[fomus-cvs] CVS update: fomus/splitrules.lisp fomus/README fomus/classes.lisp fomus/data.lisp fomus/fomus.asd fomus/load.lisp fomus/misc.lisp fomus/split.lisp fomus/staves.lisp fomus/test.lisp

David Psenicka dpsenicka at common-lisp.net
Sun Aug 28 04:32:51 UTC 2005

Update of /project/fomus/cvsroot/fomus
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv4326

Modified Files:
	README classes.lisp data.lisp fomus.asd load.lisp misc.lisp 
	split.lisp staves.lisp test.lisp 
Added Files:
Log Message:
bug fixes
Date: Sun Aug 28 06:32:47 2005
Author: dpsenicka

Index: fomus/README
diff -u fomus/README:1.6 fomus/README:1.7
--- fomus/README:1.6	Sat Aug 27 21:22:43 2005
+++ fomus/README	Sun Aug 28 06:32:47 2005
@@ -29,4 +29,3 @@
 If you wish to report a bug, make FOMUS generate a debug file (the default 
 filename is "/tmp/fomus.dbg") and send it to dpsenick(at)uiuc(dot)edu.  See the 
 DEBUG-FILENAME setting in the FOMUS documentation for more information.
\ No newline at end of file

Index: fomus/classes.lisp
diff -u fomus/classes.lisp:1.9 fomus/classes.lisp:1.10
--- fomus/classes.lisp:1.9	Sat Aug 27 20:13:21 2005
+++ fomus/classes.lisp	Sun Aug 28 06:32:47 2005
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@
 (defclass fomusobj-base ()
   ((id :accessor obj-id :initform nil :initarg :id))) ; fomus doesn't use this!
-(defclass event-base (fomusobj-base) ; an event in fomus is an object with an offset--also confusingly refers to a note or rest 
+(defclass event-base (fomusobj-base)
   ((off :type (real 0) :accessor event-off :initform nil :initarg :off)
-   (partid :type (or symbol real null) :accessor event-partid :initform nil :initarg :partid))) ; offsets are in beats
+   (partid :type (or symbol real null) :accessor event-partid :initform nil :initarg :partid)))
 (defclass timesig-repl (fomusobj-base)
   ((time :type cons :accessor timesig-time :initform '(4 4) :initarg :time)

Index: fomus/data.lisp
diff -u fomus/data.lisp:1.14 fomus/data.lisp:1.15
--- fomus/data.lisp:1.14	Sat Aug 27 20:13:21 2005
+++ fomus/data.lisp	Sun Aug 28 06:32:47 2005
@@ -625,6 +625,7 @@
      *checktype-markserr* t)
     (type* +notemarks-type+)))
+;; include :staff but not :clef
 (defparameter +marks-rests+
   '(:fermata :breath :notehead :textnote :texttempo :textdyn :text ;;:texttempo- :endtexttempo- :textdyn- :endtextdyn-
     :text- :endtext- #|:starttexttempo- :starttextdyn-|# :starttext-))
@@ -636,18 +637,13 @@
 (declaim (type boolean *auto-pizz/arco*))
 (defparameter *auto-pizz/arco* t)
-;; ordering for accidentals is specified w/ second parameter slot in list (might not be relevant, depends on backend), ex.: (:staccato 1) (:fermata 2)
-;; exceptions: (:finger 4 5), (:tremolo 1/4-dur-in-beats) (:righthandtremolo 1/8) (:lefthandtremolo t-unmeasured)
-;; format of slurs is (:startslur- :dotted 1), (:slur- 1), (:endslur- :dotted)--order of 2nd and 3rd arguments don't matter
-;; format of running-trills after processing is :startrunningtrill- and :endrunningtrill- (USER SHOULD JUST USE :RUNNINGTRILL)
-;; format of texts is (:textnote "sul A")
 ;; marks only at beginning or end of tied notes
 (declaim (type cons +marks-first-tie+ +marks-last-tie+ +marks-all-ties+ +marks-on-off+ +marks-before-after+ +marks-indiv-voices+
 	       +marks-spanner-voices+ +marks-spanner-staves+ +marks-expand+ +marks-defaultup+))
 (defparameter +marks-first-tie+
   '(:startslur- :startgraceslur- :start8up- :start8down- :starttext- #|:starttextdyn- :starttexttempo-|# :startwedge< :startwedge> :endgraceslur-
     :ppppp :pppp :ppp :pp :p :mp :mf :f :ff :fff :ffff :fffff :fp :sf :sff :sp :spp :sfz :rfz
-    :text :textdyn :textnote :texttempo ; up, down and dyn are italicized, tempo is slightly larger and above
+    :text :textdyn :textnote :texttempo ; up, down and dyn are italicized, tempo is larger and above
     :accent :marcato :tenuto :portato
     :upbow :downbow :flageolet :thumb :leftheel :rightheel :lefttoe :righttoe
     :turn :reverseturn :trill :prall :mordent :prallprall :prallmordent :upprall :downprall :upmordent :downmordent :pralldown :prallup :lineprall  

Index: fomus/fomus.asd
diff -u fomus/fomus.asd:1.5 fomus/fomus.asd:1.6
--- fomus/fomus.asd:1.5	Sat Aug 27 20:13:21 2005
+++ fomus/fomus.asd	Sun Aug 28 06:32:47 2005
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
    (:file "data" :depends-on ("misc" "deps"))
    (:file "classes" :depends-on ("data"))
    (:file "util" :depends-on ("classes"))
+   (:file "splitrules" :depends-on ("misc"))
    (:file "accidentals" :depends-on ("util"))
    (:file "beams" :depends-on ("util"))
@@ -24,10 +26,10 @@
    (:file "ottavas" :depends-on ("util"))
    (:file "parts" :depends-on ("util"))
    (:file "postproc" :depends-on ("util"))
-   (:file "split" :depends-on ("util"))
+   (:file "split" :depends-on ("util" "splitrules"))
    (:file "staves" :depends-on ("util"))
    (:file "voices" :depends-on ("util"))
-   (:file "quantize" :depends-on ("util" "accidentals"))
+   (:file "quantize" :depends-on ("util" "splitrules"))
    (:file "backend_ly" :depends-on ("util"))
    (:file "backend_xml" :depends-on ("util"))

Index: fomus/load.lisp
diff -u fomus/load.lisp:1.5 fomus/load.lisp:1.6
--- fomus/load.lisp:1.5	Mon Aug 15 21:46:10 2005
+++ fomus/load.lisp	Sun Aug 28 06:32:47 2005
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ;; -*-lisp-*-
 ;; Load file for FOMUS
-(loop with fl = '("package" "version" "misc" "deps" "data" "classes" "util" "accidentals" "beams" "marks"
+(loop with fl = '("package" "version" "misc" "deps" "data" "classes" "util" "splitrules" "accidentals" "beams" "marks"
 		  "other" "ottavas" "parts" "postproc" "split" "staves" "voices" "quantize" "backend_ly"
 		  "backend_xml" "backends" "main" "interface" "final")
       and nw

Index: fomus/misc.lisp
diff -u fomus/misc.lisp:1.6 fomus/misc.lisp:1.7
--- fomus/misc.lisp:1.6	Sat Aug 27 20:13:21 2005
+++ fomus/misc.lisp	Sun Aug 28 06:32:47 2005
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
   (if (listp list) (copy-list list) (list list)))
 (defun force-list2 (list)
   (let ((x (force-list list)))
-    (if (or (null x) (some #'listp x)) x
+    (if (or (null x) (every #'listp x)) x
 	(list x))))
 (defmacro cons-list (objs places)

Index: fomus/split.lisp
diff -u fomus/split.lisp:1.14 fomus/split.lisp:1.15
--- fomus/split.lisp:1.14	Sat Aug 27 20:13:21 2005
+++ fomus/split.lisp	Sun Aug 28 06:32:47 2005
@@ -207,254 +207,6 @@
-;; tup in place of div
-(defun split-tupdurmult (tup div)
-  (declare (type (integer 2) tup) (type (rational 1) div))
-  (/ tup (loop-return-firstmin (diff d tup) for d = (loop for x1 = div then x2 for x2 = (/ x1 2) while (integerp x2) finally (return x1)) then (* d 2))))
-;; returns list of new rules for given rule: (number-or-list-of-divs newrule1 newrule2...)
-;; structures for easy debugging and tweeking
-(defclass baserule () nil)
-(defclass basesplit ()
-  ((alt :type boolean :accessor rule-alt :initform nil :initarg :alt)	; alt/art = attached/anchored left/right (at a div-2 boundary)
-   (art :type boolean :accessor rule-art :initform nil :initarg :art)
-   (init :type list :accessor rule-init :initform nil :initarg :init)
-   (irr :type boolean :accessor rule-irr :initform nil :initarg :irr))) ; t if parent is irregular (not expof2)
-(defclass basenodiv ()
-  ((tlt :type boolean :accessor rule-tlt :initform nil :initarg :tlt)	; tlt/trt = t if tie allowed on that side, nil if not allowed
-   (trt :type boolean :accessor rule-trt :initform nil :initarg :trt)))
-(defclass basecomp ()
-  ((comp :type boolean :accessor rule-comp :initform nil :initarg :comp)))
-(defclass baseunit ()
-  ((tup :type list :accessor rule-tup :initform nil :initarg :tup)	; tup members multiplied together gives the actual fraction
-   (dmu :type list :accessor rule-dmu :initform nil :initarg :dmu)))
-(defclass baseinit ()
-  ((time :type (cons (integer 1) (integer 1)) :accessor rule-time :initform '(1 1) :initarg :time)
-   (beat :type (rational (0)) :accessor rule-beat :initform 1 :initarg :beat)))
-(defclass initdiv (baserule baseinit basecomp)
-  ((list :type list :accessor rule-list :initform nil :initarg :list)
-   (tsoff :type (rational 0) :accessor rule-tsoff :initform 0 :initarg :tsoff)))
-(defclass sig (baserule basesplit baseinit basecomp)
-  ((top :type boolean :accessor rule-top :initform nil :initarg :top)))
-(defclass unit (baserule basesplit baseunit basecomp)
-  ((div :type (integer 2) :accessor rule-div :initform 1 :initarg :div) ; 2?
-   (sim :type (or null (rational (0))) :accessor rule-sim :initform nil :initarg :sim)
-   (sis :type (integer 0 1) :accessor rule-sis :initform 0 :initarg :sis)))
-(defclass sig-nodiv (baserule basenodiv basecomp) ())
-(defclass unit-nodiv (baserule basenodiv baseunit basecomp)
-  ((rst :type boolean :accessor rule-rst :initform nil :initarg :rst)))
-(defprint initdiv time comp beat list tsoff)
-(defprint sig time comp beat alt art irr init top)
-(defprint unit div comp alt art irr init tup dmu sim sis)
-(defprint sig-nodiv comp tlt trt)
-(defprint unit-nodiv tup comp dmu tlt trt rst)
-;;(declaim (inline basesplitp basenodivp basecompp baseunitp baseinitp initdivp sigp unitp sig-nodiv-p unit-nodiv-p))
-(defun basesplitp (o) (typep o 'basesplit))
-(defun basenodivp (o) (typep o 'basenodiv))
-(defun basecompp (o) (typep o 'basecomp))
-(defun baseunitp (o) (typep o 'baseunit))
-(defun baseinitp (o) (typep o 'baseinit))
-(defun initdivp (o) (typep o 'initdiv))
-(defun sigp (o) (typep o 'sig))
-(defun unitp (o) (typep o 'unit))
-(defun sig-nodiv-p (o) (typep o 'sig-nodiv))
-(defun unit-nodiv-p (o) (typep o 'unit-nodiv))
-(defmacro make-initdiv (&rest args) `(make-instance 'initdiv , at args))
-(defmacro make-sig (&rest args) `(make-instance 'sig , at args))
-(defmacro make-unit (&rest args) `(make-instance 'unit , at args))
-(defmacro make-sig-nodiv (&rest args) `(make-instance 'sig-nodiv , at args))
-(defmacro make-unit-nodiv (&rest args) `(make-instance 'unit-nodiv , at args))
-;;(declaim (inline rule-num rule-den))
-(defun rule-num (r) (declare (type baseinit r)) (the (integer 1) (car (rule-time r))))
-(defun rule-den (r) (declare (type baseinit r)) (the (integer 1) (cdr (rule-time r))))
-(declaim (type (member t :all :top :sig) *dotted-note-level*)
-	 (type (member t :all :top :sig) *shortlongshort-notes-level*)
-	 (type boolean *syncopated-notes-level*))
-(defparameter *dotted-note-level* t) ; can = (t or :all), :top or :sig for levels where dotted notes are allowed, nil = no dotted notes
-(defparameter *shortlongshort-notes-level* t) ; = (same as above) if special rhythmic patterns allowed (tied syncopations)
-(defparameter *syncopated-notes-level* t) ; b bah.. bah.. bah.. b
-(declaim (type boolean *double-dotted-notes* *tuplet-dotted-rests*))
-(defparameter *double-dotted-notes* t) ; = t if can use double dotted notes 
-(defparameter *tuplet-dotted-rests* t)
-(defun split-rules-bylevel (rule tups) ; tups = tuplets are allowed, :s = simple
-  (declare (type baserule rule) (type (member nil t :s) tups))
-  (let ((mt (first (if (baseunitp rule)
-		       (loop for e on *max-tuplet* for xxx in (rule-tup rule) finally (return e))
-		       *max-tuplet*))) ; max tuplet for next nesting level
-	#|(mn (length mt))|#)	; max nesting depth
-    (flet ((dv2 (n)
-	     (declare (type (integer 1) n))
-	     (loop for n2 = (/ n 2) while (integerp n2) do (setf n n2))
-	     (max n 2)))
-      (flet ((divs (tup div &optional ntup ndmu)
-	       (declare (type (integer 2) tup) (type (rational 1) div) (type list ntup ndmu))
-	       (let ((tu (force-list ntup))
-		     (dmu (cons (split-tupdurmult tup div) ndmu))
-		     (ir (when *tuplet-dotted-rests* (not (expof2 tup)))))
-		 (loop
-		  for i of-type (or cons (integer 1)) in (tuplet-division tup)
-		  collect
-		  (let ((x (if (listp i) (loop with x = 0 for y of-type (integer 1) in (butlast i) collect (/ (incf x y) tup)) (list (/ i tup)))))
-		    (cons (if (list>1p x) x (first x))
-			  (loop for (e1 e2) of-type ((rational 0 1) (or (rational 0 1) null)) on (cons 0 (append x '(1))) while e2
-				for ii in (if (listp i) i (list i (- tup i))) and tt = (- e2 e1) and a1 = t then a2
-				for a2 = (and (expof2 e2) (expof2 (- tup e2))) collect
-				(if (and (<= ii 1) (if (unitp rule) (rule-sim rule) t))
-				    (make-unit-nodiv :tup (cons tt tu) :comp (rule-comp rule) :dmu dmu :tlt t :trt t)
-				    (make-unit :div (dv2 ii) :tup (cons tt tu) :dmu dmu :alt a1 :art a2 :irr ir :comp (rule-comp rule) :sim (when (eq tups :s) ii))))))))))
-	(sort (etypecase rule
-		((or initdiv sig)
-		 (let* ((num (/ (rule-num rule) (* (rule-den rule) (rule-beat rule)))) ; 3/8 is treated like 1/4, etc.
-			(ex (expof2 num))) ; in compound meter, num = 1 for 3/8
-		   (flet ((al (sy)
-			    (declare (type (member t :all :top :sig) sy))
-			    (or (find sy '(t :all :sig))
-				(and (eq sy :top) (or (initdivp rule) (rule-top rule)))))
-			  (in (n al ar in) ; n = division ratio
-			    (declare (type (rational (0) (1)) n) (type boolean al ar) (type list in))
-			    (if (if (rule-comp rule) (>= num (/ n)) (> num (/ n)))
-				(make-sig :time (cons (* (rule-num rule) n) (rule-den rule)) :comp (rule-comp rule) :beat (rule-beat rule)
-					  :alt al :art ar :init in :irr (not ex) :comp (rule-comp rule))
-				(make-unit :div (if (rule-comp rule) 3 2) :tup nil :alt t :art t :init in :irr (not ex) :comp (rule-comp rule)))) 
-			  (snd (n tl tr)
-			    (declare (type (rational (0) (1)) n) (type boolean tl tr))
-			    (if (if (rule-comp rule) (>= num (/ n)) (> num (/ n))) #|(> num (/ n))|#
-				(make-sig-nodiv :comp (rule-comp rule) :tlt tl :trt tr :comp (rule-comp rule))
-				(make-unit-nodiv :tup nil :tlt tl :trt tr :comp (rule-comp rule)))))
-		     (flet ((si (n wh al ar) ; n = division ratio, >1/4 or >3/8 comp. is designated with :sig, smaller durations become units
-			      (declare (type (rational (0) (1)) n) (type (member :l :r) wh) (type boolean al ar))
-			      (etypecase rule
-				(initdiv (in n al ar nil))
-				(sig (if (if (rule-comp rule) (>= num (/ n)) (> num (/ n))) #|(> num (/ n))|#
-					 (make-sig :time (cons (* (rule-num rule) n) (rule-den rule)) :comp (rule-comp rule) :beat (rule-beat rule)
-						   :alt (if (eq wh :l) (and (rule-alt rule) al) (and (rule-alt rule) (rule-art rule) al))
-						   :art (if (eq wh :r) (and (rule-art rule) ar) (and (rule-alt rule) (rule-art rule) ar))
-						   :irr (not ex) :comp (rule-comp rule))
-					 (make-unit :div 2 #|(if (rule-comp rule) 3 2)|# :tup nil :alt t :art t :irr (not ex) #|(or (rule-comp rule) (not ex))|# :comp (rule-comp rule)))))))
-		       (nconc (etypecase rule
-				(initdiv (loop
-					  for ee of-type cons in (force-list2 (rule-list rule))
-					  #+debug unless #+debug (= (apply #'+ ee) num)
-					  #+debug do #+debug (error "Error in SPLIT-RULES-BYLEVEL")
-					  collect (loop
-						   for (e en) of-type ((rational (0)) (or (rational (0)) null)) on ee
-						   sum e into s
-						   collect (/ e num) into ee ; split durs
-						   when en collect (/ s num) into ll ; split points
-						   finally (return (cons (if (list>1p ll) ll (car ll))
-									 (loop
-									  for (i n) of-type ((rational (0)) (or (rational (0)) null)) on ee
-									  and x of-type (rational (0) 1) in (append ll '(1))
-									  and la = t then aa
-									  for aa = (let ((xx (* x num)))
-										     (and (expof2 xx) (or (= num xx) (expof2 (- num xx)))))
-									  collect (in i la (or (null n) aa) ee)))))))
-				(sig (loop
-				      for nn of-type (integer 2) in (or (lowmult (numerator num)) (if (rule-comp rule) '(3) '(2)))
-				      nconc (loop
-					     for j from 1 below nn
-					     for x of-type (rational (0) (1)) = (/ j nn) ; x is the ratio
-					     for xx = (* x num) and co = (and (rule-comp rule) (<= num 1))
-					     when (or (and co (expof2 (* xx 3/2)))
-						      (expof2 xx) (expof2 (- num xx)))
-					     collect (let ((aa (or (and co (expof2 (* xx 3/2)) (expof2 (* (- num xx) 3/2)))
-								   (and (expof2 xx) (expof2 (- num xx))))))
-						       (list x (si x :l t aa) (si (- 1 x) :r aa t)))))))
-			      (when (and (al *dotted-note-level*) (or (initdivp rule) (rule-alt rule)) ex (not (rule-comp rule)))
-				(nconc (list (list 3/4 (snd 3/4 t nil) (si 1/4 :r t t))) ; dotted notes
-				       (when *double-dotted-notes*
-					 (list (list 7/8 (snd 7/8 t nil) (si 1/8 :r t t))))))
-			      (when (and (al *dotted-note-level*) (or (initdivp rule) (rule-art rule)) ex (not (rule-comp rule)))
-				(nconc (list (list 1/4 (si 1/4 :l t t) (snd 3/4 nil t)) )
-				       (when *double-dotted-notes*
-					 (list (list 1/8 (si 1/8 :l t t) (snd 7/8 nil t))))))
-			      (when (and (al *shortlongshort-notes-level*) (or (initdivp rule) (rule-alt rule)) (or (initdivp rule) (rule-art rule))
-					 ex (or (not (rule-comp rule)) (>= num 4)))
-				(list (list '(1/4 3/4) (si 1/4 :l t t) (snd 1/2 t t) (si 1/4 :r t t))))	; longer note in middle
-			      (when (and *syncopated-notes-level* (al :top) (or (initdivp rule) (rule-alt rule)) (or (initdivp rule) (rule-art rule) (>= num 3))
-					 (not (rule-comp rule)))
-				(cond ((integerp num)
-				       (list (nconc (list (loop for i from 1/2 below num collect (/ i num)) ; regular off beat syncopation
-							  (snd (/ 1/2 num) t nil))
-						    (make-list (1- num) :initial-element (snd (/ num) nil nil))
-						    (list (snd (/ 1/2 num) nil t)))))
-				      ((= (denominator num) 2)
-				       (nconc (list (nconc (list (loop for i from 1 below num collect (/ i num))) ; regular off beat syncopation
-							   (make-list (- num 1/2) :initial-element (snd (/ num) nil nil))
-							   (list (snd (/ 1/2 num) nil t))))
-					      (list (nconc (list (loop for i from 1/2 below num collect (/ i num)) ; regular off beat syncopation
-								 (snd (/ 1/2 num) t nil))
-							   (make-list (- num 1/2) :initial-element (snd (/ num) nil nil))))))))
-			      (when (and tups mt (or (initdivp rule) (rule-alt rule)) (or (initdivp rule) (rule-art rule)))
-				(loop
-				 with nu = (if (rule-comp rule) (* num 3/2) num)
-				 for j of-type (integer 2) in (primes2 mt) ; only primes--number isn't actual tuplet, just division
-				 unless (expof2 (/ nu j))
-				 nconc (divs j nu))))))))
-		(unit			; unit is at divide-by-2 level
-		 (let ((ex (expof2 (rule-div rule))))
-		   (flet ((al (sy)
-			    (declare (type (member t :all :top :sig) sy))
-			    (find sy '(t :all)))
-			  (tu (n)
-			    (declare (type (rational (0) (1)) n))
-			    (when (rule-tup rule)
-			      (cons (* (the (rational (0)) (first (rule-tup rule))) n) (rest (rule-tup rule))))))
-		     (flet ((un (n wh al ar &optional d)
-			      (declare (type (rational (0) (1)) n) (type (member :l :r) wh) (type boolean al ar) (type (or (integer 1) null) d))
-			      (if (and (rule-sim rule) (<= (* (rule-sim rule) n) 1))
-				  (make-unit-nodiv :tup (tu n) :dmu (rule-dmu rule) :tlt t :trt t :comp (rule-comp rule) :rst t)
-				  (make-unit :div (if d (dv2 d) 2) :tup (tu n) :dmu (rule-dmu rule)
-					     :alt (if (eq wh :l) (and (rule-alt rule) al) (and (rule-alt rule) (rule-art rule) al))
-					     :art (if (eq wh :r) (and (rule-art rule) ar) (and (rule-alt rule) (rule-art rule) ar))
-					     :irr (not ex) :comp (rule-comp rule) :sim (when (rule-sim rule) (* (rule-sim rule) n)))))
-			    (und (n tl tr) (make-unit-nodiv :tup (tu n) :dmu (rule-dmu rule) :tlt tl :trt tr :comp (rule-comp rule))))
-		       (nconc (loop for nn of-type (integer 2) in (or (lowmult (rule-div rule)) '(2))
-				    nconc (loop for j from 1 below nn collect
-						(let ((x (/ j nn))
-						      (aa (and (expof2 j) (expof2 (- nn j)))))
-						  (list x (un x :l t aa j) (un (- 1 x) :r aa t (- nn j))))))
-			      (when (and (al *dotted-note-level*) (rule-alt rule) ex)
-				(nconc (list (list 3/4 (und 3/4 t nil) (un 1/4 :r t t))) ; dotted notes
-				       (when *double-dotted-notes*
-					 (list (list 7/8 (und 7/8 t nil) (un 1/8 :r t t))))))
-			      (when (and (al *dotted-note-level*) (rule-art rule) ex)
-				(nconc (list (list 1/4 (un 1/4 :l t t) (und 3/4 nil t)))
-				       (when *double-dotted-notes*
-					 (list (list 1/8 (un 1/8 :l t t) (und 7/8 nil t))))))
-			      (when (and (al *shortlongshort-notes-level*) (rule-alt rule) (rule-art rule) ex)
-				(list (list '(1/4 3/4) (un 1/4 :l t t) (und 1/2 t t) (un 1/4 :r t t))))	; longer note in middle
-			      (when #|(debugn-if (>= (length (rule-tup rule)) 1) "~A ~A ~A ~A"
-					       tups mt (or (initdivp rule) (rule-alt rule)) (or (initdivp rule) (rule-art rule))
-					       (and tups mt (or (initdivp rule) (rule-alt rule)) (or (initdivp rule) (rule-art rule))))|#
-				  (and tups mt (or (initdivp rule) (rule-alt rule)) (or (initdivp rule) (rule-art rule)))
-				(loop
-				 for j of-type (integer 2) in (primes2 mt) ; only primes--number isn't actual tuplet, just division
-				 unless (expof2 (/ (rule-div rule) j))
-				 nconc (divs j (rule-div rule) (rule-tup rule) (rule-dmu rule))))))))))
-	      (lambda (x0 y0)
-		(declare (type (cons (or cons (rational (0) (1))) *) x0 y0))
-		(let ((x (car x0)) (y (car y0)))
-		  (declare (type (or cons (rational (0) (1))) x y))
-		  (let ((xm (if (listp x) (the (rational (0) (1)) (ave-list x)) x))
-			(ym (if (listp y) (the (rational (0) (1)) (ave-list y)) y)))
-		    (let ((xd (diff xm 1/2))
-			  (yd (diff ym 1/2)))
-		      (if (= xd yd)
-			  (if (= xm ym)
-			      (cond ((listp x) t)
-				    ((listp y) nil))
-			      (> xm ym))
-			  (< xd yd)))))))))))
 (declaim (type (real (0)) *min-split-all-parts-dur*))
 (defparameter *min-split-all-parts-dur* 3/2)

Index: fomus/staves.lisp
diff -u fomus/staves.lisp:1.7 fomus/staves.lisp:1.8
--- fomus/staves.lisp:1.7	Sun Aug 21 21:17:41 2005
+++ fomus/staves.lisp	Sun Aug 28 06:32:47 2005
@@ -227,12 +227,12 @@
    (loop for e of-type (or noteex restex) in (part-events p) do (rmmark e :clef))
    ;;(addprop p (list :clef :percussion))
    else do
+   (get-usermarks (part-events p) :staff :startstaff- :staff- :endstaff-
+		  (lambda (e s)
+		    (declare (type (or noteex restex) e) (type list s))
+		    (if (notep e) (setf (event-userstaff e) (force-list (first s))) (addmark e (list :userstaff (first s)))))
+		  (part-name p))
    (multiple-value-bind (no re) (split-list (part-events p) #'notep)
-     (get-usermarks no :staff :startstaff- :staff- :endstaff-
-		    (lambda (e s)
-		      (declare (type (or noteex restex) e) (type list s))
-		      (setf (event-userstaff e) (force-list (first s))))
-		    (part-name p))
      (get-usermarks no :clef :startclef- :clef- :endclef-
 		    (lambda (e c)
 		      (declare (type (or noteex restex) e) (type list c))
@@ -249,12 +249,13 @@
     do (loop
 	with s of-type (or list (integer 1))
 	for e of-type (or noteex restex) in (sort g #'sort-offdur)
-	if (and (restp e) (null (event-userstaff e))) do (if (listp s) (push e s) (setf (event-staff* e) s))
+	if (and (restp e) (null (getmark e :userstaff))) do (if (listp s) (push e s) (setf (event-staff* e) s))
 	else do
-	(let ((v (if (restp e) (event-userstaff e) (event-staff e))))
-	  (if (listp s) 
+	(let ((v (if (restp e) (second (popmark e :userstaff)) (event-staff e))))
+	  (when v
+	    (when (listp s) 
 	      (mapc (lambda (x) (declare (type restex x)) (setf (event-staff* x) v)) s))
-	  (setf s v))))))
+	    (setf s v)))))))
 (defun clefs-generic (parts)
   (loop for p of-type partex in parts

Index: fomus/test.lisp
diff -u fomus/test.lisp:1.5 fomus/test.lisp:1.6
--- fomus/test.lisp:1.5	Sat Aug 27 20:13:21 2005
+++ fomus/test.lisp	Sun Aug 28 06:32:47 2005
@@ -527,6 +527,26 @@
 					   (1 :snaredrum)))))))
 ;; User Rests
+ :backend '((:data) (:lilypond :view t))
+ :verbose 2
+ :ensemble-type :orchestra
+ :parts
+ (list
+  (make-part
+   :name "Piano"
+   :instr :piano
+   :events
+   (cons (make-rest :off 19/2 :dur 2 :marks '(:fermata))
+	 (loop
+	  for off from 0 below 19/2 by 1/2
+	  collect (make-note :off off
+			     :dur 1/2
+			     :note (+ 48 (random 25))
+			     :marks (when (<= (random 3) 0)
+				      '(:staccato))))))))
 ;; Auto On/Offs
 ;; User Overrides
 ;; Auto Pizz/Arco

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