[flexi-streams-cvs] r61 - in branches/edi: . doc test

eweitz at common-lisp.net eweitz at common-lisp.net
Sun May 25 23:43:23 UTC 2008

Author: eweitz
Date: Sun May 25 19:43:22 2008
New Revision: 61

Ready for release

Modified: branches/edi/CHANGELOG
--- branches/edi/CHANGELOG	(original)
+++ branches/edi/CHANGELOG	Sun May 25 19:43:22 2008
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+Version 1.0.0
+More redesign for the sake of performance
+More checks for invalid data
+More tests
+Exported functions for length computation
 Version 0.15.3
 Avoid CHANGE-CLASS on LispWorks if possible

Modified: branches/edi/conditions.lisp
--- branches/edi/conditions.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/edi/conditions.lisp	Sun May 25 19:43:22 2008
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: COMMON-LISP; Package: FLEXI-STREAMS; Base: 10 -*-
-;;; $Header: /usr/local/cvsrep/flexi-streams/conditions.lisp,v 1.8 2008/05/25 03:07:58 edi Exp $
+;;; $Header: /usr/local/cvsrep/flexi-streams/conditions.lisp,v 1.9 2008/05/25 22:23:58 edi Exp $
 ;;; Copyright (c) 2005-2008, Dr. Edmund Weitz.  All rights reserved.
@@ -93,21 +93,11 @@
   (:documentation "Superclass for all errors related to external
-(define-condition external-format-warning (external-format-condition warning)
-  ()
-  (:documentation "Superclass for all warnings related to external
 (define-condition external-format-encoding-error (external-format-error)
   (:documentation "Errors of this type are signalled if there is an
 encoding problem."))
-(define-condition external-format-encoding-warning (external-format-warning)
-  ()
-  (:documentation "Warnings of this type are signalled if there is an
-encoding problem."))
 (defun signal-encoding-error (external-format format-control &rest format-args)
   "Convenience function similar to ERROR to signal conditions of type
@@ -116,11 +106,3 @@
          :format-control format-control
          :format-arguments format-args
          :external-format external-format))
-(defun signal-encoding-warning (external-format format-control &rest format-args)
-  "Convenience function similar to WARN to signal conditions of type
-  (warn 'external-format-encoding-warning
-        :format-control format-control
-        :format-arguments format-args
-        :external-format external-format))

Modified: branches/edi/decode.lisp
--- branches/edi/decode.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/edi/decode.lisp	Sun May 25 19:43:22 2008
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: COMMON-LISP; Package: FLEXI-STREAMS; Base: 10 -*-
-;;; $Header: /usr/local/cvsrep/flexi-streams/decode.lisp,v 1.26 2008/05/25 20:44:03 edi Exp $
+;;; $Header: /usr/local/cvsrep/flexi-streams/decode.lisp,v 1.29 2008/05/25 23:19:19 edi Exp $
 ;;; Copyright (c) 2005-2008, Dr. Edmund Weitz.  All rights reserved.
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@
          (declare #.*standard-optimize-settings*)
          (declare (fixnum start end))
          (let* ((i start)
-                (string-length (compute-number-of-chars format sequence start end nil))
+                (string-length (compute-number-of-chars format sequence start end))
                 (string (make-array string-length :element-type 'char*)))
            (declare (fixnum i string-length))
            (loop for j of-type fixnum from 0 below string-length
@@ -223,39 +223,46 @@
 encoding as LF-FORMAT-CLASS but with CR instead of LF line endings and
 similar for CRLF-FORMAT-CLASS, i.e. LF-FORMAT-CLASS is the base class.
 BODY is a code template for the code to read octets and return one
-character.  BODY must contain a symbol OCTET-GETTER representing the
-form which is used to obtain the next octet."
-  `(progn
-     (defmethod octets-to-char-code ((format ,lf-format-class) reader)
-       (declare #.*fixnum-optimize-settings*)
-       (declare (function reader))
-       (symbol-macrolet ((octet-getter (funcall reader)))
-         ,@(sublis '((char-decoder . octets-to-char-code))
-                   body)))
-     (define-sequence-readers (,lf-format-class) , at body)
-     (define-sequence-readers (,cr-format-class)
-       ,(with-unique-names (char-code)
-          `(let ((,char-code (progn , at body)))
-             (case ,char-code
-               (#.+cr+ #.(char-code #\Newline))
-               (otherwise ,char-code)))))
-     (define-sequence-readers  (,crlf-format-class)
-       ,(with-unique-names (char-code next-char-code get-char-code)
-          `(flet ((,get-char-code () , at body))
-             (let ((,char-code (,get-char-code)))
+character code.  BODY must contain a symbol OCTET-GETTER representing
+the form which is used to obtain the next octet."
+  (let* ((body (with-unique-names (char-code)
+                 `((let ((,char-code (progn , at body)))
+                     (when (and ,char-code
+                                (or (<= #xd8 (logand* #x00ff (ash* ,char-code -8)) #xdf)
+                                    (> ,char-code #x10ffff)))
+                       (recover-from-encoding-error format "Illegal code point ~A \(#x~:*~X)." ,char-code))
+                     ,char-code)))))
+    `(progn
+       (defmethod octets-to-char-code ((format ,lf-format-class) reader)
+         (declare #.*fixnum-optimize-settings*)
+         (declare (function reader))
+         (symbol-macrolet ((octet-getter (funcall reader)))
+           ,@(sublis '((char-decoder . octets-to-char-code))
+                     body)))
+       (define-sequence-readers (,lf-format-class) , at body)
+       (define-sequence-readers (,cr-format-class)
+         ,(with-unique-names (char-code)
+            `(let ((,char-code (progn , at body)))
                (case ,char-code
-                 (#.+cr+
-                  (let ((,next-char-code (,get-char-code)))
-                    (case ,next-char-code
-                      (#.+lf+ #.(char-code #\Newline))
-                      ;; we saw a CR but no LF afterwards, but then the data
-                      ;; ended, so we just return #\Return
-                      ((nil) +cr+)
-                      ;; if the character we peeked at wasn't a
-                      ;; linefeed character we unread its constituents
-                      (otherwise (unget (code-char ,next-char-code))
-                                 ,char-code))))
-                 (otherwise ,char-code))))))))
+                 (#.+cr+ #.(char-code #\Newline))
+                 (otherwise ,char-code)))))
+       (define-sequence-readers  (,crlf-format-class)
+         ,(with-unique-names (char-code next-char-code get-char-code)
+            `(flet ((,get-char-code () , at body))
+               (let ((,char-code (,get-char-code)))
+                 (case ,char-code
+                   (#.+cr+
+                    (let ((,next-char-code (,get-char-code)))
+                      (case ,next-char-code
+                        (#.+lf+ #.(char-code #\Newline))
+                        ;; we saw a CR but no LF afterwards, but then the data
+                        ;; ended, so we just return #\Return
+                        ((nil) +cr+)
+                        ;; if the character we peeked at wasn't a
+                        ;; linefeed character we unread its constituents
+                        (otherwise (unget (code-char ,next-char-code))
+                                   ,char-code))))
+                   (otherwise ,char-code)))))))))
 (define-char-decoders (flexi-latin-1-format flexi-cr-latin-1-format flexi-crlf-latin-1-format)
@@ -296,25 +303,28 @@
         (multiple-value-bind (start count)
             (cond ((not (logbitp 7 octet))
                    (values octet 0))
-                  ((= #b11000000 (logand octet #b11100000))
-                   (values (logand octet #b00011111) 1))
-                  ((= #b11100000 (logand octet #b11110000))
-                   (values (logand octet #b00001111) 2))
-                  ((= #b11110000 (logand octet #b11111000))
-                   (values (logand octet #b00000111) 3))
+                  ((= #b11000000 (logand* octet #b11100000))
+                   (when (= #b11000000 (logand* octet #b11111110))
+                     (return-from char-decoder
+                       (recover-from-encoding-error format
+                                                    "Illegal value #x~X leads to `overlong' UTF-8 sequence."
+                                                    octet)))
+                   (values (logand* octet #b00011111) 1))
+                  ((= #b11100000 (logand* octet #b11110000))
+                   (values (logand* octet #b00001111) 2))
+                  ((= #b11110000 (logand* octet #b11111000))
+                   (values (logand* octet #b00000111) 3))
                   (t (return-from char-decoder
                        (recover-from-encoding-error format
                                                     "Unexpected value #x~X at start of UTF-8 sequence."
           (declare (fixnum count))
-          ;; note that we currently don't check for "overlong"
-          ;; sequences or other illegal values
           (loop for result of-type code-point
-                = start then (+ (ash result 6)
-                                (logand octet #b111111))
+                = start then (+ (ash* result 6)
+                                (logand* octet #b111111))
                 repeat count
                 for octet of-type octet = (read-next-byte)
-                unless (= #b10000000 (logand octet #b11000000))
+                unless (= #b10000000 (logand* octet #b11000000))
                 do (return-from char-decoder
                      (recover-from-encoding-error format
                                                   "Unexpected value #x~X in UTF-8 sequence." octet))
@@ -334,7 +344,7 @@
                     (setq first-octet-seen t))))
       (flet ((read-next-word ()
                (+ (the octet (read-next-byte))
-                  (ash (the octet (read-next-byte)) 8))))
+                  (ash* (the octet (read-next-byte)) 8))))
         (declare (inline read-next-word))
         (let ((word (read-next-word)))
           (declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) word))
@@ -346,8 +356,8 @@
                        (recover-from-encoding-error format
                                                     "Unexpected UTF-16 word #x~X following #x~X."
                                                     next-word word)))
-                   (+ (ash (logand #b1111111111 word) 10)
-                      (logand #b1111111111 next-word)
+                   (+ (ash* (logand* #b1111111111 word) 10)
+                      (logand* #b1111111111 next-word)
                 (t word)))))))
@@ -364,7 +374,7 @@
                                 (t (return-from char-decoder nil))))
                     (setq first-octet-seen t))))
       (flet ((read-next-word ()
-               (+ (ash (the octet (read-next-byte)) 8)
+               (+ (ash* (the octet (read-next-byte)) 8)
                   (the octet (read-next-byte)))))
         (declare (inline read-next-word))
         (let ((word (read-next-word)))
@@ -377,8 +387,8 @@
                        (recover-from-encoding-error format
                                                     "Unexpected UTF-16 word #x~X following #x~X."
                                                     next-word word)))
-                   (+ (ash (logand #b1111111111 word) 10)
-                      (logand #b1111111111 next-word)
+                   (+ (ash* (logand* #b1111111111 word) 10)
+                      (logand* #b1111111111 next-word)
                 (t word)))))))
@@ -396,7 +406,7 @@
                     (setq first-octet-seen t))))
       (loop for count of-type fixnum from 0 to 24 by 8
             for octet of-type octet = (read-next-byte)
-            sum (ash octet count)))))
+            sum (ash* octet count)))))
 (define-char-decoders (flexi-utf-32-be-format flexi-cr-utf-32-be-format flexi-crlf-utf-32-be-format)
   (let (first-octet-seen)
@@ -412,7 +422,7 @@
                     (setq first-octet-seen t))))
       (loop for count of-type fixnum from 24 downto 0 by 8
             for octet of-type octet = (read-next-byte)
-            sum (ash octet count)))))
+            sum (ash* octet count)))))
 (defmethod octets-to-char-code ((format flexi-cr-mixin) reader)
   (declare #.*fixnum-optimize-settings*)

Modified: branches/edi/doc/index.html
--- branches/edi/doc/index.html	(original)
+++ branches/edi/doc/index.html	Sun May 25 19:43:22 2008
@@ -72,7 +72,6 @@
       <li><a href="#external-format-condition"><code>external-format-condition</code></a>
       <li><a href="#external-format-condition-external-format"><code>external-format-condition-external-format</code></a>
       <li><a href="#external-format-error"><code>external-format-error</code></a>
-      <li><a href="#external-format-warning"><code>external-format-warning</code></a>
       <li><a href="#external-format-encoding-error"><code>external-format-encoding-error</code></a>
       <li><a href="#*substitution-char*"><code>*substitution-char*</code></a>
@@ -229,7 +228,7 @@
 FLEXI-STREAMS together with this documentation can be downloaded from <a
 href="http://weitz.de/files/flexi-streams.tar.gz">http://weitz.de/files/flexi-streams.tar.gz</a>. The
-current version is 0.15.3.
+current version is 1.0.0.
 Before you install FLEXI-STREAMS you first need to
 install the <a
@@ -548,14 +547,6 @@
-<br><a class=none name="external-format-warning"><b>external-format-warning</b></a>
-All warnings related to <a href="#external-formats">external formats</a> are of this type.
-This is a subtype of <a href="#external-format-condition"><code>EXTERNAL-FORMAT-CONDITION</code></a>.
 <br><a class=none name="external-format-error"><b>external-format-error</b></a>
@@ -1063,7 +1054,7 @@
 The defaults for
 <code><i>start</i></code> and <code><i>end</i></code>
 are <code>0</code> and the length of the sequence.  The default
-for <code><i>external-format</i></code> is <code>:LATIN1</code>.
+for <code><i>external-format</i></code> is <code>:LATIN1</code>.  Note that this function doesn't check for the validity of the data in <code><i>sequence</i></code>.
 This function is optimized for the case
 of <code><i>sequence</i></code> being
@@ -1110,7 +1101,7 @@
 his work on making FLEXI-STREAMS faster.
-$Header: /usr/local/cvsrep/flexi-streams/doc/index.html,v 1.116 2008/05/25 19:07:55 edi Exp $
+$Header: /usr/local/cvsrep/flexi-streams/doc/index.html,v 1.119 2008/05/25 23:42:30 edi Exp $
 <p><a href="http://weitz.de/index.html">BACK TO MY HOMEPAGE</a>

Modified: branches/edi/flexi-streams.asd
--- branches/edi/flexi-streams.asd	(original)
+++ branches/edi/flexi-streams.asd	Sun May 25 19:43:22 2008
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: COMMON-LISP; Package: CL-USER; Base: 10 -*-
-;;; $Header: /usr/local/cvsrep/flexi-streams/flexi-streams.asd,v 1.70 2008/05/25 12:26:02 edi Exp $
+;;; $Header: /usr/local/cvsrep/flexi-streams/flexi-streams.asd,v 1.71 2008/05/25 23:42:28 edi Exp $
 ;;; Copyright (c) 2005-2008, Dr. Edmund Weitz.  All rights reserved.
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 (in-package :flexi-streams-system)
 (defsystem :flexi-streams
-  :version "0.15.3"
+  :version "1.0.0"
   :serial t
   :components ((:file "packages")
                (:file "mapping")

Modified: branches/edi/length.lisp
--- branches/edi/length.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/edi/length.lisp	Sun May 25 19:43:22 2008
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: COMMON-LISP; Package: FLEXI-STREAMS; Base: 10 -*-
-;;; $Header: /usr/local/cvsrep/flexi-streams/length.lisp,v 1.3 2008/05/25 20:15:28 edi Exp $
+;;; $Header: /usr/local/cvsrep/flexi-streams/length.lisp,v 1.4 2008/05/25 22:23:58 edi Exp $
 ;;; Copyright (c) 2005-2008, Dr. Edmund Weitz.  All rights reserved.
@@ -72,51 +72,50 @@
   ;; the estimate unexact
   (* 1.02d0 (call-next-method)))
-(defgeneric check-end (format start end i warnp)
+(defgeneric check-end (format start end i)
   (declare #.*fixnum-optimize-settings*)
   (:documentation "Helper function used below to determine if we tried
 to read past the end of the sequence.")
-  (:method (format start end i warnp)
+  (:method (format start end i)
    (declare #.*fixnum-optimize-settings*)
    (declare (fixnum start end i))
-   (when (and warnp (> i end))
-     (signal-encoding-warning format "These ~A octet~:P can't be ~
+   (when (> i end)
+     (signal-encoding-error format "These ~A octet~:P can't be ~
 decoded using ~A as the sequence is too short.  ~A octet~:P missing ~
 at then end."
-                              (- end start)
-                              (external-format-name format)
-                              (- i end))))
-  (:method ((format flexi-utf-16-format) start end i warnp)
+                            (- end start)
+                            (external-format-name format)
+                            (- i end))))
+  (:method ((format flexi-utf-16-format) start end i)
    (declare #.*fixnum-optimize-settings*)
    (declare (fixnum start end i))
-   (declare (ignore i warnp))
+   (declare (ignore i))
    ;; don't warn twice
    (when (evenp (- end start))
-(defgeneric compute-number-of-chars (format sequence start end warnp)
+(defgeneric compute-number-of-chars (format sequence start end)
   (declare #.*standard-optimize-settings*)
   (:documentation "Computes the exact number of characters required to
 decode the sequence of octets in SEQUENCE from START to END using the
-external format FORMAT.  If WARNP is NIL, warnings will be muffled."))
+external format FORMAT."))
-(defmethod compute-number-of-chars :around (format (list list) start end warnp)
+(defmethod compute-number-of-chars :around (format (list list) start end)
   (declare #.*standard-optimize-settings*)
-  (call-next-method format (coerce list 'vector) start end warnp))
+  (call-next-method format (coerce list 'vector) start end))
-(defmethod compute-number-of-chars ((format flexi-8-bit-format) sequence start end warnp)
+(defmethod compute-number-of-chars ((format flexi-8-bit-format) sequence start end)
   (declare #.*fixnum-optimize-settings*)
   (declare (fixnum start end))
-  (declare (ignore sequence warnp))
+  (declare (ignore sequence))
   (- end start))
-(defmethod compute-number-of-chars ((format flexi-crlf-mixin) sequence start end warnp)
+(defmethod compute-number-of-chars ((format flexi-crlf-mixin) sequence start end)
   ;; this method only applies to the 8-bit formats as all other
   ;; formats with CRLF line endings have their own specialized methods
   ;; below
   (declare #.*fixnum-optimize-settings*)
   (declare (fixnum start end) (vector sequence))
-  (declare (ignore warnp))
   (let ((i start)
         (length (- end start)))
     (declare (fixnum i length))
@@ -130,7 +129,7 @@
        (decf length)))
-(defmethod compute-number-of-chars ((format flexi-utf-8-format) sequence start end warnp)
+(defmethod compute-number-of-chars ((format flexi-utf-8-format) sequence start end)
   (declare #.*fixnum-optimize-settings*)
   (declare (fixnum start end) (vector sequence))
   (let ((sum 0)
@@ -140,17 +139,18 @@
      (when (>= i end)
      (let* ((octet (aref sequence i))
+            ;; note that there are no validity checks here
             (length (cond ((not (logbitp 7 octet)) 1)
-                          ((= #b11000000 (logand octet #b11100000)) 2)
-                          ((= #b11100000 (logand octet #b11110000)) 3)
+                          ((= #b11000000 (logand* octet #b11100000)) 2)
+                          ((= #b11100000 (logand* octet #b11110000)) 3)
                           (t 4))))
        (declare (fixnum length) (type octet octet))
        (incf sum)
        (incf i length)))
-    (check-end format start end i warnp)
+    (check-end format start end i)
-(defmethod compute-number-of-chars ((format flexi-crlf-utf-8-format) sequence start end warnp)
+(defmethod compute-number-of-chars ((format flexi-crlf-utf-8-format) sequence start end)
   (declare #.*fixnum-optimize-settings*)
   (declare (fixnum start end) (vector sequence))
   (let ((sum 0)
@@ -161,28 +161,29 @@
      (when (>= i end)
      (let* ((octet (aref sequence i))
+            ;; note that there are no validity checks here
             (length (cond ((not (logbitp 7 octet)) 1)
-                          ((= #b11000000 (logand octet #b11100000)) 2)
-                          ((= #b11100000 (logand octet #b11110000)) 3)
+                          ((= #b11000000 (logand* octet #b11100000)) 2)
+                          ((= #b11100000 (logand* octet #b11110000)) 3)
                           (t 4))))
        (declare (fixnum length) (type octet octet))
        (unless (and (= octet +lf+) (= last-octet +cr+))
          (incf sum))
        (incf i length)
        (setq last-octet octet)))
-    (check-end format start end i warnp)
+    (check-end format start end i)
-(defmethod compute-number-of-chars :before ((format flexi-utf-16-format) sequence start end warnp)
+(defmethod compute-number-of-chars :before ((format flexi-utf-16-format) sequence start end)
   (declare #.*fixnum-optimize-settings*)
   (declare (fixnum start end) (vector sequence))
   (declare (ignore sequence))
-  (when (and warnp (oddp (- end start)))
-    (signal-encoding-warning format "~A octet~:P cannot be decoded ~
+  (when (oddp (- end start))
+    (signal-encoding-error format "~A octet~:P cannot be decoded ~
 using UTF-16 as ~:*~A is not even."
-                             (- end start))))  
+                           (- end start))))
-(defmethod compute-number-of-chars ((format flexi-utf-16-le-format) sequence start end warnp)
+(defmethod compute-number-of-chars ((format flexi-utf-16-le-format) sequence start end)
   (declare #.*fixnum-optimize-settings*)
   (declare (fixnum start end))
   (let ((sum 0)
@@ -198,10 +199,10 @@
        (declare (fixnum length) (type octet high-octet))
        (incf sum)
        (incf i length)))
-    (check-end format start (+ end 2) i warnp)
+    (check-end format start (+ end 2) i)
-(defmethod compute-number-of-chars ((format flexi-utf-16-be-format) sequence start end warnp)
+(defmethod compute-number-of-chars ((format flexi-utf-16-be-format) sequence start end)
   (declare #.*fixnum-optimize-settings*)
   (declare (fixnum start end) (vector sequence))
   (let ((sum 0)
@@ -217,10 +218,10 @@
        (declare (fixnum length) (type octet high-octet))
        (incf sum)
        (incf i length)))
-    (check-end format start (+ end 2) i warnp)
+    (check-end format start (+ end 2) i)
-(defmethod compute-number-of-chars ((format flexi-crlf-utf-16-le-format) sequence start end warnp)
+(defmethod compute-number-of-chars ((format flexi-crlf-utf-16-le-format) sequence start end)
   (declare #.*fixnum-optimize-settings*)
   (declare (fixnum start end) (vector sequence))
   (let ((sum 0)
@@ -243,10 +244,10 @@
                           (aref sequence i)
        (incf i length)))
-    (check-end format start (+ end 2) i warnp)
+    (check-end format start (+ end 2) i)
-(defmethod compute-number-of-chars ((format flexi-crlf-utf-16-be-format) sequence start end warnp)
+(defmethod compute-number-of-chars ((format flexi-crlf-utf-16-be-format) sequence start end)
   (declare #.*fixnum-optimize-settings*)
   (declare (fixnum start end) (vector sequence))
   (let ((sum 0)
@@ -269,29 +270,28 @@
                           (aref sequence (1+ i))
        (incf i length)))
-    (check-end format start (+ end 2) i warnp)
+    (check-end format start (+ end 2) i)
-(defmethod compute-number-of-chars :before ((format flexi-utf-32-format) sequence start end warnp)
+(defmethod compute-number-of-chars :before ((format flexi-utf-32-format) sequence start end)
   (declare #.*fixnum-optimize-settings*)
   (declare (fixnum start end))
   (declare (ignore sequence))
   (let ((length (- end start)))
-    (when (and warnp (plusp (mod length 4)))
-      (signal-encoding-warning format "~A octet~:P cannot be decoded ~
+    (when (plusp (mod length 4))
+      (signal-encoding-error format "~A octet~:P cannot be decoded ~
 using UTF-32 as ~:*~A is not a multiple-value of four."
-                               length))))
+                             length))))
-(defmethod compute-number-of-chars ((format flexi-utf-32-format) sequence start end warnp)
+(defmethod compute-number-of-chars ((format flexi-utf-32-format) sequence start end)
   (declare #.*fixnum-optimize-settings*)
   (declare (fixnum start end))
-  (declare (ignore sequence warnp))
+  (declare (ignore sequence))
   (ceiling (- end start) 4))
-(defmethod compute-number-of-chars ((format flexi-crlf-utf-32-le-format) sequence start end warnp)
+(defmethod compute-number-of-chars ((format flexi-crlf-utf-32-le-format) sequence start end)
   (declare #.*fixnum-optimize-settings*)
   (declare (fixnum start end) (vector sequence))
-  (declare (ignore warnp))
   (let ((i start)
         (length (ceiling (- end start) 4)))
     (decf end 8)
@@ -306,10 +306,9 @@
            (t (incf i 4))))
-(defmethod compute-number-of-chars ((format flexi-crlf-utf-32-be-format) sequence start end warnp)
+(defmethod compute-number-of-chars ((format flexi-crlf-utf-32-be-format) sequence start end)
   (declare #.*fixnum-optimize-settings*)
   (declare (fixnum start end) (vector sequence))
-  (declare (ignore warnp))
   (let ((i start)
         (length (ceiling (- end start) 4)))
     (decf end 8)

Modified: branches/edi/packages.lisp
--- branches/edi/packages.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/edi/packages.lisp	Sun May 25 19:43:22 2008
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: COMMON-LISP; Package: CL-USER; Base: 10 -*-
-;;; $Header: /usr/local/cvsrep/flexi-streams/packages.lisp,v 1.37 2008/05/25 03:07:59 edi Exp $
+;;; $Header: /usr/local/cvsrep/flexi-streams/packages.lisp,v 1.38 2008/05/25 22:23:58 edi Exp $
 ;;; Copyright (c) 2005-2008, Dr. Edmund Weitz.  All rights reserved.
@@ -46,12 +46,10 @@
-           :external-format-encoding-warning
-           :external-format-warning

Modified: branches/edi/strings.lisp
--- branches/edi/strings.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/edi/strings.lisp	Sun May 25 19:43:22 2008
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: COMMON-LISP; Package: FLEXI-STREAMS; Base: 10 -*-
-;;; $Header: /usr/local/cvsrep/flexi-streams/strings.lisp,v 1.30 2008/05/25 19:07:53 edi Exp $
+;;; $Header: /usr/local/cvsrep/flexi-streams/strings.lisp,v 1.32 2008/05/25 23:09:13 edi Exp $
 ;;; Copyright (c) 2005-2008, Dr. Edmund Weitz.  All rights reserved.
@@ -72,11 +72,12 @@
 (defun char-length (sequence &key (external-format :latin1) (start 0) (end (length sequence)))
   "Kind of the inverse of OCTET-LENGTH.  Returns the length of the
 subsequence \(of octets) of SEQUENCE from START to END in characters
-if decoded using the external format EXTERNAL-FORMAT.
+if decoded using the external format EXTERNAL-FORMAT.  Note that this
+function doesn't check for the validity of the data in SEQUENCE.
 This function is optimized for the case of SEQUENCE being a vector.
 Don't use lists if you're in a hurry."
   (declare #.*standard-optimize-settings*)
   (declare (fixnum start end))
   (setq external-format (maybe-convert-external-format external-format))
-  (compute-number-of-chars external-format sequence start end t))
+  (compute-number-of-chars external-format sequence start end))

Modified: branches/edi/test/test.lisp
--- branches/edi/test/test.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/edi/test/test.lisp	Sun May 25 19:43:22 2008
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: COMMON-LISP; Package: FLEXI-STREAMS-TEST; Base: 10 -*-
-;;; $Header: /usr/local/cvsrep/flexi-streams/test/test.lisp,v 1.33 2008/05/25 03:08:02 edi Exp $
+;;; $Header: /usr/local/cvsrep/flexi-streams/test/test.lisp,v 1.35 2008/05/25 23:10:47 edi Exp $
 ;;; Copyright (c) 2006-2008, Dr. Edmund Weitz.  All rights reserved.
@@ -29,6 +29,48 @@
 (in-package :flexi-streams-test)
+(defmacro with-test ((test-description) &body body)
+  "Defines a test.  Two utilities are available inside of the body of
+the maco: The function FAIL, and the macro CHECK.  FAIL, the lowest
+level utility, marks the test defined by WITH-TEST as failed.  CHECK
+checks whether its argument is true, otherwise it calls FAIL. If
+during evaluation of the specified expression any condition is
+signalled, this is also considered a failure.
+WITH-TEST prints reports while the tests run.  It also increments
+*TEST-SUCCESS-COUNT* if a test completes successfully."
+  (flex::with-unique-names (successp)
+    `(let ((,successp t))
+       (flet ((fail (format-str &rest format-args)
+                (setf ,successp nil)
+                (apply #'format *error-output* format-str format-args)))
+         (macrolet ((check (expression)
+                      `(handler-case
+                           (unless ,expression
+                             (fail "Expression ~S failed.~%" ',expression))
+                         (error (c)
+                           (fail "Expression ~S failed signalling error of type ~A: ~A.~%" 
+                                 ',expression (type-of c) c))))
+                    (with-expected-error ((condition-type) &body body)
+                      `(handler-case (progn , at body)
+                         (,condition-type () t)
+                         (:no-error (&rest args)
+                           (declare (ignore args))                           
+                           (fail "Expected condition ~S not signalled~%"
+                                 ',condition-type)))))
+           (format *error-output* "Test ~S~%" ,test-description)
+           , at body
+           (if ,successp
+             (incf *test-success-counter*)
+             (format *error-output* "    Test failed!!!~%"))
+           (terpri *error-output*)
+           (terpri *error-output*))
+         ,successp))))
+;; LW can't indent this correctly because it's in a MACROLET
+(editor:setup-indent "with-expected-error" 1 2 4)
 (defconstant +buffer-size+ 8192
   "Size of buffers for COPY-STREAM* below.")
@@ -245,37 +287,6 @@
       (setf (fill-pointer string) (read-sequence string in))
-(defmacro with-test ((test-description) &body body)
-  "Defines a test.  Two utilities are available inside of the body of
-the maco: The function FAIL, and the macro CHECK.  FAIL, the lowest
-level utility, marks the test defined by WITH-TEST as failed.  CHECK
-checks whether its argument is true, otherwise it calls FAIL. If
-during evaluation of the specified expression any condition is
-signalled, this is also considered a failure.
-WITH-TEST prints reports while the tests run.  It also increments
-*TEST-SUCCESS-COUNT* if a test completes successfully."
-  (flex::with-unique-names (successp)
-    `(let ((,successp t))
-       (flet ((fail (format-str &rest format-args)
-                (setf ,successp nil)
-                (apply #'format *error-output* format-str format-args)))
-         (macrolet ((check (expression)
-                      `(handler-case
-                           (unless ,expression
-                             (fail "Expression ~S failed.~%" ',expression))
-                         (error (c)
-                           (fail "Expression ~S failed signalling error of type ~A: ~A.~%" 
-                                 ',expression (type-of c) c)))))
-           (format *error-output* "Test ~S~%" ,test-description)
-           , at body
-           (if ,successp
-             (incf *test-success-counter*)
-             (format *error-output* "    Test failed!!!~%"))
-           (terpri *error-output*)
-           (terpri *error-output*))
-         ,successp))))
 (defun old-string-to-octets (string &key
                                     (external-format (make-external-format :latin1))
                                     (start 0) end)
@@ -460,7 +471,51 @@
 (defun error-handling-test ()
   "Tests several possible errors and how they are handled."
-  (with-test ("Handling of errors.")
+  (with-test ("Illegal values.")
+    (macrolet ((want-encoding-error (input format)
+                 `(with-expected-error (external-format-encoding-error)
+                    (read-flexi-line* ,input ,format))))
+      ;; "overlong"
+      (want-encoding-error #(#b11000000) :utf-8)
+      (want-encoding-error #(#b11000001) :utf-8)
+      ;; examples of invalid lead octets
+      (want-encoding-error #(#b11111000) :utf-8)
+      (want-encoding-error #(#b11111001) :utf-8)
+      (want-encoding-error #(#b11111100) :utf-8)
+      (want-encoding-error #(#b11111101) :utf-8)
+      (want-encoding-error #(#b11111110) :utf-8)
+      (want-encoding-error #(#b11111111) :utf-8)
+      ;; illegal code points
+      (want-encoding-error #(#x00 #x00 #x11 #x00) :utf-32le)
+      (want-encoding-error #(#x00 #xd8) :utf-16le)
+      (want-encoding-error #(#xff #xdf) :utf-16le)))
+  (with-test ("Illegal lengths.")
+    (macrolet ((want-encoding-error (input format)
+                 `(with-expected-error (external-format-encoding-error)
+                    (read-flexi-line* ,input ,format))))                 
+      ;; UTF-8 sequences which are too short
+      (want-encoding-error #(#xe4 #xf6 #xfc) :utf8)
+      (want-encoding-error #(#xc0) :utf8)
+      (want-encoding-error #(#xe0 #xff) :utf8)
+      (want-encoding-error #(#xf0 #xff #xff) :utf8)
+      ;; UTF-16 wants an even number of octets
+      (want-encoding-error #(#x01) :utf-16le)
+      (want-encoding-error #(#x01 #x01 #x01) :utf-16le)
+      (want-encoding-error #(#x01) :utf-16be)
+      (want-encoding-error #(#x01 #x01 #x01) :utf-16be)
+      ;; another word should follow but it doesn't
+      (want-encoding-error #(#x01 #xd8) :utf-16le)
+      (want-encoding-error #(#xd8 #x01) :utf-16be)
+      ;; UTF-32 always wants four octets
+      (want-encoding-error #(#x01) :utf-32le)
+      (want-encoding-error #(#x01 #x01) :utf-32le)
+      (want-encoding-error #(#x01 #x01 #x01) :utf-32le)
+      (want-encoding-error #(#x01 #x01 #x01 #x01 #x01) :utf-32le)
+      (want-encoding-error #(#x01) :utf-32be)
+      (want-encoding-error #(#x01 #x01) :utf-32be)
+      (want-encoding-error #(#x01 #x01 #x01) :utf-32be)
+      (want-encoding-error #(#x01 #x01 #x01 #x01 #x01) :utf-32be)))
+  (with-test ("Errors while decoding and substitution of characters.")
     ;; handling of EOF in the middle of CRLF
     (check (string= #.(string #\Return)
                     (read-flexi-line `(,(char-code #\Return)) '(:ascii :eol-style :crlf))))
@@ -472,11 +527,7 @@
       (check (string= "a??" (read-flexi-line `(,(char-code #\a) 170 210) :windows-1253)))
       (check (string= "a??" (read-flexi-line* `#(,(char-code #\a) 170 210) :windows-1253)))
       ;; not a valid UTF-8 sequence
-      (check (string= "??" (read-flexi-line '(#xe4 #xf6 #xfc) :utf8)))
-      (check (string= "?" (read-flexi-line* #(#xe4 #xf6 #xfc) :utf8)))
-      ;; UTF-8 can't start neither with #b11111110 nor with #b11111111
-      (check (string= "??" (read-flexi-line '(#b11111110 #b11111111) :utf8)))
-      (check (string= "?" (read-flexi-line* #(#b11111110 #b11111111) :utf8))))
+      (check (string= "??" (read-flexi-line '(#xe4 #xf6 #xfc) :utf8))))
     (let ((*substitution-char* nil))
       ;; :ASCII doesn't have characters with char codes > 127
       (check (string= "abc" (using-values (#\b #\c)
@@ -490,16 +541,12 @@
                               (read-flexi-line* `#(,(char-code #\a) 170 210) :windows-1253))))
       ;; not a valid UTF-8 sequence
       (check (string= "QW" (using-values (#\Q #\W) (read-flexi-line '(#xe4 #xf6 #xfc) :utf8))))
-      (check (string= "Q" (using-values (#\Q) (read-flexi-line* #(#xe4 #xf6 #xfc) :utf8))))
       ;; UTF-8 can't start neither with #b11111110 nor with #b11111111
       (check (string= "QW" (using-values (#\Q #\W) (read-flexi-line '(#b11111110 #b11111111) :utf8))))
-      (check (string= "Q" (using-values (#\Q) (read-flexi-line* #(#b11111110 #b11111111) :utf8))))
       ;; only one byte
       (check (string= "E" (using-values (#\E) (read-flexi-line '(#x01) :utf-16le))))
-      (check (string= "" (read-flexi-line* #(#x01) :utf-16le)))
       ;; two bytes, but value of resulting word suggests that another word follows
       (check (string= "R" (using-values (#\R) (read-flexi-line '(#x01 #xd8) :utf-16le))))
-      (check (string= "R" (using-values (#\R) (read-flexi-line* #(#x01 #xd8) :utf-16le))))
       ;; the second word must fit into the [#xdc00; #xdfff] interval, but it is #xdbff
       (check (string= "T" (using-values (#\T) (read-flexi-line '(#x01 #xd8 #xff #xdb) :utf-16le))))
       (check (string= "T" (using-values (#\T) (read-flexi-line* #(#x01 #xd8 #xff #xdb) :utf-16le))))
@@ -507,11 +554,10 @@
       (check (string= "E" (using-values (#\E) (read-flexi-line '(#x01) :utf-16be))))
       (check (string= "R" (using-values (#\R) (read-flexi-line '(#xd8 #x01) :utf-16be))))
       (check (string= "T" (using-values (#\T) (read-flexi-line '(#xd8 #x01 #xdb #xff) :utf-16be))))
-      (check (string= "" (read-flexi-line* #(#x01) :utf-16be)))
-      (check (string= "R" (using-values (#\R) (read-flexi-line* #(#xd8 #x01) :utf-16be))))
       (check (string= "T" (using-values (#\T) (read-flexi-line* #(#xd8 #x01 #xdb #xff) :utf-16be))))
-      ;; the only case when error is signalled for UTF-32 is at end of file
-      ;; in the middle of 4-byte sequence, both for big and little endian
+      ;; the only case when errors are signalled for UTF-32 is at end
+      ;; of file in the middle of 4-byte sequence, both for big and
+      ;; little endian
       (check (string= "Y" (using-values (#\Y) (read-flexi-line '(#x01) :utf-32le))))
       (check (string= "Y" (using-values (#\Y) (read-flexi-line '(#x01 #x01) :utf-32le))))
       (check (string= "Y" (using-values (#\Y) (read-flexi-line '(#x01 #x01 #x01) :utf-32le))))
@@ -521,17 +567,7 @@
       (check (string= "Y" (using-values (#\Y) (read-flexi-line '(#x01 #x01) :utf-32be))))
       (check (string= "Y" (using-values (#\Y) (read-flexi-line '(#x01 #x01 #x01) :utf-32be))))
       (check (string= "aY" (using-values (#\Y)
-                             (read-flexi-line `(#x00 #x00 #x00 ,(char-code #\a) #x01) :utf-32be))))
-      (check (string= "Y" (using-values (#\Y) (read-flexi-line* #(#x01) :utf-32le))))
-      (check (string= "Y" (using-values (#\Y) (read-flexi-line* #(#x01 #x01) :utf-32le))))
-      (check (string= "Y" (using-values (#\Y) (read-flexi-line* #(#x01 #x01 #x01) :utf-32le))))
-      (check (string= "aY" (using-values (#\Y)
-                             (read-flexi-line* `#(,(char-code #\a) #x00 #x00 #x00 #x01) :utf-32le))))
-      (check (string= "Y" (using-values (#\Y) (read-flexi-line* #(#x01) :utf-32be))))
-      (check (string= "Y" (using-values (#\Y) (read-flexi-line* #(#x01 #x01) :utf-32be))))
-      (check (string= "Y" (using-values (#\Y) (read-flexi-line* #(#x01 #x01 #x01) :utf-32be))))
-      (check (string= "aY" (using-values (#\Y)
-                             (read-flexi-line* `#(#x00 #x00 #x00 ,(char-code #\a) #x01) :utf-32be)))))))
+                             (read-flexi-line `(#x00 #x00 #x00 ,(char-code #\a) #x01) :utf-32be)))))))
 (defun unread-char-test ()
   "Tests whether UNREAD-CHAR behaves as expected."
@@ -572,7 +608,7 @@
       (incf no-tests (length read-sequence-test-args-list))
       (dolist (args read-sequence-test-args-list)
         (apply 'sequence-test args)))
-    (incf no-tests)
+    (incf no-tests 3)
     (incf no-tests)

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