[FileMaker and Lisp] Do FM-PLUGIN-TOOLS work with FM 10?

Ralph Dratman ralph.dratman at gmail.com
Sat Jun 20 01:20:31 UTC 2009

To the mailing list:

Yesterday I sent the following message to Edi. He asked that I
redirect it here, where someone might know the answer. Thanks in
advance to anyone who replies.


Thank you for making FM-PLUGIN-TOOLS available.

Does that package work with FM 10?

If you're not sure and perhaps don't have time to test it, is there a
straightforward way for me to try that combination and determine
whether it is working properly?

Filemakre version 10 is, in my opinion, an excellent, stable release.
I'm currently using FM 10 with great success to build a small graphic
design company's job-tracking system.

Nevertheless, as always, Filemaker leaves some obvious capabilities
out of reach. I'd love to be able to add functionality, especially to
Filemaker's own development environment.

Thus I'd be most grateful for any indication of the status of your tools.

Best regards,


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