list :cautacc n)) #|(getmark e (list :showacc n))|#)
-									 when nn collect " ")))
-						    (lynote (event-writtennote e) (event-acc e) (event-addacc e)
-							    (getmark e (list :cautacc (event-note* e))) #|(getmark e (list :showacc n))|#))
-						(if fm (if (event-inv e) "\\skip " "R") (if (event-inv e) "s" "r")))
-				   and du = (if fm (format nil "1*~A/~A" (timesig-num ts) (timesig-den ts))
-						(multiple-value-bind (wd ds) (event-writtendur* e ts)
-						  (let ((du (case wd
-							      (2 "\\breve")
-							      (4 "\\longa")
-							      (otherwise (/ wd)))))
-						    (ecase ds
-						      (0 (format nil "~A" du))
-						      (1 (format nil "~A." du))
-						      (2 (format nil "~A.." du))))))
-				   and tu1 = (let ((uu (sort (getmarks e :starttup) #'< :key #'second)))
-					       (conc-stringlist
-						(loop for u in uu for r = (third u)
-						      collect (format nil "\\times ~A/~A {" (cdr r) (car r)))))	; tup is durmult
-				   and tu2 = (let ((uu (getmarks e :endtup)))
-					       (conc-stringlist
-						(loop repeat (length uu) collect "}")))
-				   and ti = (if (and (notep e) (or-list (force-list (event-tiert e)))) "\~" "")
-				   and be1 = (if (and (notep e) (= (event-beamlt e) 0) (> (event-beamrt e) 0)) "[" "")
-				   and be2 = (if (and (notep e) (> (event-beamlt e) 0) (= (event-beamrt e) 0)) "]" "")
-				   and bnu = (let ((l (and (notep e) (notep pre) (> (min (event-nbeams e ts) (event-nbeams pre ts)) (event-beamlt e) 0)))
-						   (r (and (notep e) (notep nxe) (> (min (event-nbeams e ts) (event-nbeams nxe ts)) (event-beamrt e) 0))))
-					       (cond ((and l r) (format nil "\\beamLR #~A #~A " (event-beamlt e) (event-beamrt e)))
-						     (l (format nil "\\beamL #~A " (event-beamlt e)))
-						     (r (format nil "\\beamR #~A " (event-beamrt e)))
-						     (t "")))
-				   and ar = (conc-stringlist
-					     (loop for i in
-						   (sort (loop for a in +lilypond-marks+ nconc (getmarks e (car a)))
-							 (lambda (x y) (let ((x2 (second x)) (y2 (second y)))
-									 (cond ((and (numberp x2) (numberp y2)) (< x2 y2))
-									       (x2 t)))))
-						   collect (lookup i +lilypond-marks+)))
+			  (loop for s from 1 to ns do
+				(format f "  ~A~A~%" (lystaff s) +lilypond-set-timesig-style-frac+))
+			  (format f "  ~A~%" +lilypond-set-timesig-style-frac+)))
+		    (when (eq *tuplet-style* :ratio) (format f "  ~A~%" +lilypond-set-tup-style-ratio+))
+		    (format f "  \\autoBeamOff~%")
+		    (if *acc-throughout-meas*
+			(format f "  ~A~%" +lilypond-set-acc-style-default+)
+			(format f "  ~A~%" +lilypond-set-acc-style-forget+))
+		    (if (> ns 1)
+			(loop for (xxx cl s) in (sort (getprops p :clef) #'< :key #'third) do
+			      (format f "  ~A\\clef ~A~%" (lystaff s) (lyclef cl)))
+			(format f "  \\clef ~A~%" (lyclef (second (getprop p :clef)))))
+		    (loop for e in parthead do (format f "  ~A~%" e))
+		    (format f "~%")
+		    (loop
+		     for m in (part-meas p) and mn from 1
+		     for ts = (meas-timesig m) do
+		     (when (getprop m :startsig) (format f "  \\time ~A/~A~%" (timesig-num ts) (timesig-den ts)))
+		     (multiple-value-bind (s1 s2 s3)
+			 (if (list>1p (meas-events m))
+			     (values "  << { " "} \\\\~%     { " "} >> ~A| % ~A~%")
+			     (values "  " nil "~A| % ~A~%"))
+		       (format f s1)
+		       (loop for (ee een) on (meas-events m) ; ee = list of events
+			     do (loop
+				 for (pre e nxe) on (cons nil ee) while e
+				 for fm = (getmark e :measrest)
+				 for cl = (let ((c (getmark e :clef)))
+					    (if (and c (null (fourth c))) (format nil "\\clef ~A " (lyclef (second c)))
+						""))
+				 and st = (let ((m (getmark e '(:staff :global))))
+					    (if (and m (null (fourth m))) (lystaff (third m)) ""))
+				 and vo = (if (list>1p (meas-events m))
+					      (let ((m (getmark e '(:voice :ord1324))))
+						(if m
+						    (case (third m)
+						      (1 "\\voiceOne ") (2 "\\voiceTwo ") (3 "\\voiceThree ") (4 "\\voiceFour ") (otherwise "\\oneVoice "))
+						    ""))
+					      "")
+				 and gr1 = (let ((g (event-grace e)))
+					     (if g
+						 (let ((g1 (getmark e :startgrace)))
+						   (cond ((and g1 (getmark e :endgrace)) (if (< g 0) "\\acciaccatura " "\\appoggiatura "))
+							 (g1 (if (< g 0) "\\acciaccatura {" "\\appoggiatura {"))))
+						 ""))
+				 and gr2 = (if (and (event-grace e) (getmark e :endgrace) (not (getmark e :startgrace))) "}" "")
+				 and ot1 = (cond ((or (getmark e :start8up-) (getmark e :8up)) "\\octUp ")
+						 ((or (getmark e :start8down-) (getmark e :8down)) "\\octDown "))
+				 and ot2 = (cond ((or (getmark e :end8up-) (getmark e :8up)) " \\octReset")
+						 ((or (getmark e :end8down-) (getmark e :8down)) " \\octReset"))
+				 and ba = (if (notep e)
+					      (if (chordp e)
+						  (format nil "<~A>" (conc-stringlist
+								      (loop
+								       for (n nn) on (event-notes* e)
+								       and w in (event-writtennotes e)
+								       and a in (event-accs e)
+								       and a2 in (event-addaccs e)
+								       collect (lynote w a a2 (getmark e (list :cautacc n)) #|(getmark e (list :showacc n))|#)
+								       when nn collect " ")))
+						  (lynote (event-writtennote e) (event-acc e) (event-addacc e)
+							  (getmark e (list :cautacc (event-note* e))) #|(getmark e (list :showacc n))|#))
+					      (if fm (if (event-inv e) "\\skip " "R") (if (event-inv e) "s" "r")))
+				 and du = (if fm (format nil "1*~A/~A" (timesig-num ts) (timesig-den ts))
+					      (multiple-value-bind (wd ds) (event-writtendur* e ts)
+						(let ((du (case wd
+							    (2 "\\breve")
+							    (4 "\\longa")
+							    (otherwise (/ wd)))))
+						  (ecase ds
+						    (0 (format nil "~A" du))
+						    (1 (format nil "~A." du))
+						    (2 (format nil "~A.." du))))))
+				 and tu1 = (let ((uu (sort (getmarks e :starttup) #'< :key #'second)))
+					     (conc-stringlist
+					      (loop for u in uu for r = (third u)
+						    collect (format nil "\\times ~A/~A {" (cdr r) (car r))))) ; tup is durmult
+				 and tu2 = (let ((uu (getmarks e :endtup)))
+					     (conc-stringlist
+					      (loop repeat (length uu) collect "}")))
+				 and ti = (if (and (notep e) (or-list (force-list (event-tiert e)))) "\~" "")
+				 and be1 = (if (and (notep e) (= (event-beamlt e) 0) (> (event-beamrt e) 0)) "[" "")
+				 and be2 = (if (and (notep e) (> (event-beamlt e) 0) (= (event-beamrt e) 0)) "]" "")
+				 and bnu = (let ((l (and (notep e) (notep pre) (> (min (event-nbeams e ts) (event-nbeams pre ts)) (event-beamlt e) 0)))
+						 (r (and (notep e) (notep nxe) (> (min (event-nbeams e ts) (event-nbeams nxe ts)) (event-beamrt e) 0))))
+					     (cond ((and l r) (format nil "\\beamLR #~A #~A " (event-beamlt e) (event-beamrt e)))
+						   (l (format nil "\\beamL #~A " (event-beamlt e)))
+						   (r (format nil "\\beamR #~A " (event-beamrt e)))
+						   (t "")))
+				 and ar = (conc-stringlist
+					   (loop for i in
+						 (sort (loop for a in +lilypond-marks+ nconc (getmarks e (car a)))
+						       (lambda (x y) (let ((x2 (second x)) (y2 (second y)))
+								       (cond ((and (numberp x2) (numberp y2)) (< x2 y2))
+									     (x2 t)))))
+						 collect (lookup i +lilypond-marks+)))
 					;and txt = ...
-				   and we0 = (cond ((and (getmark e :startwedge<) (getmark e :endwedge-)) "\\< ")
-						   ((and (getmark e :startwedge>) (getmark e :endwedge-)) "\\> ")
-						   (t ""))
-				   and we1 = (cond ((getmark e :endwedge-) "\\!")
-						   ((getmark e :startwedge<) "\\<")
-						   ((getmark e :startwedge>) "\\>")
-						   (t ""))
-				   and we2 = (cond ((and (getmark e :startwedge<) (not (getmark e :endwedge-))) "\\<")
-						   ((and (getmark e :startwedge>) (not (getmark e :endwedge-))) "\\>") 
-						   (t ""))
-				   and dyn = (conc-stringlist
-					      (loop for i in
-						    (sort (loop for a in +lilypond-dyns+ nconc (getmarks e (car a)))
-							  (lambda (x y) (let ((x2 (second x)) (y2 (second y)))
-									  (cond ((and (numberp x2) (numberp y2)) (< x2 y2))
-										(x2 t)))))
-						    collect (lookup i +lilypond-marks+)))
-				   and s1 = (conc-stringlist
-					     (loop
-					      for xxx in (remove-if (lambda (x) (/= (third x) 1)) (getmarks e :startslur-))
-					      collect "("))
-				   and s2 = (conc-stringlist
-					     (loop
-					      for xxx in (remove-if (lambda (x) (/= (third x) 1)) (getmarks e :endslur-))
-					      collect ")"))
-				   and sl1 = (conc-stringlist
-					      (loop
-					       for xxx in (remove-if (lambda (x) (/= (third x) 2)) (getmarks e :startslur-))
-					       collect "("))
-				   and sl2 = (conc-stringlist
-					      (loop
-					       for xxx in (remove-if (lambda (x) (/= (third x) 2)) (getmarks e :endslur-))
-					       collect ")"))
-				   do (format f "~A " (conc-strings st vo cl ot1 tu1 gr1 we0 bnu ba du sl1 s1 s2 sl2 be1 be2 ti ar we1 dyn #|txt|# we2 gr2 tu2 ot2)))
-			       when een do (format f s2))
-			 (format f s3
-				 (let ((x (getprop m :barline)))
-				   (if x (format nil "\\bar \"~A\" " (lookup (second x) +lilypond-barlines+)) ""))
-				 mn)))
-		      (format f "}~%~%")
-		      (if (> ns 1) 
-			  (format f "~A = {~%  ~A~%}~%~%"
-				  (conc-strings lily-partname "S") 
-				  (conc-stringlist
-				   (loop with nu = 0
-					 for n = nil then (timesig-num (meas-timesig m))
-					 and d = nil then (timesig-den (meas-timesig m))
-					 for m in (part-meas p)
-					 when (and (getprop m :startsig) (> nu 0))
-					 collect (format nil "\\skip 1*~A/~A*~A " n d nu) into re and do (setf nu 0)
-					 do (incf nu)
-					 finally (return (nconc re (list (format nil "\\skip 1*~A/~A*~A" n d nu))))))))))))
-	    (format f "\\score {~%") ;; score block
-	    (loop for e in scorehead do (format f "  ~A~%" e))
-	    (when (or *title* *subtitle* *composer*)
-	      (format f "  \\header {~%")
-	      (when *title* (format f "    title = \"~A\"~%" *title*))
-	      (when *subtitle* (format f "    subtitle = \"~A\"~%" *subtitle*))
-	      (when *composer* (format f "    composer = \"~A\"~%" *composer*))
-	      (format f "  }~%"))
-	    (loop
-	     with in = 2
-	     for p in parts and nm in (nreverse nms) do
-	     (loop
-	      for (xxx nu ty) in (sort (getprops p :startgroup) #'< :key #'second) do
-	      (if ty
-		  (ecase ty 
-		    (:group (format f "~A\\new ~A <<~%" (make-string in :initial-element #\space) (if (<= nu 1) "StaffGroup" "InnerStaffGroup")))
-		    (:grandstaff (format f "~A\\new PianoStaff <<~%" (make-string in :initial-element #\space))))
-		  (format f "~A<<~%" (make-string in :initial-element #\space)))
-	      (incf in 2))
-	     (let ((ns (instr-staves (part-instr p))))
-	       (if (<= ns 1)
-		   (format f "~A\\new Staff \\~A~%" (make-string in :initial-element #\space) nm)
-		   (progn
-		     (loop for s from 1 to ns do (format f "~A\\context Staff = ~A \\~A~%"
-							 (make-string in :initial-element #\space)
-							 (code-char (+ 64 s))
-							 (conc-strings nm "S")))
-		     (format f "~A\\context Staff = A \\new Voice \\~A~%" (make-string in :initial-element #\space) nm))))
-	     (loop
-	      for xxx in (getprops p :endgroup)
-	      do (decf in 2) (format f "~A>>~%" (make-string in :initial-element #\space))))
-	    (format f "}~%"))))))
+				 and we0 = (cond ((and (getmark e :startwedge<) (getmark e :endwedge-)) "\\< ")
+						 ((and (getmark e :startwedge>) (getmark e :endwedge-)) "\\> ")
+						 (t ""))
+				 and we1 = (cond ((getmark e :endwedge-) "\\!")
+						 ((getmark e :startwedge<) "\\<")
+						 ((getmark e :startwedge>) "\\>")
+						 (t ""))
+				 and we2 = (cond ((and (getmark e :startwedge<) (not (getmark e :endwedge-))) "\\<")
+						 ((and (getmark e :startwedge>) (not (getmark e :endwedge-))) "\\>") 
+						 (t ""))
+				 and dyn = (conc-stringlist
+					    (loop for i in
+						  (sort (loop for a in +lilypond-dyns+ nconc (getmarks e (car a)))
+							(lambda (x y) (let ((x2 (second x)) (y2 (second y)))
+									(cond ((and (numberp x2) (numberp y2)) (< x2 y2))
+									      (x2 t)))))
+						  collect (lookup i +lilypond-marks+)))
+				 and s1 = (conc-stringlist
+					   (loop
+					    for xxx in (remove-if (lambda (x) (/= (third x) 1)) (getmarks e :startslur-))
+					    collect "("))
+				 and s2 = (conc-stringlist
+					   (loop
+					    for xxx in (remove-if (lambda (x) (/= (third x) 1)) (getmarks e :endslur-))
+					    collect ")"))
+				 and sl1 = (conc-stringlist
+					    (loop
+					     for xxx in (remove-if (lambda (x) (/= (third x) 2)) (getmarks e :startslur-))
+					     collect "("))
+				 and sl2 = (conc-stringlist
+					    (loop
+					     for xxx in (remove-if (lambda (x) (/= (third x) 2)) (getmarks e :endslur-))
+					     collect ")"))
+				 do (format f "~A " (conc-strings st vo cl ot1 tu1 gr1 we0 bnu ba du sl1 s1 s2 sl2 be1 be2 ti ar we1 dyn #|txt|# we2 gr2 tu2 ot2)))
+			     when een do (format f s2))
+		       (format f s3
+			       (let ((x (getprop m :barline)))
+				 (if x (format nil "\\bar \"~A\" " (lookup (second x) +lilypond-barlines+)) ""))
+			       mn)))
+		    (format f "}~%~%")
+		    (if (> ns 1) 
+			(format f "~A = {~%  ~A~%}~%~%"
+				(conc-strings lily-partname "S") 
+				(conc-stringlist
+				 (loop with nu = 0
+				       for n = nil then (timesig-num (meas-timesig m))
+				       and d = nil then (timesig-den (meas-timesig m))
+				       for m in (part-meas p)
+				       when (and (getprop m :startsig) (> nu 0))
+				       collect (format nil "\\skip 1*~A/~A*~A " n d nu) into re and do (setf nu 0)
+				       do (incf nu)
+				       finally (return (nconc re (list (format nil "\\skip 1*~A/~A*~A" n d nu))))))))))))
+	  (format f "\\score {~%") ;; score block
+	  (loop for e in scorehead do (format f "  ~A~%" e))
+	  (when (or *title* *subtitle* *composer*)
+	    (format f "  \\header {~%")
+	    (when *title* (format f "    title = \"~A\"~%" *title*))
+	    (when *subtitle* (format f "    subtitle = \"~A\"~%" *subtitle*))
+	    (when *composer* (format f "    composer = \"~A\"~%" *composer*))
+	    (format f "  }~%"))
+	  (loop
+	   with in = 2
+	   for p in parts and nm in (nreverse nms) do
+	   (loop
+	    for (xxx nu ty) in (sort (getprops p :startgroup) #'< :key #'second) do
+	    (if ty
+		(ecase ty 
+		  (:group (format f "~A\\new ~A <<~%" (make-string in :initial-element #\space) (if (<= nu 1) "StaffGroup" "InnerStaffGroup")))
+		  (:grandstaff (format f "~A\\new PianoStaff <<~%" (make-string in :initial-element #\space))))
+		(format f "~A<<~%" (make-string in :initial-element #\space)))
+	    (incf in 2))
+	   (let ((ns (instr-staves (part-instr p))))
+	     (if (<= ns 1)
+		 (format f "~A\\new Staff \\~A~%" (make-string in :initial-element #\space) nm)
+		 (progn
+		   (loop for s from 1 to ns do (format f "~A\\context Staff = ~A \\~A~%"
+						       (make-string in :initial-element #\space)
+						       (code-char (+ 64 s))
+						       (conc-strings nm "S")))
+		   (format f "~A\\context Staff = A \\new Voice \\~A~%" (make-string in :initial-element #\space) nm))))
+	   (loop
+	    for xxx in (getprops p :endgroup)
+	    do (decf in 2) (format f "~A>>~%" (make-string in :initial-element #\space))))
+	  (format f "}~%")))))
   (when view (view-lilypond filename options)))

Index: fomus/classes.lisp
diff -u fomus/classes.lisp: fomus/classes.lisp:1.2
--- fomus/classes.lisp:	Tue Jul 19 20:16:58 2005
+++ fomus/classes.lisp	Thu Jul 21 17:38:42 2005
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@
 (defparameter +timesig-repl-type+
   '(class* timesig-repl
-    (time (check* (and* (list-of* (integer 1)) (length* = 2)) "Found ~A, expected list ((INTEGER 1) (INTEGER 1)) in TIME slot" t))
+    (time (check* (and* (list* (integer 1) (integer 1))) "Found ~A, expected list ((INTEGER 1) (INTEGER 1)) in TIME slot" t))
     (beat (check* (or null (rational (0))) "Found ~A, expected (RATIONAL (0)) in BEAT slot" t))
     (div (check* (or* null (list-of* (rational (0))) (list-of-unique* (list-of* (rational (0))))) "Found ~A, expected list of (RATIONAL (0)) or ((RATIONAL (0)) ...) in DIV slot" t))
     (comp (check* boolean) "Found ~A, expected BOOLEAN in COMP slot" t)
@@ -344,10 +344,10 @@
       (class* part
        (name (check* (or null string) "Found ~A, expected STRING in NAME slot" t))
        (abbrev (check* (or null string) "Found ~A, expected STRING in ABBREV slot" t))
-       (opts (check* key-arg-pairs* "Found ~A, expected KEYWORD/ARGUMENT PAIRS in OPTS slot" t))
+       (opts (check* key-arg-pairs* "Found ~A, expected KEYWORD/ARGUMENT-PAIRS in OPTS slot" t))
        (events (check* (or* null (list-of* (check* (or note rest mark timesig) "Found ~A, expected NOTE, REST or TIMESIG in list in EVENTS slot" t)))
 		       "Expected list of NOTE, REST or TIMESIG in EVENTS slot"))
-       (instr (check* (or symbol instr (cons symbol (key-arg-pairs* , at +instr-keys+))) "Found ~A, expected SYMBOL, INSTR or (SYMBOL KEYWORD/ARGUMENT PAIRS) in INSTR slot" t))
+       (instr (check* (or* symbol instr (cons* symbol (key-arg-pairs* , at +instr-keys+))) "Found ~A, expected SYMBOL, INSTR or (SYMBOL KEYWORD/ARGUMENT-PAIRS...) in INSTR slot" t))
        (partid (check* (or symbol real) "Found ~A, expected SYMBOL or REAL in PARTID slot" t))))
     (with-error* (part "~~A, part ~A" (function part-name))
       (class* part

Index: fomus/data.lisp
diff -u fomus/data.lisp: fomus/data.lisp:1.2
--- fomus/data.lisp:	Tue Jul 19 20:16:57 2005
+++ fomus/data.lisp	Thu Jul 21 17:38:42 2005
@@ -23,8 +23,6 @@
-(declaim (special *note-precision*))
 ;; nested tuplets indicated by a list
 (defparameter *max-tuplet* 7)
@@ -33,6 +31,10 @@
 (defparameter *min-tuplet-dur* 1/2) ; fraction of beat smallest tuplets should span at minimum (1/2 = half a beat, etc.)--can be nil
 (defparameter *max-tuplet-dur* 4)
+;; pitch quantizing
+(declaim (special *note-precision*))
+(defparameter *quartertones* nil)
@@ -283,7 +285,7 @@
     (:use-cm boolean) (:cm-scale t)
     (:loadxmls-fun (or function string symbol)) 
     (:backend (or* (cons* symbol key-arg-pairs*) (list-of* (cons* symbol key-arg-pairs*)))
     (:base-filename string)
     (:global (or* null (list-of* (type* +timesig-type+))) "list of TIMESIG objects")
@@ -304,7 +306,8 @@
     (:default-grace-dur (rational (0))) (:default-grace-num integer) (:effective-grace-dur-mul (rational (0)))
     (:min-auto-timesig-dur (rational (0))) (:default-timesig (type* +timesig-repl-type+) "TIMESIG object")
+    (:quartertones boolean)
     (:auto-accidentals boolean) (:auto-cautionary-accs boolean) (:auto-staff/clef-changes boolean)
     (:auto-ottavas boolean) (:auto-grace-slurs boolean) (:auto-voicing boolean) (:auto-beams boolean)
     (:auto-quantize boolean) (:auto-multivoice-rests boolean) (:auto-multivoice-notes boolean)

Index: fomus/final.lisp
diff -u fomus/final.lisp: fomus/final.lisp:1.2
--- fomus/final.lisp:	Tue Jul 19 20:16:59 2005
+++ fomus/final.lisp	Thu Jul 21 17:38:43 2005
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
        for x = (read f nil 'eof)
        until (eq x 'eof)
        for y = (read f nil 'eof)
-       when (eq y 'eof) do (error "KEYWORD/ARGUMENT PAIRS expected in initialization file")
+       when (eq y 'eof) do (error "KEYWORD/ARGUMENT-PAIRS expected in initialization file")
        do (setf nt0 (find-symbol (conc-strings "*" (symbol-name x) "*") :fomus))
        if nt0 collect (find-symbol (conc-strings "*" (symbol-name x) "*") :fomus) into nt and collect y into nt
        else do (format t ";; WARNING: Unknown setting ~A~%" x)
@@ -43,10 +43,10 @@
 ;; print load greeting
 (eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute)
-  (when (>= *verbose* 1) (format t ";; ~A v~A.~A.~A~%;; ~A~%;; ~A~%;; ~A~%~%"
+  (when (>= *verbose* 1) (format t ";; ~A v~A.~A.~A~%~A~%"
 				 (first +version+) (second +version+) (third +version+)
-				 +subtitle+ +copyright+ +termscond+)))
+				 (conc-stringlist (loop for e in +banner+ collect (format nil ";; ~A~%" e))))))
 (eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute)

Index: fomus/load.lisp
diff -u fomus/load.lisp: fomus/load.lisp:1.2
--- fomus/load.lisp:	Tue Jul 19 20:17:01 2005
+++ fomus/load.lisp	Thu Jul 21 17:38:43 2005
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 ;; -*-lisp-*-
 ;; Load file for FOMUS
-(with-open-file (f (merge-pathnames "fomus.asd" *load-pathname*) :direction :input)
-  (destructuring-bind (xxx1 xxx2 &key components &allow-other-keys) (read f)
-    (declare (ignore xxx1 xxx2))
-    (loop for (xxx na) in components
-	  for cl = (merge-pathnames na *load-pathname*)
-	  for cn = (compile-file-pathname cl)
-	  when (>= (file-write-date cl) (file-write-date cn)) do (compile-file cl)
-	  do (load cn))))
\ No newline at end of file
+(loop for na in
+      '("package" "misc" "deps" "data" "classes" "util" "accidentals" "beams" "marks" "other" "ottavas" "parts" "postproc" "split" "staves" "voices" "quantize" "backend_ly"
+	"backends" "main" "interface" "final")
+      for cl = (merge-pathnames na *load-pathname*)
+      for cn = (compile-file-pathname cl)
+      for wd = (file-write-date cn)
+      when (or (null wd) (>= (file-write-date cl) (file-write-date cn))) do (compile-file cl)
+      do (load cn))
\ No newline at end of file

Index: fomus/main.lisp
diff -u fomus/main.lisp: fomus/main.lisp:1.2
--- fomus/main.lisp:	Tue Jul 19 20:16:55 2005
+++ fomus/main.lisp	Thu Jul 21 17:38:43 2005
@@ -34,7 +34,9 @@
 (defun save-debug ()
   (when (>= *verbose* 2) (out "~&; Saving debug file \"~A\"..." *debug-filename*))
   (with-open-file (f *debug-filename* :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
-    (format f ";; -*-lisp-*-~%;; ~A v~A.~A.~A~%~%(FOMUS~%" +title+ (first +version+) (second +version+) (third +version+))
+    (format f ";; -*-lisp-*-~%;; ~A v~A.~A.~A~%;; ~A ~A~%~%(FOMUS~%"
+	    +title+ (first +version+) (second +version+) (third +version+)
+	    (lisp-implementation-type) (lisp-implementation-version))
     (mapc (lambda (s)
 	    (format f "  ~S ~S~&" (first s)
 		    (let ((x (symbol-value (find-symbol (conc-strings "*" (symbol-name (first s)) "*") :fomus))))
@@ -183,6 +185,6 @@
   (let ((r (fomus-proc)))
     (loop for x in (or (force-list2 *backend*) '((:data)))
 	  do (destructuring-bind (ba &key filename view &allow-other-keys) x
-	       (set-note-precision (backend ba (or filename (change-filename *base-filename* :ext (lookup ba +backendexts+))) r x view)))))
+	       (backend ba (or filename (change-filename *base-filename* :ext (lookup ba +backendexts+))) r x view))))

Index: fomus/marks.lisp
diff -u fomus/marks.lisp: fomus/marks.lisp:1.2
--- fomus/marks.lisp:	Tue Jul 19 20:16:59 2005
+++ fomus/marks.lisp	Thu Jul 21 17:38:43 2005
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
 	for k = (pop mks) while k do
 	(loop with fo = (listp (event-off k)) ; fuzzy offset? (next available note forwards or backwards)
 	      with nu = (if fo (first (event-off k)) (event-off k))
-	      with o = (abs nu) and di = (>= nu 0) ; offset and direction
+	      with o0 = (abs nu) and di = (>= nu 0) ; offset and direction
 	      for m in (event-marks k) do
 	      (loop with fl = (force-list m)
 		    with sy = (first fl)
@@ -133,15 +133,21 @@
 								collect e)
 							  (if (null vo) l (remove-if-not (lambda (e) (find (event-voice* e) vo)) l)))))
 					       (if re r (remove-if #'restp r)))))
-				(if di
-				    (if fo
-					(loop for e in (rm fo) until (> (event-off e) o) finally (return e))
-					(loop for (e1 e2) on (cons nil (rm fo)) until (or (null e2) (> (event-off e2) o)) 
-					      finally (return (or e1 e2))))
-				    (if fo
-					(loop for e in (rm ba) until (< (event-endoff e) o) finally (return e))
-					(loop for (e1 e2) on (cons nil (rm ba)) until (or (null e2) (< (event-endoff e2) o)) 
-					      finally (return (or e1 e2))))))))
+				(let ((o (let ((q (getprop p :quant))) ; fix quantize error
+					   (if q (let ((x (find-if (lambda (x) (and (<= (car x) o0) (>= (cdr x) o0))) (rest q))))
+						   (if x (cdr x) o0))
+					       o0))))
+				  (if di
+				      (if fo
+					  (loop for e in (rm fo) until (> (event-off e) o) finally (return e))
+					  (loop for (e1 e2) on (cons nil (rm fo)) until (or (null e2) (> (event-off e2) o)) 
+						finally (return (or e1 e2))))
+				      (if fo
+					  (loop for e in (rm ba) until (< (event-endoff e) o) finally (return e))
+					  (loop for (e1 e2) on (cons nil (rm ba)) until (or (null e2) (< (event-endoff e2) o)) 
+						finally (return (or e1 e2)))))))))
 		      (if (eq sy :mark)
 			  (push (copy-event k :off (second fl) :voice (event-voice* ev) :marks (list (cddr fl))) mks)
-			  (addmark ev m))))) (print-dot)))
\ No newline at end of file
+			  (addmark ev m)))))
+	(print-dot)
+	finally (mapc (lambda (p) (rmprop p :quant)) pts)))
\ No newline at end of file

Index: fomus/package.lisp
diff -u fomus/package.lisp: fomus/package.lisp:1.2
--- fomus/package.lisp:	Tue Jul 19 20:16:55 2005
+++ fomus/package.lisp	Thu Jul 21 17:38:43 2005
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
   (:use "COMMON-LISP" #|"MISCFUNS"|#)
   (:export "FOMUS" "LOAD-INITFILE"			; interface functions
 					; make/copy functions
@@ -56,10 +57,11 @@
 	    (use-package "DBG" "FM")))
 (defparameter +title+ "FOMUS")
-(defparameter +version+ '(0 1 0))
-(defparameter +subtitle+ "Lisp music notation formatter")
-(defparameter +copyright+ "Copyright (c) 2005 David Psenicka, All Rights Reserved")
-(defparameter +termscond+ "See file \"COPYING\" for terms of use and distribution")
+(defparameter +version+ '(0 1 1))
+(defparameter +banner+
+  `("Lisp music notation formatter"
+    "Copyright (c) 2005 David Psenicka, All Rights Reserved"
+    "See file \"COPYING\" for terms of use and distribution."))

Index: fomus/quantize.lisp
diff -u fomus/quantize.lisp: fomus/quantize.lisp:1.2
--- fomus/quantize.lisp:	Tue Jul 19 20:17:00 2005
+++ fomus/quantize.lisp	Thu Jul 21 17:38:43 2005
@@ -97,16 +97,20 @@
 		   (loop with mg = (or (max-list (loop for e in (part-events p) when (event-grace e) collect (event-grace e)))
 				       (1- *default-grace-num*))
+			 and ad
 			 for e in (part-events p) do
 			 (let ((o (event-off e)))
 			   (loop while (and (list>1p qs) (< (second qs) o)) do (pop qs))
 			   (let ((e1 (loop-return-firstmin (diff x o) for x in qs))) 
 			     (if (event-grace e)
-				 (setf (event-off e) e1
-				       (event-dur* e) (let ((bd (/ (beat-division (loop for s in ph until (<= (timesig-off s) e1) finally (return s))))))
-							(let ((x (roundto (event-gracedur e) bd)))
-							  (when (<= x 0) bd x))))
+				 (progn
+				   (push (cons (event-off e) e1) ad)
+				   (setf (event-off e) e1
+					 (event-dur* e) (let ((bd (/ (beat-division (loop for s in ph until (<= (timesig-off s) e1) finally (return s))))))
+							  (let ((x (roundto (event-gracedur e) bd)))
+							    (when (<= x 0) bd x)))))
 				 (let ((e2 (let ((o (event-endoff e))) (loop-return-lastmin (diff x o) for x in qs))))
+				   (push (cons (event-off e) e1) ad)
 				   (setf (event-off e) e1)
 				   (let ((x (- e2 e1)))
 				     (if (<= x 0)
@@ -115,7 +119,21 @@
 					   (setf (event-dur e)
 						 (cons (- (loop for i in qs until (> i e1) finally (return i)) e1)
 						       (incf mg))))
-					 (setf (event-dur* e) x))))))))))
+					 (progn
+					   (push (cons (event-endoff e) e2) ad)
+					   (setf (event-dur* e) x))))))))
+			 finally
+			 (addprop p (cons :quant
+					  (merge-all ad (lambda (x y) (let ((x1 (car x)) (x2 (cdr x))
+									    (y1 (car y)) (y2 (cdr y)))
+									(when (= x2 y2)
+									  (cons (if (< x1 x2)
+										    #+debug (if (<= y1 y2) (min x1 y1) (error "Error in QUANTIZE-BYFIT 3"))
+										    #-debug (min x1 y1)
+										    #+debug (if (>= y1 y2) (max x1 y1) (error "Error in QUANTIZE-BYFIT 4"))
+										    #-debug (max x1 y1))
+										x2))))
+						     :call-rev nil))))))
 (defun quantize (timesigs parts)

Index: fomus/util.lisp
diff -u fomus/util.lisp: fomus/util.lisp:1.2
--- fomus/util.lisp:	Tue Jul 19 20:16:58 2005
+++ fomus/util.lisp	Thu Jul 21 17:38:43 2005
@@ -569,3 +569,15 @@
 			       :time (cons (first (timesig-time ts)) (second (timesig-time ts))))))
     (timesig-check nt)
+(defun list-fomus-settings ()
+  (let* ((tc (+ 2 (max (1+ (loop for x in +settings+ maximize (length (symbol-name (first x))))) 4)))
+	 (tl (+ tc 1 (max (loop for (xxx t1 t2) in +settings+ maximize (length (or t2 (princ-to-string t1)))) 4))))
+    (format t "; NAME~VTTYPE~VTDEFAULT VALUE~%~%" tc tl)
+    (loop for (sy t1 t2) in +settings+ do
+	  (format t "; ~A~VT~A~VT~A~%" sy tc (or t2 t1) tl (prin1-to-string (symbol-value (find-symbol (conc-strings "*" (symbol-name sy) "*") :fomus)))))))
\ No newline at end of file

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