[eurolisp] ELS'08 News!

Marco Antoniotti marcoxa at cs.nyu.edu
Wed Mar 19 00:00:33 UTC 2008

Hi Pascal,

just one note on the site.  We need information about the best ways  
to get to Bordeaux (hopefully without going through Paris :) )


On Mar 18, 2008, at 23:07 , Pascal Costanza wrote:

> Hi everybody,
> Here are some news about the upcoming 1st European Lisp Symposium,  
> that will take place in Bordeaux/France on May 22-23, 2008. See  
> http://prog.vub.ac.be/~pcostanza/els08/ for up-to-date information  
> about the symposium.
> First of all, registration is now open to everybody, and you can  
> register for the symposium and the accompanying social event at the  
> symposium website.
> There is no programme yet, because the paper submissions are  
> currently still under review. (The programme will be announced in  
> early April.) However, Marco Antoniotti has kindly accepted an  
> invitation to give the keynote for the symposium. More details on  
> his keynote talk will follow soon.
> On a related note, the call for work-in-progress papers is still  
> open. We have actually just extended the deadline to April 4, 2008  
> for submissions for this track. This is a great opportunity to get  
> early feedback for your current projects from other researchers,  
> practitioners and educators.
> Finally, we have added two pages to the website about Bordeaux in  
> general and an optional social event that you can additionally book  
> when you register for the symposium: A whole-day visit of the  
> atlantic coast on the Saturday immediately after the symposium,  
> which includes a boat trip, a seafood and white wine tasting  
> session, a lunch, and a trip to the Great Dune of Pyla, the highest  
> sand dune in Europe. Don't forget your swimsuit, if climbing the  
> 107 meters of the dune invites you to dive into the ocean!
> More news to follow as they arrive.
> Best,
> Pascal
> -- 
> 1st European Lisp Symposium (ELS'08)
> http://prog.vub.ac.be/~pcostanza/els08/
> Pascal Costanza, mailto:pc at p-cos.net, http://p-cos.net
> Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Programming Technology Lab
> Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussel, Belgium
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Marco Antoniotti

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