[fomus-cvs] CVS update: fomus/CHANGELOG fomus/TODO fomus/backend_ly.lisp fomus/data.lisp fomus/postproc.lisp fomus/splitrules.lisp fomus/test.lisp fomus/util.lisp fomus/version.lisp

David Psenicka dpsenicka at common-lisp.net
Wed Aug 31 14:07:14 UTC 2005

Update of /project/fomus/cvsroot/fomus
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv19199

Modified Files:
	CHANGELOG TODO backend_ly.lisp data.lisp postproc.lisp 
	splitrules.lisp test.lisp util.lisp version.lisp 
Log Message:
testing/bug fixes
Date: Wed Aug 31 16:07:11 2005
Author: dpsenicka

Index: fomus/CHANGELOG
diff -u fomus/CHANGELOG:1.9 fomus/CHANGELOG:1.10
--- fomus/CHANGELOG:1.9	Tue Aug 30 00:28:03 2005
+++ fomus/CHANGELOG	Wed Aug 31 16:07:10 2005
@@ -1,11 +1,17 @@
+    Testing/bug fixes:
+      nested tuplets
     Testing/bug fixes: 
       errors involving 0 durations
       parsing user input
       user rests and rest marks
-      switching functionality on/off w/ auto- settings
-    Support for user rests, pizz/arco markings
+      switching functionality on/off w/ AUTO- settings
+      user rests, pizz/arco markings
+      part ordering (parts with grand staves)
@@ -17,16 +23,16 @@
     Testing/bug fixes
+      compiling/viewing LilyPond files
     Added QUALITY setting
     Eliminated complex score/penalty settings (will replace with simple presets)
     Other changes to settings
-    Adjustments to note splitting/tying
-    Fixed issues with compiling/viewing LilyPond files
+    Adjustments to note splitting/tying 
     More speed improvements
 v0.1.8 and earlier:
     Testing/bug fixes
+      tremolos, text, glissandi/portamenti, arpeggios, harmonics, note heads
     Some speed improvements (more needed)
-    Support for tremolos, text, glissandi/portamenti, arpeggios, harmonics, note heads
     Improved quantize algorithm

Index: fomus/TODO
diff -u fomus/TODO:1.16 fomus/TODO:1.17
--- fomus/TODO:1.16	Tue Aug 30 00:28:03 2005
+++ fomus/TODO	Wed Aug 31 16:07:10 2005
@@ -12,9 +12,11 @@
     Avoid staff changes when notes move in other direction
     Durations that fill to next/previous note
     Proofread/finish documentation, add easy examples
+    Tuplet bracket setting
 Short Term:
+    Part properties: override settings for individual parts
     CMN backend
     MIDI to percussion
     Number of lines in staff

Index: fomus/backend_ly.lisp
diff -u fomus/backend_ly.lisp:1.14 fomus/backend_ly.lisp:1.15
--- fomus/backend_ly.lisp:1.14	Sun Aug 28 23:31:27 2005
+++ fomus/backend_ly.lisp	Wed Aug 31 16:07:10 2005
@@ -169,12 +169,7 @@
 	   do (destructuring-bind (&key (lily-partname (lyname p))
 					lily-parthead ;; extra header information for part (list of strings)
 					&allow-other-keys) (part-opts p)
-		(let ((ns (instr-staves (part-instr p)))
-		      #|(sa 1)|#)
-;; 		  (flet ((lystaff (s)
-;; 			   (if (/= s sa)
-;; 			       (format nil "\\change Staff = ~A " (code-char (+ 64 (setf sa s))))
-;; 			       "")))
+		(let ((ns (instr-staves (part-instr p))))
 		    (push lily-partname nms)
 		    (format f "~A = {~%" lily-partname)
 		    (when (part-name p) (format f "  \\set Staff.instrument = ~S~%" (part-name p)))

Index: fomus/data.lisp
diff -u fomus/data.lisp:1.17 fomus/data.lisp:1.18
--- fomus/data.lisp:1.17	Tue Aug 30 00:28:03 2005
+++ fomus/data.lisp	Wed Aug 31 16:07:10 2005
@@ -212,8 +212,8 @@
 			      "Found ~S, expected (INTEGERS 1) or SYMBOLS in the form I, (I (S S I) ...) in CLEFLEGLS slot" t))
      (instr-8uplegls (check* (or* null (integer 1) (list* (integer 1) (integer 1))) "Found ~S, expected NIL, (INTEGER 1) or ((INTEGER 1) (INTEGER 1)) in 8UPLEGLS slot" t))
      (instr-8dnlegls (check* (or* null (integer 1) (list* (integer 1) (integer 1))) "Found ~S, expected NIL, (INTEGER 1) or ((INTEGER 1) (INTEGER 1)) in 8DNLEGLS slot" t))
-     (instr-percs (check* (or null (list-of* (type* *perc-type*))) "Found ~S, expected list of PERC objects in PERCS slot" t))
-     (instr-midiprgch-im (check* (or null (integer 0 127) (list-of* (integer 0 127)))
+     (instr-percs (check* (or* null (list-of* (type* *perc-type*))) "Found ~S, expected list of PERC objects in PERCS slot" t))
+     (instr-midiprgch-im (check* (or* null (integer 0 127) (list-of* (integer 0 127)))
 				 "Found ~S, expected NIL, (integer 0 127) or list of (integer 0 127) in MIDIPRGCH-IM slot" t))
      (instr-midiprgch-ex (check* (or null (integer 0 127))
 				 "Found ~S, expected NIL, (integer 0 127) in MIDIPRGCH-EX slot" t)))))

Index: fomus/postproc.lisp
diff -u fomus/postproc.lisp:1.9 fomus/postproc.lisp:1.10
--- fomus/postproc.lisp:1.9	Tue Aug 30 00:28:03 2005
+++ fomus/postproc.lisp	Wed Aug 31 16:07:10 2005
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
 ;; returns ratio to display: (cons num1 num2)
 (defun tupratio (rat writunit events ts)
   (declare (type (rational (0)) rat writunit) (type cons events) (type timesig-repl ts))
-  (let ((m (loop with x of-type (rational 1) = (max (/ writunit (loop for e of-type (or noteex restex) in events maximize (event-writtendur e ts))) 1)
+  (let ((m (loop with x of-type rational = (/ writunit (loop for e of-type (or noteex restex) in events maximize (event-writtendur e ts)))
 		 for i = 1 then (* i 2) when (>= i x) do (return i))))
     (cons (* (numerator rat) m) (* (denominator rat) m))))
@@ -67,17 +67,17 @@
 	    with l = (length *max-tuplet*)
 	    with lvl = -1
-	    and tp = (make-array l :element-type '(integer 0) :initial-element 0)
+	    and tp = (make-array l :element-type '(rational 0 1) :initial-element 0)
 	    and uu = (make-array l :element-type '(or (rational (0)) null) :initial-element nil)
 	    and ll = (make-array l :element-type 'list :initial-element nil)
 	    for e of-type (or noteex restex) in ee
-	    do (loop
+	    do (loop 
 		with td = (reverse (event-tupdurmult e))
 		and i = -1
-		for f of-type (rational (0)) in (nreverse (event-tupfrac e))
-		and u of-type (rational (0)) in td
+		for f of-type (rational (0)) in (reverse (event-tupfrac e)) ; larger to smaller
+		and u of-type (rational (0)) in td ; durmults
 		do (incf i)
-		when (> i lvl) do (setf (svref uu i) u (svref ll i) nil) ; start
+		when (> i lvl) do (setf (svref uu i) u (svref ll i) nil) ; start new count
 		when (>= i lvl) do (incf (svref tp i) f)
 		do (push e (svref ll i))
@@ -86,17 +86,17 @@
 		 while (and (>= j 0) (>= (svref tp j) 1))
 		 (setf (svref tp j) 0)
-		 (let* ((el (nreverse (svref ll j))) ; events in order
+		 (let* ((el (reverse (svref ll j))) ; events in order
 			(ef (first el)))
 		   (declare (type (or noteex restex) ef))
 		   (addmark ef 
-			    (let ((w (unitwritdur (- (event-endoff e) (event-off ef)) (event-tupdurmult e) (meas-timesig m))))
+			    (let* ((w (unitwritdur (- (event-endoff e) (event-off ef)) (nthcdr (- i j) (event-tupdurmult e)) #|(- i j)|# (meas-timesig m))))
 			      (multiple-value-bind (wr wd) (writtendur* w)
-				(list :starttup (1+ i)
-				      (tupratio (svref uu j) w el (meas-timesig m))
-				      (or #|(list1p el)|# ; bracket?
-				       (< j i) ; not innermost
-				       (loop
+				(list :starttup (1+ j)
+				      (tupratio (svref uu j) w el (meas-timesig m)) ; tupratio as cons
+				      (or ; bracket?
+				       (< j i) ; not innermost--use bracket (make this a setting later)
+				       (loop ; innermost
 					for (x1 x2 x3) of-type ((or (or noteex restex) null) (or (or noteex restex) null) (or (or noteex restex) null))
 					on (cons nil el) while x2
 					when (or (if x1
@@ -106,12 +106,12 @@
 						     (or (restp x2) (= (event-beamrt x2) 0))
 						     (and (notep x2) (> (event-beamrt x2) 0))))
 					do (return t)))
-				      (cons wr wd))))) ; i is tup index, next value is bracket t/nil, next two are written tuplet unit value
+				      (cons wr wd))))) ; i is tup index, next value is bracket t/nil, next cons is written value of tuplet-unit-dur
 		   (addmark e (list :endtup (1+ j)))) ; end
 		 (setf lvl j))))
 	   (loop for e of-type (or noteex restex) in gg do (setf (event-tup e) nil))
-	   (loop for e of-type (or noteex restex) in ee do (setf (event-tup e) (nreverse (event-tupdurmult e))))) (print-dot))))
+	   (loop for e of-type (or noteex restex) in ee do (setf (event-tup e) (reverse (event-tupdurmult e))))) (print-dot))))
 (defun postproc-graces (pts)
   (declare (type list pts))

Index: fomus/splitrules.lisp
diff -u fomus/splitrules.lisp:1.3 fomus/splitrules.lisp:1.4
--- fomus/splitrules.lisp:1.3	Tue Aug 30 00:28:03 2005
+++ fomus/splitrules.lisp	Wed Aug 31 16:07:10 2005
@@ -91,8 +91,7 @@
   (declare (type baserule rule) (type (member nil t :s) tups))
   (let ((mt (first (if (baseunitp rule)
 		       (loop for e on *max-tuplet* for xxx in (rule-tup rule) finally (return e))
-		       *max-tuplet*))) ; max tuplet for next nesting level
-	#|(mn (length mt))|#)	; max nesting depth
+		       *max-tuplet*)))) ; max tuplet for next nesting level
     (flet ((dv2 (n)
 	     (declare (type (integer 1) n))
 	     (loop for n2 = (/ n 2) while (integerp n2) do (setf n n2))
@@ -109,7 +108,7 @@
 		    (cons (if (list>1p x) x (first x))
 			  (loop for (e1 e2) of-type ((rational 0 1) (or (rational 0 1) null)) on (cons 0 (append x '(1))) while e2
 				for ii in (if (listp i) i (list i (- tup i))) and tt = (- e2 e1) and a1 = t then a2
-				for a2 = (and (expof2 e2) (expof2 (- tup e2))) collect
+				for a2 = (or (= e2 1) (and (expof2 e2) (expof2 (- tup e2)))) collect
 				(if (and (<= ii 1) (if (unitp rule) (rule-sim rule) t))
 				    (make-unit-nodiv :tup (cons tt tu) :comp (rule-comp rule) :dmu dmu :tlt t :trt t)
 				    (make-unit :div (dv2 ii) :tup (cons tt tu) :dmu dmu :alt a1 :art a2 :irr ir :comp (rule-comp rule) :sim (when (eq tups :s) ii))))))))))
@@ -196,7 +195,7 @@
 					      (list (nconc (list (loop for i from 1/2 below num collect (/ i num)) ; regular off beat syncopation
 								 (snd (/ 1/2 num) t nil))
 							   (make-list (- num 1/2) :initial-element (snd (/ num) nil nil))))))))
-			      (when (and tups mt (or (initdivp rule) (rule-alt rule)) (or (initdivp rule) (rule-art rule)))
+			      (when (and tups mt (or (initdivp rule) (and (sigp rule) (rule-top rule)) (and (rule-alt rule) (rule-art rule))))
 				 with nu = (if (rule-comp rule) (* num 3/2) num)
 				 for j of-type (integer 2) in (primes2 mt) ; only primes--number isn't actual tuplet, just division
@@ -235,10 +234,10 @@
 					 (list (list 1/8 (un 1/8 :l t t) (und 7/8 nil t))))))
 			      (when (and (al *shortlongshort-notes-level*) (rule-alt rule) (rule-art rule) ex)
 				(list (list '(1/4 3/4) (un 1/4 :l t t) (und 1/2 t t) (un 1/4 :r t t))))	; longer note in middle
-			      (when #|(debugn-if (>= (length (rule-tup rule)) 1) "~A ~A ~A ~A"
-					       tups mt (or (initdivp rule) (rule-alt rule)) (or (initdivp rule) (rule-art rule))
-					       (and tups mt (or (initdivp rule) (rule-alt rule)) (or (initdivp rule) (rule-art rule))))|#
-				  (and tups mt (or (initdivp rule) (rule-alt rule)) (or (initdivp rule) (rule-art rule)))
+			      (when (and tups mt (or (initdivp rule) (and (sigp rule) (rule-top rule)) 
+						     (if (and (baseunitp rule) (rule-tup rule))
+							 (or (rule-alt rule) (rule-art rule))
+							 (and (rule-alt rule) (rule-art rule)))))
 				 for j of-type (integer 2) in (primes2 mt) ; only primes--number isn't actual tuplet, just division
 				 unless (expof2 (/ (rule-div rule) j))

Index: fomus/test.lisp
diff -u fomus/test.lisp:1.8 fomus/test.lisp:1.9
--- fomus/test.lisp:1.8	Tue Aug 30 00:28:03 2005
+++ fomus/test.lisp	Wed Aug 31 16:07:10 2005
@@ -75,10 +75,10 @@
 					   (0 '(:accent))
 					   (1 '(:staccato))))))
-;; Nested Tuplets (not working yet)
+;; Nested Tuplets
- :backend '((:data) (:lilypond :view t))
+ :backend '(:data (:lilypond :view t))
  :ensemble-type :orchestra
  :verbose 2
  :beat-division 8
@@ -102,8 +102,6 @@
 					   (0 '(:accent))
 					   (1 '(:staccato))))))
 ;; Parts with no events
@@ -128,6 +126,8 @@
 	  :instr :tuba
 	  :events nil)))
+;; Part ordering/grouping
  :backend '((:data) (:lilypond :view t))
  :ensemble-type :orchestra
@@ -788,22 +788,25 @@
 					   (0 :woodblock)
 					   (1 :snaredrum)))))))
-(fomus					; :auto-multivoice-notes (not working yet)
- :backend '((:data) (:lilypond :view t))
- :ensemble-type :orchestra
- :parts
- (list
-  (make-part
-   :name "Violin"
-   :instr :violin
-   :events
-   (loop repeat 2 nconc
-	 (loop
-	  for off from 0 to 40 by 1/2
-	  collect (make-note :off off
-			     :voice '(1 2)
-			     :dur (if (< off 40) 1/2 1)
-			     :note (+ 55 (random 19))))))))
+(let ((*break-on-signals* t))
+ (fomus			    ; :auto-multivoice-notes (not working yet)
+  :backend '(:lilypond :view t)
+  :ensemble-type :orchestra
+  :parts
+  (list
+   (make-part
+    :name "Violin"
+    :instr :violin 
+    :events
+    (loop repeat 2 nconc
+	  (loop
+	   for off from 0 to 40 by 1/2
+	   collect (make-note :off off
+			      :voice '(1 2)
+			      :dur (if (< off 40) 1/2 1)
+			      :note (+ 55 (random 19)))))))))
 (fomus ; :auto-percussion-durs
  :backend '((:data) (:lilypond :view t))

Index: fomus/util.lisp
diff -u fomus/util.lisp:1.13 fomus/util.lisp:1.14
--- fomus/util.lisp:1.13	Tue Aug 30 00:28:04 2005
+++ fomus/util.lisp	Wed Aug 31 16:07:10 2005
@@ -269,10 +269,14 @@
   (if (notep ev) (max (- (roundint (log (event-writtendur* ev ts) 1/2)) 2) 0) 0))
 ;; given duration of entire tuplet & dmu list, return unit of tuplet (1/8 = eighth note, etc.)
-(defun unitwritdur (dur dmu ts)
+(defun unitwritdur (dur dmu ts) ; ndmu = the level that applies
   (declare (type (rational (0)) dur) (type list dmu) (type timesig-repl ts))
-  (/ (* (effectdur dur dmu) (timesig-beat* ts))
+  (/ (* (effectdur dur dmu) (timesig-beat* ts)) ; written dur w/o dots info of entire tuplet
      (numerator (first dmu))))
+;;   (loop with re = (* (effectdur dur dmu) (timesig-beat* ts)) ; written dur w/o dots info of entire tuplet
+;; 	repeat (1+ ndmu) for x in dmu
+;; 	do (setf re (/ re (numerator x)))
+;; 	finally (return re)))
 (declaim (inline chordp))
 (defun chordp (ev)

Index: fomus/version.lisp
diff -u fomus/version.lisp:1.6 fomus/version.lisp:1.7
--- fomus/version.lisp:1.6	Tue Aug 30 00:28:04 2005
+++ fomus/version.lisp	Wed Aug 31 16:07:10 2005
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 (declaim (type string +title+)
 	 (type cons +version+ +banner+))
 (defparameter +title+ "FOMUS")
-(defparameter +version+ '(0 1 11))
+(defparameter +version+ '(0 1 12))
 (defparameter +banner+
   `("Lisp music notation formatter"
     "Copyright (c) 2005 David Psenicka, All Rights Reserved"

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