[flexi-streams-cvs] r41 - in branches/edi: . doc

eweitz at common-lisp.net eweitz at common-lisp.net
Wed May 21 01:18:59 UTC 2008

Author: eweitz
Date: Tue May 20 21:18:58 2008
New Revision: 41


Modified: branches/edi/CHANGELOG
--- branches/edi/CHANGELOG	(original)
+++ branches/edi/CHANGELOG	Tue May 20 21:18:58 2008
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+Complete redesign, various additions, bugfixes, performance improvements (with the help of Hans Hübner)
 Version 0.14.0
 Some fixes for LispWorks (when the underlying stream is a character stream)

Modified: branches/edi/doc/index.html
--- branches/edi/doc/index.html	(original)
+++ branches/edi/doc/index.html	Tue May 20 21:18:58 2008
@@ -1037,10 +1037,12 @@
 Thanks to David Lichteblau for numerous portability patches.  Thanks
 to Igor Plekhov for the KOI8-R code.  Thanks to Anton Vodonosov for
-numerous patches and additions.
+numerous patches and additions.  Thanks
+to <a href="http://netzhansa.blogspot.com/">Hans Hübner</a> for
+his work on making FLEXI-STREAMS faster.
-$Header: /usr/local/cvsrep/flexi-streams/doc/index.html,v 1.105 2008/05/20 23:44:47 edi Exp $
+$Header: /usr/local/cvsrep/flexi-streams/doc/index.html,v 1.106 2008/05/21 01:06:45 edi Exp $
 <p><a href="http://weitz.de/index.html">BACK TO MY HOMEPAGE</a>

Modified: branches/edi/output.lisp
--- branches/edi/output.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/edi/output.lisp	Tue May 20 21:18:58 2008
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: COMMON-LISP; Package: FLEXI-STREAMS; Base: 10 -*-
-;;; $Header: /usr/local/cvsrep/flexi-streams/output.lisp,v 1.57 2008/05/21 00:04:58 edi Exp $
+;;; $Header: /usr/local/cvsrep/flexi-streams/output.lisp,v 1.59 2008/05/21 01:17:45 edi Exp $
 ;;; Copyright (c) 2005-2008, Dr. Edmund Weitz.  All rights reserved.
@@ -129,66 +129,71 @@
   ;; needed for AllegroCL - grrr...
   (stream-write-char stream #\Newline))
-(defmethod stream-write-sequence ((flexi-output-stream flexi-output-stream) sequence start end &key)
-  "Writes all elements of the sequence SEQUENCE from START to END
-to the underlying stream.  The elements can be either octets or
-characters.  Characters are output according to the current
-encoding \(external format) of the FLEXI-OUTPUT-STREAM object
-  (declare #.*standard-optimize-settings*)
+(defmethod stream-write-sequence ((stream flexi-output-stream) sequence start end &key)
+;  (declare #.*standard-optimize-settings*)
   (declare (fixnum start end))
-  (with-accessors ((stream flexi-stream-stream)
-                   (column flexi-stream-column))
-      flexi-output-stream
-    (cond ((and (arrayp sequence)
-                (subtypep (array-element-type sequence) 'octet))
-           ;; set column to NIL because we don't know how to handle binary
-           ;; output mixed with character output
-           (setq column nil)
-           (write-sequence sequence stream :start start :end end))
-          (t (loop for index from start below end
-                   for element = (elt sequence index)
-                   when (characterp element) do
-                   (stream-write-char flexi-output-stream element)
-                   else do
-                   (stream-write-byte flexi-output-stream element))
-             sequence))))
-(defmethod stream-write-sequence ((stream flexi-output-stream) (sequence string) start end &key)
-  "Optimized method for the cases where SEQUENCE is a string.  Fills
-an internal buffer and uses repeated calls to WRITE-SEQUENCE to write
-to the underlying stream."
-  (declare #.*standard-optimize-settings*)
-  (declare (fixnum start end))
-  ;; don't use this optimized method for bivalent character streams on
-  ;; LispWorks, as it currently gets confused by the fill pointer
-  #+:lispworks
-  (unless (typep stream 'flexi-binary-output-stream)
-    (return-from stream-write-sequence
-      (call-next-method)))
-  (let ((buffer (make-array (+ +buffer-size+ 20)
-                            :element-type 'octet
-                            :fill-pointer 0))
-        (last-newline-pos (position #\Newline sequence
-                                    :test #'char=
-                                    :start start
-                                    :end end
-                                    :from-end t)))
-    (loop with format = (flexi-stream-external-format stream)
-          for index from start below end      
-          do (char-to-octets format
-                             (aref sequence index)
-                             (lambda (octet)
-                               (vector-push octet buffer)))
-          when (>= (fill-pointer buffer) +buffer-size+) do
-          (write-sequence buffer (flexi-stream-stream stream))
-          (setf (fill-pointer buffer) 0)
-          finally (when (>= (fill-pointer buffer) 0)
-                    (write-sequence buffer (flexi-stream-stream stream))))
-    (setf (flexi-stream-column stream)
-          (cond (last-newline-pos (- end last-newline-pos 1))
-                ((flexi-stream-column stream)
-                 (+ (flexi-stream-column stream) (- end start))))))
+  (with-accessors ((column flexi-stream-column)
+                   (external-format flexi-stream-external-format)
+                   (stream flexi-stream-stream))
+      stream
+    (let* ((octet-seen-p nil)
+           (buffer-pos 0)
+           ;; whether we might receive characters and thus the number
+           ;; of octets to output might not be equal to the number of
+           ;; sequence elements to write
+           (chars-p (or (listp sequence)
+                        (and (vectorp sequence)
+                             (not (subtypep (array-element-type sequence) 'integer)))))
+           (factor (if chars-p (encoding-factor external-format) 1))
+           (buffer-size (min +buffer-size+ (ceiling (* factor (- end start)))))
+           (buffer (make-octet-buffer buffer-size)))
+      (declare (fixnum buffer-pos buffer-size)
+               (boolean octet-seen-p)
+               (type (array octet *) buffer))
+      (labels ((flush-buffer ()
+                 (write-sequence buffer stream :end buffer-pos)
+                 (setq buffer-pos 0))
+               (write-octet (octet)
+                 (declare (octet octet))
+                 (when (>= buffer-pos buffer-size)
+                   (flush-buffer))
+                 (setf (aref buffer buffer-pos) octet)
+                 (incf buffer-pos))
+               (write-character (char)
+                 (char-to-octets external-format char #'write-octet))
+               (write-object (object)
+                 (etypecase object
+                   (octet (setq octet-seen-p t)
+                          (write-octet object))
+                   (character (write-character object)))))
+        (declare (dynamic-extent (function write-octet)))
+        (macrolet ((iterate (octets-p output-form)
+                     `(progn
+                        ,@(if octets-p '((setq octet-seen-p t)))
+                        (loop for index of-type fixnum from start below end
+                              do ,output-form
+                              finally (when (plusp buffer-pos)
+                                        (flush-buffer))))))
+          (etypecase sequence
+            (string (iterate nil (write-character (char sequence index))))
+            (array
+             (let ((array-element-type (array-element-type sequence)))
+               (cond ((type-equal array-element-type 'octet)
+                      (iterate t (write-octet (aref (the (array octet *) sequence) index))))
+                     ((subtypep array-element-type 'integer)
+                      (iterate t (write-octet (aref sequence index))))
+                     (t (iterate nil (write-object (aref sequence index)))))))
+            (list (iterate nil (write-object (nth index sequence)))))
+          (setq column
+                (cond (octet-seen-p nil)
+                      (t (let ((last-newline-pos (position #\Newline sequence
+                                                           :test #'char=
+                                                           :start start
+                                                           :end end
+                                                           :from-end t)))
+                           (cond (last-newline-pos (- end last-newline-pos 1))
+                                 (column (+ column (- end start))))))))))))
 (defmethod stream-write-string ((stream flexi-output-stream) string

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