[fiveam-devel] how do you use fiveam?

Marco Baringer mb at bese.it
Mon Dec 10 08:14:04 UTC 2012


  i've been thinking about the def-suite* vs in-suite* thing, and
  talking to some people who use fiveam, and i realized that even though
  i'd like to optimize fiveam's api for the "common case," the only
  common case i know of is me. and i'm not always the most common user.

  if you have 5 minutes (or 10), i'd really appreciate it if you could
  tell me:

  1 - do you use test suites?

  1a - if so, do you generally have one suite you're working on or do
  you switch from suite to suite regularly?

  2 - do you run tests via asdf (or whatever) regularly?

  3 - do you C-cC-c single tests in a file or do you just recompile
  entire files?

  4 - do you use *debug-on-failure* ?

  5 - do you test before the code runs or do you test to check that the
  code does actually run?

  6 - do you cut 'n paste repl interactions to write your test from?

  7 - have you ever used the function 5am:! ?


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