PATCH: SIGNAL a condition on test failures, for use with ASDF:TEST-SYSTEM

Vladimir Sedach vas at
Sun Sep 15 19:15:34 UTC 2019

Robert Goldman <rpgoldman at> writes:
> Vladimir -- maybe compare this suggestion with what is in the
> fiveam-asdf contrib in the ASDF repo?

Yes, I looked at fiveam-asdf before doing this. I think the two have
very different goals: fiveam-asdf is a comprehensive integration of
FiveAM into ASDF, while what I am proposing is a minimal signal
protocol that is easy to add to any testing library.

> This could be done by having an `ASDF-SINGLE-TEST-FAILURE` and an
> `ASDF-TEST-FAILURE` and raising the first at each failure, but by
> default trapping them and bundling them into the `ASDF-TEST-FAILURE`
> condition.

What is the use case for this? It would be a lot more complicated for
test libraries to implement, and I cannot think of any scenarios
where I would need that.

> It might make sense to bundle FiveAM's test report *into* the
> `ASDF-TEST-FAILURE` (or subclass thereof), so that it can be printed
> at an appropriate time.

Yes, that is what my patch to FiveAM does:


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